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By: Juan Marquina, Gabriel
Sampson, Yenitza Montoya,
Victoria Solano y Fernando Pea

Act 1
Narrator: Juanito enters home
Juanito: Mom, im home! , Mom? , guess she isnt home.
Narrator: 5min later
Narrator: Juanito was leaving but he heard something in his moms room
Mom: (whisper) Juanito.
Juanito: (getting closer) Mom im here, what happened?
Mom: Revenge me.
Juanito: Wait what?
Narrator: Mom dies
Juanito: Nooooooooooooo.
Narrator: Juanito hears another sound, Juanito turns and sees Carter
Juanito: Who are you?
Narrator: When Carter turns, Juanito notices he has blood on his mouth
Carter: Im a vampire, I killed your mother because you are weak
Narrator: Juanito tries to kill Carter with his bat, but Carter avoids him
Narrator: Carter leaves
Juanito: Ill revenge my mother

Act 2
(Phone Call)
Esfutru: What happened?
Juanito: A vampire killed my mother!
Esfutru: Vampires arent real!
Juanito: Listen, a vampire was in my house, I saw her kill my mother, I will take
revenge and you need to help me
Esfutru: Calm down! , im coming
Juanito: Ok, Thanks see you later
Narrator: Juanito hangs off and then 5 minutes later, Esfutru arrives
Esfutru: Did the vampire left evidence?
Juanito: I dont know
Narrator: Esfutru examines the house and finds a hat with the logo of a high school
Esfutru: Is this your hat?
Juanito: No, maybe it is the vampires hat
Esfutru: Now we know where to look
Narrator: Esfutru and Juanito went to the high school in search of Carter without
Esfutru: How are we supposed to find Carter?
Narrator: Carter appeared from the shadows
Carter: Who took the risk of mentioning my name!
Juanito: We came to kill you
Carter: You cant kill me
Narrator: The vampire ran towards Esfutru and killed him
Carter: Your weakness had make you lose not only 1, 2 of the people you love,
give up.

Narrator: Carter disappeared.

Act 3
Juanito: I have trained for few months, lost any feeling of empathy, and Im ready to
revenge my mother and Esfutru.
Narrator: Juanito was prepared. He bought the necessary weapons in order to kill a
vampire, he only wanted revenge. He went to the high school in search of Carter
Juanito: I know you are here, and Im ready to revenge my beloved.
Narrator: Carter appeared from a side and attacked Juanito in the ribs
Juanito: Aaa!
Narrator: Juanito and carter kept fighting until both of them were too weak to move
a single muscle.
Juanito: Why did you kill my mother?
Carter: Because your blood line is known for having the best blood
Narrator: Juanito tried to attack Carter, but Carter bites him in the neck and Juanito
takes the chance to kill Carter
Juanito: Im finally free!

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