Quranic Teachings 01-2010

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Quranic Teachings Explanatory notes by

Khwaja Abdul-Heyy Farooqui

Islam: A source of thorough Satisfaction

In the name of Allah most Beneficent, most Merciful

(O, Prophet Muhammad), Haven’t We expanded thy breast for thee? (Indeed, We have);
And eased the of thy burden; (the burden) which weighed down thy back; and (have We
not) elevated thee high in dignity (?).
And behold, with hardship comes ease; verily, with hardship comes ease. Therefore,
when you finish your immediate task, still remain steadfast (in divine worship) and turn
to thy Sustainer with love (and adoration). (The Quran: 94)


Survival in the world is the right of a party who publicizes its objectives with full zest
and zeal. This demands taking initiative with an unstinting faith in the ultimate aim of
life. A founder leader who raises such a party is strengthened by the call of his inner
conscience to make all out efforts to take his message to every nook and corner of the
worlds. Having achieved this level of commitment, he can withstand all odds and follow
the righteous path.

The Prophet of Allah declined each and every offer of the pagan Qureshites as his
conscience accepted nothing else than a society based on the Unity of the Almighty God,
Allah. Similar was the case of the Biblical magicians who, having embraced the faith of
the holy Moses remained steadfast against the Pharaoh’s bitterest threats. This has been
termed as “sharah sadr”, i.e. expanding the breast/ bosom of the prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) in this chapter. No one could prove to be resolute, courageous and
steadfast for the great cause without this commitment. Lack of this would have been the
biggest hurdle against the call of Duty. Almighty Allah graced the holy Muhammad
(peace be upon him) with the highest degree of sharah sadr, i.e. commitment for his
divine cause.

Loneliness and lack of comrades could be the second major hurdle for a great savior.
Many movements fail because the followers embracing the cause as the ultimate aim of
their life are in sufficient number. The holy Prophet started single handedly. His call for a
society based on the faith in the Unity of the Almighty Allah was strange for the Arabian
tribes. He went to the people around, but to be received with a total denial. Grief and
concern shrouded him. Then the Almighty Allah removed the barrier. His constant
communication drew the best and sober companions from amongst the local and the
neighboring tribes who devoted themselves along-with their belongings in love for him
and for successful achievement of his great mission.

The third formidable hurdle may be the anonymity of the founder, even if the aims and
ideals are grand. If people, at large, are unaware of his personality and greatness, they
would not tend to listen to his sanest call. The Almighty Allah removed this hurdle as
well. During the early life of the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he
became famous: each and every Arab was full of appreciation for him on so many
accounts. Although he had to face violence and hardships in the beginning, ultimately the
clouds subsided and grief and pathos gave way to ease and thorough satisfaction.
Similarly, there is a lesson for all those serving the cause of mankind to fulfill their duty
to Allah: they should not lose heart because Allah has promised that ease shall follow
hardship; certainly, ease shall follow hardship.

These verses of the holy Quran present a treasure of wisdom and hope to the
Muslim Ummah. They must not lose heart in the face of current global scenario and the
wretchedness of the Muslim world. The dark of the night is to give way to day-break.
(For those serving the cause of the holy Prophet and his comrades) the same dark night
bears a ray of hope and good tidings. The verses of the holy Quran discussed above, do
highlight the need for turning to Allah with love for seeking His support and guidance as
soon as the immediate divine prophetic duties are accomplished. No one can achieve his
goal without the All Embracing, All Powerful Support of the Almighty Allah.

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