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Books for Kurukshetra University


T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

ISBN: 978-93-80901-94-7 (Hindi) Pages: 536

ISBN : 978-93-80735-69-6
Pages : 400


Price: ` 390/- (For Sem. I & II)

1. Nature and Scope of Economics
2. The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice
3. Economic Organisation and Economic
4. Micro and Macro Economics
5. Concepts of Demand and Law of Demand
6. Elasticity of Demand
7. Consumer TheoryCardinal Utility Analysis

8. Ordinal Utility Theory: Indifference Curve

9. Firms as Agents of Production
10. Production Function and Laws of Production
11. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium
12. Concepts of Supply and Law of Supply
13. Theory of Costs
14. Concepts of Revenue

1. Market Structure
2. Theory of Perfect Competition
3. Theory of a Monopoly Firm
4. Theory of Monopolistic Competition
5. Oligopoly

6. Market Success and Market Failure

7. Theory of Factor Pricing
8. Rent
9. Interest
10. Profit

T.R. Jain, B.D. Majhi, Mandeep Singh

ISBN: 978-93-5058-156-8 (Hindi) Pages: 620
1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Concepts of GDP and National Income
3. Measurement of National Income and Related
4. Classical Theory of Employment and Output
5. Says Law of Market
6. Keynesian Theory of Income Determination
7. Consumption Function
8. Investment Function
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital

ISBN : 978-93-5058-155-1
Pages : 584

1. Money Growth and InflationClassical Approach
2. Demand-Pull and Cost-Push Theories of
3. Effects and Control of Inflation
4. Functions of Central Bank
5. Functions of Commercial Banks
6. Banking Sector Reforms in India
7. Saving-Investment and Financial System
8. Present Value, Risk Management and Asset
9. Nature and Scope of Public Finance
10. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage

Price: ` 405/-(For Sem. III & IV)

10. Investment Multiplier

11. Impact of Government Expenditure and Taxes
on Equilibrium GDP
12. Principle of Acceleration
13. Trade Cycle and Investment Theories:
Samuelson and Hicks Models
14. Money in a Modern Economy
15. Money Supply and Credit Creation
16. Money Demand and Liquidity Preference Theory
17. Quantity Theory of Money
11. Public Expenditure
12. Taxation System
13. Impact and Incidence of Taxes
14. Public Debt: Sources and Effects
15. Market Efficiency and Market Failure
16. Interregional and International Trade
17. Theory of Comparative Costs
18. Modern Theory of International Trade
19. Gains from International Trade
20. Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
21. Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade

Economic Development and Policy in India

T.R. Jain, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-202-2 (Hindi) Pages: 284

ISBN : 978-93-5058-198-8
Pages : 280

1. Economic Development: Concept and Measures
2. Determinants of Development
3. Development Strategy: Balanced and
Unbalanced Growth
4. Development with Unlimited Supply of Labour
Lewis Model
5. Leibensteins Critical Minimum Effort Thesis
6. Import Substitution Strategy of Development
7. Innovative Entrepreneurship: Schumpeters
Innovation Theory of Development
8. Capital Formation and Economic Development
9. Role of Technology and Institutional Factors in

Sectoral Aspects of Indian Economy

Price: ` 207/-

10. Economic Reforms and the Indian Economy

11. The Issue of Sustainability in Economic
12. PopulationA Challenge for Indias Development
13. Some Issues of Population Growth in India
14. Employment and Unemployment in India
15. Economic Planning in India: Objectives, Strategy
and Achievements
16. Resource Mobilisation for Planning
17. Saving and Investment in India

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-262-6 (Hindi) Pages: 400

ISBN : 978-93-5058-261-9
Pages : 388

1. PollutionTypes, Prevention and Control
2. Agriculture in IndiaImportance and
3. Agricultural Credit
4. Agricultural Labour
5. Agricultural Marketing and Prices
6. Green Revolution
7. Land Reforms
8. Industrial Policy
9. Role of Large Scale Industries
10. Role of Small Scale Industries
11. Public Sector in India
12. Private Sector in India
13. Foreign Capital and Foreign Investment in India
14. Foreign Trade in India
15. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
16. World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Price: ` 275/-

17. World Bank

18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
19. Nature and Prospects of Indian Economy
20. Public Finance and Fiscal Development
21. Prices and Monetary Management
22. Financial Intermediation and Markets
23. Indicators of Human Development
24. Problem of Poverty
25. Growth and Sectoral Distribution of Domestic
Product in Haryana
26. Socio-economic Implications of Declining Sex
Ratio in Haryana
27. Globalisation of Haryana Economy
28. Problem of Poverty in Haryana and Its
29. Regional Disparities and Effective Cities in

Basic Computer Education

Rakesh Phor

1. Fundamentals of Computer
2. Input/Output Devices
3. Memory and Storage Devices
4. Data Processing
5. Operating System and its Functions
6. Operating System: MsWindows

Price: ` 175/-

7. Microsoft Word
8. Editing and Formatting
9. Table, Graphics and Mail-merge
10. Ms PowerPoint
11. Introduction to Computer Network
12. Internet, its Services and Web Browser

ISBN : 978-93-81015-04-9
Pages : 242


T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-80901-17-6 (Hindi) Pages: 412
1. Nature and Scope of Economics
2. Micro and Macro Economics
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Cardinal Utility Approach
6. Indifference Curve Approach
7. Production Function and Laws of Production
8. Isoquant Curves and Producer's Equilibrium
9. Theory of Costs
10. Concepts of Revenu

ISBN : 978-93-80901-16-9

11. Concepts of Supply and Law of Supply

12. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
13. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
14. Price Determination Under Monopoly
15. Price Determination Under Monopolistic
16. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
17. Rent
18. Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-80901-28-2 (Hindi) Pages: 276
1. Management: An Introduction
2. Management as Science, Art and Profession
3. History and Approaches to Management
4. Planning: Concept and Types
5. Components or Types of Plans
6. Strategic Control
7. Forecasting and Decision-Making
8. Organising and Organisational Effectiveness
9. Organisation Structure and Organisational

Price: ` 252/-

Pages : 380

Principles of Management

ISBN : 978-93-80901-27-5

Pages : 256

Price: ` 180/-

10. Departmentation: Need and Basis

11. Delegation of Authority: Meaning,
Advantages and Barriers
12. Decentralisation and Centralisation
13. Directing Through Motivation
14. Leadership: Theories and Styles
15. Controlling: Concept and Process
16. Globalisation and Management

Business Communication Skills

Sri Jin Kushal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-24-4 (Hindi) Pages: 184

1. Business Communication: Basic Forms and
2. Theories of Communication
3. Audience Analysis
4. Corporate Communication
5. Miscommunication Barriers and
6. Effective Presentation Skills
ISBN : 978-93-80901-23-7

7. Practices in Business Communication

8. Self-Development and Communication
9. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication
10. Effective Listening
11. Interviewing Skills
12. International Communication

R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-82-4 (Hindi) Pages: 660
1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
2. Accounting Principles
3. Accounting Standards
4. Accounting Equation
5. Recording of Business Transactions
6. Capital and Revenue Items
7. Final Accountswith Adjustments

8. Errors and their Rectification

9. Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves
10. Accounts of Non-Trading Organisations
11. Consignment Accounts
12. Joint Venture Accounts
13. Accounting for Insurance Claims

H.R. Gupta, B.B. Singla, S.K. Modi

1. Differentiation
2. Partial Differentiation
3. Indefinite and Definite Integrals

Price: ` 333/-

Pages : 582

Business Mathematics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-456-9

Price: ` 125/-

Pages : 172

Financial Accounting

ISBN : 978-93-80901-81-7

Pages : 192

Price: ` 125/-

4. Definite Integral Area Under a Curve

5. Matrices and Determinants-I
6. Matrices and Determinants-II


T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-5058-379-1 (Hindi) Pages: 284
1. Nature and Scope of Macroeconomics
2. Circular Flow of Income
3. National Income: Concepts and Measurement
4. Consumption Function
5. Investment Function
6. Multiplier
7. Principle of Acceleration
8. Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment

ISBN : 978-93-5058-378-4

Price: ` 185/-

9. National Income Determination in a Three

Sector Closed Economy
10. ISLM Analysis
11. Inflation
12. Business Cycles
13. Monetary Policy
14. Fiscal Policy

Pages : 264

Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-377-7 (Hindi) Pages: 292

ISBN : 978-93-5058-376-0
Pages : 280

1. Business Environment An Introduction
(Concept and Components)
2. Environmental Scanning and Importance of
Business Environment
3. Economic Systems
4. Economic Planning in India
5. Eleventh Five Year Plan
6. Twelfth Five Year Plan
7. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation
8. Regional Economic Groupings
9. Monetary Policy of India

Advanced Financial Accounting

Price: ` 185/-

10. Fiscal Policy of India

11. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing Policy
12. Export-Import (EXIM) Policy
13. Foreign Investment in India
14. Multinational Corporations and Foreign
Collaborations in India
15. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
16. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
17. World Bank
18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-392-0 (Hindi) Pages: 608

Price: ` 333/-

1. Branch Accounts
6. Partnership AccountsDissolution of
2. Hire Purchase & Instalment Payment Systems
Partnership Firm
3. Partnership Accounts Distribution of Profits 7. Sale of Partnership Firm to a Company
4. Partnership AccountsAdmission of a Partner
5. Partnership AccountsRetirement or Death of
a Partner

Organisational Behaviour

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-390-6 (Hindi) Pages: 180
1. Organisational Behaviour: Concepts and
2. Personality: Determinants, Types and Theories
3. Perception: Nature and Process
4. Learning: Principles and Theories

ISBN : 978-93-5058-389-0

Business Law

Price: ` 125/-

5. Stress Management: Causes and Techniques

6. Group and Group Dynamics
7. Transactional Analysis: Scope and Benefits
8. Organisational Culture and Climate

Pages : 168

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-484-2 (Hindi) Pages: 344
1. Business Law: An Overview
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal Formalities Written and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract

ISBN : 978-93-5058-483-5
Pages : 296

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Mukesh Trehan

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Measures of Central Tendency
4. Measures of Dispersion
5. Correlation
6. Linear Regression Analysis
7. Index Numbers-I

Price: ` 185/-

15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee

16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency
18. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
19. Sale of Goods Act-1930
20. Contract of Sale
21. Conditions and Warranties
22. Transfer of Property or Ownership
23. Performance of the ContractDelivery and
24. Unpaid Seller
25. Suits for Breach of Contract
26. Right to Information Act, 2005

ISBN: 978-93-80901-74-9 (Hindi) Pages: 716

ISBN : 978-93-80901-73-2

Pages : 680

Price: ` 504/-

8. Index Numbers-II
9. Probability
10. Probability DistributionsBinomial and
11. Probability DistributionsNormal
*Short Answer Type Question
*Statistical Tables

Human Resource Management

Ashok Khurana, Parveen Khurana, Hira Lal Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-5058-500-9 (Hindi) Pages: 188

ISBN : 978-93-5058-499-6
Pages : 268

Principles of Marketing

1. Human Resource Management
2. Human Resource Management Environment
and Challenges
3. Human Resource Planning
4. Career and Succession Planning
5. Job Analysis
6. Job Design
7. Job Evaluation
8. Recruitment and Selection
9. Induction and Placement
10. Internal Mobility: Promotion, Demotion and

Corporate Accounting

Price: ` 180/-

11. Separation
12. Training
13. Management Development
14. Performance Appraisal and Potential
15. Wages and Theories of Wages
16. Methods of Wage Payment
17. Concepts of Wages
18. Special Incentives
19. Industrial Relations
20. Industrial Disputes

Ashok Jain, Varun Jain

ISBN: 978-93-5058-469-9 (Hindi) Pages: 556

ISBN : 978-93-5058-468-2
Pages : 440

1. Marketing: An Introduction
2. Marketing Concepts
3. Marketing Management
4. Marketing Mix
5. Marketing Environment
6. Market Segmentation
7. Consumer Behaviour
8. Product: Concept, Importance and
9. Product Mix Strategies
10. Branding, Packaging and Labelling
11. Product Life Cycle
12. New Product Development Process

Price: ` 300/-

13. Product Pricing

14. Promotion Mix
15. Advertising
16. Personal Selling
17. Sales Promotion
18. Publicity and Public Relations
19. Distribution Channels
20. Physical Distribution Logistics
21. Marketing Information System
22. Marketing Research
23. Recent Trends in Marketing
24. Online Marketing
25. Retailing

R.K. Mittal, Shagun Ahuja

ISBN: 978-93-5058-180-3 (English)

978-93-5058-181-0 (Hindi)
1. Issue of Shares
2. Redemption of Preference Shares
3. Issue of Debentures
4. Redemption of Debentures

5. Final Accounts of Companies

6. Amalgamation of Companies
7. Internal Reconstruction
(Including Alteration of Share Capital)

ISBN: 978-93-5058-366-1 (English)

978-93-5058-367-8 (Hindi)
1. Valuation of Goodwill
2. Valuation of Shares
3. Accounts of Holding Companies

Pages: 562
Pages: 586 Price: ` 333/-

Pages: 544
Pages: 596 Price: ` 333/-

4. Liquidation of Companies
5. Accounts of Banking Companies
6. Accounts of Insurance Companies

Advertising Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-480-4 (Hindi) Pages: 284
1. Advertising: Meaning, Scope and Functions
2. Communication Mix and Advertising
3. Communication Process
4. Types of Advertising
5. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising
6. Advertising Process: An Overview
7. Objectives of Advertising
8. Advertising Budget
9. Creative Aspects of Advertising: Copy-Writing,
Copy-Types, Message, Advertising Appeals,
Headlines, Illustrations

Price: ` 185/-

10. Types of Advertising Media

11. Media Planning and Scheduling
12. Advertising Agency and its Role
13. Client Agency Relationship and Advertising
14. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
15. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Advertising
16. Advertising and Consumer Behaviour

ISBN : 978-93-5058-479-8
Pages : 256

Accounting and Reporting Standards

Deepika Singla, Lalit Singla

1. Introduction to Accounting Standards
2. Indian Accounting Standards A Perspective
3. Interpretation of Accounting Standard .
4. International Accounting Standard.
5. Interpretation of International Financial
Reporting Standards
6. Corporate Financial Reporting
7. Interim Reporting

ISBN : 978-93-5058-491-0

8. Segment Reporting
9. Valuation: Concept and Need
10. Valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets
11. Valuation of Intangible Assets
12. Valuation of Liabilities
13. Valuation of Stock
14. Business Valuation
15. Development Financial Reporting

Pages : 156

Financial Institutions and Markets

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-473-6 (Hindi) Pages: 244

1. Overview of Indian Financial System
2. Indian Money Market
3. Primary Market
4. 4. Secondary Market
5. The Securities and Exchange Board of India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-472-9

Price: ` 100/-

Pages : 240

6. Reserve Bank of India

7. Commercial Banks
8. Development Banks
9. Mutual Fund

Price: ` 180/-

Company Law

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-515-3 (Hindi) Pages: 168
1. Historical Development of Company Law in India
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
6. Memorandum of Association

ISBN : 978-93-5058-514-6

7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus
9. Shares and Stocks
10. Allotment of Shares
11. Share Capital of Company
12. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
13. Issue and Allotment of Debentures

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-584-9 (Hindi) Pages: 136
1. Introduction to Insurance
2. Life Insurance
3. Fire Insurance

Price: ` 100/-

Price: ` 135/-

4. Marine Insurance
5. Accident and Motor Insurance
6. Insurance Intermediaries

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-581-8 (Hindi) Pages: 220
1. Sales Force Management: Concept, Nature,
Functions and Challenges
2. Personal Selling
3. Sales Forecasting
4. Sales Budget
5. Sales Organisation
6. Sales Force Management: Recruitment and
Selection of Sales Personnel
7. Sales Force Management: Training Sales

Pages : 140

Management of Sales Force

ISBN : 978-93-5058-580-1

Price: ` 125/-

Pages : 160

Fundamentals of Insurance

ISBN : 978-93-5058-583-2

Pages : 196

8. Sales Force Management: Motivating Sales

9. Sales Force Management: Compensating Sales
10. Sales Quotas and Sales Territories
11. Sales Force Management: Evaluating Sales
12. Ethical Issues in Sales Management
13. Role of Information Technology in Sales Force

Central Excise and Customs

Sanjeet Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-586-3 (Hindi) Pages: 236
1. Nature and Scope of Central Excise
2. Classification of Excisable Goods
3. Computation of Central Excise Duty
4. General Procedures of Central Excise
5. Concession To Small Scale Industry Under
Central Excise Act
7. Basics of Custom Duty

ISBN : 978-93-5058-585-6

8. Kinds of Custom Duties

9. Levy and Assessment of Custom Duty
10. Valuation
11. Prohibition of Exportation and Importation of
12. Import Procedures and Documents
13. Export Procedures and Documents
14. Export Promotion Schemes

Pages : 196

Financial Management

R.K. Mittal, A.K. Mittal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-529-0 (Hindi) Pages: 328
1. Nature and Scope of Financial Managemen
2. Financial Planning
3. Capitalisation
4. Financial Forecasting
5. Sources of Finance-I
6. Sources of Finance-II
7. Cost of Capital
8. Capital Structure

ISBN : 978-93-5058-528-3

Business Law

Price: ` 135/-

Price: ` 200/-

9. Operating and Financial Leverages

10. Capital Budgeting
11. Management of Working Capital
12. Management of Cash
13. Management of Receivables
14. Inventory Management
15. Dividend Policy

Pages : 320

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-531-3 (Hindi) Pages: 116
1. Indian Partnership Act, 1932
2. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)-

ISBN : 978-93-5058-530-6

Pages : 120


3. Information Technology Act, 2000

4. The Competition Act, 2002

Price: ` 90/-

Business Environment in Haryana

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-527-6 (Hindi) Pages: 212

1. Business Environment An Introduction
2. Nature of Haryana Economy
3. Haryana Economy on the Eve of Inception
4. Agriculture in Haryana
5. Agricultural Credit
6. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD)
7. Rural Indebtedness

Price: ` 150/-

8. Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Haryana

9. Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure
Development Corporation (HSIIDC)
10. Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
11. Haryana Financial Corporation (HFC)
13. Planning in Haryana
14. Haryana Budget

ISBN : 978-93-5058-526-9
Pages : 200

Advertising and Sales Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80901-58-9 (Hindi) Pages: 416

ISBN : 978-93-80901-57-2
Pages : 376

1. Communication Process
2. Communication Mix or Promotion Mix
3. Advertising: Meaning, Scope and Functions
4. Types of Advertising
5. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising
6. Advertising Process: An Overview
7. Objectives of Advertising
8. Advertising Budget
9. Creative Aspects of Advertising: Copy-Writing,
CopyTypes, Message, Advertising Appeals,
Headlines, Illustrations
10. Types of Advertising Media
11. Media Planning and Scheduling
12. Advertising Agency and its Role
13. Client Agency Relationship, Agency
Remuneration and Advertising Department
14. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness


Price: ` 300/- (For Sem. V & VI)

15. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Advertising

16. Sales Management An Introduction
17. Personal Selling and Salesmanship
18. Sales OrganisationOrganising the Sales
19. Sales Force Management: Recruitment and
Selection of Sales Personnel
20. Sales Force Management: Training Sales
21. Sales Force Management: Motivating Sales
22. Sales Force Management: Compensating
Sales Personnel
23. Sales Force Management: Controlling Sales
24. Sales Budget
25. Sales Quotas and Sales Territories

Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80901-11-4 (Hindi) Pages: 552

ISBN : 978-93-80901-10-7
Pages : 528

Cost Accounting

1. Business EnvironmentAn Introduction
(Concept and Components)
2. Environmental Scanning and Importance of
Business Environment
3. Trends in National Income
4. Trends in Saving and Investment
5. Trends in Industrial Development
6. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
7. Money Supply, Prices and Inflation
8. Business Finance
9. Unemployment Problem in India
10. Problem of Poverty
11. Regional Imbalances
12. Social Injustice
13. Parallel Economy
14. Industrial Sickness
15. Monetary Policy of India
16. Fiscal Policy of India
17. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing Policy
18. Special Economic ZonesSEZs
19. Privatisation in India
20. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI

Price: ` 375/-(For Sem. V & VI)

