An Overview of The New World Order

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An Overview of the New World Order

by Jeremy James

Two Questions
Who runs the world today? Every Christian will answer this question with just one
word, “Satan.” But one should then ask another question – How does he do it? At this
point views tend to vary. Most assume that he supernaturally induces the rich and
powerful to act exclusively from self-interest, to neglect the greater good, and to
pursue their endless appetite for self-indulgence. This is correct as far as it goes, but it
does not go far enough.

Satan’s Method
The Bible reveals that Satan has both a method and an agenda. His method is
unchanging and has three basic components. These are:
(a) The Babylonian Religion: Satan has his own religion, the Babylonian
religion, and seeks to infiltrate its beliefs into all world religions and
philosophies. The purest expression of the Babylonian religion is
witchcraft, while its most popular form in the west is Freemasonry.
Naturally the being worshipped in this religion is Lucifer himself, the
‘luminous’ side of Satan.
(b) Secrecy and Secret Societies: Through Masonry and various secret
societies down the ages, such as the Rosicrucians, Satan has set up
invisible institutional structures which promote his agenda. It is probably
fair to say that all secret societies, which operate outside the gaze of
public scrutiny, are tools of Satan. Since the ruling hierarchy of most
religions operate in secret, they too serve his purposes.
(c) Mammon: As Christ warned, the greatest tool of Satan is mammon – the
financial system in all its manifestations. Those who control the
financial system control society. They have the ability to decide which
members of society prosper and which don’t. In order to participate in
the game one must play by the rules. And these rules are set by people
whose primary beliefs are conditioned by the Babylonian religion. The
ruling elite secure countless commercial and political advantages through
their control of the world financial system.

If you can accept these three principles, then you will be able to understand the
philosophy behind the New World Order (NWO). However, if you don’t accept them
or if you think they are merely speculative, then the NWO and all that it entails will
seem rather implausible.

Satan’s Goals
If (a) - (c) above comprise Satan’s main method for advancing his agenda, then we
need also to understand his main goals. Very briefly, these are:
(i) To receive the worship of all mankind. There are several religions that
he could use for this purpose, including Freemasonry, but the strongest
candidate is Islam.
(ii) To destroy Christianity and Judaism.
(iii) To destroy Israel and thereby prevent Christ from returning in
accordance with Biblical prophecy.

Again, there is nothing speculative about these goals. Most Christians can see their

Having identified both his method and his agenda, we can better understand why the
world’s political contours are shaped the way they are. By far the biggest political
theme in the world today is the Islamic goal of destroying Israel and the American
goal of preserving it. Satan tried to annihilate the Jewish people in the Holocaust, and
he has tried several times thereafter to destroy the nation of Israel. Developments in
the Middle East since 1979 would indicate that a global Islamic Jihad is rapidly
building toward the next, and even more devastating, version of the Holocaust.

The Fate of the United States

In order to destroy Israel, Satan is determined to fatally weaken her greatest friend
and defender – the US. Since this cannot be done militarily, it must be achieved by
other means, principally by undermining its economy and destabilising its social order
through the use of terror.

The Freemasons, who rule the United States, are not in league with Islam, but they
subscribe heavily to the view that democracy does not work and that a wise elite
should rule the world. In their opinion, if the world continues on its present course,
population increase alone will cause widespread social collapse. Their solution is very
simple – to create a single world government which operates above the democratic
will of sovereign states. This will facilitate the imposition of laws for containing
population growth, environmental destruction, armed conflict, sectarian divisions, etc.
But in order to do this, they reason, the US itself must be cut down to size and a form
of benign one-party rule instituted, much like the system that prevails in China and
other Asian countries.

This plan to weaken the US has been under way for several decades. Since 1980 over
40% of its industrial base and millions of well-paying jobs have been off-shored, that
is relocated to other countries, notably communist China. The dollar left the gold
standard (or its equivalent) in 1971 and has been subject to massive inflation ever
since. The country has switched from being the world’s greatest creditor nation in
1980 to its greatest debtor (by far) in 2010. Household, corporate, state and federal
debt levels are so high, and unfunded federal liabilities (like social security and
Medicare) so great, that there is no possibility that all federal obligations can be met.

Thus the US must either default on its debt, renege on its social commitments, print
money on a massive scale – or employ a combination of all three – in order to survive.

