Class XII, Maths Unit: Algebra: S.No Chapter Formula Types of Matrix: Matrices

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Class XII, Maths

Unit: Algebra

S.No Chapter Formula

1 Matrices 1.1 Types of matrix:

A  aij  is a:
 Diagonal matrix if aij = 0,when i ≠ j
 Square matrix if m = n
 Row matrix if m = 1
 Column matrix if n = 1
 Scalar matrix if aij = 0, when i ≠ j, aij = k,
(some constant), when i = j
 Identity matrix if aij = 1, when i = j
& aij = 0, when i ≠ j
 Zero matrix if aij = 0.

1.2 Operations on matrices.

 -A = (-1) A (Negative of a matrix)

 A – B = A + (-1) B (Difference of matrices)
 A + B = B +A
(Commutative law of addition)
 A + (B+C) = (A + B)+C
(Associative law of addition)
 k(A+B) = kA + kB (Multiplication by scalar)
 (k+ l)A= kA + lA (Multiplication by scalar)
 A (BC) = (AB) C (Associative law)
 A (B+C) = AB + AC (Distributive law)
 (A+B)C = AC + BC (Distributive law)

1.3 Properties of transpose of a matrix.

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If A  aij  , then A '  aji 

mxn nxm
 (A)= A
 (kA) = kA
 (A+B) = A+B
 (AB) = BA

1.4 Inverse of a matrix.

If AB = BA = I, where A & B are square

matrices, then B = A-1 or A = B-1 & (A-1)-1= A

1.5 Symmetric & Skew-symmetric matrices.

 A is symmetric if A = A
 A is skew symmetric if A = -A

2 Determinants 2.1 Value of a determinant of order 2.

a11 a12 
If A    then,
a21 a22 
a a
A  11 12  a11a22  a12a21
a21 a22

2.2 Properties of determinants.

For any square matrix A

 A'  A , where A '  transpose of A
 If we interchange any two rows (or
columns), then sign of determinant
 If any two rows (or columns) are identical
or proportional then the value of
determinant is 0.
 If we multiply each element of a row (or
column) of a determinant b7y constant k,
then the value of determinant is multiplied
by k.

 Multiplying a determinant by k means

multiply each element of one row (or
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column) by k.
 If A  aij  , then k.A  k3 A

 If elements of a row (or column) can be

expressed as sum of two or more elements
then the determinant can be expressed as
sum of two or more elements.
 If to each element of a row (or column) of
a determinant the equi-multiples of
corresponding elements of other two rows
or columns are added, then the value of
determinant remains same.
 A has inverse if and only if A is non-
 Value of determinant is equal to the sum of
product of element of a row (or a column)
with its corresponding cofactors.
 If elements of one row (or column) are
multiplied with cofactors of elements of any
other row (or column), then their sum is 0.

2.3 Minor & Cofactors.

 Minor (M ij ) of an element a ij of the

determinant of matrix A is the determinant
obtained by deleting the ith row & jth
 Cofactor of a ij is A ij = (-1)i+j M ij

2.4 Adjoint & Inverse of a Matrix.

a11 a12 a13  A11 A21 A31 

   
 If A  a21 a22 a23  ,thenadj A  A12 A22 A32 
a  A 
 31 a32 a33   13 A23 A33 

where, A ij are cofactors of a ij

 A-1 = (adj A)

2.5 Area of a Triangle.

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Area of a triangle with vertices (x 1 , y 1 ), (x 2 ,y 2 )

& (x 3 ,y 3 ) is
x1 y1 1
  x2 y2 1
x3 y3 1

2.6 Singular & non-singular matrices.

 Singular if A  0
 Non-singular if A  0

2.7 Solution of linear equations.

If a1x  b1y  c1z  d1

a2x  b2y  c2z  d2
a3x  b3y  c3z  d3
thenthese equations canbe writtenas AX  B,where
a1 b1 c1  x  d1 
     
A  a2 b2 c2  ,X  y andB  d2 
a b c3  z  d 
 3 3  3
For X = A B if:
 A ≠0, there exist unique solution
 A =0 & (adj A)B≠0, there exist no solution
 A =0 & (adj A)B= 0, there exist infinitely
many solutions.

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