21. Economic SystemsCapitalism, Socialism and
Mixed Economy
22. Economic Planning in India
23. Eleventh Five Year Plan
24. Twelfth Five Year Plan
25. International Business Environment (Overview)
26. Globalisation
27. Trends in World Trade and Problems of
Developing Countries in World Trade
28. Foreign Trade And Economic Growth
29. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
30. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
31. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
32. World Bank
33. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
34. Export-Import (EXIM) Policy
35. Foreign Capital and Foreign Investment in India
36. Multinational Enterprises and Foreign
Collaborations in India
37. Regional Economic Groups

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Satish Ahuja

ISBN: 978-93-80901-67-1(Hindi) Pages: 936

ISBN : 978-93-80901-66-4
Pages : 880

Price: ` 540/-(For Sem. V & VI)

1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Materials: Issue, Control and Valuation
4. Labour Cost: Computation and Control
5. Overheads

6. Unit or Output Costing

7. Reconciliation of Cost Accounts and Financial
8. Cost Audit
9. Activity Based Costing

1. Operating Costing
2. Job and Batch Costing
3. Contract Costing
4. Process Costing System

5. Integral Accounting or Integrated Accounting

6. Marginal Costing
7. Budgetary Control
8. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis


Financial Market Operations

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-61-9 (Hindi) Pages: 312
1. Overview of Indian Financial System
2. Indian Money Market
3. Primary Market
4. Secondary Market
5. OTCEI and NSE
6. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act

ISBN : 978-93-80901-60-2

Price: ` 200/- (For Sem. V & VI)

7. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
8. Investors Protection
9. Functionaries on Stock Exchange
10. Merchant Banking
11. Credit Rating
12. Development Banks

Pages : 300

Management Accounting and Financial Management

R.K. Mittal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-56-5 (Hindi) Pages: 548

1. Management AccountingNature and Scope
2. Financial Statements
3. Techniques of Financial Analysis
4. Ratio Analysis
5. Funds Flow Statement

ISBN : 978-93-80901-55-8
Pages : 516

1. Cost of Capital
2. Capital Structure
3. Operating and Financial Leverages
4. Dividend Policy

Investment Management and Security Valuation

Price: ` 375/-(For Sem. V & VI)

6. Cash Flow Statement

7. Nature and Scope of Financial Management
8. Financial Planning
9. Capitalisation
10. Capital Budgeting

5. Sources of FinanceI
6. Sources of FinanceII
7. Management of Working Capital

Vandana Dangi
Price: ` 135/-

1. Investment Overview: Meaning, Nature and
2. Investment Avenues and their Evaluation
3. Concept and Measurement of Investment
Return and Risk
4. Technical Analysis
5. Fundamental Analysis
ISBN : 978-93-5058-206-0
Pages : 176


6. Company Analysis
7. Industry Analysis
8. Economic Analysis
9. Secondary Market: Stock Exchanges, Listing of
Securities and Online Trading
10. Trading Mechanism in Bombay Stock Exchange
11. Equity Valuation
12. Bond and Convertible Securities

Investment Management and Security Valuation

Vandana Dangi
Price: ` 135/-

1. Efficient Market Hypothesis
6. The Efficient Frontier, Optimal Portfolio and
2. Bond Analysis: Yield to Maturity, Term
Sharpe Single-index Model
Structure of Interest Rates and Bond Portfolio 7. Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage
Pricing Theory
3. Portfolio: Meaning, Advantages and Asset
8. Portfolio Performance Evaluation
9. Portfolio Revision: Meaning, Need, Constraints
4. Markowitz Portfolio Theory: Expected Return
and Strategies
and Standard Deviation for Portfolios
10. Derivatives
5. Diversification: Meaning, Gains from
11. Options
ISBN : 978-93-5058-207-7

Indirect Taxes

Pages : 168

Dr. Mohammed Ashraf Ali, Shahid Alam

Price: ` 165/-

ISBN : 978-93-81420-93-5
Pages : 214

1. TaxationAn Overview
2. Central Excise DutyI: An Overview
3. Central Excise DutyII: Removal & Clearance
4. Central Excise DutyIII: Central Excise
5. Central Excise DutyIV
6. Excise DutyV: Registration
7. Excise DutyVI: CENVAT
9. Customs DutyI: An Overview
10. Customs DutyII: Import and Export Procedures
11. Customs DutyIII: Custom Duty
Authorities and their Powers
12. Customs DutyIV: Penalties and Prosecutions


13. Central Sales TaxI: Fundamental of Central

Sales Tax Act, 1956
14. Central Sales TaxII: Provisions to Different
Categories of Sales under Central
Sales Tax Act, 1956
15. Central Sales TaxIII: Declaration
Forms and Turnover
16. Central Sales TaxIV: Registration of Dealers
17. Central Sales TaxV: Penalties and Prosecution
18. Service TaxI: An Overview
19. Service Tax ActII: Registration
20. Service Tax ActIII: Payment of Service Tax
21. Service TaxIV: Penalties and Appeals under
Service Tax

Books for Chaudhary Devi Lal University


T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-186-8 (Hindi) Pages: 448
1. Nature and Scope of Economics
2. Problem of Scarcity and Choice
3. Basic Concepts
4. Concepts of Demand and Law of Demand
5. Elasticity of Demand
6. Forecasting of Demand
7. Concepts of Supply and Law of Supply
8. Cardinal Utility Theory

Price: ` 270/-

9. Ordinal Utility Theory
10. Theory of Production
11. Theory of Costs
12. Concepts of Revenue
13. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data
14. Measures of Central TendencyArithmetic Mean
15. Measures of Central TendencyMedian and

ISBN : 978-93-5058-320-3
Pages : 392


T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-185-8 (Hindi) Pages: 256

1. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
2. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
3. Equilibrium Under Monopoly
4. Equilibrium Under Monopolistic Competition
5. Oligopoly

ISBN : 978-93-5058-268-8
Pages : 236


6. Theory of Factor Pricing
7. Rent
8. Interest
9. Profit
10. Measures of Dispersion

Price: ` 150/-


T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-334-0 (Hindi) Pages: 392

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Concepts of GDP and National Income
3. Measurement of National Income and Related
4. Classical Theory of Employment
5. Says Law of Market
6. Keynesian Theory of Employment
7. Consumption Function
8. Investment Function
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
ISBN : 978-93-5058-333-3


Pages : 364
T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

1. Inflation: Concept and Theories
2. Credit Creation
3. Credit Control
4. Nature and Scope of Public Finance
5. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage
6. Public Expenditure
7. Taxation System
8. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
9. Public Debt

Price: ` 207/-

10. Inter-regional and International Trade

11. Trade as an Engine of Growth
12. Theory of Comparative Costs
13. Modern Theory or HeckscherOhlin
Theory of International Trade
14. Gains from Trade
15. Balance of Payments
16. Correlation

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-504-7 (Hindi) Pages: 280

1. Economic Growth and Development
2. Determinants of Economic Development
3. Measurement of Economic Development
4. Obstacles to Economic Development
5. Vicious Circle of Poverty
6. Lewis Model of Unlimited Supply of Labour
7. Theory of Big Push
8. Balanced Growth
9. Unbalanced Growth

Pages : 260

Development and Environmental Economics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-503-0

Price: ` 252/-

10. Investment Multiplier

11. Principle of Acceleration
12. Money in a Modern Economy
13. Money SupplyMeaning and Determinants
14. Money Demand and Liquidity Preference Theory
15. Quantity Theory of Money
16. Functions of Commercial Banks
17. Functions of Central Bank
18. Banking Sector Reforms in India
19. Index Numbers

ISBN: 978-93-5058-394-4 (Hindi) Pages: 324

ISBN : 978-93-5058-393-7

Pages : 256


Price: ` 225/-

10. Leibensteins Critical Minimum Effort Thesis

11. EnvironmentA Necessity and Luxury
12. PopulationEnvironmental Linkage
13. Market Failure in Case of Environmental
14. PollutionPrevention and Control
15. Environmental Legislation (1986)
16. Sustainable Development
17. Regression

International Economics

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-537-5 (Hindi) Pages: 260

Price: ` 207/-

1. Inter-regional and International Trade
7. Foreign Trade Multiplier
2. Theory of Comparative Costs
8. Changes in Indias Foreign Trade since 1991
3. Modern Theory or HeckscherOhlin Theory of 9. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Trade
10. World Bank
4. Free Trade Vs. Protection
11. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
5. Foreign Exchange
12. Time Series Analysis
6. Balance of Payments

ISBN : 978-93-5058-536-8
Pages : 248

Proficiency in English

Sangita Mehta
Price: ` 125/-

ISBN : 978-93-5058-497-2
Pages : 172

1. Business Communication: Meaning
2. Basic forms of Communication
3. Communication Models
4. Communication Process
5. Theories of Communication
6. Formal and Informal Communication Networks
7. Communication Barriers
8. Spotting the Errors to Nouns, Pronouns,
Adjectives, Adverb
9. Reading and Writing Skills
10. Slogan Writing
11. Dialogue Writing


12. Comprehension Passage and Precis Writing

13. Business Letter
14. Antonyms and Synonyms
15. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
16. Words often Confused
17. One-Word Substitutes
18. Formation of Words (Roots, Prefixes and
19. Homonyms
20. Newspaper, Magazine Reading
21. Book Review Writing
22. Writing for Media and Advertising
23. Group Discussion

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Mukesh Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-495-8 (Hindi) Pages: 764

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
*3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
*4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Measures of Dispersion
7. Measures of Skewness
8. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis

Price: ` 504/-

Price: ` 180/-

9. Correlation
10. Linear Regression Analysis
11. Index NumbersI
12. Index NumbersII
13. Time Series AnalysisI
14. Time Series AnalysisII
*Statistical Tables

ISBN : 978-93-5058-494-1
Pages : 718

Company Law

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-502-3 (Hindi) Pages: 264

ISBN : 978-93-5058-501-6
Pages : 252

1. Historical Development of Company Law in
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of
a Company
6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus


9. Shares: Kinds of Shares, Voting Rights of

10. Allotment and Issue of Shares
11. Share Capital of Company
12. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
13. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
14. Members and Shareholders of a Company
15. Management and Administration of Company
16. Secretary
17. Company Meetings and Resolutions
18. Meetings' Procedure or Requisites of a Valid

Advanced Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-533-7 (Hindi) Pages: 396

1. Probability
2. Probability DistributionsBinomial and Poisson
3. Probability Distribution: Normal
4. Sampling and Sampling Distribution
5. Test of Hypothesis: Z-Test
6. Test of Hypothesis: t-Test

ISBN : 978-93-5058-532-0

Price: ` 135/-

Vandana Dangi

1. Investment Overview: Meaning, Nature and
2. Investment Avenues and their Evaluation
3. Concept and Measurement of Investment
Return and Risk
4. Technical Analysis
5. Fundamental Analysis
6. Company Analysis


7. Chi-Square (c2) Test

8. Statistical Estimation
9. Statistical Quality Control
V Short Answer Questions
V Advanced Statistical Tables

ISBN: 978-93-5058-577-1 (Hindi) Pages: 188

Price: ` 252/-

Pages : 396

Investment Management and Security Valuation

ISBN : 978-93-5058-588-7

7. Industry Analysis
8. Economic Analysis
9. Secondary Market: Stock Exchanges, Listing of
Securities and Online Trading
10. Trading Mechanism in Bombay Stock Exchange
11. Equity Valuation
12. Bond and Convertible Securities
13. Security and Exchange Board in India (SEBI)

Pages : 192

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-599-3 (Hindi) Pages: 252

Price: ` 207/-

1. Introduction
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities
2. Objects, Importance and Limitations of Auditing 8. Appointment, Power, Duties and Liabilities of an
3. Types of Audit
4. Audit Process and Audit Programme
9. Audit Report
5. Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal
10. Investigation
11. Auditing of E-commerce Transaction
6. Routine Checking and Vouching
12. Professional Conduct and Ethics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-598-6

Pages : 244


Books for Maharishi Dayanand University


T.R. Jain, B.D.Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-80901-93-0 (Hindi) Pages: 484
1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Basic Concepts of National Income Accounting
3. Measurement of National Income and Related
4. Central Statistical Organisation and
Measurement of National Income in India
5. Some Basic Concepts Relating to National
Income Determination
6. Consumption Function
7. Investment Function

ISBN : 978-93-80735-96-2
Pages : 448

1. Money in a Modern Economy
2. Supply of Money
3. Demand for Money and Liquidity Preference
Theory of Interest
4. Quantity Theory of Money
5. Credit Creation
6. Monetary Policy
7. ISLM Analysis
8. Theories of Trade Cycle: Samuelson and Hicks

Development Economics and International Economics

9. HarrodDomar Growth Model

10. Gains from International Trade
11. Balance of Payments
12. Foreign Exchange
13. Nature and Scope of Public Finance
14. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage
15. Public Expenditure
16. Taxation System
17. Impact and Incidence of Taxation

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Characteristics of Underdeveloped Countries
2. Economic Growth and Development
3. Determinants of Economic Development
4. Measurement of Economic Development
5. Obstacles to Economic Development
6. Vicious Circle of Poverty
7. Balanced Growth
8. Unbalanced Growth

ISBN : 978-93-5058-208-4
Pages : 396


Price: ` 405/- (For Sem. III & IV)

8. Determination of Equilibrium GDP in a Two

Sector Economy
9. The Concept of Multiplier
10. National Income Determination in a Three
Sector Closed Economy
11. National Income Determination in an Open
12. Determination of GDP and Price Level in the
Short Run
13. Determination of GDP and Price Level in the
Long Run

ISBN: 978-93-5058-209-1 (Hindi) Pages: 448

1. Inter-Regional and International Trade
2. Theory of Comparative Costs
3. Modern (HeckscherOhlin) Theory of
International Trade
4. Foreign Exchange
5. Exchange Rate Policy in India
6. Free Trade Vs. Protection
7. Terms of Trade
8. Exchange Control

Price: ` 300/- (For Sem. V & VI)

9. Lewis Model
10. Leibensteins Critical Minimum Effort Thesis
11. Natural Resources
12. EnvironmentA Necessity and Luxury
13. PopulationEnvironmental Linkage
14. Environment as a Public Good
15. Environmental Pollution
16. Sustainable Development

9. Indias Foreign Trade

10. Balance of Payments
11. Foreign Trade Multiplier
12. International Monetary Fund
13. World Bank
14. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
15. South Asian Association For Regional

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-80901-19-0 (Hindi) Pages: 432
1. Basic Problems of an Economy
2. Working of Price Mechanism
3. Elasticity of Demand
3A. Theory of Supply
4. Theory of Production

ISBN : 978-93-80901-18-3
Pages : 404

Business Management

1. Price Determination under Perfect Competition
2. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry under Perfect
3. Monopoly
4. Monopolistic Competition
4A. Oligopoly

Price: ` 330/- (For Sem. I & II)

5. Producers OptimizationIsoquant
Curve Analysis
6. Theory of Costs
7. Market Structure
8. Utility Analysis
9. Indifference Curve Analysis

5. Theory of Factor Pricing

6. Determination of Wage Rates
7. Rent
8. Interest
9. Profit

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-80901-30-5(Hindi) Pages: 438
1. Business: An Introduction
2. Spectrum or Scope of Business Activities
3. Management: An Introduction
4. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
5. Development of Management Thought
6. Planning: Concept and Process
7. Types of Plans

ISBN : 978-93-80901-29-9
Pages : 410

1. Staffing: Concept and Scope
2. Recruitment: Meaning and Sources
3. Selection: Meaning and Process
4. Training: Importance and Methods
5. Motivation: Nature and Theories
6. Leadership: Styles and Theories


Price: ` 300/- (For Sem. I & II)

8. Decision-Making: Concept and Process

9. Management by Objectives
10. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process
11. Forms of Organisation Structure and
Contingency Factors
12. Departmentation: Need and Basis
13. Authority and Responsibility: Delegation of
14. Decentralisation and Centralisation

7. Communication: Process, Network and Barriers
8. Controlling: Concept and Process
9. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern
10. Management of Change

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-26-8 (Hindi) Pages: 252
1. Basics of Communication
2. Seven Cs of Effective Communication
3. Barriers or Miscommunication
4. Ethical Context of Communication
5. Business Communication of Work Place
Letter Writing
6. E-Mailing
7. Bad News Letter
8. Persuasive Written Communication

ISBN : 978-93-80901-25-1
Pages : 244

Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Business Environment An Introduction
(Concept and Components)
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Trends in National Income
5. Trends in Saving and Investment
6. Trends in Industrial Development
7. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments

Basics of Computer

Price: ` 405/- (Set of Two Books)

9. Memos or Memorandum
10. Notice, Agenda and Minutes of Meeting
11. Report Writing
12. Abstracts, Summaries and Proposals
13. Reading Skills
14. Listening Skills
15. Note Making
16. Persuasive Speaking
17. Body Language, Gestures

ISBN: 978-93-80901-04-6 (Hindi) Pages: 280

ISBN : 978-93-80901-03-9
Pages : 252

Price: ` 405/- (Set of Two Books)

8. Unemployment Problem in India
9. Regional Imbalances
10. Inflation
11. Parallel Economy
12. Industrial Sickness
13. Monetary Policy of India
14. Fiscal Policy of India
15. Industrial Policy
16. Privatisation in India

P.K. Singh
Price : ` 190/Semester-I
UNIT: 1. Introduction to Computers
UNIT: 2. Input and Output Devices
UNIT: 3. Memory and Mass Storage Devices
UNIT: 4. Microsoft Word

ISBN : 978-93-80901-70-1

Pages : 296


UNIT: 1. Fundamentals of Computers
UNIT: 2. Software Concepts
UNIT: 3. Introduction to Windows
UNIT: 4. Microsoft Excel

Financial Accounting

R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

ISBN: 978-93-80901-84-8 (Hindi) Pages: 510
1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
2. Accounting Principles
3. Accounting Standards
*4. Accounting Equation
5. Recording of Business Transactions
6. Capital and Revenue Items

ISBN : 978-93-80901-83-1

Financial Accounting

Pages : 468
R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

1. Consignment Accounts
2. Joint Venture Accounts
3. Branch Accounts
4. Hire Purchase & Instalment Payment Systems
5. Partnership AccountsDistribution of Profits
6. Partnership AccountsAdmission of a Partner
7. Partnership AccountsRetirement or
Death of a Partner

Corporate Law

Price: ` 275/-

7. Final Accountswith Adjustments
8. Errors and their Rectification
9. Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves
10. Accounts of Non-Trading Organisations
11. Consignment Accounts

ISBN: 978-93-5058-365-4 (Hindi) Pages: 850

ISBN : 978-93-5058-364-7

Price: ` 325 /-

8. Partnership AccountsDissolution of
Partnership Firm
9. Sale of Partnership Firm to a Company
10. Royalty Accounts
11. Departmental Accounts

Pages : 782

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-80901-52-7 (Hindi) Pages: 312
1. Historical Development of Company Law in India
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of
a Company

ISBN : 978-93-80901-51-0
Pages : 292

1. Share and Stock
2. Allotment of Shares
3. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
4. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
5. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and
6. Share Capital of Company


Price: ` 300/- (For Sem. III & IV)

6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus
9. Borrowing Powers: Debentures and Charges

7. Members and Shareholders of a Company

8. Company Meetings and Resolutions
9. Meetings' Procedure or Requisites of a Valid
10. Directors: Appointment, Removal, Powers,
Duties and Liabilities
11. Winding up of the Company


T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-80901-65-7(Hindi) Pages: 276
1. National Income: Concepts and Measurement
2. Says Law of Markets
3. Classical Theory of Employment
4. Keynesian Theory of Employment
5. Consumption Function and its Determinants
6. Investment
7. Marginal Efficiency of Capital

ISBN : 978-93-80901-64-0

8. Investment Multiplier
9. Investment Theory of Accelerator
10. Trade Cycle Theories
11. Economic Growth and Development
12. Economic DevelopmentDeterminants
13. Measurement of Economic Development
14. Vicious Circle of Poverty

Ashok Jain, Varun Jain

ISBN: 978-93-80901-78-7 (Hindi) Pages: 324
1. Marketing: An Introduction
2. Marketing Concept
3. Market Segmentation
4. Consumer Behaviour
5. Product Planning and Development
6. Development of New Product
7. Product Life Cycle