Disinformation, Propaganda and Brainwashing

This calamitous fiscal and economic strategy was set in motion by people who knew
exactly where it would lead. Along the way the same people made staggering profits
and consolidated a wealth portfolio more prodigious than anything the public can
imagine. In order to deflect attention from their subversive activities, they neutralised
the critical faculty of the American people with drugs, porn, gambling, and endless
entertainment. Duly sedated, the majority of the population had no idea that their
leaders were deceiving them.

The same elite control the media and use it shamelessly to gull and confuse the
American people. Take the Forbes ‘Rich List’ for example. This is meant to be an
objective assessment of the wealth of the richest men and women in America. It puts
Bill Gates of Microsoft and Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway in the top two
positions, each with a personal portfolio of some $50 billion. And most Americans
accept this as a fact.

However, it’s complete nonsense. The wealth of the ultra-rich, the real rulers of
America, is far greater than that. The New England banking families of the late
nineteenth century were as wealthy as Gates and Buffett are today (allowing for
inflation), while the railroad barons were even wealthier. Using a labyrinthine web of
charitable trusts, holding companies, off-shore banking facilities and a host of other
accounting devices, their wealth was quietly withdrawn from public scrutiny during
the twentieth century. Meanwhile, during this time, it accumulated massively, to the
point where many of these families today could employ Gates and Buffett to give
them investment advice.

Why would they want to conceal their wealth? Two reasons – tax avoidance and
privacy. By remaining discretely in the background they can continue to pull the
strings of power, at both state and federal level, without attracting too much attention.

The same system operates across Europe and in many other countries, including
Canada and Australia. Democracy has only a marginal influence on public policy in
these countries. And with the introduction of the New World Order it will have even
less, perhaps none at all.

The US Federal Reserve
The US Federal Reserve, the central bank which underpins the US financial system, is
a major component in this programme of change. It is not federally owned but rather
the property of an elite group of families like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers,
and it does not hold any reserves on behalf of the American people. These families
use their ownership of the Federal Reserve to control the US money supply and to
exercise extraordinary influence over the US Treasury, the US State Department, the
Pentagon, the White House, Congress and Wall Street. They also own and control a
huge slice of corporate America, manipulating it as required to suit their overall
agenda. For example just one family, Cargill, privately controls over 60% of the
production and distribution of all major food commodities in the US and employs
nearly 100,000 people, yet few people are even aware that they exist.

Bringing about global change

To get a sense of what the NWO will mean, just imagine the introduction by stealth of
the Chinese system of government into the US and Europe. Even though the ruling
elite get most of what they want at present, they actually want a whole lot more. And
since the existing system does not facilitate this – it is much too slow for a start – they
want to change it. But change takes time and this in turn can allow resistance to build
up. This is why the ruling elite often favour a short sharp shock, for example through
war or massive social unrest, as their main change agent.

Both Presidents Bush, as well as many world leaders, such as UK Prime Minister
Gordon Brown or EU President Herman van Rompuy, have signalled the imminent
arrival of the New World Order. But none of them have specified what they mean by
this term! However on-the-record comments by leading figures among the ruling elite,
such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski – foreign policy advisor to Obama
– confirm that it will be broadly along the lines we have described.

If you think this looks like the triumph of communism by the back door, then you are
right. That is essentially what it is – rule by a powerful elite through a global
technocracy in which individual citizens have no voice whatever, where all property
is owned by the state in the first instance, and where the parameters of all human
behaviour are set by the state. Under such a regime, dissidents will simply disappear.

They select and install their own power brokers

Even under existing practice, the global elite are able to place whomever they want in
key positions of power. For example, very few Americans had heard of Barack
Hussein Obama before 2007, but he was the man they wanted in the Oval Office. It
didn’t matter that he was of African descent, from a Muslim background, and had
associated with political radicals in his youth. Their control over the media was such
that they could put him in power.

The same holds in Europe. The Lisbon Treaty was imposed on 26 member states
without a popular mandate, while the one dissenting country (Ireland) reversed its
rejection when threatened with dark economic consequences. The Lisbon Treaty itself
is so opaque that it very likely overrides national sovereignty in ways that no-one but
the ruling elite had envisaged.

Take European foreign policy as another example. It is directed by a person who has
never been elected to public office and who was virtually unknown before her
appointment – Baroness Catherine Ashton. Her position includes control over one of
the largest network of embassies and consulates in the world (currently under
construction). Again, the ruling elite made the selection – democratic processes
played no part whatever.

