Halls News Issue Four 2015

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l JULY 15TH 2015


Semester Two is here!

Above: Halls Ball Event coming up.

Below: Matariki Weaving Workshop

A big welcome to all our new residents who have joined the
community in Semester Two. We hope you enjoy your stay here in the
Halls of Residence as your home away from home.
For those of you returning to the halls, we hope that you all had a
wonderful break. You should be feeling refreshed and ready to get back
into your studies. This semester will go really fast, so be sure to make
time for balance by getting involved with community events.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce three new members to
our team this Semester. Amy Lavini is joining our management team and
Therese Pepperell is a new RA for Tawa hall. Emma Aldred will be
helping out at our reception from next week for the next three months
during our peak period. Check out the profiles for these new staff inside.


Events Coming UpBall and Flatting

Gumboot Ladder Board
Rec CentreRowing Challenge
Bootcamp, Womens Self Defence and
Social Sport Leagues
Student Counselling Ensuring the
Practical Things are Taken Care of
Campus LivingImportant Notices
CTL Study Up Sessions
Health and SafetyNew Pedestrian
Access and Cycling on Campus
Residents of the MonthMay
MUSA Events
CareersRegistering with

There are plenty of things to look forward to this Semester.

We have a number of events coming up. This includes our very popular
Halls Ball which is always a sell out, so get your tickets quick. Early bird
buyers will be eligible for one of three prizes and discounted tickets.
A new event this semester is the Rowing Challenge which is
being hosted by the Rec Centre which the RAs should shed more light on
for you.
There is an upcoming Flatting Expo that will provide very useful
information about going flatting in town. This is highly
recommended. There will be numerous displays with important services
from the university and community to help inform you on what you need
to know and prepare for when flatting.
There are still lots of Gumboot points up for grabs. Check inside the
newsletter for more detailed info on events and find out which hall is in
the lead. Dont forget that we incorporate behaviour as part of this.
It is that time of year too with colds and flu. Be sure to make sure that you
wash your hands and cover your sneezes. If you feel sick, get plenty of
rest and isolate yourself from other people to prevent spreading germs. If
you have any concerns please see your RA and get checked out at the
Medical Centre.
Ext 84163

Level 2, The Student Centre



CTL: Upskill your Study Skills with Study Up

Welcome back to Semester Two. Were on our way back
to the sun and soon the days will be getting longer and
warmer. Hopefully youve had a great holiday and are
back, re-energised to finish the year. The Centre for
Teaching and Learning has also been gearing up for
Semester Two.
Study Up seminars begin this week. Study Up is
designed to help you enhance your study skills throughout
the semester. The seminars run for approx. 30 minutes
and are presented live, online. The topics are designed to
give you the information you need when you need it. Two
topics are covered each week and they are repeated at
different times to suit your timetable.
This week Study Up begins with:
Hit the Ground Running
How to get going and Time management skills.
Death by Textbook
Strategic reading; what to read, how much to read and
keeping track of what youve read.
You can find out more about the Study Up seminars and
sign up to receive reminders at http://owll.massey.ac.nz/
And dont forget you can contact us at the Centre for
Teaching and Learning at any time during semesters if
you have any worries about your studies. You can find us
in the Students Centre building level 2. Come in and
make an appointment.
All the best for your studies!


Welcome Amy LaviniAssistant
Accommodation Manager
With a background in youth development
and previous experience living and
involvement with Massey Halls I am
super excited to take on this new position.
Whether you're here as a recent school
leaver, an international student, and/or
embarking on post-grad studies, I
appreciate the importance of your time
here in the halls being a fun, positive and
memorable experience. I look forward to
working alongside the RAs in supporting
you all and look forward to meeting you.
Bring on an exciting and successful
second semester!
Welcome Therese PepperellTawa Hall
I am a 3rd year Earth Science and
Environmental Science student. I was
raised in rural Wanganui and I love all
outdoor activities and can often be found
training martial arts up in the Dojo room in
the Rec Centre.
I am here to help you guys have a great
second semester to finish off a great year
at Massey. Please do not hesitate to come
and see me if you have any questions or
need assistance. I am looking forward to
meeting you all and sharing the semester
with you.
Welcome Emma AldredAdministration
Emma will be assisting us with our
reception during our peak period for about
3 months starting mid July through to mid
Emma enjoys gaming (working at EB
Games) and is member of a band where
she plays bass guitar.
She is looking forward to meeting you all
and helping with any enquiries you may

Welcome back to the Halls!