Price: ` 375/- (Set of Two Books)

Pages : 224

Marketing Management

ISBN : 978-93-80901-77-0

Price: ` 375/- (Set of Two Books)

8. Branding
9. Product Pricing
10. Advertising
11. Advertising Media
12. Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness
13. Sales Promotion
14. Publicity and Public Relations

Pages : 292

Human Resource Management

Ashok Khurana, Parveen Khurana, Hira Lal Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-81420-21-8 (Hindi) Pages: 152

1. Introduction to Human Resource Management
2. Recruitment and Selection
3. Training
4. Wages and Theories of Wages
5. Methods of Wage Payment

ISBN : 978-93-81420-20-1

Pages : 148


6. Concepts of Wages
7. Special Incentives
8. Industrial Relations
9. Industrial Disputes

Price: ` 110/-

Business Regulatory Framework

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-80901-46-6(Hindi) Pages: 400

1. Mercantile Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal FormalitiesWritten and Registered
ISBN : 978-93-80901-45-9
Pages : 344

Business Statistics

1. Indian Partnership Act, 1932
2. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
3. (i) Sale of Goods Act 1930
3. (ii) Contract of Sale
3. (iii) Conditions and Warranties
3. (iv) Transfer of Property or Ownership

Price: ` 300/- (For Sem. III & IV)

10. Contingent Contracts

11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract
15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency
18. Consumer Protection Act1986

3. (v) Performance of the ContractDelivery and

3. (vi) Unpaid Seller
3. (vii) Suits for Breach of Contract
4. Carriage of Goods

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Mukesh Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80901-76-3 (Hindi) Pages: 972
1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification of Data:
Frequency Distribution
4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency

ISBN : 978-93-80901-75-6
Pages : 918

1. Index NumbersI
2. Index NumbersII
3. Time Series AnalysisI
4. Time Series AnalysisII
5. Probability

Price: ` 504/- (For Sem. III & IV)

6. Measures of Dispersion
7. Measures of Skewness
8. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis
9. Correlation
10. Linear Regression Analysis
*Short Answer Type Questions

6. Probability Distributions Binomial and Poisson

7. Probability Distribution Normal
*Statistical Tables


Corporate Accounting

R.K. Mittal, Shagun Ahuja

ISBN: 978-93-5058-190-2 (English)

978-93-5058-191-9 (Hindi)
1. Issue of Shares
2. Redemption of Preference Shares
3. Issue of Debentures
4. Redemption of Debentures
5. Valuation of Goodwill

Pages: 512
Pages: 536 Price: ` 333/-

6. Valuation of Shares
7. Profit or Loss Prior to Incorporation and
Subsequent to Incorporation
8. Final Accounts of Companies

ISBN: 978-93-5058-368-5 (English)

978-93-5058-369-2 (Hindi)

Pages: 600
Pages: 592 Price: ` 333/-

1. Internal Reconstruction (Including Alteration of 4. Financial Reporting in Financial Institutions
Share Capital)
5. Accounts of Banking Companies
2. Amalgamation of Companies
6. Accounts of Insurance Companies
3. Liquidation of Companies
7. Accounts of Holding Companies

Banking and Banking Law

T.R. Jain, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-81015-47-6 (Hindi) Pages: 200
1. Bank: Definition and Functions
2. Problems of Non-Performing Assets
3. Structure of Commercial Banking in India
4. Commercial Bank: Process of Credit Creation
5. Regional Rural Banks
6. Co-operative Banks
7. Reserve Bank of India: Functions, Regulation
and Credit Control
8. Monetary and Credit Policy of Reserve Bank of

ISBN : 978-93-81015-46-9
Pages : 180


Price: ` 165/-

9. Determination and Regulation of Interest Rates

in India
10. Banker and Customer Relationship
11. Some Special Types of Bank Customers
12. Negotiable Instruments: Meaning, Features and
13. Rights and Liabilities of Parties for Negotiable
14. Endorsement of Negotiable Instruments

Financial Market Operations

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-87-4 (Hindi) Pages: 332
1. Overview of Indian Financial System
2. Indian Money Market
3. Primary Market
4. Secondary Market
5. OTCEI and NSE
6. The Securities Exchange Board of India

Price: ` 200/-

7. Investor Protection
8. Functionaries on Stock Exchange
9. Merchant Banking
10. Credit Ratin
11. Development Banks
12. Mutual Fund

ISBN : 978-93-81420-86-7
Pages : 316

International Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-81420-99-7 (Hindi) Pages: 336

ISBN : 978-93-81420-98-0
Pages : 312

1. International BusinessAn Introduction
2. Trends in International Trade and Finance
3. International Business Environment (Overview)
4. Modes of International Business
5. Risk in International Business Environment
6. Motives for International Business
7. Organisational Structure of International
8. World Trade Organisation and World Trading
9. Exchange Rate and Global Financial System
10. Barriers to International Business
11. International Business Information and
12. Foreign Market Entry Strategies, Country
Evaluation and Selection


Price: ` 225/-

13. Foreign Investment and Impact of FDI

14. Types and Motives for Foreign Collaborations
15. Control Mechanism for International Business
16. Global Manufacturing, Outsourcing and Global
Supply Chain Management
17. International Marketing
18. Counter-trade Practices and Mechanism of
International Trade
19. International Accounting
20. Cross-cultural Challenges in International
21. International Human Resource Management
22. Social Responsibility and Ethical Issues in
International Business

Secretarial Practice

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-81420-79-9 (Hindi) Pages: 150
1. Introduction to Company Secretary
2. Formation of Company and Secretary
3. Issue and Allotment of Shares
4. Share Certificate, Share Warrant and Stock
5. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture and Reissue of
Forfeited Shares
6. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
7. Company Meetings

ISBN : 978-93-81420-77-5


Price: ` 125/-

8. Requisites of a Valid Meeting

9. Meetings of Shareholders and Secretarial
10. Meetings of Board of Directors and Secretarial
11. Motions and Resolutions
12. Voting and Proxy

Pages : 136

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-81420-80-5 (Hindi) Pages: 304
1. Introduction
2. Objects, Importance and Limitations of Auditing
3. Types of Audit
4. Audit Process and Audit Programme
5. Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal
6. Routine Checking and Vouching
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities

ISBN : 978-93-81420-78-2

8. Valuation of Assets
9. Appointment, Power, Duties and Liabilities of an
10. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
11. Divisible Profits and Dividends
12. Audit Report
13. Investigation

Vandana Dangi
ISBN: 978-93-5058-345-6 (Hindi) Pages:156
1. Investment Overview
2. Investment Avenues and their Evaluation
3. Concept and Measurement of Investment
Return and Risk
4. Efficient Market Theory or Hypothesis
5. Technical Analysis
6. Fundamental Analysis

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 264

Investment Management

ISBN : 978-93-5058-194-0

Pages : 160


Price: ` 135/-

7. Company Analysis
8. Industry Analysis
9. Macroeconomic Analysis
10. Secondary Market: Stock Exchanges, Online
11. Trading Mechanism in Bombay Stock Exchange
12. Derivatives
13. Options

Accounting for Management and Financial Management

R.K. Mittal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-154-4 (Hindi) Pages: 588

1. Management Accountingnature and Scope
2. Financial Statements
3. Techniques of Financial Analysis
4. Ratio Analysis
5. Budget and Budgetary Control
6. Absorption and Marginal Costing
and Break-even Analysis
7. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis

Price: ` 405/- (For Sem. V & VI)

1. Nature and Scope of Financial Management
2. Working Capital Management
3. Management of Cash and Marketable Securities
4. Receivable Management
5. Capital Market and Market Efficiency
6. Primary Capital Market
7. Secondary Capital Market
8. Merchant Banking
9. Mutual Funds
10. Capital Structure: Theory and Policy
11. Dividend: Theory and Policy

ISBN : 978-93-5058-153-7
Pages : 564

International Business and Trade

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-054-7 (Hindi) Pages: 288

ISBN : 978-93-5058-053-0
Pages : 268

1. International Business and TradeAn
2. International Business Environment Concept
and Components
3. Risk in International Business
4. Globalisation
5. Modes of Entering into International Business
6. Foreign Investment and Impact of FDI
7. Multinational Enterprises
8. Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate
9. Balance of Payments
10. Classical Theory of International Trade
Absolute Advantage and Comparative
Advantage Theory


Price: ` 175/-

11. Modern Theories of International Trade

Factor Proportion Theory and Product Life
Cycle Theory
12. Control Mechanism for International Business
and Government Intervention
13. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
14. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
15. World Bank
16. International Marketing-IAssessing Markets,
Designing Products and Branding Decisions
17. International Marketing-IIPricing, Promotion,
Distribution and Logistics

Books for Punjab, Punjabi and Guru Nanak Dev Universities


T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-477-4 (Hindi) Pages: 428

ISBN: 978-93-5058-478-1 (Punjabi) Pages: 396

1. Definition of Economics
2. Nature and Scope of Economics
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Utility Analysis
6. Indifference Curve Analysis
7. Consumers Surplus
8. Theory of Production
9. Theory of Costs
10. Market Forms
11. Concepts of Revenue

Price: ` 275/-

12. Price Determination Under Perfect

13. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
14. Monopoly
15. Monopolistic Competition
16. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
17. Rent
18. Interest
19. Profit

ISBN : 978-93-5058-476-7
Pages : 412


T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu, S. K. Khurana

ISBN: 978-93-5058-130-8 (Hindi) Pages: 480

ISBN : 978-93-5058-129-2
Pages : 464

ISBN: 978-93-5058-131-5 (Punjabi) Pages: 452

1. Definition of Economics
2. Scope of Economics
3. Basic Concepts
4. Basic Economic Problems
5. Demand Function, Supply Function and Price
6. Slope and Elasticity of Demand
7. Utility Analysis
8. Indifference Curve Analysis
9. Theory of Revealed Preference
10. Theory of Production
11. Theory of Costs


Price: ` 350/-

12. Concepts of Revenue

13. Market Forms
14. Price Determination Under Perfect
15. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
16. Monopoly
17. Monopolistic Competition
18. Theory of Factor Pricing
19. Rent
20. Interest
21. Profit

Microeconomics and Indian Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-458-3 (Hindi) Pages: 404

ISBN: 978-93-5058-459-0 (Punjabi) Pages: 388

1. Definition of Economics
2. Scope of Economics
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Utility Analysis
6. Indifference Curve Analysis
7. Consumers Surplus
8. Theory of Production
9. Theory of Costs
10. Market Forms
11. Concepts of Revenue

ISBN : 978-93-5058-457-6
Pages : 392


Price: ` 275/-

Indian Economy
1. Nature and Characteristics of Indian
2. New Agricultural Strategy
3. Green Revolution
4. Industrial Policy of India
5. Small Scale Industries in India
6. Major Large Scale Industries in India
7. Public Sector in India
8. Private Sector in India.

T.R. Jain, A. S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-512-2 (Hindi) Pages: 332

ISBN: 978-93-5058-513-9 (Punjabi) Pages: 316

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Consumption Function
3. Investment Function
4. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
5. Multiplier
6. Classical Theory of Income and Employment
7. Says Law of Market
8. Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment
ISBN : 978-93-5058-511-5


Price: ` 275/-

Money: Definition, Functions and Role

Quantity Theory of Money
Keynesian Liquidity Preference Theory
Bank: Meaning and Functions
Credit Creation
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
Trade Cycles

Pages : 328

Microeconomics and Indian Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-349-4 (Hindi) Pages: 296

ISBN: 978-93-5058-277-0 (Punjabi) Pages: 304

1. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
2. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
3. Price and Output Determination Under
4. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
5. Rent
6. Interest
7. Profit
ISBN : 978-93-5058-348-7
Pages : 284


Price: ` 225/-

Indian Economy
8. Indian Taxation System
9. Foreign Trade of India
10. Balance of Payments: Concept and Trends
11. Economic Planning in India
12. Eleventh Five Year Plan
13. Twelfth Five Year Plan
14. Population and Economic Development
15. Features of Population Growth in India
16. Problem of Poverty
17. Unemployment Problem in India
18. Inflation in India

Indian Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80735-97-9 (Hindi) Pages: 528

ISBN : 978-93-80735-98-6
Pages : 520

ISBN: 978-93-80901-31-2 (Punjabi) Pages: 528

Semester II
1. Features of Indian Economy on The Eve of
2. Nature of Indian Economy
3. Agriculture in India Importance and
4. New Agricultural Strategy and Sustainable
Agriculture Growth
5. Green Revolution
6. Land Reforms
7. World Trade Organisation and Indian
8. Role and Problems of Industrial Development
in India
9. Public Sector Enterprises
10. Private Sector in India
11. Privatisation of Public Sector Enterprises
12. Industrial Policy
13. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India
14. Industrial Pollution and its Impact on

Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Price: ` 405/-

15. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments

16. Foreign Trade Policy
17. Foreign Capital in India
18. Multinational Corporations
19. Population and Economic Development
20. Features of Population Growth in India
21. Unemployment Problem in India
22. Problem of Poverty
23. Inequalities of Income and Wealth in India
24. Regional Inequalities in India
25. Inflation in India
26. Indian Taxation System
27. Centre-State Financial Relations in India
28. Evaluation of Economic Planning in India
29. Eleventh Five Year Plan
30. Twelfth Five Year Plan
31. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation
32. Large Scale Industries

T.R. Jain, Ashok Gupta

ISBN: 978-93-5058-487-3 (Hindi) Pages: 288

ISBN : 978-93-5058-486-6
Pages : 284

ISBN: 978-93-5058-488-0 (Punjabi) Pages: 268

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Classical Model of Income and Employment
3. Says Law of Market
4. Keynesian Model of Income and Employment
5. Consumption Function
6. Investment Function
7. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
8. Multiplier


Public Finance
9. Introduction to Public Finance
10. Public Expenditure
11. Taxation System
12. Classification of Taxes
13. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
14. Deficit Financing
15. Public Debt

Price: ` 225/-


T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-294-7 (Hindi) Pages: 420

ISBN : 978-93-5058-293-0
Pages : 404

ISBN: 978-93-5058-295-4 (Punjabi) Pages: 412

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Classical Model of Income and Employment
3. Says Law of Market
4. Keynesian Model of Income and Employment
5. The Principle of Effective Demand: AD and AS
6. Wage-Employment Relationship: Classical Vs.
7. Consumption Function
8. Investment Function
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
10. Multiplier

Macroeconomics and International Economics

Price: ` 325/-

11. Principle of Acceleration

12. Money: Definition and Functions
13. Money and Prices: Quantity Theory and
Keynesian Theory of Money
14. Money Market and Capital Market
15. Theories of Interest
16. Commercial Bank: Definition and Functions
17. Commercial Bank: Credit Creation
18. Central Bank and its Credit Control Policy
19. Inflation
20. Monetary Policy
21. Fiscal Policy
22. Trade Cycle and Investment Theories
23. MultiplierAccelerator Interaction

T.R. Jain, Ashok Gupta

ISBN: 978-93-5058-521-4 (Hindi) Pages: 328

ISBN : 978-93-5058-520-7
Pages : 320

ISBN: 978-93-5058-522-1 (Punjabi) Pages: 308

1. Money: Functions and Role
2. Money Market and Capital Market
3. Theories of Money
4. Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest
5. Bank: Definition and Functions
6. Credit Creation
7. Inflation
8. Trade Cycles
9. Monetary Policy
10. Fiscal Policy


Price: ` 225/-

International Economics
11. Introduction to International Trade
12. Classical Theory of International Trade
13. Modern Theory or HeckscherOhlin Theory
of International Trade
14. Terms of Trade and Principle of Reciprocal
Demand (Offer Curve Analysis)
15. World Trade Organisation and Less
Developed Countries
16. Balance of Payments
17. Foreign Exchange
18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
19. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development or World Bank
20. South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC)

International Economics and Public Finance

T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-353-1 (Hindi) Pages: 312

ISBN: 978-93-5058-278-7 (Punjabi) Pages: 292

1. An Introduction to International Trade
2. Classical Theory of International Trade
3. Modern Theory or HeckscherOhlin Theory
of International Trade
4. Gains from Trade
5. Terms of Trade
6. Trade and Economic Development
7. Theory of Commercial Policy: Free Trade and
ISBN : 978-93-5058-352-4

8. GATT and World Trade Organisation

9. Balance of Payments
10. Foreign Exchange
11. An Introduction to Public Finance
12. Public Expenditure
13. Taxation System
14. Classification of Taxes
15. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
16. Public Debt

T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-5058-463-7 (Hindi) Pages: 260

ISBN: 978-93-5058-464-4 (Punjabi) Pages: 260

Semester V
1. Economic Development: Meaning and
2. Determinants of Economic Development
3. Characteristics of Underdeveloped Countries
4. DualismSocial and Technological
5. Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supply of Labour
6. Unemployment
7. Disguised Unemployment
8. Classical Model of Growth
9. Marxian Model of Growth
10. Schumpeters Model of Growth
11. Harrod-Domars Model of Growth
12. Solows Model: Neo-Classical Model of Growth

ISBN : 978-93-5058-462-0
Pages : 280

Quantitative Methods

Price: ` 225/-

13. Rostows Theory of Stages of Growth

14. Balanced Growth as a Strategy of Economic
15. Unbalanced Growth as a Strategy of Economic
16. Theory of Big Push
17. Leibensteins Critical Minimum Effort Thesis
18. Export Promotion and Import Substitution
as Strategies of Development
19. Capital Formation: Meaning and Sources
20. Choice of Technique
21. Role of Planning in Underdeveloped Economies

T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-80735-74-0 (Hindi) Pages: 904

Part - I: Mathematics
1. Elementary Set Theory
2. Relations and Functions
3. Derivatives
4. Maxima and Minima
5. Matrices
6. Limits and Continuity
Part - II: Statistics
1. Measures of Central Tendency
2. Measures of Dispersion

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 296

Development Economics

ISBN : 978-93-80735-73-3

Pages : 816


ISBN: 978-93-80735-75-7 (Punjabi) Pages: 924

Price: ` 540/-

3. Measures of Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis

4. Index Numbers
5. Correlation
6. Regression
7. Interpolation and Extrapolation
8. Time Series Analysis
*Log Table
*Antilog Table


T.R. Jain, Ashok Gupta, Satpal Gupta

ISBN: 978-93-80735-81-8 (Hindi) Pages: 448

ISBN : 978-93-80735-80-1
Pages : 416

ISBN: 978-93-80735-82-5 (Punjabi) Pages: 440

1. Macro Economics
2. Classical Theory of Employment
3. Says Law of Market
4. Keynesian Theory of Employment
5. Effective Demand
6. Consumption Function
7. Investment
8. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
9. Wages and Employment
10. Multiplier
11. Acceleration Principle
12. Theories of Interest

Public Finance and International Trade

Price: ` 340/-

13. MoneyAn Introduction

14. Classification of Money
15. Money Market and Capital Market
16. Theories of Money
17. BankDefinition and Functions
18. Credit Creation
19. Credit Control
20. Inflation
21. Trade Cycles
22. Interaction between Accelerator and Multiplier
23. Monetary Policy
24. Fiscal Policy

T.R. Jain, Ashok Gupta, Sat Pal Gupta

ISBN: 978-93-80735-63-4 (Hindi) Pages: 352

ISBN : 978-93-80735-62-7
Pages : 312

ISBN: 978-93-80735-64-1 (Punjabi) Pages: 316

1. Public FinanceAn Introduction
2. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage
3. Public Expenditure
4. Taxation System
5. Classification of Taxes
6. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
7. Deficit Financing
8. Public Debt
9. International Trade
10. Classical Theory of International Trade
11. Modern Theory of International Trade or
HeckscherOhlin Theory


Price: ` 275/-

12. Terms of Trade and Principle of Reciprocal

Demand (Offer Curve Analysis)
13. Theory of Commercial Policy: Free Trade and
14. World Trade Organisation and Less Developed
15. Balance of Payments
16. Foreign Exchange
17. International Monetary Fund
18. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development or World Bank
19. South Asian Association for Regional

