The Eternal Jew

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“Duane HelmerThe Eternal Jew”

In my opinion this film, its maker, and any who would promote or attempt to profit by it

actually rise, to the level of true evil.

When we look up the definitions for; hatred, immorality, loathing, disgust, wickedness,

degeneracy, and evil, Fritz Hippler’s name should be there. Like his master Adolph, his

work comes close to the zenith of iniquity and is the very stuff that paves the road to

perdition. I actually marvel at his and his intellectual brethren’s (both past and present)

ability to spew out such vitriolic words and images; as the very act in itself implies the

possession of an intellect capable of knowing better, but then 1940 was a good year for

craven and depraved acts, decisions, and policies, and not just by the Germans (Nazis),

but many others to.

It’s hard to know where to start-- should one begin with the lies, or is it better to start

with the images? Let’s start with the lies. Like any people(s) or culture the Jewish

“people” have behaviors and beliefs unique to them which may, when seen from the

“outside” appear strange or threatening to some, but especially to the small minded, (they

sadly don’t require being brain washed per se, as just a light rinse will do). Fritz, it

seemed, knew this well, and had this type of audience in mind when making this

“documentary”. This characteristic shortcoming of the uninformed and the myopic,

along with his (Hippler’s) penchant for twisting the aforementioned differences in such a

way as to make them appear not so much the result of the unique cultural expressions

derived from historical experiences, perspectives, and adaptations of a nomadic people,

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but instead as the nefarious, deliberate, culturally spawned plan of a vile, unscrupulous,

genetically inferior group intent on controlling the world and all those in it, was done for

the sole purpose of justifying the enslavement and murder of these same said people.

That said, sadly this was an effective film, its message pleaded with any negative

tendencies or deficits of character to lash out at the Jews as the “real” source of one’s

own suffering; “It’s them, those filthy Jews”, proclaims the film, they are the root of the

ache in our collective souls, and cause for the fall of our nation past, thus sweetly,

beguilingly deflecting any personal culpability, not us, but them it cries, covering the

each and every smear.

Then he, Hippler, repeats these themes again and again; “the Jew is dirty, the Jew is vile,

the Jew is lazy, the Jew is craven, the Jew is wanton, the Jew is deceitful and lustful and

covetous and tricky and sly and slimy and slippery and there’s only one thing to do if we

are to protect ourselves, our children, our race, our way of life, we must exterminate them

just as we would rats.” Here the film incorporates ominous graphics showing the spread

of rats around the world, next nearly identical graphics illustrate how the “Jew” spread

over the world, like an infestation or infection, again the need to cleans or eradicate an

infestation is brought to mind. Then we see the crowded streets of a Warsaw ghetto,

swarming with those ensnared within, while we hear the unearthly buzz of a legion

voices, as the narrator states “this is how they choose to live”, in spite of their (ill-gotten)

wealth, then the screen is filled with vile images of refuse and fly’s, and rats, greasy wet

rats spewing out from the sewers out onto the streets, headed to our homes, our kitchens,

our bedrooms, all the places we wish to be clean and safe.

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They only value money and will do anything to get it the narrator goes on. “The Little

Jew” he says are parasites living off the work of decent folk and would die without a host

to feed upon. The images are vile but poignant, and Hippler doesn’t miss a beat as he

bludgeons the audience with his unclean message of malevolence. He uses more

graphics to show how the Jews have conspired to control the banks and how this harms

the common man, the Jews have taken all the good jobs, they took them from you! The

Jews will infect you; they will contaminate your race, and poison your mind, they will eat

your children, hysterical ideas made more tenable by being voiced not in shrieks but in

ostensibly cogent thoughts, the logic is insane, but just buy in a little and like a slippery

slope, you risk being drawn in all the way.

Hippler then uses very abstract examples of “modern” art to show how perverted and

grotesque the Jew’s mind is, the narrator saying “see how they twist and distort the

human form into these objectionable images and objects. This is how they see the world,

not like our Fuehrer who in his wisdom has outlawed these kinds of works to protect us

from their noxious effects.

Also important to note is the effort made to show how the Jew can change his appearance

and blend into other peoples without notice. The film shows before and after images of

young (smiling) orthodox Jews to illustrate the transformative difference a bath, haircut,

shave, and clean cloths can make, this is true of most anyone, however the “Jew” we are

told does this for sinister reasons. He and his kind do this to insinuate themselves

unnoticed into our towns and villages so that they may corrupt us and steal our wealth.

Some already appear like us, (we see images of bourgeois class city inhabitants mingling
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with Jewish socialites) and have fooled the weak-minded, (the socialites’ are drinking

and who knows what else) implying that anyone willing to associate with a Jew is no

better than one and deserves the same fate.

Finally the coup de grace (French for: ku də ɡʁas, blow of mercy) both figuratively and

literally. We are shown scenes’ of kosher animal slaughter; livestock is lead in to the

murder zone by the smiling Jewish butchers, (just like they’ll do to you if you let them)

it’s then tied, (deceived) topple down (over thrown), then, neck exposed it’s throat is slit

in the “most inhuman” manner while it writhes, it’s life blood and entrails spilling out

upon the mud.

What saves a man from the ravages of the fear deep in his soul? Only commiseration,

only the truth of our existence, we are not separate, our measure is the way we treat our

fellow man.

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