We hope you have enjoyed your break and are ready
for Semester Two. We have a little house keeping
information below.


Monday Friday: 7.30am 6.00pm

Saturday & Sunday: 1.00pm 3.00pm

accommodation is up to date according to your
chosen payment plan. All upfront payments,
semester two and full year payments are now
overdueplease come to sort this urgently.
Please Note: if you have chosen to pay using
option 2: Upfront payment and weekly direct
debit of $160.00 / $120.00 per week - your first
direct debit is due to come out of your nominated
bank account on Wednesday 15th July and will
continue for 15 consecutive weeks. This means
that these direct debits will continue over the 2
week holiday break, so you need to make sure
that there is money in that account for the direct
debit to be taken out.
If you are unsure of anything to do with your
payment options or payment plan - please come
and speak with one of our friendly front office
staff who will be able to assist you.


All Semester Payments are now overdue. Please
come to our office urgently to make payment - please
note the discount for the full semester payment no
longer applies.
To receive the meal rebate you must have handed in
your room key and be gone from your room for the
entire period 22/06 10/07. All meal rebates will be
added to accounts within the first two weeks of
semester two and will be refunded to you with your
bond at the end of the year.
For new Semester 2 students a reminder that your
room inventory check needs to be done as soon as
possible. An inventory check list should have been
issued to you with your room key envelope for you to
complete and hand in to our office. It is extremely
important that you check and sign off for the
inventory items in your room. If you do not sign off
on them and any damage is found during room
inspections, you will be liable to pay for all damages
Maintenance reporting can also be done through the
following website:
Details in regard to your log in name and password
will be sent to you via email, if you have not already
received this please contact our office.

2015 Massey University Blues Sports Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Massey University
Blues Sports Awards!
These awards are presented to students in recognition of
their sporting excellence and academic success. In addition
to awards for athletes, there are also team and outstanding
contribution categories. Athletes and teams can apply
themselves, or be nominated by others.
Nominations close: Friday 14 August 2015


In celebration of Matariki (Maori New Year) and to help support residents
staying on campus over the semester break, we organised a couple of
weaving workshops in conjunction with Maori Services from the Massey Library. This provided an opportunity for students to learn some traditional
Maori practices and was well received by our International Students.
Each workshop began with a karakia recognising Ranginui (Sky Father) and
Papatuanuku (Earth Mother) and Tane Mahuta (Guardian of the land) before
beginning the harvesting process where students got to learn about Maori
ecological systems and how to select and cut the harakeke.
After stripping and preparing the harakeke, students moved indoors to learn
basic weaving techniques and how to make a number of different putiputi
(flowers). Students were engaged in learning a waiata and sang throughout
the weaving course. The workshops concluded with some kai (boil-up and fry
bread) which the students really enjoyed going back for 2 or 3 helpings then
a poroporoaki (farewell) where students were able to give feedback on the

Student Services
Open seven days a week and situated in the Pak n Save
8am-7pm weekdays & 9am-6pm weekends and most
public holidays.

Free delivery to student Health on weekdays provided

prescriptions are received by 2.30pm.
Fax service available from Student Health for
collection after 4pm.
$1 student subsidy and $3 student subsidy if you are
a MUSA member on all prescription items for internal
full time students (Student ID required).
Vero and Unicare on charge available on request.
Emergency contraceptive pill available. (Pharmacist
consultation necessary, fully funded service for under
26 year olds).
Uncomplicated urinary tract infection (Pharmacist
consultation necessary).
Many services available, good advice and an
extensive range of vitamins, cosmetics and pharmacy
products in store.

Unichem Chemist Shop

Whytes Pharmacy (2007 Limited)
27 Linton Street, Palmerston North 4410
P.O. Box 992, Palmerston North 4440
Phone: 06 354-8899

A new semester!
A new semester and new challenges! How does it feel to be back
at uni and back in the Halls after being away for a while? Exciting
or a bit of a let down, or both? While the new semester can be
exciting re-connecting with friends in the Halls and starting new
papers - it can be a difficult time for many students after having
re-experienced the warmth, home cooking and time with close
family and old friends.
Or maybe you have
travelled quite a bit enjoying the sites without having to think too
hard about studying. The wrench of returning for another long
semester can be hard, especially if you miss home, did not do
especially well in exams, or are not entirely sure that this is the
degree you really want to be doing.