Development Economics

T.R. Jain, Ashok Gupta, A.S. Sandhu

ISBN: 978-93-80735-66-5 (Hindi) Pages: 332

ISBN : 978-93-80735-65-8
Pages : 296


ISBN: 978-93-80735-67-2 (Punjabi) Pages: 324

1. Economic Growth and Development

2. Main Features of an Underdeveloped Economy
3. Determinants of Economic Development
4. Capital Formation
5. Nurkses Thesis of Disguised Unemployment
6. Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supply of Labour
7. DualismSocial and Technological
8. Classical Model of Growth
9. Marxian Model of Growth
10. Schumpeters Model of Growth
11. HarrodDomars Model of Growth
12. Neo-Classical Model of Growth
13. Kaldors Model of Economic Growth
14. Amartya Sens Views on Poverty and

Price: ` 275/-

15. Theory of Balanced Growth

16. Theory of Unbalanced Growth
17. Leibensteins Critical Minimum Effort Thesis
18. Theory of Big Push
19. Rostows Theory of Stages of Growth
20. Theory of Economic Planning
21. Price Mechanism and Planning
22. Input-Output Analysis
23. Investment Criteria
24. Choice of Technique
25. Export Promotion and Import Substitution

T.R. Jain, O. P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-5058-490-3 (Hindi) Pages: 332
1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of
2. Theory of Demand
3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Utility Analysis
5. Indifference Curve Analysis
6. Theory of Production
7. Break-even Analysis and Profit Forecasting
8. Theory of Costs

ISBN : 978-93-5058-489-7
Pages : 316


Price: ` 225/-

9. Concepts of Revenue
10. Price Determination Under Perfect
11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
12. Price Determination Under Monopoly
13. Price Determination Under Monopolistic

Principles and Practices of Management

R.K. Singla

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Development of Management Thought
4. Planning: Concept and Process
5. Types of Plans
6. Decision-Making: Concept and Process
7. Management by Objectives
8. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process
9. Span of Control or Span of Management
10. Departmentation: Need and Basis
11. Authority and Responsibility: Delegation of
12. Decentralisation and Centralisation

ISBN : 978-93-5058-433-0
Pages : 332

Principles of Economics

ISBN: 978-93-80735-91-7 (Punjabi) Pages: 332

1. Theory of Demand
2. Elasticity of Demand
3. Utility Analysis
4. Indifference Curve Analysis
5. Theory of Production
6. Isoquant Curves
7. Break-Even Point Analysis and Profit
8. Theory of Cost

13. Directing: Principles and Elements
14. SupervisionMeaning and Functions of
15. Motivation: Concept and Theories
16. Leadership: Styles and Theories
17. Communication: Process, Network and
18. Coordination: Principles and Techniques
19. Controlling: Process and Importance
20. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-80735-90-0 (Hindi) Pages: 352

ISBN : 978-93-80735-89-4

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 340


Price: ` 225/-

9. Concepts of Revenue
10. Price Determination Under Perfect
11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
12. Price Determination Under Monopoly
13. Price Determination Under Monopolistic
14. Price Determination Under Oligopoly

Business Analytical Techniques

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, S.K. Khurana

ISBN : 978-93-5058-303-6 Pages : 500

1. Matrices and Determinants
2. Simple and Compound Interest
3. Discounting and Factoring Techniques
4. Introduction to Statistics
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Measures of Dispersion

Business Economics

Mercantile Law

Price: ` 350/-

Price: ` 325/-

7. Measures of Skewness
8. Measures of Kurtosis
9. Index Numbers
10. Time Series Analysis
*Statistical Tables

T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

1. An Introduction to Business Economics
2. Theory of Demand
3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Utility Approach
5. Indifference Curve Approach
6. Theory of Revealed Preference
7. Theory of Production
8. Theory of Costs
9. Concepts of Revenue
ISBN : 978-93-5058-296-1

10. Price Determination Under Perfect

11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
12. Monopoly
13. Monopolistic Competition
14. Rent
15. Profit
16. Wages

Pages : 396

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-158-2
Pages : 336

1. Mercantile Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal FormalitiesWritten and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract


Price : ` 275/-

15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee

16. Contracts of Bailment
17. Contracts of Agency
18. (i) Sale of Goods Act 1930
18. (ii) Contract of Sale
18. (iii) Conditions and Warranties
18. (iv) Transfer of Property or Ownership
18. (v) Performance of the ContractDelivery
and Payment
18. (vi) Unpaid Seller
18. (vii)Suits for Breach of Contract
19. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
20. Consumer Protection Act1986
21. Cyber Law (Information Technology Act)

Computer Fundamentals

Neeraj Mishra

1. Introduction to Computers
2. Computer Applications
3. Computer Memory
4. Input and Output Devices

ISBN : 978-93-5058-256-5

Price: ` 275/-

5. Computer Software
6. Computer Hardware
7. Fundamentals of DOS

R.K. Singla

ISBN : 978-93-5058-159-9
Pages : 372

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Levels and Functions of Management
4. Evolution of Management Thoughts: Various
5. Planning: Significance and Process
6. Types of Plans
7. Decision-Making: Concept and Process
8. Management by Objectives
9. Organising: Process and Elements
10. Types of Organisation

Principles of Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-5058-524-5 (Hindi) Pages: 264

Pages : 256


11. Span of Control or Span of Management

12. Delegation of Authority: Process and Importance
13. Decentralisation and Centralisation
14. Departmentation: Need and Basis
15. Direction: Nature and Principles
16. Communication: Process, Types, Importance
and Barriers
17. Controlling: Need, Nature, Importance and
18. Control Techniques
19. Motivation: Theories and Techniques
20. Leadership: Theories and Styles

ISBN: 978-93-5058-525-2 (Punjabi) Pages: 252

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. National Income and Related Aggregates
3. Measurement of National Income
4. Classical Theory of Employment
5. Says Law of Market
6. Keynesian Theory of Employment
7. Consumption Function

Price: ` 110/-

Pages : 132

Management Principles & Practices

ISBN : 978-93-5058-523-8

8. Investment Function
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
10. Multiplier
11. Inflation
12. Trade Cycles

Price: ` 225/-

Business Analytical Techniques

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, S.K. Khurana

1. Correlation Analysis
2. Regression Analysis
3. Interpolation and Extrapolation
4. Probability Theory
5. Probability Distributions Binomial and

ISBN : 978-93-5058-375-3

Commercial Law

6. Probability DistributionNormal
7. Association of Attributes
8. Sampling Techniques
9. Source of Statistical Data in India
*Statistical Tables

Pages : 496

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-384-5 (Hindi) Pages: 340

ISBN : 978-93-5058-383-8
Pages : 316

Price: ` 325/-

1. Introduction to Commerical Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal Formalities Written and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract
15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency


Price: ` 225/-

18. Sale of Goods Act, 1930: An Introduction

19. Contract of Sale
20. Conditions and Warranties
21. Transfer of Property or Ownership
22. Performance of the Contract Delivery and
23. Unpaid Seller
24. Suits for Breach of Contract
25. Consumer Protection Act, 1986
26. Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008: An
27. Partners: Their Relations and Liability
28. Contribution and Financial Disclosure
29. Investigation
30. Compromise, Arrangement or Reconstruction
and Winding up of Limited Liability Partnerships
31. Miscellaneous Provisions of the LLP Act

Functional Management

R.K. Singla

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Scope or Functional Areas of Management
3. Management as Science, Art and Profession
4. Principles of Management: Nature and
5. Social Responsibility of Management and
Business Ethics
6. Personnel Management: Significance and
7. Recruitment: Meaning and Sources
8. Selection: Meaning and Process

ISBN : 978-93-5058-566-5
Pages : 208

Computer Applications in Business

9. Training: Importance and Methods

10. Job Evaluation and Merit Rating
11. Workers Participation in Management
12. Marketing, Marketing Management and
Marketing Mix
13. Marketing Research: Meaning and Process
14. Advertising: Meaning, Benefits and Media
15. Personal Selling and Salesmanship
16. Strategic Management: Meaning, Process and
17. Production Management

Ravinder Kaur, Neeraj Mishra

1. MS Windows
2. MS Word
3. Excel 2010
4. PowerPoint 2010
5. MS Outlook 2010

ISBN : 978-93-5058-263-3

6. Introduction to Desktop Publishing

7. Computer Viruses
8. Usage of E-Mail
9. Designing Web Pages

T.R. Jain, A.S. Sandhu

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. National Income and Related Aggregates
3. Measurement of National Income
4. Classical Theory of Income and Employment
5. Says Law of Market
6. Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 304

Business Economics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-509-2

Price: ` 150/-

Pages : 264


Price: ` 325/-

7. Consumption Function
8. Investment
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
10. Multiplier
11. Accelerator
12. Interaction between Multiplier and
13. Inflation

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

ISBN: 978-93-5058-249-7 (Hindi) Pages: 328

ISBN: 978-93-5058-258-9 (Punjabi) Pages: 324

1. Theory of Demand
2. Elasticity of Demand
3. Consumer Behaviour-I: Cardinal Utility Approach
4. Consumer Behaviour-II: Indifference Curve
5. Consumer Behaviour-III: Revealed Preference
6. Theory of Production

Price: ` 225/-

Price: ` 150/-

7. Theory of Costs
8. Concepts of the Revenue
9. Perfect Competition
10. Monopoly
11. Monopolistic Competition
12. National Income
13. Consumption Function

ISBN : 978-93-5058-248-0
Pages : 308

Industrial and Labour Law

Ashok Sharma

1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
2. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
3. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
4. The Employees Provident Funds
(and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952

ISBN : 978-93-5058-371-5

5. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
6. The Factories Act, 1948
7. The Environment Protection Act, 1986

Pages : 192

Communication Skills

Sri Jin Kushal

Price: ` 150/-

1. Reading Skills
8. Transcoding (Prose to Dialogue and Dialogue
2. Guidelines for Effective Writing
to Prose)
3. Writing Styles for Paragraphs and Short Essays 9. Speaking Skills
4. Academic and Technical Reports
10. Oral Presentation
5. Effective Listening Skills
11. Effective Presentation Skills
6. Attending Telephonic Interviews
12. Discussion Skills
7. Note Taking

ISBN : 978-93-5058-398-2

Pages : 204


Marketing Management

Ashok Jain, Varun Jain

ISBN : 978-93-5058-300-5
Pages : 356

Business Environment

1. Marketing: An Introduction
2. Marketing Concept
3. Marketing Environment
4. Marketing Information System
5. Consumer Behaviour
6. Marketing Segmentation
7. Product: Concept, Importance and
8. Product Mix Strategies
9. Product Identification: Branding, Packaging
and Labeling

10. Product Life Cycle

11. Pricing
12. Marketing (Distribution) Channels
13. Advertising: An Overview
14. Advertising Media
15. Advertisement Copy
16. Personal Selling
17. Sales Promotion
18. Publicity and Public Relations
19. Retailing

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-312-8
Pages : 240

Price: ` 225/-

1. Business Environment Concept, Types and
2. Environmental Analysis and Importance of
Business Environment
3. Strategic Management
4. Economic Environment of Business
5. Economic Systems
6. Industrial Policy
7. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
8. Monetary Policy of India
9. Fiscal Policy of India
10. Economic Planning in India


Price : ` 175/-

11. Eleventh Five Year Plan

12. Twelfth Five Year Plan
13. Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation
14. Political and Legal Environment, and State
Intervention in Business
15. Socio-cultural Environment of Business
16. Social Responsibility of Business
17. Social Audit
18. Competitive Structure of Industries
19. Demographic Environment
20. Technological Environment

Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-309-8 (Hindi) Pages: 472

ISBN : 978-93-5058-308-1
Pages : 452

International Business

1. Indian Business Environment Concept and
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. Trends in National Income
4. Trends in Saving and Investment
5. Trends in Industrial Development
6. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
7. Money Supply, Prices and Inflation
8. Business Finance
9. Unemployment Problem in India
10. Problem of Poverty
11. Regional Imbalances
12. Social Injustice
13. Parallel Economy
14. Industrial Sickness
15. Monetary Policy of India
16. Fiscal Policy of India

17. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing

18. Privatisation in India
19. Devaluation
20. Export-import (EXIM) Policy
21. Foreign Investment and its Regulation in
22. Deficit Financing and its Implications
23. Government Budget
24. Economic Planning in India
25. Tenth Five Year Plan
26. Eleventh Five Year Plan
27. Twelfth Five Year Plan
28. Resource Allocation in Five Year Plans
29. Consumerism and Consumer Protection Act
30. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
31. Competition Act, 2002

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-310-4
Pages : 284

Price: ` 295/-

1. International BusinessAn Introduction
2. Globalisation
3. Modes of Entering into International Business
4. International Business Environment Concept
and Components
5. Trends in World Trade
6. Trends in Indias Foreign Trade
7. Classical Theory of International Trade
8. Modern Theories of International Trade
9. Commercial Policy Instruments Tariff and
Non-tariff Measures
10. Balance of Payments
11. World Trade Organisation (WTO)


Price: ` 207/-

12. United Nations Conference on Trade and

Development (UNCTAD)
13. World Bank
14. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
15. Regional Economic Groups
16. International Financial System
17. Foreign Exchange Markets and Risk
18. Foreign Investment
19. Export Promotion Measures and Export
Oriented Units
20. Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

Corporate Law

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-467-5 (Hindi) Pages: 328

ISBN : 978-93-5058-466-8
Pages : 324

Business Mathematics

1. Historical Development of Company Law in
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus
9. Shares: Kinds of Shares, Voting Rights of
10. Allotment and Issue of Shares
11. Share Capital of Company

Price: ` 225/-

12. Share Certificate and Share Warrant

13. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
14. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien
15. Members and Shareholders of a Company
16. BorrowingDebentures and Charges
17. Management and Control of Companies
18. Company Meetings and Resolutions
19. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid
20. The Majority Rule and Minority Rights
21. Winding up of the Company
22. Emerging Issues in Company Law
23. Limited Liability Partnership

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Matrices and DeterminantsI
2. Matrices and DeterminantsII
3. Compound Interest
4. Annuities
5. Linear ProgrammingGraphic Method

ISBN : 978-93-5058-127-8
Pages : 280


Price: ` 225/-

6. Linear ProgrammingSimplex Method

7. Duality in Linear Programming
8. Transportation Problems
9. Assignment Problems

Company Law

Ashok Sharma

1. Historical Development of Company Law in

2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus
9. Shares: Kinds of Shares, Voting

ISBN : 978-93-5058-465-1
Pages : 276

Indian Financial System

10. Allotment and Issue of Shares

11. Share Capital of Company
12. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
13. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
14. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and
15. BorrowingDebentures and Charges
16. Management and Control of Companies
17. Company Meetings and Resolutions
18. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid
19. Winding up of the Company

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. An Introduction to Financial System
2. Financial System and Economic Development
3. Financial Market-I: Money Market
4. Financial Market-II: Capital Market
5. Indian Debt Market
6. Primary Market
7. Secondary Market
8. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
9. Investors Protection
ISBN : 978-93-5058-475-0

Cost Accounting

Price: ` 175/-

10. Functionaries on Stock Exchanges

11. Financial Institutions
12. Commercial Banking
13. Development Banks/Financial Institutions
14. Life and Non-life Insurance Organisations in
15. Mutual Funds
16. Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCS)
17. Financial Services
18. Venture Capital

Pages : 248

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Surinder Pal Kaur

1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Materials: Issue, Control and Valuation
4. Labour Cost: Computation and Control
5. Overheads
6. Reconcillation of Cost Accounts and Financial

ISBN : 978-93-5058-292-3

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 780


Price: ` 504/-

7. Unit Costing
8. Job and Batch Costing
9. Contract Costing
10. Process Costing System
11. Operating Costing
12. Marginal Costing and Break-Even Analysis
13. Standard Costing

Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80901-01-5 (Hindi) Pages: 304
1. Business Environment An Introduction
(Concept and Components Internal and
External Environment)
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. Trends in National Income
4. Trends in Saving and Investment
5. Trends in Industrial Growth Since 1950s
6. Trends in Prices and Inflation
7. Basic Strategy of Indian Planning
8. Eleventh Five Year Plan
9. Twelfth Five Year Plan
10. Resource Allocation in Five Year Plans
11. Achievements and Failures of Indian
Economic Planning

ISBN : 978-93-80901-00-8
Pages : 292

Industrial Law

Price: ` 225/-

12. Economic Environment Meaning and
13. Economic Systems Capitalism, Socialism
and Mixed Economy
14. Growth and Performance of Public Sector in
15. Growth and Performance of Private Sector in
16. Monetary Policy of India
17. Fiscal Policy of India
18. New Economic Policy
19. Socio-Cultural Environment of Business
20. Social Responsibility of Business and
Business Ethics
21. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
22. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
23. World Bank

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-373-9 (Hindi) Pages: 192
1. The Factories Act, 1948
2. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
3. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948

ISBN : 978-93-5058-372-2

Pages : 184


Price : ` 150/-

4. The Trade Unions Act, 1926

5. The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923

Indian Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan, Sangita Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-5058-388-3 (Hindi) Pages: 304
1. Nature of Indian Economy
2. Underdeveloped and Developed Economies
3. Development Experience of India, China,
Pakistan, Taiwan and KoreaA Comparative
4. Economic Planning in India
5. Eleventh Five Year Plan
6. Twelfth Five Year Plan
7. Agriculture in India Importance and
8. Land Reforms

Price: ` 225/-

9. Green Revolution and Food Problem

10. Agriculture Mechanisation
11. Agricultural Marketing
12. Agriculture Price Policy
13. Agricultural Credit
14. Role of Industrial Development in India
15. Small Scale Industries in India
16. Growth of Major Large Scale Industries in India
17. Industrial Sickness
18. Industrial Policy

ISBN : 978-93-5058-387-6
Pages : 300

Indirect Tax Laws

Sanjeet Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-395-1
Pages : 608

Important Sections and Rules in Indirect Taxes
1. Introduction to Indirect Taxes
Section-I: Central Excise
2. Basics of Central Excise Duty
3. Classification of Excisable Goods
4. Valuation under Central Excise
5. Cenvat
6. Registration
7. General Procedures under Central Excise Laws
8. Removal & Clearances of Goods
9. Export Procedures
10. Warehousing Provision
11. Small Scale Industries
12. Authorities and Their Powers
13. Offence and Penalties
Section-II: Customs
14. Basics of Custom Duty
15. Types of Custom Duty
16. Classification of Goods
17. Levy and Assessment of Custom Dut
18. Valuation
19. Procedure of Importation
20. Procedure of Exportation
21. Baggage
22. Warehousing
23. Duty Drawback
24. Export Incentives Schemes & Special Economic
Zone (SEZ)
25. Prohibition of Exportation and Importation of


Price: ` 405/-

Section-III: Sales Tax

26. entral Sales Tax Act, 1956
27. Categories of Sales
28. Registration of Dealers
29. Tax Liability, Levy and Collection of Central Sales
30. Declaration Forms
31. Determination of Taxable Turnover
32. Penalties and Prosecution
Section-IV: Service Tax
33. Basics of Service Tax
34. Negative List of Services, Exemptions and
35. Place of Provision of Service
36. Point of Taxation
37. Registration
38. Computation of Service Tax
39. General Procedures Under Service Tax
Section-V: HP VAT
40. Introduction to VAT
41. Key Features of Punjab Vat Act, 2005
42. Incidence of Tax
43. Registration
44. Maintenance of Books of Accounts & Records
45. Casual Trader
46. Computation of Taxable Turnover and VAT
47. Assessment
48. Returns and Payments of Tax
49. Establishment of Checkposts
50. Appeal and Refund
51. Offences and Penalties
Appendix (Specimen Vat Forms)

Management Accounting

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

1. Introduction to Management Accounting
2. Financial Statements
3. Funds Flow Analysis
4. Cash Flow Analysis
5. Ratio Analysis

ISBN : 978-93-5058-382-1

6. Tools of Financial Analysis

7. Cost of Capital
8. Analysis of Operating and Financial Leverage
9. Management Reporting

Pages : 192

Organisational Behaviour

R.K. Singla

1. Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction
2. Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Types and
3. Attitude: Meaning, Sources and Formation
4. Perception: Meaning, Nature and Process

ISBN : 978-93-5058-589-4

Price: ` 150/-

5. Group and Group Dynamics
6. Team Building and Development
7. Interpersonal Behaviour and Transactional
8. Coordination and Cooperation
9. Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Sources and
10. Organisational Culture and Climate
11. Stress Management: Causes and Techniques.

