Blood Supply To Brain

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Blood supply to


Account for 20% of oxygen



Derived from 2 internal carotid and

vertebral art. In subarachnoid space
circle of Willis

Internal carotid art. (ant. Circulation)


Common carotid art. cervical

portion (X branching) temporal
petrous portion (carotid canal)
cavernous sinuses (close to CN VI &
IV) carotid groove (side body of
sphenoid) post. Communicating,
ant, mid Cerebral art + ophthalmic
ant. Communicating art.

All terminal branches of ICA will form cerebral art. Circle around
interpeduncular fossa

contain venous plexuses and carotid plexus of sympathetic nerves

Branches: central retinal, ophthalmic, ant choroid

Vertebral art.

Subclavian vertebral art. (left > right) cervical (transverse formina of

C1-6V), atlantic (C1V perforate dura & arachnoid foramen magnum),
intracranial (unite at caudal border of pons basilar art.)

Basilar art ascends clivus sloping from dorsum sellae foramen magnum,
pontocerebellar cistern sup border of pons 2 post. Cerebral art.
(vertebrobasilar art sys post circulation of brain)

Post cerebral art branches: labyrinthine art (vestibulocochlear symptoms),

ant inf cerebellar art (pons & parts of cerebellum), sup cerebellar (rostral
pons and cerebellum), pontine (most pons)

Branches: Post inf cerebellar art (dorsolateral of medulla [lateral medullary

syndrome]), Medullary art (most of medulla)

Cerebral art Circle (circle of Willis)


Important 4 art anastomosis at cranial

base (2 vertebral & 2 ICA)

1) Ant cerebral:

supply medial & superior surface of

brain + frontal pole
2) Mid Cerebral:

supply lateral surface + temporal pole

& parts of internal capsule + basal
3) Post cerebral:

Bifurcation of basilar art. Collateral

with Mid cerebral by post

supply inferior surface + occipital + inf post temporal pole

4) Anteromedial: hypothalamus, preoptic & supraoptic area
5) Posteromedial: pituitary hypothalamus, thalamus & midbrain
6) Posterolateral: post thalamus, geniculate body, pulvinar, lateral
nuclear group & most ventral thalamic nuclei
7) Anterolateral (striate): medial caudate nucleus head, putamen &
internal capsule; lateral caudate, putamen, globus pallidus & internal
8) Ant choroidal: choroid plexus in lateral ventricle, hippocampal formation,
globus pallidus, post limb of internal capsule, amydaliod nucleus,
caudate nucleus tail & ventrolateral thalamus
9) Post choroidal: thalamus, choroid plexus of 3rd & lateral ventricles

Relations: ant optic

below mamillary bodies

Occlusion of single
compensated by

chiasm, post

Arterial Supply to Regions

Basal Ganglia & Thalamus

Corpus striatum & internal

capsule - medial & lateral
striate branch of mid cerebral

Thalamus Thalamogeniculate,
post choroidal art (post cerebral
art), ant choroidal art (ICA)


Post cerebral, sup cerebellar, basilar art


Basilar & ant, sup & inf cerebellar art

Medulla oblongata

Vertebral, ant & post spinal, post inf cerebellar & basilar


Sup and ant&post inf cerebellar

Spinal cord

2 post & 1 ant spinal art,

reinforce segmentally by
radicular art

Post spinal supply post 1/3 of

spine while ant spinal supply the

Segmental art, supplied by

feeder art, will form ant & post
radicular spinal art, anastomose
w spinal art.