The same holds for national politics. Take Peter Mandelson. After the Prime Minister,
he is probably the most influential politician in Britain. Yet he was not elected to
public office. One newspaper described him as the most powerful unelected person in
England since Cardinal Wolsey – who died in 1530!

The public is not aware that international committees, comprising selected

representatives from sovereign states, meet regularly to decide the main elements of
the change programme being implemented by the ruling elite. Of these the two best
known are the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. While the
membership of these two committees is known, the minutes are never released. Other
secret committees with an international remit are also believed to exist. Attempts over
the years in both the Irish and Italian parliaments, among others, to raise questions
about the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission have led nowhere.
Officially they don’t exist.

Will the NWO be established?

The Bible is written, not from a global perspective, but from the perspective of Israel
and its people. Thus it is difficult to say whether the NWO will ultimately come into
existence and, if so, whether it will have the power that its creators envisage. Even
though the Bible states that one quarter of the world’s population will follow the
Antichrist, these are likely to be the nations of Islam rather than a global confederacy
drawn from the NWO.

Whatever happens, it is clear that the planned destruction of Israel requires a major
reduction in the military might and global reach of the US. So, even if the proposed
NWO never comes about, the steps being taken to create it will so weaken the US that
the long-planned invasion of Israel by a Muslim confederacy will finally be able to

A Possible Scenario
The main action will likely begin with the declaration of martial law in the United
States, probably on foot of a major disaster or a series of terrorist attacks orchestrated
by the Global Elite.

If you find this hard to believe, then ask yourself why three towers came down in the
so-called Twin Towers tragedy in New York City on 11 September 2001. Yes, there
was a third tower, half the height of the other two. It caught fire from debris ejected
from one of the neighbouring towers. Bear in mind that this building was not struck
by a plane and yet it collapsed in just 8 seconds. A modern reinforced steel structure
does not disintegrate like a pile of sand in just 8 seconds. There is extensive evidence
to indicate that this third building, like the other two, was pre-wired for controlled

The aim of 9/11 was to create terror in the US and facilitate the passage of draconian
legislation that would enable the Government to severely curtail civil liberties and
pursue a covert agenda that includes, among other things, spying on its citizens and
inspecting commercial databases. This is the notorious Patriot Act, a complex piece of
legislation, over 300 pages in length, which was brought before Congress only weeks
after the 9/11 attacks. It had obviously been written well in advance.

The unexplained elements of the 9/11 attacks have already been well documented by
a number of authors, notably by Dr David Ray Griffin in a number of well-argued
books. A lot of supporting information, along with corroborating eye-witness reports
and video footage, is also available on the Internet. [If you have not already done so,
please take time to check it out.]

In tandem with or before these attacks, the world financial system will be allowed to
fall deeper into crisis and may even collapse. This too is being deliberately engineered
so that the middle classes in Europe, America and elsewhere will be so shaken by the
loss of a significant proportion of their savings and personal wealth that they will
accept any solution handed down by the ruling elite, even if it entails the creation of a
New World Order and the introduction of a one-world electronic currency.

Closing comments
If you are still having difficulty believing that ‘they’ exist, namely the global network
of super-rich families who run the world (or at least shape its destiny), then consider
the following: Why should the world today differ from the pattern of history? The
same forces which shaped the world throughout its history are still shaping it today.
The only difference is that they are now much better at disguising themselves. An
elite group of families ruled ancient Rome. An elite group of families ruled ancient
Greece. An elite group of families ruled Venice, Genoa and Florence. An elite group
of families ruled the British empire, the Hapsburg empire, the Hohenzollern empire,
the Ottoman Empire, the Mughal empire, the various Chinese dynastic periods, and so
forth. So why should today be any different?

We have not discussed the extent to which these ruling families, which often extend
for generations, are committed to the occult. While some pretend to be Christian, this
is only a front. They know that Satan favours those who serve his cause and that, as
prince of this world, he is in a position to reward them richly. Remember when he
tempted Jesus in the wilderness? “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding
high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and
worship me.” (Matthew 4:7-8) He clearly must have been in a position to deliver on
this promise, since otherwise the temptation would have been meaningless.

These people were tempted in like manner, and succumbed – on a grand scale.

The papers on examine aspects of this study in greater depth.

Copyright Jeremy James, February 2010

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