Pages : 208

Advertising and Sales Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-302-9 (Hindi) Pages: 336

ISBN : 978-93-5058-496-5
Pages : 400

Price: ` 150/-

1. Advertising: Nature, Scope and Functions
2. Types of Advertising
3. Advertising and Marketing Mix
4. Advertising and Communication Process
5. Advertising and Communication Mix
6. Objectives of Advertising
7. Advertising Budget
8. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising
9. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Advertising
10. Creative Aspects of Advertising: Copy-writing,
Copy-types, Layout, Message, Appeals
11. Types of Advertising Media
12. Media Planning and Scheduling
13. Advertising Agency and Its Role
14. Client Agency Relationship and Agency


Price: ` 275/-

15. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

16. Segmentation and Positioning Strategies
17. Sales ManagementAn Introduction
18. Personal Selling
19. Sales Organisation
20. Recruitment and Selection of Sales Personnel
21. Training Sales Personnel
22. Motivating Sales Personnel
23. Compensating Sales Personnel
24. Evaluating sales Personnel
25. Sales Budget
26. Sales Quotas and Sales Territories
27. Sales Meetings and Sales Contests
28. Analysis of Sales Volume and Selling Cost

Principles of Marketing

Ashok Jain, Varun Jain

1. Marketing: An Introduction
2. Marketing Concepts
3. Marketing Mix
4. Marketing Environment
5. Consumer Behaviour
6. Market Segmentation
7. Product: Concept and Classification
8. Product Planning and Development
9. Branding, Packaging and Labelling
10. After Sales Services

Price: ` 250/-

Price: ` 225/-

11. Product Life Cycle

12. Product Pricing
13. Distribution Channels
14. Marketing Middlemen
15. Physical Distribution
16. Promotion Mix
17. Advertising Media
18. Personal Selling
19. Selling as a Career

ISBN : 978-93-5058-492-7
Pages : 432

Financial Market Operations

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-302-9 (Hindi) Pages: 336
1. Overview of Indian Financial System
2. Indian Money Market
3. Primary Market
4. Secondary Market
5. OTCEI and NSE
6. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
7. The Securities Exchange Board of India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-301-2

8. Investor Protection
9. Functionaries on Stock Exchange
10. Merchant Banking
11. Credit Rating
12. Development Banks
13. Mutual Funds
14. Depositories Act, 1996

Pages : 316

Management Accounting

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

1. Introduction to Management Acounting

2. Financial Statement
3. Tools of Financial Analysis
4. Funds Flow Analysis
5. Cash Flow Analysis
6. Ratio Analysis

ISBN : 978-93-5058-470-5

Pages : 260


Price: ` 225/-

7. Marginal Costing and Cost-Volume-Profit

8. Budgetary Control
9. Standard Costing
10. Responsibility Accounting
11. Activity Based Costing

Management Accounting

R.K. Mittal, Satish Ahuja

1. Management Accounting: Nature and Scope
2. Financial Statements
3. Tools of Financial Analysis
4. Funds Flow Statement
5. Cash Flow Statement

Price: ` 250/-

6. Ratio Analysis
7. Cost of Capital
8. Operating and Financial Leverages
9. Management Reporting

ISBN : 978-93-5058-570-2
Pages : 368

Indian Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-80901-13-8 (Hindi) Pages: 496

ISBN : 978-93-80901-12-1
Pages : 480

1. Nature of Indian Economy

2. Underdeveloped and Developed Economies
3. National Income of India
4. Human Resources and Economic
5. Features of Population Growth in India
6. Agriculture in IndiaImportance and
7. Irrigation
8. Agricultural Marketing and Prices
9. Agricultural Finance and Rural Indebtedness
10. Agricultural Policy
11. Economic Liberalisation and Emerging Trends
in Indian Agriculture
12. Growth and Problems of Major Industries
13. Industrial Policy
14. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation


Price: ` 390/-

15. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India

16. Means of Transport
17. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
18. Centre-State Financial Relations in India
19. Indian Financial System
20. Indian Taxation System
21. Mobilisation of Resources
22. Fiscal Policy of India
23. Evaluation of Economic Planning in India
24. Eleventh Five Year Plan
25. Twelfth Five Year Plan
26. SWOT Analysis
27. Case Study of Delhi Metro
28. Structure and Composition of Economic
Survey of India
*University Question Papers

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-80735-87-0 (Hindi) Pages: 660

ISBN : 978-93-80735-86-3
Pages : 608

ISBN: 978-93-80735-88-7 (Punjabi) Pages: 612

1. Theory of Demand
2. Utility Analysis
3. Indifference Curve Analysis
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Concepts of the Revenue
6. Theory of Production
7. Break-Even Point Analysis and Profit
8. Theory of Costs
9. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
10. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
11. Price Determination Under Monopoly
12. Price Determination Under Monopolistic
13. Theory of Factor Pricing

Business Statistics (Quantitative Techniques for Business)

14. Rent
15. Wages
16. Interest
17. Profit
1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. National Income
3. Classical Theory of Employment
4. Says Law of Markets
5. Keynesian Theory of Employment
6. Effective Demand
7. Consumption Function
8. Investment
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
10. Multiplier

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Measures of Central Tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion
4. Time Series AnalysisI
5. Time Series AnalysisII
6. Index NumbersI

ISBN : 978-93-5058-287-9
Pages : 642


Price: ` 475/-

7. Index NumbersII
8. Correlation
9. Linear Regression Analysis
10. Forcasting Methods
11. Interpolation and Extrapolation
Statistical Tables

Price: ` 504/-

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, S.K. Khurana

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Measures of Central Tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion
4. Time Series AnalysisI
5. Time Series AnalysisII

Price: ` 504/-

Price: ` 595/-

6. Index NumbersI
7. Index NumbersII
8. Correlation
9. Linear Regression Analysis
10. Probability

ISBN : 978-93-5058-288-6
Pages : 672

Disaster Management

Hina Khan
ISBN: 978-93-5058-259-6 (H/B) Pages: 240
1. Disaster Management: An Overview
2. Planning in Disaster Management
3. Emergency Support Functions and their
Coordination Mechanism

ISBN : 978-93-5058-078-3 (P/B)

Price: ` 175/-

Pages : 240


4. Integration of Rural Development Programmes

and Role of Remote Sensing, Science and

Books for Himachal Pradesh University


T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-81015-79-7 (Hindi) Pages: 308
1. Nature and Scope of Economics
2. Theory of Demand
3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Theory of Supply
5. Cardinal Utility Theory

ISBN : 978-93-81015-78-0

Indian Economy

Pages : 288

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan

1. Basic Features of Indian Economy since 1857
2. Colonial Exploitation of Indian Economy under
British Rule
3. Theory of Economic Drain
4. Nature of Indian Economy
5. Trends and Composition of National Income
6. Problem of Overpopulation in India
7. Features of Population in India
8. Problem of Poverty


Price: ` 200/-

9. Problem of Unemployment
10. Inequalities of Income and Wealth in India
11. Problem of Black Money
12. Inflation in India
13. Infrastructure
14. Economic Planning in India
15. Eleventh Five Year Plan
16. Twelfth Five Year Plan
17. New Economic Reforms

Pages : 272
T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan
ISBN: 978-93-5058-344-9 (Hindi) Pages: 220
1. Market Structure
2. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
3. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
4. Monopoly
5. Monopolistic Competition

ISBN : 978-93-5058-343-2

Price: ` 225/-

6. Ordinal Utility Theory

7. Theory of Production
8. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium
9. Theory of Costs
10. Concepts of Revenue

ISBN: 978-93-5058-314-2 (Hindi) Pages: 288

ISBN : 978-93-5058-313-5

Pages : 208


6. Theory of Factor Pricing

7. Wages
8. Rent
9. Interest
10. Profit

Price: ` 150/-

Statistical Methods

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, Sanjeev Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-5058-363-0 (Hindi) Pages: 304

Price: ` 225/-

1. Statistics: Meaning, Scope and Importance in
7. Arithmetic Line-Graphs: Time Series Graphs
8. Measures of Central Tendency: Mathematical
2. Meaning and Types of Data
3. Collection of Statistical Data Trade
9. Measures of Central Tendency: Positional
4. Census and Sample Methods
5. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data: Bar
10. Measures of Dispersion
Diagrams and Pie Diagrams
11. Correlation Analysis
6. Frequency Diagrams: Histogram, Polygon and APPENDIX
ISBN : 978-93-5058-362-3

Statistical Methods

Pages : 280

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, Sanjeev Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-5058-435-4 (Hindi) Pages: 216
1. Regression
Kinds of Regression
Linear Regression
Some Important Relations
Methods of Calculating Regression
Coefficients and Regression Equations
Utility of Regression
Limitations of Regression

ISBN : 978-93-5058-434-7
Pages : 240

2. Time Series Analysis

Objectives or Importance of Time Series
Components of Time Series
Analysis or Decomposition of Time Series l
Methods for Measurement of Trend
3. Index Numbers
Meaning of Index Number


Price: ` 175/-

Uses of Index Numbers

Limitations of Index Numbers
Classification of Index Numbers
Difficulties or Problems in the Construction of
Index Numbers
Method of Constructing Index Numbers
Quantity Index Numbers
Tests of Adequacy of Index Numbers
Fishers Index Numbers as an Ideal Method
Fixed Base and Chain Base Index Numbers
Base Shifting Splicing and Deflating
Consumer Price Index Numbers/Cost of Living
Advantages or Uses of Index Numbers
Limitations of Index Numbers

4. Elements of Probability Theory

Some Basic Concepts
Different approaches to Probability
Importance of Probability l Probability Scale
Theorems of Probability


T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81015-81-0 (Hindi) Pages: 272
1. An Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Basic Macroeconomic Concepts
3. National Income and Related Aggregates
4. Measurement of National Income
5. Classical Theory of Employment
6. Says Law of Market
7. Quantity Theory of Money
8. Keynesian Theory of Employment

ISBN : 978-93-81015-80-8

Labour Economics

Price: ` 225/-

9. Keynesian Economics and Underdeveloped

10. Consumption Function
11. Saving and Investment
12. Investment Function
13. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
14. Business Cycles

Pages : 268

Apra Sahni
ISBN: 978-93-5058-498-9 (Hindi)
1. Labour and Labour Productivity
2. Labour Market Segmentation
3. Labour Market Policies
4. Labour in Organized and Unorganised Sector
5. Mobility of Labour
6. Labour Supply and Labour Demand
7. Wage Determination and Theories of Wages

8. Productivity and Wage Relationship

9. National Wage Policy and Wage Boards in India
10. Trade Union Movement in India
11. Industrial Disputes
12. Characteristics and Problems of Agricultural and
Industrial Labour
13. Social Security Measures

In Press
ISBN : 978-93-5058-578-8


T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-5058-539-9 (Hindi) Pages: 180
1. Investment Multiplier
2. Acceleration Principle
3. Samuelsons and Hicks Theories of Accelerator
4. Nature and Functions of Money
5. Money Demand and Keynesian Liquidity
Preference Theory

ISBN : 978-93-5058-538-2

Pages : 176


6. Supply of Money
7. Theories of Money
8. Theories of Inflation

Price: ` 150/-

Public Finance

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-5058-541-2 (Hindi) Pages: 176
1. Introduction to Public Finance
2. Principle of Social Advantage
3. Public Revenue
4. Taxation System
5. Classification of Taxes

Price: ` 150 /-

6. Impact and Incidence of Taxation

7. Public Expenditure
8. Public Debt
9. Fiscal Policy
10. Centre-State Financial Relations in India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-540-5
Pages : 184

Development Problems and Policies

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81015-83-4 (Hindi) Pages: 524

ISBN : 978-93-81015-82-7
Pages : 520

1. Concepts of Development and

2. Underdeveloped EconomyNature and
3. Vicious Circle of Poverty
4. Economic DevelopmentDeterminants
5. Obstacles to Economic Development
6. Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty
7. Environmental Cost of Economic Growth
8. Economic PolicyObjective and Dilemma
9. Capital Accumulation
10. Structure of Aggregate Demand
11. Mobilisation of Internal and External Sources
for Financing Investments
12. Problems of an Open Economy Role of
International Trade in the Growth Process
13. Problems and Policies Related to International
Trade in Less Developed Countries
14. Limitations of Price Mechanism and Economic
15. Role of Public Sector and Pricing in Public
16. Population and Economic Development and
Strategies for Population Control


Price: ` 405/-

17. Population Problem in India

18. Problem of Employment, Unemployment and
Choice of Technology
19. Agricultural Development and Transformation
in India
20. Green Revolution
21. Economic Liberalisation and Emerging Trends in
Indian Agriculture
22. Agricultural Policy in India
23. Growth and Problems of Major Industries
24. Problems of SmallScale Industries in India
25. Role and Growth of Public Sector in India
26. Industrial Policy
27. Public FinanceAn Introduction
28. Taxation System
29. Classification of Taxes
30. Shifting and Incidence of Taxation
31. Effects of Taxes
32. Public Expenditure
33. Public Debt
34. Centre-State Financial Relations in India

Economic Terminology

1. Some Eminent Economists and their Key Works

2. Economic Terminology

ISBN : 978-93-5058-331-9

3. Economic Terminology

Pages : 60

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81015-85-8 (Hindi) Pages: 376
1. Nature and Scope of Business Economics
2. Demand Analysis
3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Demand Forecasting
5. Theory of Production
6. Isoquant Curves
7. Theory of Costs
8. Market Structure
9. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition

ISBN : 978-93-81015-84-1

Price: ` 75/-

Price: ` 290/-

10. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect

11. Price Determination Under Monopoly
12. Price Determination Under Monopolistic
13. Price Determination Under Oligopoly
14. Business Cycles
15. Inflation

Pages : 352

Business Communication and Personality Development

Sri Jin Kushal, Budhi Singh

ISBN: 978-93-81015-89-6 (Hindi) Pages: 240

1. Basics of Communication
2. Barriers and Gateways to Communication
3. Ethical and Legal Issues in Communication
4. Written Communication
5. Business Letters
6. Report Writing
7. Abstracts, Summaries, and Proposals
8. Speech Writing
9. Notice, Agenda, and Minutes of Meeting
ISBN : 978-93-81015-88-9
Pages : 208


10. Secretarial Communication
11. Interdepartmental Communication
12. Personality Traits
13. Types of Personality
14. Personality Habits
15. Pillars of Personality Development
16. Self-Esteem
17. Mind Mapping

Price: ` 150/-

Financial Accounting

R.S. Singal, Vijender Kanwar

ISBN: 978-93-81015-87-2 (Hindi) Pages: 596
1. Accounting as an Information System
2. Nature of Accounting Principles
3. Financial Accounting Standards
4. Accounting Process: Double Entry System
5. Accounting Equation System
6. Accounting ProcessJournal
7. Accounting ProcessLedger
8. Accounting ProcessTrial Balance
9. Accounting Process Final Accounts

ISBN : 978-93-81015-86-5

Price: ` 405/-

10. Final Accounts with Adjustments

11. Depreciation Accounting
12. Accounting for Special Sales
Transactions Consignment
13. Accounting for Inland Branches
14. Departmental Accounts
15. Accounting for Dissolution of Partnership Firm
16. Accounts of Non-Trading Organisations

Pages : 516

Fundamentals of Business Organisation

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-81015-91-9 (Hindi) Pages: 204

Price: ` 150/-

1. Indian Business: An Introduction
8. Hindu Undivided Family or Joint Hindu Family
2. Spectrum of Business Activities
3. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation
9. Cooperative Organisation
4. Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Contemporary 10. Limited Liability PartnershipLLP and One
Business Environment
Person CompanyOPC
5. Process of Setting up a Business Unit
11. Change Management
6. Forms of Business Organisations: Sole Trade
12. Conflict: Levels, Causes and Resolution
7. Partnership Organisation

ISBN : 978-93-81015-90-2

Pages : 172

Theory and Practice of Management

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-291-6 (Hindi) Pages: 232

Price: ` 165/-

1. Management: An Introduction
9. Staffing: Process of Recruitment and Selection
2. Management as Science, Art and Profession
10. Directing: Meaning and Nature
3. Development of Management Thoughts
11. Leadership: Meaning and Styles
4. Planning: Nature and Types
12. Motivation: Meaning and Theories
5. Decision-making: Process and Types
13. Communication: Importance and Media
6. Organising: Nature and Principles
14. Controlling: Process and Principles
7. Span of Control or Span of Management
8. Management by Objectives and Management by
ISBN : 978-93-5058-290-9

Pages : 216


Critical Reasoning, Writing and Presentation

Suniti Ahuja

1. Critical Thinking
2. Argument and Reasoning
3. Fallacies
4. Social Influences on Critical Thinking ...
5. Language of Critical Thinking
6. Resources
7. Plan and Procedure for Academic Writing
8. Elements of Writing
9. Causes and Effects of Writing
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ISBN : 978-93-5058-591-7
Pages : 116

Insurance Services and Risk Management

ISBN : 978-93-5058-550-4
Pages : 180

Business Regulatory Framework

11. Soft Skills

12. Numbers, References and Quotations
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14. Synonyms
15. Audience Analysis
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18. Visual Presentation Aids
19. Non-verbal Communication

Y.K. Marwaha
ISBN: 978-93-5058-551-1 (Hindi) Pages: 184

1. History of Insurance
2. Insurance: Meaning and Purpose
3. Principles of Insurance
4. Life Insurance
5. Fire Insurance
6. Health Insurance
7. Marine Insurance
8. Miscellaneous Insurance
9. Insurance legislation in india
10. Life Insurance Act, 1956
11. Proposal Assignment, Nomination and
Settlement Of Claims Of Insurance Policies
12. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and Banking

Price: ` 150/-

Ashok Sharma

1. Introduction to Business Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Offer, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Legality of Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void

13. Laws Relating to Insurance Business

14. Different types of general insurances V/s life
15. Insurance Act, 1938
16. Marine Insurance Act, 1963
17. Concept of Risk and Risk Management Process
18. Selection of Risk Management Technique and
19. Personal Risk Management Applications and
20. Risk Management for Small business

ISBN: 978-93-5058-401-9 (Hindi) Pages: 248

ISBN : 978-93-5058-400-2

Price: ` 90/-

Pages : 240


Price: ` 175/-

9. Discharge of Contract
10. Consequences of Breach of Contract
11. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
12. Intellectual Property Rights
13. Cyber Law (Information Technology Act, 2000)
14. The Environment Protection Act, 1986
15. Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Leadership Styles

Rajeev Kumar, Ashwani Sharma, Shashi Kumar Laliya

ISBN: 978-93-5058-338-8 (Hindi) Pages: 80

Price: ` 75/-

1. Group Dynamics Group Behaviour as Change 3. Different Leadership Styles
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Personality Development

ISBN : 978-93-5058-337-1

Company Law

Pages : 80

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-81015-97-1 (Hindi) Pages: 244
1. Historical Development of Company Law in
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation
6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association

ISBN : 978-93-81015-96-4

8. Prospectus
9. Management and Control of Companies
10. Company Meetings and Resolutions
11. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a
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13. Emerging Issues in Company Law
14. Limited Liability Partnership
15. Credit Rating Agencies

R.S. Singal
ISBN: 978-93-81015-99-5 (Hindi) Pages: 616
1. Accounting for Share Capital: Issue of Share
2. Accounting for Share Capital: Redemption
of Preference Shares
3. Accounting for Debentures: Issue of
4. Accounting for Debentures: Redemption of

Price: ` 175/-

Pages : 240

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ISBN : 978-93-81015-98-8

Pages : 552


Price: ` 425/-

5. Final Accounts of Limited Liability Companies

6. Valuation of Shares
7. Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies
8. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction

Cost Accounting

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Vikram S.Thakur

ISBN: 978-93-5058-543-6 (Hindi) Pages: 512
1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Unit Costing
4. Materials: Issues, Control and Valuation
5. Labour Cost: Computation and Control

ISBN : 978-93-5058-542-9


Price: ` 300/-

Price: ` 200/-

6. Overheads
7. Job Costing
8. Contract Costing
9. Process Costing

Pages : 464

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-545-0 (Hindi) Pages: 276
1. Introduction
2. Objects, Importance and Limitations of Auditing
3. Classification of Audit
4. Audit Planning
5. Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal
6. Routine Checking and Vouching
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities

