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Opencart SEO Pack and Opencart SEO Pack PRO

- Documentation -

Thank you for purchasing our products. Opencart SEO Pack and Opencart
SEO Pack PRO are designed to help you with On-Site (Internal) SEO for Opencart.
They are a collection of Opencart SEO extensions. They contain the following SEO
1. Keywords Generator
2. Meta Description Generator
3. Related Products Generator
4. Tag Generator
5. Product SEO Plus
6. Canonical Categories
7. Canonical Brands
8. Friendly SEO URLS Generator
9. SEO Friendly URLs

10. Custom Titles

11. Clear SEO
12. SEO Report
13. SEO Friendly Image Names generator (available in PRO version only)
14. Auto Internal Links (available in PRO version only)
15. Advanced SEO Editor (available in PRO version only)
16. Multi-Language SEO URLs (available in PRO version only)
17. Home Page - Meta Keywords (available in PRO version only)
18. SEO Metas for Info Pages (available in PRO version only)
19. Instant SEO (available in PRO version only)
20. SEO Brands (available in PRO version only)
21. Custom Titles Generator
22. SEO Microdata - Rich Snippets (available in PRO version only)
23. Custom H1 tags + Generator (available in PRO version only)
24. Custom Image Alts + Generator (available in PRO version only)

SEO Pack Prerequisites

Before installing the SEO Pack, you need a functionable Opencart or
later with vqmod installed. If you dont have vqmod installed:
- You will have to download it from:
- Download latest version : (or later)

- Copy archives content into the root of your site and install it ( )
- Vqmod is successfully installed, if youll receive VQMOD HAS BEEN
Before installing Opencart SEO Pack, you will have to enable Opencarts
built-in SEO. In order to enable Opencart SEO, you will have to make 2 important
1. You will have to enable SEO URLS in Admin Area -> System -> Settings ->
Your main store -> Edit -> Server tab -> Use SEO URL's:

2. The second step is to assure that your hosting has mod-rewrite enabled
and then you will have to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess in the root of your site.
If you are using a customized .htaccess file errors may appear while using
Opencarts SEO.

SEO Pack Installation

SEO Pack uses vqmod so no Opencarts core files will be overwritten. SEO
Packs were tested with fresh installs of Opencart and they are fully
compatible. However, if you customized your Opencart site or you added other
extensions, some conflicts may appear.
Before install SEO Pack check if it compatible with your Opencart version.
There are 2 SEO Pack versions one for Opencart and the other
for Opencart
Unzip the archive you downloaded and, using a ftp connection or File
Manager from your hostings Control Panel, upload admin and vqmod folders
(for PRO version youll have to upload catalog folder also) into the root of your
Opencart site. The root of your Opencart site is the folder which contains admin,
catalog, image, system and other sub-folders.
After youll copy SEO Packs files , you will have to set permissions for its
menus in admin area -> System -> Users -> User Groups and then save the

The final step in SEO Packs installation is to access its main menu so it can
initialize itself, otherwise some errors may appear in admin area or in store front
until youll access its main menu in admin area -> Catalog -> SEO -> SEO Pack:

SEO Pack User Guide

SEO Pack is designed to help you with On-Site (Internal) SEO for Opencart.
Some features are installed automatically (Canonicals, Product SEO Plus) so you
don't have to take care of them and others you will only have to set (if you don't
want to use default settings) and run (generators: Meta Description Generator,
Meta Keywords Generator, Tags Generator , Related Products Generator, SEO URL
Generator, SEO Image Names Generator ). Using the generators you will have the
proper metas, internal links (from tags and related products), SEO friendly URLs
and image names.
If you are using a multi-language store, Multi Language SEO URLs will help
you set multiple urls for every product/category/brand/info (one for each
language). Language is detected from the link and it will be automatically set for
user. If you have a product called Product in EN and Produkt in DE - it can have 2
links: one for each language: - for EN - for DE
You can work deeper to SEO by setting Custom Titles for
products/categories/info and brands by edit their Custom Title field which is
added under their names. Page titles are displayed in search result by search
engines and their keywords are very important. You can use custom title to add a
relevant keyword, besides product's name or to add an info. For example you can
set the custom title for a product My Product - at only $20 . After search engines
will index your page, this will be the title displayed in search engines and your
customer can see its price.
You can even set automatically internal/external links for specific SEO
keywords/sentences with Auto Internal Links: Auto Internal Links automatically
creates links or tooltips for specific keywords/sentences in product description
and info. For example, all links and tooltips in product description from
were created by Auto Internal Links. For example, if you have an apple shop called with Autolinks you can grow 'apple' keyword weight for search
engines by creating autolinks. So, in Autolinks you set the keyword 'apple' and the
url '' and in all product and information descriptions apple
word will be transformed in a link to Also, with Autolinks
you can set tooltips and explain what a word means or add info to a word.
Instant SEO completes SEO data on add/edit product/category/info/brand.
It, if it is enabled, will automatically complete on add or edit: product's meta
descriptions, product's keywords, product's tags, product's SEO URL, category's
SEO URL, brand's SEO URL, info's SEO URL, so there won't be necessary to use SEO
Generators after you'll add some new products.
Using SEO Metas for Info Pages and Brands SEO extensions, included in
Opencart SEO Pack PRO, you can SEO your brands and info pages by adding
descriptions, meta descriptions, meta keywords and custom titles to them.
You can check & modify generated SEO data with SEO Report and Advanced
SEO Editor.