Great ant medullary art of

Adamkiewicz, between T11L2 range, supply lower 2/3 of

Ant & post radicular art form

arterial Vasocorona
(anastomoses betw ant & post
radicular spinal art)


Valveless, drain from arachnoid and dura meningeal layers to dural venous
sinuses IJV

Venous drainage by cerebral and cerebellar veins adjacent venous sinuses

Sup cerebral sup sagittal sinus; inf & superficial mid cerebral straight,
transverse & sup petrosal sinuses

2 internal cerebral great cerebral (Galen) at midline straight sinus w inf

sagittal sinus

Cerebellum drained by sup & inf cerebellar transverse & sigmoid sinuses

Clinical application
Anatomoses of Cerebral art. & cerebral embolism

Cerebral art obstructed by embolism X able to provide suffice blood to

cortex ischemia infarction necrotic area

Large emboli occlude large art. neurologic problem and death

Variations in CoW

Change in size of art. Or absent of certain art (Eg. Posterior communicating


Significant in emboli or arterial disease

Aneurysm deficiency of tunica media weakness & aneurysm (branching of


Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Leakage/rupture from congenital or angioma

Severe headache, neck stiff, loss conscious + blood in CSF (lumbar


Cerebral Haemorrhage

Common caused by rupture of lenticulostriate art (mid cerebral art branch)

Involve corticobulbar & corticospinal fibers in capsule hemiplegia of

opposite side

Loss conscious, paralyse after regained conscious

Cerebral Artery Occlusion

Ant Cerebral Art occlusion

Proximal blockage (collateral circulation preserve) safer than distal

Distal occlusion will produce:

a) Contralateral hemiparesis & hemisensory loss involving leg and foot

b) Inability to identify object, apathy, personality changes

Mid Cerebral Art Occlusion


Occlusion will produce:

a) Contralateral hemiparesis & hemianesthesia
b) Aphasia if left hemisphere affected; anosognosia if right hemisphere
c) Homonymous hemianopia
d) Apraxia and sensory neglect

Internal Carotid Art Occlusion


Will have ant and mid cerebral art occlusion presentation with:
a) Loss of vision ipsilateral to site of occlusion (ophthalmic art)

b) level of conscious

Vertebral Art Occlusion


Will produce:
a) pain & OC sensory loss (ipsilateral face, contralateral body)
b) loss of gag reflex, dysphagia, hoarseness (lesions of nuclei of CN 9 &10)
c) Vertigo, nystagmus, nausea & vomiting)
d) Ipsilateral horners syndrome + ataxia

Basilar Art Occlusion


Total blockage lesion of trigeminal, abducent, facial nerve nuclei +

quadriplegia & coma (reticular formation)

Transient Ischemic Attack


Referred as neurologic symptoms due to ischemia

Major cerebral/vertebrobasilar stenosis longer TIA duration & distal


Symptoms: staggering, dizzy, light-headed, faint, paresthesias

Risk of MI and ischemic stroke

1) Ischemic stroke sudden focal neurologic deficit from impaired blood flow

Caused by embolism in major art esp CoW (gradual/sudden obstruction

insufficient anastomose function impaired to a degree/partial neurological

Common causes: spontaneous cerebrovascular accidents. Eg thrombosis,

embolism, cerebral & subarachnoid hemorrhage

Cardinal symptoms sudden onset of neurological symptoms

2) Haemorrhagic stroke events

rupture of art or saccular

Common type is berry

aneurysm in vessels,
bifurcation of basilar, CoW or
medium art at cranial base

(HTN) weak wall of aneurysm

expands & rupture
haemorrhage into
subarachnoid severe unbearable headache & stiff neck


Brain Infarction

Atheromatous plaque at bending art

progressive stenosis severe
neurologic deficits emboli from plaque
intracranial branch blockage acute
cortical infarction (sudden insufficiency of
blood to brain)

Sequential event w duration:

Interruption of blood (initial) altered
brain metabolism (30s) neural function
lost (1-2 mins) infarction due to anoxia
(5 min)

Notes Clinical
Medial medullary syndrome,
A (Dejerine syndrome):

Occlude ant spinal art

& paramedian
branches affects
medial zone of medulla

Lateral Medullary Syndrome,

B (Wallenberg syndrome):

Thrombosis of post inf

cerebellar art affects
posterolateral medulla

General deep artery map

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