ISBN : 978-93-5058-544-3

Business Statistics

8. Appointment, Power, Duties and Liabilities of an

9. Audit Committee
10. Audit Report
11. Cost Audit
12. Tax Audit
13. Management Audit
14. Recent Trends in Auditing

Pages : 264
T.R. Jain. S.C. Aggarwal
ISBN: 978-93-5058-547-4 (Hindi) Pages: 612
1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Measures of Central Tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion
4. Measures of Skewness

ISBN : 978-93-5058-546-7

Pages : 576


5. Simple Correlation
6. Simple Regression Analysis
7. Time Series Analysis
8. Index Numbers

Price: ` 504/-

Marketing Research

S.C. Aggarwal, Ashok Jain, Kulbhushan Chandel

1. Marketing Research
2. Marketing Research Process
3. Research Design
4. Data Sources
5. Processing of Data
6. Measurement and Scaling

Price: ` 150/-

7. Census and Sample Methods

8. Diagram and Graphs
9. Methods of Data Analysis
10. Report Preparation and Presentation
11. Market Measurement
12. Sales Forecasting

In Press

ISBN : 978-93-5058-597-9
Pages : 192

Indirect Tax Laws

Sanjeet Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-549-8 (Hindi) Pages: 448

ISBN : 978-93-5058-548-1
Pages : 428

1. Introduction to Indirect Taxes
2. Basics of Central Excise Duty
3. Classification of Excisable Goods
4. Valuation under Central Excise
5. Registration
6. General Procedures under Central Excise Laws
7. Basics of Custom Duty
8. Types of Custom Duty
9. Levy and Assessment of Custom Duty
10. Valuation
11. Customs Duty Authorities and Their Powers
12. Procedure of Importation
13. Procedure of Exportation
14. Export Promotion Schemes
15. Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
16. Categories of Sales


Price: ` 300/-

17. Registration of Dealers

18. Tax Liability, Levy and Collection of Central Sales
19. Declaration Forms
20. Determination of Taxable Turnover
21. Basics of Service Tax
22. Negative List of Services, Exemptions and
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24. General Procedures under Service Tax
25. Introduction to VAT
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28. General Procedures under HP VAT Act
29. Computation of Taxable Turnover and VAT

Research Methodology in Social Sciences

Hemlata Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-596-2 (Hindi) Pages: 136

Price: ` 90/-

1. Introduction to Research
9. Diagrammatic Presentation of data
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10. Use of Computers in Data Analysis
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11. Meaning and Definition of Z-Test, t-Test and Chi
4. Hypothesis
Square Test
5. Measurement and scaling
12. Report writing
6. Construction of questionnaire
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7. Sampling
14. Ethics in Research
8. Process of Data Analysis-I: (Editing, Coding and
Tabulation of Data)
ISBN : 978-93-5058-595-5

Pages : 128

Organisational Behaviour

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-591-7 (Hindi) Pages: 220
1. Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction
2. Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Types and
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4. Attitude: Meaning, Sources and Formation
5. Learning: Meaning, Principles and Theories
6. Motivation : Concepts, Need and Applications

ISBN : 978-93-5058-590-0

Pages : 208


Price: ` 150/-

7. Group and Group Dynamics

8. Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Sources and
9. Organisational Change or Management of
10. Organisational Development: Process and

Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-81420-07-2 (Hindi) Pages: 380
1. Indian Business Environment Concept and
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. Economic Environment of Business
4. Trends in National Income
5. Trends in Saving and Investment
6. Trends in Industrial Development
7. Internal and International Trade
8. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
9. Trends in Money Supply
10. Monetary Policy of India
11. Fiscal Policy of India
12. Industrial Policy
13. ExportImport Policy
14. Government Budget
15. New Economic Policy
16. Political and Legal EnvironmentRelationship
between Business and Government

ISBN : 978-93-81420-06-5
Pages : 348


Price: ` 340/-

17. Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act,

1969 (MRTP Act) and Competition Act, 2002
18. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and Foreign
Exchange Management Act FERA and FEMA
19. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
20. Social Environment: Social Institutions, Groups
and Systems
21. International Business Environment and
International Institutions (Overview)
22. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
23. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
24. World Bank
25. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
26. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
27. International Trade Agreements GSP, GSTP and

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-81420-03-4 (Hindi) Pages: 308
1. Introduction
2. Objects, Advantages and Limitations of Auditing
3. Types or Classification of Audit
4. Consideration or Preparation before Audit and
Audit Programme
5. Internal Control and Internal Check
6. Vouching
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities
8. Appointment, Remuneration, Rights, Duties and
Obligations of an Auditor

ISBN : 978-93-81420-02-7

Pages : 288


9. Divisible Profits and Dividends

10. Audit of Various Institutions
11. Investigation
12. Audit Report
13. Management Audit
14. Cost Audit
15. Tax Audit

Price: ` 275/-

Cost Accounting

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Vikram S. Thakur

ISBN: 978-93-81420-01-0 (Hindi) Pages: 820
1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Cost Audit
4. Materials: Issue, Control and Valuation
5. Labour Cost: Computation and Control
6. Overheads
7. Unit or Output Costing

ISBN : 978-93-81420-00-3

8. Operating Costing
9. Job and Batch Costing
10. Contract Costing
11. Process Costing System
12. Marginal Costing
13. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis

R.K. Mittal
ISBN: 978-93-81420-05-8 (Hindi) Pages: 544

1. Management Accounting Nature and Scope

2. Financial Statements
3. Techniques of Financial Analysis
4. Ratio Analysis
5. Funds Flow Statement
6. Cash Flow Statement
7. Budget and Budgetary Control
8. Nature and Scope of Financial Management

Price: ` 504/-

Pages : 760

Management Accounting and Financial Management

ISBN : 978-93-81420-04-1

Pages : 524


9. Financial Planning
10. Capital Budgeting
11. Cost of Capital
12. Management of Working Capital
13. Management of Cash
14. Management of Receivables
15. Inventory Management

Price: ` 405/-

Books for UP State Universities

Principles of Economic Analysis

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

ISBN: 978-93-5058-009-7 (Hindi) Pages: 574

ISBN : 978-93-5058-010-3
Pages : 524

Indian Economic Problems

1. Nature and Scope of Economics

2. Economic Laws and Methods
3. Equilibrium
4. Important Concepts Used in Economics: Utility,
Elasticity and Competition
5. Basic Mathematical Concepts
5A. Economic Problems
5B. Functioning of Market Economy and Price
6. Consumer BehaviourI: Cardinal Utility Analysis
7. Consumer BehaviourII: Indifference Curve
8. Theory of Revealed Preference
9. Consumers Surplus
10. Theory of Demand
11. Elasticity of Demand
12. Production Function

Price: ` 225/-

1 3. Nature of Costs
14. Structure of Markets
15. Concepts of the Revenue
16. Price Determination under Perfect Competition
17. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry under Perfect
18. Price and Output Determination under Monopoly
19. Monopolistic Competition
20. Oligopoly
21. Economic Systems and Problem of Resource
22. Theories of Distribution and Factor Pricing
23. Theories of Rent
24. Theories of Wages
25. Theories of Interest
26. Theories of Profit

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-013-4 (Hindi) Pages: 412

ISBN : 978-93-5058-012-7
Pages : 388

1. Nature and Structure of Indian Economy

2. Human ResourcesPopulation Problem and
Population Policy
3. Natural Resources
4. Economic Planning in India
5. Problem of Poverty
6. Unemployment Problem and Employment Policy
7. Agriculture in IndiaProduction and Productivity
8. Land Reforms
9. Cultivation Tenure System
10. Agricultural Labour
11. Irrigation
12. Agricultural StrategyAgricultural Technology
and Investment in Agriculture
13. Agricultural Marketing and Price Policy
14. Community Development and Rural
Development Programmes
15. Role and Problems of Industrial Development
in India
16. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing Policy
17. Large-Scale Industries


Price: ` 225/-

18. Small and Cottage Industries

19. Industrial Finance
20. Foreign Capital in India
21. Multinational Corporations
22. Industrial LabourWages, Social Security,
Housing and Industrial Peace
23. Trade Union Movement
24. Service Sector in India
25. Economy of Uttar PradeshI (Nature, Plans and
Demographic Scenario)
26. Economy of Uttar PradeshII (Infrastructure,
Industrial Development, Public Sector Units and
Informal Sector)
27. Economy of Uttar PradeshIII (Agriculture,
Employment, Poverty and Inter-regional
28. National Income of India
29. Green Revolution
30. Infrastructure
31. Allied Sectors of Agriculture

Public Finance and International Trade

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-168-1 (Hindi) Pages: 348

1. Nature and Scope of Public Finance

2. Principles of Maximum Social Advantage
3. Government Budget
4. Deficit Financing
5. Public Revenue: An Introduction
6. Taxation System
7. Classification of Taxes
8. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
9. Public Expenditure
10. Public Debt
11. Fiscal Policy
ISBN : 978-93-5058-167-4


Pages : 324
T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. National Income Accounting
3. Circular Flow and Measurement of Income
4. Classical Theory of Employment and Income
5. Keynesian Theory of Employment Determination
6. Effective Demand
7. Consumption Function
8. Investment Function
9. National Income Determination in Two Sector
Economy (Saving and Investment Equality)
10. Multiplier
11. Acceleration Principle
12. National Income Determination in a Three
Sector Closed Economy

National Income Analysis, Money and Banking

Price: ` 225/-

13. National Income Determination in an Open

14. Quantity Theory of Money
15. Demand for Money and Liquidity Preference
Theory of Interest
16. IS LM Analysis
17. Trade Cycles
18. Interaction between Accelerator and Multiplier
19. BankDefinition and Functions
20. Credit Creation
21. Credit Control
22. Inflation

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-174-2 (Hindi) Pages: 356

ISBN : 978-93-5058-173-5
Pages : 328

Price: ` 225/-

12. Indian Federal Finance

13. Indian Taxation System
14. Public Expenditure in India
15. Introduction to International Trade
16. Classical (Comparative Costs) Theory of
International Trade
17. Reciprocal Demand Analysis
18. Terms of Trade
19. Free Trade and Protection
20. Balance of Payments
21. Indias Foreign Trade and Trade Policy

ISBN: 978-93-5058-172-8 (Hindi) Pages: 380

ISBN : 978-93-5058-171-1
Pages : 360

1. National Income Accounting
2. Circular Flow and Measurement of Income
3. Determination of National Income under
Classical System
4. Determination of National Income under
Keynesian System
5. Theories of Trade Cycles
6. Value of Money
7. Price and Inflation
8. Banking: Meaning, Types and Functions
9. Banking: Principles, Assets and Liability


Price: ` 225/-

10. Banking: Structure and Management

11. Creation of Money
12. Structure of Commercial Banking in India
13. Central Banking
14. Sources of Change in Money Supply
15. Reserve Bank of India
16. Foreign Exchange
17. Exchange Control
18. International Monetary Fund
19. International Bank for Reconstruction and

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-146-9 (Hindi) Pages: 394

ISBN : 978-93-5058-145-2
Pages : 384

Business Statistics

1. Business Communication: Basic Forms and
2. Meaning and Importance of Effective
3. Theories of Communication
4. Audience Analysis
5. Self-Development and Communication
AttitudeSWOT AnalysisWhole Communication
6. Corporate Communication
7. MiscommunicationBarriers and Improvements
8. Practices in Business Communication
9. Principles of Effective Communication
10. Writing Skills
11. Business Letters and Memo Formats;

Price: ` 225/-

12. Request Letters

13. Good News Letters
14. Bad News Letters
15. Persuasive Letters: Sales Letters, Collection
16. Report Writing
17. Oral Presentation
18. Effective Presentation Skills
19. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication
20. Effective Listening
21. Interviewing Skills Resumes and Job
Application Letters
22. Modern Forms of Communication: Fax, E-mail
and Video-Conferencing
23. International Communication

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-007-3 (Hindi) Pages: 824
1. Introduction to Statistics
8. Measures of Dispersion
2. Planning of Statistical Investigation
9. Measures of Skewness
3. Census and Sampling Methods
10. Correlation
4. Collection of Data
11. Analysis of Time Series
5. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
12. Index NumbersI
6. Tabular, Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation 13. Index NumbersII
of Data
14. Indian Statistics
7. Statistical Average

ISBN : 978-93-5058-008-0
Pages : 796


Price: ` 275/-

Financial Accounting

R.K. Mittal, Dr. M.R. Bansal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-011-0 (Hindi) Pages: 972
1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
2. Accounting Principles
3. Accounting Standards
4. Double Entry System and Accounting Equation
4.1. Accounting CycleJournal
4.2. Accounting CycleLedger
4.3. Book of Original Entry: Cash Book
4.4. Book of Original Entry: Subsidiary Books
4.5. Accounting CycleTrial Balance
5. Capital and Revenue Items
6. Final Accountswith Adjustments
7. Insolvency Accounts

Price: ` 450/-

8. Branch Accounts
9. Hire Purchase & Instalment Payment Systems
10. Royalty Accounts
11. Partnership AccountsDistribution of Profits
12. Partnership AccountsAdmission of a Partner
13. Partnership AccountsRetirement or Death of
a Partner
14. Partnership AccountsDissolution of
Partnership Firm
15. Sale of Partnership Firm to a Company
16. Accounting for Insurance Claim
17. Voyage Accounts

ISBN : 978-93-5058-006-6
Pages : 994

Business Regulatory Framework

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-151-3 (Hindi) Pages: 376

ISBN : 978-93-5058-150-6
Pages : 324


1. Introduction to Mercantile Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal Formalities Written and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract
15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency


Price: ` 225/-


18. Sale of Goods Act1930
19. Contract of Sale
20. Conditions and Warranties
21. Transfer of Property or Ownership
22. Performance of the Contract Delivery and
23. Unpaid Seller
24. Suits for Breach of Contract
25. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
26. Consumer Protection Act, 1986
27. Foreign Exchange Management Act

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-170-4 (Hindi) Pages: 472
1. Basic Problems of an Economy
2. Working of Price Mechanism
3. Law of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Theory of Production
6. Producers Optimization Isoquant Curve
7. Theory of Costs
8. Market Structure and Business Decisions
9. Objectives of a Business Firm
10. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition

Price: ` 225/-

11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect

12. Monopoly
13. Monopolistic Competition
14. Price Determination Under Oligopoly
15. Theory of Factor Pricing
16. Determination of Wage Rates
17. Rent
18. Interest
19. Profit

ISBN : 978-93-5058-169-8
Pages : 436

Business Environment

ISBN : 978-93-5058-004-2
Pages : 452

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-005-9 (Hindi) Pages: 488
1. Indian Business Environment Concept and
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. Trends in National Income
4. Trends in Saving and Investment
5. Trends in Industrial Development
6. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
7. Money Supply, Prices and Inflation
8. Business Finance
9. Unemployment Problem in India
10. Problem of Poverty
11. Regional Imbalances
12. Social Injustice
13. Parallel Economy
14. Industrial Sickness
15. Monetary Policy of India
16. Fiscal Policy of India
17. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing Policy
18. Privatisation in India


Price: ` 225/-

19. Devaluation
20. Export-Import (EXIM) Policy
21. Regulation of Foreign Investment
22. Eleventh Five Year Plan
23. Twelfth Five Year Plan
24. International Trading Environment (Overview)
25. Trends in World Trade and Problems of
Developing Countries in World Trade
26. Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
27. International Economic Groups
28. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
29. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
30. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
31. World Bank
32. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
33. International Trade AgreementsGSP, GSTP
and Counter-Trade

Company Law

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-142-1 (Hindi) Pages: 352

ISBN : 978-93-5058-141-4
Pages : 340

Cost Accounting

1. History and Administration of Company

Legislation in India
2. Corporate Personality and Introduction of
3. Kinds of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Holding and Subsidiary Companies
6. Promotion and Incorporation of a Company
7. Memorandum of Association
8. Articles of Association
9. Prospectus
10. Shares: Kinds of Shares, Voting Rights of
11. Allotment of Shares

Price: ` 225/-

12. Share Capital of Company

13. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
14. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
15. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien
16. Members and Shareholders of a Company
17. Capital Management: Borrowing Powers,
Debentures and Charges
18. Management and Administration of Company
19. Company Meetings and Resolutions
20. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid
21. The Majority Rule and Minority Rights
22. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement
23. Winding up of the Company

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma

ISBN: 978-93-5058-144-5 (Hindi) Pages: 696
1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Cost Audit
4. Materials: Issue, Control and Valuation
5. Labour Cost: Computation and Control
6. Overheads
7. Unit or Output Costing
8. Operating Costing

ISBN : 978-93-5058-143-8
Pages : 640


Price: ` 325/-

9. Job and Batch Costing

10. Contract Costing
11. Process Costing System
12. Cost Records: Integral and Non-integral
13. Reconciliation of Cost Accounts and Financial

Principles of Business Management

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-137-7 (Hindi) Pages: 376

ISBN : 978-93-5058-136-0
Pages : 356

Public Finance

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Functional Areas of Management
4. Development of Management Thought
5. Planning: Concept and Process
6. Types of Plans
7. Decision-Making: Concept and Process
8. Management by Objectives
9. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process
10. Forms of Organisation Structure and
Contingency Factors

Price: ` 225/-

11. Departmentation: Need and Basis

12. Authority and Responsibility: Delegation of
13. Decentralisation and Centralisation
14. Motivation: Nature and Theories
15. Leadership: Styles and Theories
16. Communication: Process, Network and Barriers
17. Controlling: Concept and Process
18. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern
19. Management of Change

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-148-3 (Hindi) Pages: 200
1. Nature and Scope of Public Finance
2. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage
3. Public Budget and Techniques of Budgeting
4. Deficit Financing
5. Public Expenditure
6. Public Revenue: An Introduction
7. Taxation System

ISBN : 978-93-5058-147-6
Pages : 184


Price: ` 135/-

8. Classification of Taxes
9. Impact and Incidence of Taxation
10. Public Debt
11. Financial Federalism under Constitution
12. Indian Taxation System
13. Budgetary Procedure and Financial Control in

Industrial Law

Ashok Sharma

1. The Factories Act, 1948

2. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
3. The Trade Unions Act, 1926
4. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
5. The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923

ISBN : 978-93-5058-335-7


Price: ` 150/-

6. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

7. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
8. The Employees Provident Funds (and
Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952
9. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

Pages : 264

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-323-4 (Hindi) Pages: 308
1. Introduction
2. Objects, Advantages and Limitations of
3. Types or Classification of Audit
4. Consideration or Preparation before Audit
and Audit Programme
5. Internal Control and Internal Check
6. Vouching
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities

ISBN : 978-93-5058-322-7

8. Company Auditor: Appointment, Powers,

Duties and Liabilities
9. Divisible Profits and Dividends
10. Audit Report
11. Audit of Various Institutions
12. Investigation
13. Cost Audit
14. Tax Audit
15. Management Audit

T.R. Jain, M.L. Grover

ISBN: 978-93-5058-325-8 (Hindi) Pages: 228
1. Money An Introduction
2. Functions of Money
3. Measures of Money Supply in India
4. Finance: Sources and Role in Economic
5. Financial System
6. Bank - Definition and Functions
7. Structure of Commercial Banking in India

Price: ` 200/-

Pages : 284

Money and Financial System

ISBN : 978-93-5058-324-1

Pages : 208


8. Balance Sheet of a Bank

9. Regional Rural Banks
10. Co-operative Banks
11. Process of Credit Creation
12. Development Banks
13. Non-Banking Financial Institutions
14. Reserve Bank of India

Price: ` 135/-

Books for Delhi University

Principles of Microeconomics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-81420-18-8 (Hindi) Pages: 300

1. Problem of Scarcity and Choice
2. Economic Systems and Solution of Central
3. Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
4. Applications of Demand and Supply
5. Elasticity of Demand and Supply
6. Consumer TheoryCardinal Utility Analysis
7. Consumer TheoryIndifference Curve
ISBN : 978-93-81420-95-9

8. Production Function and Laws of Production

9. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium
10. Theory of Costs
11. Concepts of Revenue
12. Theory of Perfect Competition
13. Allocative Efficiency Under Perfect Competition

