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Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


General Items:

Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


Computer Program

Lab? Ok?
Read the extra credits
Need to come to class
Have a quiz / no books / use notes -> What is the big idea
School is almost over

A series of instructions that direct a computer to perform tasks

Such as? Who is the programmer?
Programming language is a series of rules for writing the instructions
There are hundreds of computer programs need-based!

Programming language

Reading Materials:

- Two basic types: Low- and high-level programming languages

o Low-level: Programming language that is machine-dependent
Must be run on specific machines
o High-level: Language that is machine-independent
Can be run on different types of machines


Programming Language
Low Level

Ultimately, everything
must be converted to the
machine language!


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COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


Categories of programming languages

- Machine language
o Only language computer understands directly
- Assembly language
o Instructions made up of symbolic instruction codes
o Assembler converts the source code to the machine language
- Third-generation language
o Uses a series of English-like words to write instructions
- Procedural language -> Programming instructions to tell computer what
to accomplish and how to do it
o Compiler:
Separate program that generates programming list (consists of
Program that converts entire source program into machine
language before executing it
o Object program
Used for execution later
o Interpreter
Program that translates and executes one program code
statement at a time
Does not produce an object



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Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

High Level



Object Oriented
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o Nonprocedural language -> Programmer specifies only what the

program should accomplish; it does not explain how
- Forth-generation language
o Syntax is closer to human language than that of a 3GL
o SQL and report generator are examples
- Fifth-generation language
o Provides visual or graphical interface for creating source code
o Visual Basic.NET is an example
- Common procedural programming languages
Designed for use as a simple, interactive problem-solving
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
o C (Changed B to C!)


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Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


Object-oriented (OO) approach

o The structured programming does not explain how to keep the data and
program together
o Eliminates redundant programming
o No more spaghetti code
o Programmer can package data and program (or procedure) into a single
unit, called an object (uses the OO approach)
o OOP is event-driven
o Checks for and responds to set of events
o C++ is a complete object-oriented language

OO Programming languages

Hundreds of programming languages exist They are different in flexibility,

user interface, and functionality
o C++ : Classes and events
o Java and Java applets: Small Java program that runs inside another
program such as a Web browser
o Visual Programming Language
Windows-based application that assists programmers in
developing event-driven Windows-based applications
Fifth generation language
Allows drop and drag of objects
Easy to use
Visual Basic
Visual Studio/Visual C++/Visual C# .NET
o Run over the Internet
o Easier programming development
o Suitable for large/small scale applications

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Web page program development tools

o Tools used to create web pages

o Adding special effects and forms to a Web page
Examples: Cookies, Shopping cards, Games, and many other
multimedia effects
Script: Interpreted program that runs on client
Applet: Also usually runs on client, but is compiled runs
faster than script
Servlet: Applet that runs on server
ActiveX control: Small program that runs on client
Hypertext Markup Language set of special codes used to
create web pageNot a programming language Page formatting language
Uses tags an must be kept as an ASCII file
o Dynamic HTML:
Allows you to include more graphics and interactivity on Web
page (pointing to a text changes the shape)
Animations, Interactions, Scroll bar, pop-up windows
o XML: eXtensible Markup Language
Allows Web page developers to create tags that describe data
passed to a client so client, rather than server, can process
data different platforms can display the same XML
o XHTML: eXtensible HTML Includes features of HTML and XML
o WML Wireless Markup Language
Allows Web page developers to design pages specifically for
Uses the wireless application protocol (WAP)
o Web page authoring:
Dreamweaver MX, FrontPage, Flash


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o Common Gateway Interface Program (CGI)

Used for sending and receiving information over the web
Basic Idea:
Resides in the server
When a search is requested the it is sent to the CGI
The CGI contacts the database and requests the
The CGI receives the information from the database and
shows it in HTML format and it is sent to the web


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Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


System development life cycle

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Flowchart (Graphically shows logic in a solution

Pseudocode (Uses condensed form of English to convey
program logic)
Code programs
Translating solution algorithm into a programming language
Entering programming language code into the computer
Test programs
Goal is to ensure program runs correctly and is error free Three types of errors
Run time
Debugging: Process of locating and correcting syntax and logic
errors in program
Formalize solution
Programmer performs two activities
Reviews program code
Reviews documentation
Maintain program
Identify errors
Identify enhancements
Involves modifying existing programs to improve their

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Program development life cycle

- A system is a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal

- System development life cycle generally has 5 phases:
o Planning
o Analysis
o Design
o Implementation
o Support


Lecture 19 / Chapter 13

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- A computer program is a set of instructions that directs computer to

perform tasks
- A programming language is a set of words, symbols, and codes that
enables a programmer to communicate instructions to a computer
- PDLC is a steps followed to build computer programs
o Analyze problem
Review program specifications package
Meet with systems analyst and users
Identify each programs input, output, and processing
o Design problems
Grouping program activities to modules (top-down design)
Providing a solution algorithm for each phase and testing it
(structured design)
Top-down design: Focuses on what program should do
Structured design: Focuses on how to build program based on
requirements (Creating a hierarchical chart)
Uses a technique that builds all program logic by
combining three control structures:
o Sequence control structure (Input, Process, Output)
o Section control structure (if-then-else)
o Repetition control structure (do-while)
Writing proper programs:
No-dead codes
No infinite loops
One entry point
One exist point (no spaghetti code not structured)
Using design tools (graphical or written description of each

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COSC1300/ITSC 1401/BCIS 1405


What is a computer program?
Why do we use Object-oriented programming language?

Name 3 programming languages.

Name 2 web page development techniques.

What is HTML?


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