Team Meeting February 19, 2010 Start 6:00

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Team Meeting February 19, 2010

Start 6:00 PM – End 7:00 PM

Review of roles for in between R2 to R3:

• Neil Straghalis : Task Leader

Manages time and delegates work. Prepares and distributes
agenda at least a day before each meeting. Preplan meeting
activities. Meeting chair.
• Mike Funk : Observer + Feedback Giver
Communication w/instructor and other stakeholders. PR for the
team. Provides feedback of team performance at end of duty.
• Amina Horozic: Process Leader
Determines individual assignments and monitors quality. Submits
concise materials. Checks drafts with members. Rewrites as
directed by the group. Focus discussion and insure equal
• Nikki-Nicole Miles: Cartographer
Summarizes decisions, accomplishments, and responsibilities.
Distributes minutes within a day of each meeting. Highlights
decisions, status of action items and assignments.

Recap of Mike's experience with cleaners

1. Mike didn’t sign up yet. He wanted to wait for everyone’s decision to
continue or find out if we want to focus on another aspect of the
2. Decide on focus (cleaners only or include office)
a. Focusing on corporate may be too large. We should focus on either
the cleaners or the franchise employees. The Santa Ana office
employs 16 female workers. Perhaps only 2-3 people in each
franchise office. We may have more opportunity by focusing on the
workers. The workers may have interesting stories.
b. Are organizations only focusing on the white-collar workers and
forgetting about the blue-collar workers?
c. We need observational research. It could be interesting to be there in
the morning to see the process since the workers appear to have
little interaction with the franchise in the morning.
d. Can we sit in one of the training sessions for new hires? We will
focus on the cleaners/workers experience. Let’s focus on areas of
research and assign tasks for that next part.
3. What other things can we get for research?
a. Let’s get an observation of the home visit. We will contribute $
$beer to the initial fee for the services.
b. Training process. What is the environment like, what is it like for the
workers? We will contact several franchises with the same
questions and see how far we can get. Each may give us different
answers. We will talk to the cleaners and talk to the people in the
c. Let’s have a general script. What is the script?
d. We can talk to other creative people who love their job and find out
why? What makes it fun? Perhaps a social network /survey for that?
No, let’s just have an informal conversation.
e. We can find a few customer antidotes as well.
f. Amina might be able to find some secondary info from her mom.
4. Secondary research: should we look at the products and tools they use to
clean? Yes. Currently Merry Maids has been unsuccessful in using green
products. Amina could look into the green cleaning services she posted and
determine how successful their products have been.
5. Review and finalize letter to company
a. The format needs to change. Abandon the letter. We will do cold
calls. We can call with a script. Introduce our selves as students
and describe what we are doing. Ask for 15-30 minutes. Flatter
them: We have had good experiences with your brand that led
us to you. Would you be willing to speak with us so we can
develop ways to introduce this idea into the organization? At
the end of the project we will prepare a paper and present at
school. Ask about training, can we come in and observe?

1. Contact several franchises to observe. We can ask to speak to some of
the cleaners as well, but we want that to be a separate conversation. The
observation of the workers will be really exploratory, the results will just
come out on their own. By EOD Wednesday.
2. Mike: to set up cleaning
3. The questions to ask the franchise people: general sense of work
environment, what is a typical day? Interaction between franchise and
employees and vice versa. What is training process like?
4. For the creative people this is just a basic conversation. What ever we can
get from them. Find people who love their work environment and why?
5. Neil will post on his domain of group process research.
6. We have no deliverables for 3rd residency. Between 3 and 4 residency let’s
decide how we want to format our deliverables. This week will be about
research. From the research we can narrow down specific problems and
what we can do about the problems.
7. Next meeting Friday 26 at 6pm -8pm.

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