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1. Easy registration (Electronic Registration) of fresh engineers, within maximum 4 weeks.
2. Essential paid internship through legislation for minimum 6 months for every fresh engineer.
3. Subsidized professional training of international standards for every engineer.
4. Age limit for contesting PEC election as member governing body to be brought to 10 years and 15 Years
(proportionately) from current 20 years.
5. Representation of young engineers in Act and Bye Laws and CPD committees through co-option.
Complete overhaul of accreditation process / policy (As per Washington Accord). Make it easy and impartial for
all public and private sector institutions.
PRIVATIZATION . Threa t to Job Security:
Influence the government not to privatize the profit making public sector organizations especially Electricity
Distribution Companies (DISCOS) thus avoid the threat to job security of thousands of engineers. PEF organized massive
campaigns against privatization, undue pressures on engineers at highest levels & humiliation to a level resulting in arrest
of sitting Chief Executive Officer LESCO in 2014 on baseless charges. All other groups always remained silent on these
1. Updating of PEC Bidding/ Contract documents
2. Enforcement of PEC regulations all over the Country
3. Audit of PEC on annual basis toensure transparency andcorruption-free operations.
4. Simplifying licensing procedure and paper work for constructors, consultants and engineers.
1. Persuade the Federal and Provincial Governments to implement a Service Structureand Special Pay Scales
(SPS) for engineers, with regular promotions and market based salaries. Appointment of only Engineers as head
of all Public Sector Engineering Organizations.
2. Mandatory engagement of consultants for all engineering works to create job opportunities for engineers with
consulting companies.
3. Mandatory registration of professional engineering contracting and consulting companies registered with PEC, in
all engineering disciplines (currently limited only to civil engineering), thus creating jobs for engineers.
4. Standardization of all engineering products, leading to improved production standards and quality assurance
processes, hence creating more jobs for engineers.
P.E.C Chairman / Sr. Vice Chairman Rotation Between North & South:
To ensue through amendments in laws that P.E.C Chairman would be elected from South in One term along with
the Sr. Vice Chairmanfrom North and vice versa in the next tenure. This way, Chairmanshipwould rotate between
North (Punjab, KPK,AJK etc) &South (Sindh, Balochistan) of the country on completion of every term.

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