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Child Protective Services: Special Investigations


Documentation of CPS Investigations in DFCS Homes

The following forms are required in CPS investigations of DFCS homes:

Child Abuse and Neglect Intake Worksheet (Form 453)

Internal Data System (Form 590)
Basic Information Worksheet (Form 450)
Form 455A
Safety Assessment
Form 454
Investigative Conclusion
Form 452
Contact Form
Form 431
Child Abuse and Neglect Report
Special Investigations Cover Memorandum (See 2106, Appendix B)
Special Investigations Summary Report of a Home Approved for a Child in the Legal Custody of
DFCS/DHR (See 2106, Appendix C)

Note: The Form 590 will generate a TCM tear sheet.

The following forms or letters are not completed in CPS investigations of DFCS Homes:

Form 455B
Safety Plan (See 2104.18)
Form 457
Risk Assessment Scale (See 2104.27)
Case Determination Letters (See 2104.29 and exception noted in 2106.13)
Form 458
Strengths/Needs Assessment Scale (See 2105.8)
Form 388
Case Plan

Procedures/Practice Issues
Open all reports in DFCS homes in the name of the DFCS approved caregiver. (See Case
Management Chapter 60, for instructions on assigning a CPS case number for a foster parent.)
Complete the IDS, Form 590, based on the following criteria:

If only one case manager works on the CPS investigation, that case manager will enter an IDS
Form 590 under a generic caseload number in the resident county of the investigation. This rule
applies to a case manager from another county.

If the only investigator is a RFPS, the RFPS uses their statewide caseload number in the
resident county of the investigation. It is the responsibility of the RFPS to complete and submit
the tear sheet to the county in a timely fashion to meet posting requirements.

If a RFPS is working with another county case manager, the RFPS does not submit an IDS
Form 590 since the case is already opened in the county.

Social Services Manual

March 2006

Child Protection Services Chapter 2100, Section VI

Page 1

Child Protective Services: Special Investigations

If the sole investigator is from another county, the IDS Form 590 is entered in the generic
caseload number in the county of residence of the investigation.

If CPS case managers from more than one county work jointly on the investigation, each county
may submit an IDS Form 590 in their county.

At the conclusion of the CPS investigation, the RFPS/CPS case manager completes the Child
Abuse and Neglect Report, Form 431, (if completed by the RFPS under the statewide caseload
number or under the generic caseload number if completed by the case manager) which is input into
PSDS by the resident county of the DFCS approved caregiver even if an investigator from out-ofcounty completes the form.
DFCS approved caregivers do not receive case determination letters if the report of maltreatment
involves a child in the legal custody of DFCS. DFCS approved caregivers will receive case
determination letters if the report of maltreatment only involves a child in the caregiver's legal
custody. (See 2104.29 and 2106.14)
All CPS documentation is filed in the CPS file opened in the name of the DFCS approved caregiver.
The concurrence letter from the DFCS Social Services Section Director is filed in the DFCS
approved caregiver's adoptive or foster home case file.
A copy of the Special Investigations Summary Report of a Home Approved for a Child in the
Legal Custody of DFCS/DHR is filed in the child placement records of any child in the legal
custody of DFCS/DHR placed in the DFCS home at the time of the report.
(See Section 2110, for CPS forms and instructions.)

Social Services Manual

March 2006

Child Protection Services Chapter 2100, Section VI

Page 2

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