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For me teaching profession in one of the most in demand and demanding

profession not only in terms of job opportunity but also in a duty as a teacher.
Teachers go beyond their comfort zone by outreaching to the community, not solely
limiting their responsibility in the classroom. The service of a teacher is needed both
in the classroom and in the community. So a teacher must be flexible hence she/he
is automatically considered as a public figure that is being look up to not only by the
students but also by the community. Having said that, the teacher can now be
considered community teacher by rendering services in the community and a
classroom teacher to his/her students.
There is a need for a teacher to emerge in the community because as a
teacher we should know as to what type of community we are dealing with, the
reason behind that is that different community shared different culture and norms
which plays the biggest influence in our student. To be able to know our students it
is there for proper that we should also know the community theyre living with. It is
being said in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in Article III that A teacher
is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth: he shall therefore,
render the best services by providing an environment conductive to such learning
and growth the environment does not only pertains to the classroom itself but also
it extends to the community.
It is advantageous for a teacher to render service to the community and in
return the teacher also receives service and support from the community. This
mutual relationship are both beneficial to the teacher and the community because
the success of the outreach program of a teacher will only be realize with the
support of the community and also the community may now have the teacher to
play an important role in the community affairs and that Every teacher shall
provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements
for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment. As stated in Code of
Ethics Article III.
For me education must not be limited only within the classroom but there is
also a need to educate the community as whole. Because the duty of a teacher is
not just bounded in the classroom itself but he/she also has an important duty to
the community. For this teachers competencies needed are:
Organizing a well manage classroom in terms of time management,
record-keeping, orderliness and discipline
Fostering linkages for mutual concerns
Undertaking networking activities with organizations for educational,
social and civic purposes.

Classroom Management
The classroom is the second home of both teachers and students.
Classroom management plays one of the vital roles in educating our
students. We must provide an environment not only suited for learning rather
an environment that easily facilitates learning and at the same time it is also
conductive for learning process. We should consider the proper time schedule
for different kinds of activities, the placement of the furniture and
instructional materials, the cleanliness of the room, a well-lighted area, and
the comfortable seating arrangement which provide interaction by the
students and the teacher. We should also see to it that the records of the
performance of the students are well-kept and that reported to keep track of
their progress. The teacher must also be indulged in disciplining the students
and that behavioral control is well established.
A. Organizational Plan
The structured plans depends upon the school and it is for the
teachers initiative as to what type of structured plan he/she is going to
implement in order to facilitate learning process.
1. Structured Classroom
Planning ahead of time is important in the structured
classroom. The lesson plan is carefully prepared and all discussion
is directed toward achieving its objective and that the needed
instructional materials are readily available to ensure smooth
conclusion of the lesson. The procedures follow to that of the
accepted rules and regulations established by the school. Both the
student and the teacher feel responsible for the successful
completion of the days plan. It is a classroom that proactively
provides progress information to the teacher and student (data
2. Flexible Classroom
In the flexible classroom setting the students are given a
chance to express themselves regardless of the activities they are
encourage to participate in their own style of learning. It facilitates
spontaneous explorations and discovery of information.
A flexible classroom allows different types of grouping, from a
totally individualized set-up to one that is class-oriented or grouporiented.
a. Individualized Approach

All instructional approaches are intended for each

individual student considering ability, interest and needs.
The setting may depend upon the focus of the
concentration. It concentrates with a certain interest suited
to that of a certain student.

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