SEO Pack Components

1. SEO Generators (Keywords Generator, Meta Description Generator,
Related Products Generator, Tag Generator, SEO URLs Generator, SEO
Friendly URLs Generator, SEO Image File Names Generator, Product
Custom Titles Generator, Custom H1 Tags Generator, Custom Image Alts
You can automatically generate SEO data using SEO Packs generators.
All you have to do is to set their parameters and press Generate button. All
generators come with default parameters which are suitable for most of the
sites, but you can customize generated SEO data by changing these
parameters. After youll make any change to parameters, youll have to
press Save Parameters button. Generators only complete or insert SEO data
where SEO data fields are empty or incomplete, but before using any

generator, a database back-up is recommended. SEO Generators can be

found in Catalog -> SEO -> SEO Pack:

Keywords Generator generates product keywords from relevant words

from product(%p) and category(%c) names. You can add keywords from
product's model(%m), sku(%s), upc(%u) or brand(%b), also.
Meta Description Generator generates meta description for products
using a pattern which is set in Parameters. The default pattern is '%p - %f'
which means product's name, followed by ' - ', followed by the first
sentence from product's description. For this generator, there are available
the following parameters and they will be replaced by their actual value: %p
- product's name, %c - category's name, %m - model, %s - product's sku, %u
- product's upc, %b - product's brand, %$ - product's price and %f - the first
sentence from product's description.
Tag Generator generates product tags from relevant keywords from
product(%p) and category(%c) names. You can add tags from product's
model(%m), sku(%s) upc(%u) or brand(%b).
Related Products Generator, based on a complex algorithm, is a
powerful tool which generates up to 5 related product for each product.
You can change the default number (5) of related products in parameters
field for Related Products Generator.

SEO URLS Generator generates SEO URLS for products, categories,

manufacturers and information. By default, it adds .html extension to
generated SEO URLs, but you can modify it by changing its parameter or you
can even remove the extension.
SEO Friendly URLs Generator transforms non-SEO friendly links like: into SEO friendly links:
SEO Image File Names Generator (available in PRO version only)
automatically generates product's image file names from relevant words in
product(%p) names. You can add keywords from product's model(%m),
sku(%s), upc(%u) or brand(%b). A database and image folder backup is
recommended before generating SEO image file names.
Custom Titles Generator generates product custom titles from relevant
words from product(%p) and category(%c) names. You can add keywords
from product's model(%m), sku(%s), upc(%u) or brand(%b), also.
Custom H1 Tags Generator generates product h1 tags from relevant
words from product(%p) and category(%c) names. You can add keywords
from product's model(%m), sku(%s), upc(%u) or brand(%b), also.
Custom Image Alts Generator generates product image alt tags from
relevant words from product(%p) and category(%c) names. You can add
keywords from product's model(%m), sku(%s), upc(%u) or brand(%b), also.

2. Clear SEO
If you want to clear SEO data for a specific type, you can use Clear SEO.
Clear SEO components are in Catalog -> SEO -> SEO Pack:

With Clear SEO you can easily delete ALL: product tags, meta
descriptions, meta keywords, seo urls, custom titles, custom image alt tags,
custom h1 tags or related products. A database backup is recommended
before using Clear SEO, because you may lose SEO data! Also, it isnt
recommended to clear your SEO URLs if they are indexed by Search Engines
and they have a high rank.
3. Product SEO Plus
Product SEO Plus and its 3 components improve SEO for your product
pages. It automatically installs itself once you copy the files from SEO Packs
installer. It inserts a h2 tag with product name at the beginning of product
description, adds category in products page title and transforms the name
of your store from copyright area into a link to your store.
4. Custom Titles
You can Custom Titles for products/categories/info and brands by edit
their Custom Title field which is added under their names. Page titles are
displayed in search result by search engines and their keywords are very
important. You can use custom title to add a relevant keyword, besides
product's name or to add an info. For example you can set the custom title
for a product My Product - at only $20 . After search engines will index your
page, this will be the title displayed in search engines and your customer
can see its price.

