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Friends et al Memo DEMOS 20grLW


Hi N, D, PI and all you others,
We were, like you, appalled by the outcome of the Night of Long Knives the
weekend. It seems that everything was just as you predicted, Dom: Merkel,
the apopleptic Schauble and the rest of those Neos in the political scene, along
with their Troika horses, had been years at work on this scheme - carving the
Greek peoples assets up and apportioning them to corporate allies for their
much awaited privatization pogrom. As M. said, what these pigs cant achieve
with bombs and gas chambers theyll try with simple theft ( remember that
joke? Dont leave your assets unguarded near Germans, theyve been known
to climb into your mouth for gold fillings to melt down! Christ, theyve even
melted down human fat in order to sell soap sick, I know. But true. )
And just as the saying goes Youve got to have money to make money, so
we see how Europes most powerful live by Youve got to have money to
steal money.
Step 1:
Lend big sums of your dutiful citizens savings to a country of social
inequality and porous finances.
Step 2:
Sit back and watch your long-fingered elitist cronies and corrupt
politicos loot the pot empty. Its okay, theyll invest it, so itll all come
round to others in The Club. For a small fee, Ol Gold Sacks can give
advice on covering tracks, even though everybody what was going
Step 3:
When the national assets, from Piraeus down to the sacred dust underfoot,
can be had at a suitably monstrous discount strike! rape! Call in the debt.
Should anything less rightwing than Adolf Khan is elected,

Dimo says that THE PUNISHMENT was coming: what so many people try hard
to forget, he says ( wait till hes had a few! ) for reasons of Politikal
Korrectniss, is that the Germans have never shaken free of that marked
tendency to militaristic values and attitudes. Its not that they dont tolerate
basics like free thinking, equality, real democracy etc. no, its that they
simply dont understand such things: it all comes under one simple concept for
them: disobedience. For a hierarchical volk, you see, Tsiprass resort to the
referendum ( delicious! ) to demonstrate what the Greek citizen thought of
the Troika insults was an utter outrage to the Field Marshall Merkel: Asking
the worthless working masses what they thought should happen with their
sovereignty? Incomprehensible, insolent! Well, the referendum exposed the
German establishment for the unreformable anti-democrats that they have
been all down Europes history. The same old ends, just new means
So, for practising real democracy, or more accurately, for drawing back the
curtain on the true German contempt of democracy, punishment is the order
of the day.
Children without healthcare.
The elderly cast out in the streets.
Half the youth of the Mother of Democracy robbed of a future.
So, D, how about that idea - the coachloads of thousands with one way tickets
to Germany. Sleep on the steps of the Bundestag, go to their churches,
soupkitchens . its not that crazy, you know.
Ill be in touch again soon.
Stay strong and positive,
M. G. and the growing flood of aware citizens.


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