It is really important to know why you did not achieve the results
you had wished for.
Have you sorted your finances and fees?
Make time to go to the Financial Advisers on Level 2 of Registry to
explore financial awards and scholarships, your StudyLink
allowances and budgeting issues.
Emotions all over the place? Missing home? Not sure if you should
be here?
Try Student Counselling Service. There is a useful
brochure on our website (http://crow.massey.ac.nz) and available
on the stands in SSLB, the Rec Centre and BSC buildings on
Leaving Home which give a range of really helpful tips.

There are a few things you can do to make it easier.

Did not get into Vet and not sure what to do now?
Try Careers & Employment Service.

The first is to ensure that all the practical things are taken
care of:
Are you happy with your current papers?
If not go and talk to the team in the Careers & Employment
Service on Level 2 of Registry and / or Academic Advisers .

If you are unsure where to go or if its just that things are not as
good as you had hoped talk to an RA or one of the Halls staff who
will be able to point you in the best direction if they cannot help you

How were your exam results? Did you achieve as you had hoped?
If not do you know why? What went wrong? Was it that you just
did not do enough work? Was it you did not understand the work?
Was it exam nerves? Poor preparation? Low internal marks?
Emotional/relationship difficulties?
Go and discuss it with the relevant people, and if you dont know
what the cause was, start with that and talk to someone to work
out what went wrong. Make time to see a learning consultant in
the Centre for Teaching and Learning (upstairs in the MUSA
Building), a counsellor at Student Counselling or even your
paper co-ordinator.

Ocean Fisheries
Ocean Fisheries offers Massey staff and students special discounts
on presentation of their ID card. This applies to both Ocean Fisheries
outlets at 82 Lombard Street, Palmerston North and their Wanganui
retail shop at 402 Victoria Avenue.
The specials change regularly so please contact Ocean Fisheries for
further details on their weekly deals. Alternatively you can join their
special Massey discount group where once a week, Ocean Fisheries
will text you their weekly special. To join the group, simply text the
word massey to 226.
If you are also interested in a particular species (e.g. Yellow Fin
Tuna) just let them know and they will also text you the day it arrives
in fresh from the boat. Ocean Fisheries are the biggest Fresh Fish
supplier in the Manawatu and are the preferred supplier by almost all
Restaurants and Hotels, including our own Wharerata and Sport &
Rugby Institute.

But all is not negative make the most of the rest of the year.
Become involved in all that is happening on campus, engage with
your academic programme and embrace the opportunities.
With all good wishes.
The team at Student Counselling

All international students, please make sure you
know when your visa is going to expire and ensure
you submit your applications to the International
Student Support Office 2 weeks before your current
visa expires.

Welcome back to semester 2 and exciting MUSA events! Heres what will
happen in the next few weeks from us to you.
15 July will be your chance to check out almost all clubs we have on campus,
and find out about heaps of other services open to you. Win Downtown
Cinema 8 movie tickets, passes to the Ice Rink, gift baskets from the Chemist
Shop and collect freebies at the 60+ stalls.
For 22 July, the MU Sustainability Club has again organised vendors for their
popular Mid-Week Market. Get your fill of fresh fruit and veg, cheesecake,
bread and much more.
Lets Talk About ItThats the theme for the 29 July event supported by
MUSA, Massey Counselling, the Rec Centre and many more contributors.
Find out about fact about what family violence is, what to do when you see or
experience it, learn self-defense moves and check out what other people have
to say about it in the MUSA Lounge.
If you decided that the Halls Ball is not for you, why not check out what your
fellow students have to offer on 14 August at the Unity in Diversity Talent
Fusion show at the Globe Theatre, starting at 7 pm.
And just before mid-semester break, your clubs will treat you to delicious
specialties at the Mid-Winter Food Festival on 19 August. Keep your eyes
peeled for the info closer to the date!