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-243-5 (Hindi) Pages: 188

1. Theory of a Monopoly Firm
2. Price Discrimination
3. Remedies for Monopoly: Anti-trust Policy
4. Theory of Monopolistic Competition
5. Oligopoly
6. Game Theory and its Application to Oligopoly
7. Consumer and Producer Theory in Action

Price: ` 135/-

8. Income Distribution and Factor Pricing

9. General Equilibrium and The Efficiency of
Perfect Competition
10. Market Success and Market Failure
11. Theory of International Trade
12. Free Trade and Protection

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-210-7 (Hindi) Pages: 248

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Introduction to National Income Accounting
3. Measurement of National Income and Related
4. Some Basic Concepts Relating to GDP
5. Consumption and Investment: A Comprehensive
6. GDP Determination in a Two Sector Economy

Pages : 184

Principles of Microeconomics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-199-5

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 284

Principles of Microeconomics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-242-8

Pages : 228


Price: ` 175/-

7. Multiplier
8. GDP Determination: A Three Sector Closed
Economy Model
9. GDP Determination in an Open Economy
10. Concept of Money in a Modern Economy
11. Money Supply and Expansion of Credit Money
12. Demand for Money and Monetary Equilibrium
13. Monetary Policy
14. Quantity Theory of Money

Principles of Macroeconomics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-246-6 (Hindi) Pages: 124

1. ISLM Analysis
2. Derivation of Aggregate Demand Curve from
ISLM Model
3. GDP and Price Level in the Short Run
4. GDP and Price Level in the Long Run
5. Inflation

ISBN : 978-93-5058-245-9

6. Unemployment
7. Phillips Curve: The Trade off between Inflation
and Unemployment
8. Balance of Payments
9. Foreign Exchange

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-341-8 (Hindi) Pages: 232

1. Issues in Growth and Development
2. The Issue of Sustainability in Economic
3. Determinants of Development
4. Capital Formation and Economic Development
5. Technology, Institutional Factors and Economic
6. PopulationA Challenge for Indias Development
7. Some Issues of Population Growth in India

Price: ` 175/-

8. Employment and Unemployment in India

9. Indias Development Experience: Pre and Post
Reforms (1991) Period
10. Saving and Investment in India
11. Mobilisation of Resources for Development
12. Monetary and Fiscal Policies
13. Financial Relations Between the Centre and the

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-397-5 (Hindi) Pages: 180

1. Trends of Production and Productivity in Indian
2. Agricultural Credit in India
3. Agricultural Labour in India
4. Agricultural Marketing
5. Agricultural Price Policy
6. Land Reforms in India
7. Trends of Industrial Growth

Pages : 240

Economic Development and Policy in India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-396-8

Price: ` 100/-

Pages : 120

Economic Development and Policy in India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-339-4

Pages : 176


Price: ` 135/-

8. Small Scale Industries in India

9. Public Sector Enterprises: Performance and
10. Foreign Investment in India
11. Trends of Balance of Trade and Balance of
12. India and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Principles of Microeconomics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

ISBN: 978-93-81420-19-5 (Hindi) Pages: 344

1. Demand and Supply
2. Elasticity of Demand and Supply
3. Applications of Demand and Supply
4. Ordinal Utility Theory: Indifference Curve
5. Firms as Agents of Production
6. Production Function and Laws of Production
7. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium

ISBN : 978-93-81420-97-3


Pages : 268
T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Some Basic Concepts Relating to National
Income Determination
3. Consumption and Investment: A Comprehensive
4. National Income Determination in a Two Sector
Economy (Short Run Analysis)
5. Multiplier
6. National Income Determination: A Three Sector
Closed Economy Model
7. National Income Determination: A Four Sector
Open Economy Model

Price: ` 175/-

8. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and

Macroeconomic Equilibrium in the Short Run
9. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and The
Long Run Equilibrium
10. Money Definition and Functions
11. Money Supply and Expansion of Credit Money
12. Demand for Money and Monetary Equilibrium
13. Money and Prices Quantity Theory and
Keynesian Theory of Money
14. Monetary Policy
15. IS LM Analysis

Pages : 268

Economic Development and Policy in India

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-204-6 (Hindi) Pages: 292

ISBN : 978-93-5058-203-9
Pages : 296

Price: ` 200/-

8. Theory of Costs
9. Concepts of Revenue
10. Theory of Perfect Competition
11. Theory of a Monopoly Firm
12. Theory of Monopolistic Competition
13. Competition Among the Few: Oligopoly
14. Income Distribution and Factor Pricing

ISBN: 978-93-5058-057-8 (Hindi) Pages: 296

ISBN : 978-93-5058-056-1

Price: ` 225/-

1. Characteristics of Underdeveloped Countries
9. Financial Relations Between the Centre and the
and the Indian Economy
2. Determinants of Development
10. Industrial Policy: Pre and Post 1991
3. Role of Physical and Human Capital Formation 11. Role of Small Scale and Large Scale Industries
in Economic Development
in India
4. Role of Technology and Institutional Factors in 12. Public Sector and Private Sector Enterprises in
the Indian Economy
5. Economic Planning in India: Objectives, Strategy 13. The Role and Forms of Foreign Capital
and Evaluation
14. Indias Foreign Trade: Role and Importance
6. Economic Reforms in India Since 1991 (New 15. The State of Balance of Payments and Balance
Economic Policy)
of Trade
7. Saving and Investment in India
16. Price Behaviour and Price Policies in India
8. Resource Mobilisation for Planning


Economic Regulations (Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets)

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

Price: ` 135/-

1. Role of the Government in a Market Economy
7. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
2. Market Success and Market Failure
8. Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies
3. Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures
9. Major Provisions of the Competition Act, 2002
4. An Overview of Current Industrial Policy
10. Powers and Functions of the Competition
5. The Industries (Development and Regulation)
Commission of India
Act, 1951
11. Balance of Payments and Foreign Exchange
6. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Market An Overview
Development Act, 2006
12. The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999

ISBN : 978-93-5058-381-4

Pages : 184

Macroeconomic Theory and Applications

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Components of Aggregate Demand
3. The Keynesian Model of Income
4. IS-LM Model
5. Derivation of Aggregate Demand Curve from
IS-LM Model
6. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
ISBN : 978-93-5058-505-4

International Trade

Price: ` 115/-

7. International Flow of Goods and Capital A

Small Open Economy case
8. International Flow of Goods and Capital A
Large Open Economy case
9. IS-LM Framework for a Small Open Economy:
Mundell-Fleming Model
10. Solow Model of Growth
11. Growth model with Technological Progress

Pages : 148

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-535-1 (Hindi) Pages: 120

Price: ` 100/-

1. An Introduction to International Trade
8. Tariff Analysis in Partial and General Equilibrium
2. Classicals Comparative Costs Advantage Theory
3. Neo-classicals Opportunity Cost Theory
9. Non-tariff Barriers
4. Terms of Trade and Offer Curves
10. World Trade Organisation
5. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
6. Factor Price Equalisation and Income
7. The Concepts of Free Trade and Protection

ISBN : 978-93-5058-319-7

Pages : 120


Principles of Microeconomics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

ISBN: 978-93-5058-305-0 (Hindi) Pages: 458

1. Principles of Scarcity and Choice

2. Demand and Supply
3. Elasticity of Demand and Supply
4. Applications of Demand and Supply
5. Consumer Theory Cardinal Utility Analysis
6. Ordinal Utility Theory: Indifference Curve
7. Firms as Agents of Production
8. Production Function and Laws of Production
9. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium
ISBN : 978-93-5058-304-3

Price: ` 275/-

10. Theory of Costs

11. Concepts of Revenue
12. Theory of Perfect Competition
13. Theory of A Monopoly Firm
14. Theory of Monopolistic Competition
15. Competition Among the Few: Oligopoly
16. Consumer and Producer Theory in Action
17. Income Distribution and Factor Pricing
18. Market Success and Market Failure
19. International Trade

Pages : 354

Principles of Macroeconomics

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-307-4 (Hindi) Pages: 376

ISBN : 978-93-5058-306-7
Pages : 340

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Introduction to National Income Accounting
3. Measurement of National Income and Related
4. Some Basic Concepts Relating to National
Income Determination
5. Consumption and Investment Function:
A Comprehensive View
6. National Income Determination in a Two Sector
Economy (Short Run Analysis)
7. Multiplier
8. National Income Determination: A Three Sector
Closed Economy Model
9. National Income Determination: A Four Sector
Open Economy Model


Price: ` 275/-

10. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and

Macroeconomic Equilibrium in the Short Run
11. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and The
Long Run Equilibrium
12. MoneyDefinition and Functions
13. Money Supply and Expansion of Credit Money
14. Demand for Money and Monetary Equilibrium
15. Money and PricesQuantity Theory and
Keynesian Theory of Money
16. Monetary Policy
17. ISLM Analysis
18. Balance of Payments
19. Foreign Exchange

Economic Development and Policy in India

T. R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, B.D. Majhi

ISBN: 978-93-5058-188-9 (Hindi) Pages: 596

ISBN : 978-93-5058-187-2
Pages : 580

Price: ` 375/-


1. The Concept of Growth and Development
17. Backwardness of Indian Agriculture: Causes and
2. Characteristics of Underdeveloped Countries
Remedial Measures
and the Indian Economy
18. Land Reforms in India
3. Determinants of Development
19. New Agricultural Strategy and the Green
4. Role of Physical and Human Capital Formation
in Economic Development
20. Agricultural Credit in India
5. Development Strategy
21. Agricultural Labour in India
6. PopulationA Challenge for Indias Development 22. Agricultural Marketing
7. Some Issues of Population Growth in India
23. Agricultural Price Policy
8. Employment and Unemployment in India
24. Farm Mechanisation and Choice of Technology
9. Challenge of Poverty
25. Industrial Growth in India: Trends, Importance
10. Economic Inequality in India
and Problems
11. Economic Planning in India: Objectives, Strategy 26. Industrial Policy
and Achievements
27. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India
12. Financing the Plans
28. Industrial Finance
13. Saving and Investment in India
29. Public Sector and Private Sector Enterprises in
14. Economic Reforms in India Since 1991
the Indian Economy
(New Economic Policy)
30. Foreign Capital and Multinational Corporations
15. Financial Relations Between the Centre and the
in India
31. Indias Foreign Trade
32. Balance of Payments and Trade Policy
33. India and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
16. Agriculture in India: Importance and Growth
34. Price Behaviour and Price Policies in India


Books for BBA/B.Tech

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81420-16-4 (Hindi) Pages: 352

1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Basic Economic Concepts
3. Equilibrium
4. Demand Analysis: Utility Approach or Cardinal
5. Demand Analysis: Indifference Curve Approach
or Ordinal Approach
6. Theory of Demand
7. Elasticity of Demand
8. Theory of Production
ISBN : 978-93-81420-15-7

9. Theory of Costs
10. Concepts of Revenue
11. Main Forms of Market
12. Pricing under Perfect Competition
13. Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry under
Perfect Competition
14. Pricing under Monopoly
15. Pricing under Monopolistic Competition
16. Pricing under Oligopoly

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-81420-13-3 (Hindi) Pages: 144
1. Business: An Introduction
2. Forms of Business Organisations
3. Sole Proprietorship
4. Partnership Organisation
5. Company Organisation
6. Formation of Company: Various Stages

Price: ` 220/-

Pages : 308

Business Organisation

ISBN : 978-93-81420-12-6

Price: ` 125/-

7. Cooperative Organisations/Cooperative
8. State Ownership and Non-Profit Organisations
9. Forms of Business Organisations in New

Pages : 136

Business Accounting

Dr. R.K. Mittal, Dr. M.R. Bansal

ISBN: 978-93-81015-03-2 (Hindi) Pages: 352
1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
2. Accounting Principles
3. Accounting Standards
4. Double Entry System and Accounting
5. Accounting CycleJournal

ISBN : 978-93-80901-86-2 Pages : 296


6. Accounting CycleLedger
7. Accounting CycleTrial Balance
8. Capital and Revenue Items
9. Errors and their Rectification
10. Final Accounts with Adjustments

Price: ` 200/-

Conceptual Foundations of Management

R.K. Singla

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Scope or Functional Areas of Management
3. Nature of Management
4. Principles of Management
5. Levels of Management
6. Evolution of Management Thought
7. Planning: Meaning, Importance and Process
8. Types of Planning
9. Decision-Making
10. Management by Objectives
ISBN : 978-93-5058-218-3

11. Organising
12. Departmentation
13. Decentralisation and Centralisation
14. Delegation of Authority and Responsibility
15. Relationship: Design of Organisational Structure
16. Directing: Concept, Nature and Importance
17. Motivation: Concept, Significance and Theories
18. Leadership
19. Control: Nature, Process and Significance
20. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern

Pages : 360

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal

1. Communication: An Overview
2. Barriers in Communication
3. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication
4. Tips For Clear Writing
5. Effective Presentation Skills
6. Listening as A Tool of Communication
7. Audience Analysis

ISBN : 978-93-5058-332-6

8. Communication Within the Organisation (Memos

and Notice)
9. Report Writing
10. Communication Outside the Organisation:
Business Correspondence
11. Employment-Oriented Communication

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81420-33-1 (Hindi) Pages: 280
1. Circular Flow of Income
2. National Income: Concepts and Measurement
3. Classical Theory of Employment
4. Says Law of Markets
5. Keynesian Theory of Income Determination
6. Consumption Function
7. Theory of Investment

Price: ` 150/-

Pages : 216

Managerial Economics

ISBN : 978-93-81420-32-4

Price: ` 200/-

Pages : 244


8. Marginal Efficiency of Capital

9. Concept of Multiplier
10. Theory of Interest
11. Inflation
12. Monetary Policy
13. Fiscal Policy

Price: ` 175/-

Principles of Management

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-81420-30-0 (Hindi) Pages: 284
1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Scope or Functional Areas of Management
4. Management by Objectives
5. Planning: Concept and Process
6. Types of Plans
7. Decision-Making: Concept and Process
8. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process
9. Organisation Chart or Forms of Organisation
10. Span of Management
11. Departmentation: Need and Basis

ISBN : 978-93-81420-29-4
Pages : 268

Analysis of Financial Statements

R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

1. Financial Statements
2. Techniques of Financial Analysis
3. Ratio Analysis

Price: ` 175/-

12. Authority and Responsibility: Delegation of

13. Decentralisation and Centralisation
14. Staffing: Need and Importance
15. Selection: Meaning and Process
16. Performance Appraisal
17. Communication: Process, Network and Barriers
18. Controlling: Concept and Process
19. Control Techniques: An Overview
20. Social Responsibility of Business and Business

ISBN: 978-93-81015-31-5 (Hindi) Pages: 288

ISBN : 978-93-81015-30-8

Price: ` 175/-

4. Funds Flow Statement

5. Cash Flow Statement
6. Societal Obligations of Accounting

Pages : 280

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal, Sangita Mehta

Price: ` 165/-

1. Business Communication: Basic Forms and
7. Prcis Writing
8. Translation
2. Barriers to Effective Communication
9. Correct Usage of Word
3. Essentials of Effective Business Communication 10. Writing Applications for Business
4. Basic Parts of Speech
11. Importance of Non-verbal Communication
5. Voice
12. Physical Appearance and the Art of Self-
6. Paragraph Writing
Presentation and Conduct

ISBN : 978-93-5058-124-7

Pages : 176


Micro Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-5058-193-3 (Hindi) Pages: 216

1. Business Environment: Concept, Components
and Types
2. Environmental Scanning and Significance of
Business Environment
3. Economic Environment of Business
4. Social Environment of Business
5. Political Environment of Business
6. Risk in Business Environment: Country Risk and
Political Risk
7. Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism and
Mixed Economy
8. Economic Planning in India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-192-6
Pages : 192

Understanding Human Behaviour

9. Tenth Five Year Plan

10. Eleventh Five Year Plan
11. Twelfth Five Year Plan
12. Economic Role of Government in Business and
State Intervention in Business
13. Constitutional Environment
14. Social Responsibility of Business and Business
15. Professionalisation of Business
16. Competitive Environment of Business: MRTP Act
and Competition Act, 2002

Madhu Gaba, Sonia Dhingra

1. Business Environment: Concept, Components
and Types
2. Environmental Scanning and Significance of
Business Environment
3. Economic Environment of Business
4. Social Environment of Business
5. Political Environment of Business
6. Risk in Business Environment: Country Risk and
Political Risk
7. Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism and
Mixed Economy
8. Economic Planning in India

ISBN : 978-93-5058-507-8
Pages : 188

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency including
Business Averages
6. Measures of Dispersion

Price: ` 150/-

9. Tenth Five Year Plan

10. Eleventh Five Year Plan
11. Twelfth Five Year Plan
12. Economic Role of Government in Business and
State Intervention in Business
13. Constitutional Environment
14. Social Responsibility of Business and Business
15. Professionalisation of Business
16. Competitive Environment of Business: MRTP Act
and Competition Act, 2002

ISBN: 978-93-81420-89-8 (Hindi) Pages: 510

ISBN : 978-93-81420-34-8

Price: ` 150/-

Pages : 478


7. Measures of Skewness
8. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis
9. Index Numbers-I
10. Index Numbers-II
11. Sampling and Sampling Methods
12. Business Forecasting and Methods

Price: ` 300/-

Fundamentals of DBMS and ORACLE

Neeraj Mishra

Basic Concepts of Database Management System
Use of Computers in Business

ISBN : 978-93-5058-001-1

Learning SQL using Oracle SQL *Plus
Report Writing in Oracle

Pages : 200

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal

1. Business Communication: Basic Forms
2. Effective Communication Skills
3. Barriers and Gateways in Communication
4. Commercial Letters
5. Writing Business and Academic Reports
6. Public Speaking

ISBN : 978-93-5058-179-7

Price: ` 135/-

Price: ` 135/-

7. Listening and Negotiating

8. Interviews and Meetings
9. Mechanism of Writing
10. Effective Listening
11. Telephonic and Face-to-Face Conversation
12. Organisation Communication

Pages : 176

Management Accounting

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-330-2 (Hindi) Pages: 240
1. Introduction to Management Accounting
2. Ratio Analysis
3. Introduction to Cost Accounting
4. Cost: Elements, Concepts and Classification

ISBN : 978-93-5058-000-4
Pages : 208


Price: ` 135/-

5. Budget and Budgetary Control

6. Marginal Costing and Break-Even Analysis
7. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
8. Management Accounting Control Techniques

Business Statistics

T. R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-311-1 (Hindi) Pages: 492
1. Correlation Analysis
2. Linear Regression Analysis
3. Time Series Analysis-I
(Measurement of Trend)
4. Time Series Analysis-II
(Measurement of Seasonal Variations)

ISBN : 978-93-5058-510-8

5. Probability
6. Hypothesis Testing Large Sample Tests
7. Hypothesis Testing Small Sample Tests
8. Chi-Square Test

Pages : 482

Macro Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-81420-28-7 (Hindi) Pages: 264

ISBN : 978-93-81420-27-0
Pages : 252

Marketing Management

Price: ` 175/-

1. Macro Business Environment An Introduction 9. International Business Environment and
2. Economic Reforms Liberalisation, Privatisation Multilateral Economic Institutions (Overview)
and Globalisation
10. World Bank
3. Industrial Policy
11. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
4. Foreign Capital and Foreign Investment in India 12. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
5. Multinational Corporations and Foreign
13. Monetary Policy of India
Collaborations in India
14. Fiscal Policy of India
6. Foreign Trade of India
15. Technological Environment: Technology Policy
7. Export Promotion and Import Substitution
and Technology Transfer
8. Regulation of Foreign Trade Export-Import
(EXIM) Policy

Ashok Jain

ISBN : 978-93-5058-047-9
Pages : 380

Price: ` 300/-

1. Marketing: An Introduction
2. Marketing Concept
3. Marketing Environment
4. Marketing Mix
5. Market Segmentation
6. Marketing Information System
7. Marketing Research
8. Consumer Behaviour
9. Product: Meaning, Levels and Product Mix
10. New Product Development
11. Product Life Cycle