5. Canonicals (Brands & Categories)

Canonicals are automatically installed once you copy the files from SEO
Packs installer. Canonical URL is the search engine friendly URL that you
want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a
canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see. For example the
following links:

are actually the same url (for category with path 20), but the sorting is
different (one by price and one by rating). If you don't have canonical
category, SEs (Google) will see the above links 2 different urls and report
duplicate title tags, duplicate meta description, ... Canonicals resolve this
problem (which is a big problem for SEO) and tells search engines that this
urls are actually the same url.
6. Instant SEO (available in PRO version only)
Instant SEO completes SEO data on add/edit product/category/
info/brand. Its components are available in Catalog -> SEO -> SEO Pack. If it
is enabled, it will automatically complete on add or edit: product's meta
descriptions, product's keywords, product's tags, product's SEO URL,
category's SEO URL, brand's SEO URL, info's SEO URL, so there won't be
necessary to use SEO Generators after you'll add some new products.

7. Auto Internal Links and Tool-tips (available in PRO version only)

You can set automatically internal/external links for specific SEO
keywords/sentences with Auto Internal Links. Its menu can be found in
Catalog -> SEO-> Autolinks:

Auto Internal Links automatically creates links or tooltips for specific

keywords/sentences in product description and info. For example, all links
and tooltips in product description in the print-screen were created by Auto
Internal Links:

For example, if you have an apple shop called with

Autolinks you can grow 'apple' keyword weight for search engines by
creating autolinks. So, in Autolinks you set the keyword 'apple' and the url
'' and in all product and information descriptions
apple word will be transformed in a link to Also, with
Autolinks you can set tooltips and explain what a word means or add info to
a word.
8. SEO Info, SEO Brands and Home Page - Meta Keywords (available in
PRO version only)
SEO Metas for Info Pages helps you set meta description and meta
keywords for information pages, which arent added in default Opencart:

SEO Brands adds description, meta keywords, meta description and

custom titles to your brand pages, which arent added in default Opencart:

Home Page - Meta Keywords adds meta keywords for Opencart's home
page. You can set them in System -> Settings -> Edit your store -> Store tab > Meta Tag Keywords field:

9. Multi-Language SEO URLs (available in PRO version only)

Multi-Language SEO URLs helps you set multiple urls for every
product/category/brand/info (one for each language). If you have a product
called Product in EN and Produkt in DE - it can have 2 links: one for each
language: - for EN - for DE

These urls can be set when you edit the product in Data tab or they
can be generated by SEO URLs Generator. Language is detected from the
link and it will be automatically set for user.
Sitemaps are for each language. They can be found in Extensions ->
Product Feeds -> Google Sitemap and contain all SEO URLs for that language.
Data feed urls can be found in default Opencarts Google Sitemap in
Extensions -> Product Feeds -> Google Sitemap:

10.SEO Report and Advanced SEO Editor (available in PRO version only)
SEO Report can be found in Catalog -> SEO -> SEO Report. It displays SEO
data for products/categories/brands/info for all languages. SEO data can be
filtered or sorted in SEO Report.
Advanced SEO Editor can be found in Catalog -> SEO -> Advanced SEO
Editor. It allows you to modify SEO data for products/categories/brands/info for
all languages. Just click on the field you want to edit, change its values and change
the line your changes will automatically be saved:

11. SEO Microdata - Rich Snippets

SEO Microdata - Rich Snippets automatically creates rich snippets for
Snippetsthe few lines of text that appear under every search resultare
designed to give users a sense for whats on the page and why its relevant to their
If Google understands the content on your pages, it can create rich
snippetsdetailed information intended to help users with specific queries.

For example, the snippet for a restaurant might show the average review
and price range; the snippet for a recipe page might show the total preparation
time, a photo, and the recipes review rating; and the snippet for a music album
could list songs along with a link to play each song. These rich snippets help users
recognize when your site is relevant to their search, and may result in more clicks
to your pages.
Smart Microdata creates microdata for products based on and
breadcrumbs based on

To check your markup, use Googles Structured Data Testing Tool:

SEO Pack Upgrade

You can upgrade from Opencart SEO Pack to Opencart SEO Pack PRO, using

SEO Pack Support

If you have any issues using SEO Pack, use SEO Pack Support.
You get free installation & support by sending a mail to SEO Pack Support
Make sure youll include in email's subject the following details:
- Product Name (Opencart SEO Pack PRO)
- Request (Installation or Support)
- Your site
- OrderID
Example of email subject: Opencart SEO Pack PRO - Support - - 193215

For free installations, ftp and opencart admin area access is needed.
Installation will be made in up to 48 hours from the moment your request is
Expect an answer to your question from support team in up to 24 hours from the
moment your email is received.

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