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Deserts are not (INHABIT) places as many people belive. Althought the
daytime air temperature may reach an (BEAR) 58C and the surface
temperature 77C, many animals live in these conditions. Their (SURVIVE)
however, is (DEPEND) on them being able to get the water they need.

(OBSERVE) of desert animals has revealed a lot about the strategies they
employ to achieve this. (RESEARCH) have found that beetles, for example,
get their daily (REQUIRE) of water after waiting for the moisture from fog to
condense on their bodies and drip down into their mouth.

Larger desert animals have come up with another (SOLVE) to the problem of
finding a source of water. For example, (CREATE) like hares or rats get their
supply by eating (CONSIDER) amounts of desert vegetation, which contains
the water they require.

However extreme the conditions may be, desert animals (SOME) manage to
obtain water.

How lucky are you?

Reaserch has shown that the (1) of people believe MAJOR

that luck plays an important part in their (2) lives. DAY

About 60% of the people questioned thought(3) lucky SELF

in everything from health to personal (4) to money. RELATION

They also expected to be (5) in the future and thought FORTUNE

that their luck was connected to their own abilties. The 20% of people who felt

they were (6) believed their bad luck would continue. LUCK

They were rather (7) and felt they were born unfortunate. PESSIMIST

It was very (8) that the lucky people were outgoing while NOTICE

the unlucky ones often suffered from (9) , and it may be SHY

that the lucky people are remebering (10) events, and SUCCESS
putting to the back of their minds those that did not work out well.
If you have children, these are certain things to remember when you are visinitg

else's home. Children behave well in company and other people are

to find them more than you do. It's important


that children are either in the conversation or given


else to do. If your children , you must discipline them


as your hosts may have rules about behaviur than you do at home.

, if your children damage any of your hosts' you


must either replace the damaged object or offer a gift in its place. You must
never offer your hosts money to replace the object.
Technology and crime
Modern technological advances have led to great changes in police work.

Whilst computer are important in allowing the police to store NET

efficiently the they need, computer technology has also INFORM

helped , particularly those making of banknotes


and other documents. The police can no longer rely on FINGER

and other more traditional methods of . They have to keep DETECT

up to date with in many fields. For example, the


of the cordless electric drill left them against robbers of POWER

telephone boxes. The police now devote more time to the PREVENT
of the crime, by giving advice to motorists and householders about how to
protect their possesions.

Priscilla Presley, (0) and widow of Elvis Presley, entered the ACT

acting profession quiet (1) . On being asked to do a television ACCIDENT

(2) for a well-known shampoo, she took what turned out COMMERCE

to be an important (3) : to take acting classes. DECIDE

She did this in attempt to overcome her acute (4) SHY

at being in the public eye, but to her (5) she loved every AMAZE

minute. Her extreme lack of (6) stemmed from the early CONFIDENT

days of her (7) to Elvis, which she remembers were often MARRY

spent sitting in dark, (8) hotel rooms away from the glare DEPRESS

of (9) , which Elvis was so anxious to avoid. PUBLIC

Film work, including the highly (10) slapstick comedy SUCCESS

The Naked Gun, quickly followed the tv contract.
Lucky Mike

A man was extremely (0) to suffer only minor FORTUNE

(1) after falling 1,000 meters from a small aircraft INJURE

yesterday. Thrown out of the plane when he (2) ACCIDENT

touched a wrong button, his situation was worsened by the (3) FAIL

of his parachute to open properly. (4) Mike Belluci LUCK

had a soft (5) in a field near Colchester, Essex. LAND

Although it was his first (6) in this particular plane, FLY

Mike is not an (7) pilot: he has flown for five years. EXPERIENCE

There is to be an immediate (8) into the accident. INVESTIGATE

The plane had recently passed a (9) examination. SAFE

Mike, meanwhile, following an (10) reunion with his

sister, Deb, is planning a big celebration.

The Palace is a busy (0) theatre with usually a month gap PROVINCE

between shows. Once I have the (1) of all the actors, MEASURE

I can start work. It's a (2) job and I get a lot of CREATE

(3) out of making and adapting the clothes needed for PLEASE
each production.

(4) is essential in the weeks leading up to a new PATIENT

production as the actors can be very (5) . DEMAND

It's probably only due to nerves and the fact that they must

feel (6) in what they're wearing.


Overall, it's an (7) job and, although the pay isn't brilliant, ENJOY

there's plenty of (8) . But money is less important to me VARY

than job (9) . It isn't essential to have SATISFY

(10) to get the job like this but you do have to be QUALITY
skilled at cutting and making clothes
Complete these sentences with an approprite word from the ones below. Remember to change
their form so that they suit the sentence.
employ encourage hesitate capable sympathize
separate invest apply mystery ill

1. There is no cure for mental , only treatment.

2. Putting your money in stocks and shares is a risky .

3. I accepted his offer without . It was more money than I had expected.

4. A object rather like a UFO was seen in the district.

5. The government will probably lose the next election because of the high rate of .

6. After a two-year , divorce is automatic.

7. I have no for him. He deserves to go to prison.

8. People have different for learning foreign languages.

9. Although both were good, we decided on the one with more experience.

10. I don't want to you from becoming a nurse, but the hours are long and the pay
isn't good.

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