Useful Fire Safety Tips

Never leave your cooking unattended
Be sure to wipe up spills immediately after

cooking to reduce likelihood of burning

Never put hot pots on the carpet/lino or


Keep hallways and common spaces clear of

shoes, drying racks and bikes

Please keep smoke stop doors and emergency

exit doors closeddo not prop open.

When an alarm sounds in your hall, please

evacuate your hall immediately to your

assembly point. Wait for further instruction. Do
not re-enter the building until you are advised
that it is safe to do so.
Please call 111 to ensure the fire engines are

on their way even if it appears to be a false

Please do not tamper with any fire equipment

it is there for emergency purposes.

There are sanctions in place for breaches of these
guidelines. Please do your part to help keep
everyone safe.


Construction work is now underway at the Hopkirk Centre. Temporary changes to pedestrian traffic have been put in place to ensure the safety of
pedestrians is not compromised. Please observe the changes below:
A new pathway has been installed along the hillside (soon to be concreted) to allow pedestrians to safely pass around the construction site. A second
pedestrian crossing has been installed to allow pedestrians to
safely cross the road. Please ensure to check for vehicles
before entering onto this crossing. (A speed bump is to be
installed on the Munro Hill entrance side in the near future).
The section of road between the two crossings is where the main
entry & exit gate is located for construction vehicles.
Pedestrians are prohibited from walking anywhere on this
section of road.
Cyclists are reminded that the campus footpaths and concourse
is for pedestrian traffic only. Please always walk your bicycle
through the campus grounds and around buildings.

Welcome to the second semester of the 2015 academic year
For those that are looking for summer or practical work make sure you are
registered with MasseyCareerHub as roles are being added at regular intervals
http://careerhub.massey.ac.nz All Vet students must be registered with
MasseyCareerHub to complete the practical requirements of the degree!
MasseyCareerHub is a great source of information as you being to think about
who you would like to work for when you finish your degree so take the time to
see what employers you would like to work for have offered in the past and when.
Organisations tend to recruit at the same time of the year so, for example,
Accounting firms recruited in March 2015 for Graduate Roles starting in March
2016 and Summer Roles for November 2015.
We also have a number of events booked for this semester and we encourage
you to book-in and attend as many as possible. These will help you make
important decisions in the future!
For full details go to
http://careerhub.massey.ac.nz and search for the title of the event:

Business Internship Information Session:

We invite all first years to come along and hear from this years Internship class on the benefits
they have gained from doing this paper this year. You will need to plan your degree so you can
fit this paper in so get a head start on the process now. The Internship in Business is a 30 credit
double semester paper that involves 180 hours working in a business. Come along to find out
Career Choice: This interactive workshop will assist you in making decisions around where you
are heading and how you might get there.
Career Information for Human Resource Management Students: The term Human
Resources encompasses a wide range of roles, activities and career pathways. To find out
more bring your lunch and come along to presentations from a range of presenters. And find
out what they do, how they got to be in the roles that are now in and tips they have for you in

We will also be having events for those looking to work in Accounting and in
Taranaki. Details are still to be confirmed and will be posted on
We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.


Congratulations to the following residents who have been
selected as residents of the month for May 2015 for their
respective halls.
The purpose of this award is to acknowledge the significant
contribution that a resident has made within the hall during the last
Each will receive a movie voucher for their contributions to the

This award is given based on the following criteria:

General behaviour is exemplary

Respectful of others
Actively participating in hall events
Actively encourages a clean and tidy environment
Encourages and motivates others in the all
Active involvement in resident committees
Above all, is a positive role model


Greg Berry

Bailee Hughes

Valerie Lim

Giuliana Ferrari

Gabrielle Marshall

Rashmi Tripathi

Dan is from Masterton and is studying a

Bachelor of Business studies majoring is
entrepreneurship and small business.



Dan Carlisle

Anika Stephenson

Wanchana Teerasatayakul

He is a awesome resident to have around

Moginie, always willing to lend a helping
hand or have a good yarn.
He has his Horse at the Massey Equine
centre and has promised to teach both his
RAs how to ride.

Charley ONeill

Paul Meech

Joshua-James Harrison

Sarah Ross

Georgia Simmonds

Howon Rhee

Dan has been an awesome supporter of

Moginie at Football and other hall events
like Crazy sports. He makes an effort to
come say hi and mingle over both floors.
An all round great guy and asset to

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