Price: ` 275/-

12. Branding and Packaging Decision

13. Pricing
14. Distribution Channels
15. Management of Physical Distribution
16. Promotion and Promotion Mix
17. Advertising
18. Advertising Media
19. Sales Promotion
20. Personal Selling
21. Publicity and Public Relations

Financial Management

Dr. R.K. Mittal

ISBN: 978-93-5058-075-2 (Hindi) Pages: 240
1. Nature and Scope of Financial Management
2. Financial Planning
3. Investment Decisions and Capital Budgeting
4. Cost of Capital
5. Capitalisation

ISBN : 978-93-81015-44-5

Business Law

Price: ` 165/-

Price: ` 200/-

6. Capital Structure Decisions

7. Dividend Decisions
8. Working Capital Management
9. Sources of FinanceI
10. Sources of FinanceII

Pages : 216

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-340-1
Pages : 348

1. Mercantile Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal FormalitiesWritten and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract
15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
16. Contracts of Bailment
17. Contracts of Agency


1 8. (i) Sale of Goods Act 1930

18. (ii) Contract of Sale
18. (iii) Conditions and Warranties
18. (iv) Transfer of Property or Ownership
18. (v) Performance of the Contract Delivery
and Payment
18. (vi) Unpaid Seller
18. (vii) Suits for Breach of Contract
19. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
20. Consumer Protection Act1986
21. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
22. The Payment of Bonus Act1965
23. Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952

Export Procedures and Documentation

Ashu K. Garg

Price: ` 108/-

1. Introduction to Exporting
7. Export Documentation
2. Entering Export BusinessProcedures and
8. Processing of an Export Order
9. Export Incentives and Schemes
3. Export-Import (EXIM) Policy
10. Management of Risks in Export Business
4. Institutional Infrastructure for Indian Exporters *Abbreviations
5. Incoterms
6. Methods of International Payment

ISBN : 978-93-5058-326-5

Business Law

Pages : 144

Ashok Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-5058-076-9 (Hindi) Pages: 288 Price: ` 175/SemesterVI
1. History and Administration of Company
Legislation in India
2. Introduction of Company
3. Types of Companies
4. Promotion and Incorporation of Joint Stock
Companies in India
5. Memorandum of Association
6. Articles of Association
7. Prospectus
8. Shares and Share Capital of Company

ISBN : 978-93-5058-018-9

9. Allotment of Shares
10. Membership of Company
11. Borrowing Power and Debentures
12. Power, Functions and Duties of Directors and
Managing Directors
13. Aspects Relating to Company Meetings
14. Requisites of a Valid Meeting
15. Winding Up of the Company
16. Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,

Pages : 244

Basics of Economics and Management

T.R. Jain, Dr. R.K. Singla

1. Meaning of Industrial Economics
2. Theory of Production
3. Isoquant Curves
4. Cost Curves
5. Price and Output Determination under Monopoly
1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Principles of Management
4. Levels and Functions of Management
ISBN : 978-93-81420-24-9
Pages : 296


Price: ` 225/-

5. Planning: Meaning and Steps

6. Organising and Authority & Responsibility
7. Decentralisation and Centralisation
8. Staffing: Meaning and Manpower Planning
9. Recruitment: Meaning and Sources
10. Selection: Meaning and Process
11. Directing: Importance and Principles
12. Leadership: Meaning and Styles
13. Communication: Process and Barriers
14. Controlling: Process or Steps and Techniques

Fundamentals of Management

R.K. Singla

ISBN : 978-93-81015-11-7
Pages : 292

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Development of Management Thought: Various
4. Levels and Functions of Management
5. Principles of Management: Nature and
6. Business Concept
7. Business Environment: Importance and
8. Financial Management, Financial Decisions and
Financial Planning
9. Capital Structure: Meaning and Determinants
10. Fixed and Working Capital: Meaning and
11. Sources of Business Finance

Fundamentals of Management

12. Staffing: Nature and Scope

13. Manpower Planning
14. Recruitment: Meaning and Sources
15. Selection: Meaning and Process
16. Training and Development
17. Production Management and Plant Location
18. Production Control: Importance and Steps
19. Work Measurement
20. Inventory Control: EOQ and JIT
21. Marketing, Marketing Management and
Marketing Mix
22. Marketing Information System (MkIS)
23. International Marketing
24. Advertising: Role, Limitations and Objections

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN : 978-93-81015-43-8
Pages : 292

Price: ` 180


1. Introduction to Business
2. Theoretical Framework of Business Environment
3. Social Responsibility of Business
4. General Management
5. Financial Management: An Overview
6. Financial Planning
7. Management of Working Capital
8. Capital Structure
9. Sources of Finance
10. Personnel Management: An Overview


Price: ` 207/-

11. Job Analysis, Job Description and Job

12. Human Resource Development
13. Production Management: An Overview
14. Plant Location and Plant Layout
15. Work Measurement
16. Production Control
17. Introduction to Marketing Management and
Marketing Concepts
18. Marketing Mix and Marketing Information System
19. International Marketing

Communication Skills in English

ISBN : 978-93-81420-23-2
Pages : 248

Economics for Engineers

ISBN : 978-93-81420-25-6
Pages : 398

A.L. Madan, Sangeeta Mehta, Yogita Dua

1. Common Errors
2. Voice
3. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
4. Words often Confused
5. One-Word Substitution
6. Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
7. English Speech Sounds and Transcription
8. The syllable, Word Accent
9. Weak Forms
10. Intonation

Price: ` 175/-

Price: ` 300/-

11. Expansion of Outlines
12. Slogan Writing
13. Dialogue Writing
14. Interpreting Pictures
15. Antonyms and Synonyms
16. Business Writing
17. E-mail Writing
18. Report
19. Press Report Writing

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri, O.P. Khanna

1. Definition of Economics
2. Nature of Economic Problem and Production
Possibility Curve
3. Economic Laws
4. Relation between Science, Engineering,
Technology and Economic Development
5. Basic Concepts
6. Utility Analysis
7. Theory of Demand
8. Demand Forecasting
9. Elasticity of Demand
10. Production
11. Land
12. Labour
13. Capital
14. Entrepreneur
15. Division of Labour
16. Laws of ProductionLaw of Variable
Proportions and Returns to Scale


17. Theory of Costs
18. Concepts of Revenue
19. Main Forms of MarketPerfect Competition,
Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly
20. Supply and Law of Supply
21. Role of Demand and Supply in the
Determination of Price
22. Nature of Indian Economy
23. PrivatisationMerits and Demerits
24. GlobalisationMerits and Demerits
25. Elementary Concepts of VAT, GATT, WTO and
1. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
2. Price Determination Under Monopoly
3. Price Determination Under Monopolistic
Short Answer Type Questions with their Answers

Engineering Mathematics

H.R. Gupta, Monika Kalra, Pragati Sharma

1. Applications of Differentiation
2. Partial Differentiation and its Applications

ISBN : 978-93-81420-74-4

3. Multiple Integrals and their Applications
4. Vector Calculus

Pages : 356

Engineering Mathematics

H.R. Gupta, Monika Kalra, Pragati Sharma

Matrices and its Applications
Ordinary Differential Equations and its Applications

ISBN : 978-93-81420-96-6

Laplace Transforms and its Applications
Partial Differential Equations and its Applications

H.R. Gupta, Monika Kalra, Pragati Sharma

1. Fourier Series
2. Function of a Complex Variable

Price: ` 250/-

Pages : 300

Engineering Mathematics

ISBN : 978-93-81420-92-8

Price: ` 250/-

Pages : 302


Price: ` 250/-

3. Probability Distribution and Hypothesis Testing
4. Linear Programming

Economics of Human Resource Development in India

Dr. M.M. Goyal

ISBN : 978-93-5058-014-1
Pages : 248


1. Introduction
2. Indian Population Scenario with Demographic
3. HRM, HDI, GDI, GEM and PQLI: Concepts and
4. Education in India
5. Nutrition, Health, Sanitation and Safe Drinking
Water in India
6. Environment and Climate Change in India
7. Tourism as Human Resource Development
Activity in India
8. Urbanization in India
9. International Migration from India
10. Social Security including Poverty Alleviation
Programmes in India

11. Women Empowerment in India

12. Food Security as Human Resource Development
Activity in India
13. Housing as Human Resource Development
Activity in India
14. International Organizations (UNDP, WHO,
UNESCO, UNICEF) and Their Role in Human
Resource Development in India
15. Rationale and Issues for Good Governance
for Inclusive Growth and Human Resource
Development in India
Selected Readings
Subject Index

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN : 978-93-81420-17-1
Pages : 512

Price: ` 300/-

1. Nature of Economics
2. Micro and Macroeconomics
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Theory of Supply
6. Competitive Equilibrium
7. Utility Analysis
8. Indifference Curve Approach
9. Production Function
10. Isoquant Curves
11. Theory of Costs
12. Revenue Curves
13. Location of Industries
14. Growth of a Business Firm and Optimum Size
of the Firm


Price : ` 325/-

15. Forms of Market

16. Perfect Competition
17. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry under Perfect
18. Monopoly
19. Monopolistic Competition
20. Production Characteristics of Various Factors
of Production
21. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution/
Factor Pricing
22. Rent
23. Wage
24. Interest
25. Profit

Business Organisation

R.K. Singla

1. Business: An Introduction
2. Classification of Business Activities
3. Business and Environment Interface
4. Forms of Business Organisations: Sole Trade/
Sole Proprietorship
5. Partnership Organisation
6. Joint Stock Company
7. Cooperative Societies/Cooperative Organisation
8. Multinational Companies

ISBN : 978-93-5058-175-9
Pages : 208

Business Communication

9. Entrepreneurship : Concept, Nature and
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
10. Choice of Form of Business Organisations
11. Preparation of Business Plan
12. Government and Business Interface
13. Stock Exchange: Meaning and Functions
14. Business Combination: Causes, Effects, Types
and Forms

Sri Jin Kushal, Suniti Ahuja

1. Business Communication: Nature, Process and
Basic Forms
2. Role of Communication Skills in Business
3. Communication Networks
4. Barriers to Communication or Miscommunication
5. Listening Skills
6. Reading Skills
7. Speaking Skills
8. Public Speaking, Voice Modulation and Body

ISBN : 978-93-81420-56-0
Pages : 248

Computer Fundamentals

P.K. Singh

Unit I
Introduction to Computer
Unit II
Number System

Price: ` 175/-

9. Written Communication
10. Business Letters, Sales Letters and Claim
11. Employment Letters
12. Memos, Circulars and Notice
13. Business Reports
14. Brochures
15. Notice, Agenda and Minutes of Meeting

ISBN : 978-93-5058-165-0

Price: ` 175/-

Price: ` 120/-

U nit III
Input and Output Devices
Unit IV
Computer Applications, Generations,
Networking and Internet

Pages : 128


Macro Economic Analysis and Policy

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Nature and Scope of Macro Economics
2. Circular Flow of National Income
3. National Income
4. Aggregate DemandSupply and Macro
Economic Equilibrium
5. Trade Cycles
6. Consumption Function
7. Keynesian Model of Income Determination
8. Multiplier Analysis
9. Fiscal Policy
ISBN : 978-93-81420-11-9

10. Nature and Management of Public Debt

11. Business Taxes
12. Incidence of Taxes
13. Supply of Money and Money-Multiplier
14. Money Supply in India
15. Central Bank
16. Money or Credit Creation
17. Instruments of Monetary Control
18. Monetary Policy
19. Inflation Management

Pages : 328

Organisational Behaviour

Upendra Rai

Unit-I: Introduction
1. An Overview of Organisational Behaviour
Unit-II: Individual Behaviour
2. An Introduction to Individual Behaviour at
3. Personality
4. Attitude and Values
5. Perception
6. Learning
7. Motivation
Unit-III: Group Behaviour
8. Group, Teams and Group Dynamics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-046-2
Pages : 456

Principles of Management

R.K. Singla

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Process/Functions, Roles and Skills of
4. Approaches to Management
5. Planning: Concept, Purpose and Process
6. Kinds of Plans
7. Management by Objectives
8. Decision-Making: Concept and Process
9. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process

Price: ` 275/-

9. Interpersonal Communication
10. Decision Making
11. Conflict and Negotiation at Workplace
12. Power and Politics in Organisations
Unit-IV: Organising
13. Organisational Processes
14. Organisational Structure and Design
15. Organisational Culture
16. Organisational Change
17. Organisational Development
18. Stress Management

ISBN : 978-93-81420-31-7

Price: ` 250/-

Pages : 248


Price: ` 175/-

10. Organisational: Structure and Design

11. Departmentation: Meaning and Basis
12. Distribution or Delegation of Authority
13. Coordination: Nature and Importance
14. Leading or Directing: Importance and Principles
15. Leadership: Significance, Approaches and Styles
16. Controlling: Meaning and Process
17. Techniques of Controlling

Computer Applications in Management

Neeraj Mishra

Unit-I: Introduction to Computers
Unit-II: Computer Networks

ISBN : 978-93-81015-35-3

Company Accounts

Business Statistics

Price: ` 125/-

Price: ` 405/-

Unit-III: Computer Applications

Unit-IV: Multimedia

Pages : 140

R.K. Mittal, Shagun Ahuja

1. Accounting for Share Capital (Including Buy
back of Shares)
2. Internal Reconstruction (Including Alteration of
Share Capital)
3. Acquisition of Business
4. Profit or Loss Prior to Incorporation and
Subsequent to Incorporation
5. Issue of Debentures
6. Redemption of Debentures
ISBN : 978-93-5058-040-0

7. Underwriting of Shares and Debentures

8. Final Accounts of Companies
9. Accounting Standards in India
10. Liquidation of Companies
11. Valuation of Goodwill
12. Valuation of Shares
13. Accounts of Banking Companies
14. Accounts of Insurance Companies

Pages : 844

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

Price: ` 350/-

1. Introduction to Statistics
8. Correlation
2. Collection of Data
9. Regression
3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
10. Index Numbers
4. Tabular, Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation 11. Time Series Analysis - I
of Data
12. Time Series Analysis - II
5. Measures of Central Tendency
13. Calculation of Growth Rates in Time Series
6. Measures of Dispersion
14. Association of Attributes
7. Measures of Skewness

ISBN : 978-93-5058-041-7

Pages : 716


Cost Accounting

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Satish Ahuja

1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost and Classification
3. Unit or Output Costing
4. Materials: Issue, Control and Valuation
5. Labour Cost: Computation and Control

ISBN : 978-93-5058-164-3

Capital Market

R.K. Mittal, V.K Jain

Price: ` 125/-

Price: ` 125/-

4. Depository System in India
5. Debt Market
6. Development Banking in India
7. Introduction to Mutual Funds

P.K. Singh

1. Introduction to Database Management System
2. Database System Architecture
3. Database Security and Recovery

6. Overheads
7. Job and Batch Costing
8. Contract Costing
9. Process Costing System

Pages : 176

Database Management System Concepts

ISBN : 978-93-5058-163-6

Price: ` 325/-

Pages : 540

1. Capital Market: An Overview
2. Primary Capital Market
3. Secondary Capital Market

ISBN : 978-93-5058-162-9

Pages : 192


4. Emerging Database Technologies

5. Practices with MS-Access

Financial Management

R.K. Mittal, V.K. Jain

1. Nature, Scope and Objectives of Financial
2. Introduction to Investment Decisions and
3. Capital Budgeting
4. Operating and Financial Leverages
5. Capital Structure

ISBN : 978-93-5058-235-0

Business Law

Price: ` 150/-

Price: ` 250/-

6. Management of Working Capital

7. Dividend Policy
8. Management of Cash
9. Management of Receivables
10. Inventory Management

Neeraj Mishra

Unit-I: Information System
Unit-II: Word Processor: MS-Word

Price: ` 150/-

Pages : 216

Introduction to Information Technology

ISBN : 978-93-81015-38-4

Unit-III: Microsoft Excel (MS Excel)

Unit-IV: An Introduction to Internet

Pages : 228

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-077-6
Pages : 366

1. Mercantile Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal FormalitiesWritten and Registered
10. Contingent Contracts
11. Performance of Contracts
12. Discharge of Contract
13. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts
14. Consequences of Breach of Contract
15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee


16. Contracts of Bailment

17. Contracts of Agency
18. (i) Sale of Goods Act, 1930
18. (ii) Contract of Sale
18. (iii) Conditions and Warranties
18. (iv) Transfer of Property or Ownership
18. (v) P erformance of the ContractDelivery and
18. (vi) Unpaid Seller
18. (vii) Suits for Breach of Contract
19. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
20. Consumer Protection Act 1986
21. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 2002
22. Information Technology Act, 2000
23. Right to Information Act, 2005

Indian Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-236-7
Pages : 488

1. Indian Business Environment Concept and 16. Banking Sector Reforms and Challenges Facing
Public Sector Banks
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
17. Non-Banking Financial Institutions
18. Problem of Non-Performing Assets in Indian
3. Basic Nature of Indian Economy
4. Economic Systems Capitalism, Socialism and 19. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
Mixed Economy
20. Foreign Trade Policy
5. Growth and Performance of Public Sector in
21. Indias Overseas Investment
22. Foreign Investment and its Regulation in India
6. Growth and Performance of Private Corporate 23. Foreign Collaborations in India and Multinational
Sector in India
7. Social Responsibility of Business
24. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
8. Economic Reforms and New Economic Policy of 25. World Bank 360
26. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
9. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing Policy 27. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
10. Trends in Industrial Growth
28. Indian Business System and Types of Business
11. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation
12. Growth and Problems of Small and Medium
29. Competition Act, 2002
30. Monetary Policy of India
13. Industrial Sickness
31. Fiscal Policy of India
14. Development Banks for Corporate Sector
32. International Business/Trading Environment
15. Regulation of Stock Exchanges and the Role of 33. Trading Blocs
34. Right to Information [RTI] Act, 2005

Human Resource Management

Shagun Ahuja

ISBN : 978-93-5058-237-4
Pages : 196

Price: ` 325/-

1. Introduction to Human Resource Management
2. Human Resource Management Policies
3. Human Resource Management in Globally
Competitive Environment
4. Strategic Human Resource Management
5. Human Resource Planning
6. Job Analysis and Job Design
7. Employee Involvement
8. Flexible Work Schedule
9. Recruitment
10. Selection


Price: ` 135/-

11. Induction and Placement

12. Training
13. Executive Development
14. Career Planning and Development
15. Performance Appraisal
16. Compensation Management-I (Establishing
Rewards and Pay Plans)
17. Compensation Management-II (Fringe Benefits
for Employees)
18. Health and Safety

Company Law

Ashok Sharma

1. Historical Development of Company Law in India
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
5. Memorandum of Association
6. Articles of Association
7. Prospectus
8. Members and Shareholders of a Company
9. Company Meetings and Resolutions
10. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid

ISBN : 978-93-81420-26-3
Pages : 292

Introduction to Computer Networks

Price: ` 165/-

Price: ` 165/-

5. Internet Practices
6. Practices with HTML
l Glossary

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. International Business An Introduction
2. International Business Environment (Overview)
3. Risk in International Business
4. Motives for International Business
5. Barriers to International Business
6. Global Trading and World Trade Organisation
7. Global Financial System
8. Modes of Entry into Foreign Markets
9. Foreign Market Entry Strategies, Country
Evaluation and Selection

Pages : 256

Foundations of International Business

ISBN : 978-93-5058-055-4

11. Dividends
12. Company Auditor: Appointment, Powers, Duties
and Liabilities
13. Inspection and Investigation
14. Management and Administration of a Company
15. Corporate Governance
16. Borrowing, Investments and Loans
17. The Majority Rule and Minority Rights
18. Winding up of the Company

P.K. Singh

1. Introduction to Computer Networks
2. Network Communication Model
3. An Introduction to Internet
4. Intranet

ISBN : 978-93-5058-161-2

Price: ` 175/-

Pages : 232


10. Foreign Investment

11. Control Mechanism for International Business
12. Global Manufacturing, Outsourcing and Logistic
13. International Marketing
14. Accounting Differences Across Countries
15. Cross-Cultural Challenges in International
16. International Staffing and Compensation

System Analysis and Design

Neeraj Mishra

System and System Development Life Cycle
System Design Tools

ISBN : 978-93-5058-048-6

Input, Output and Form Design
Introduction to Distributed Processing and Real
Time System

Pages : 188

Structured System Analysis and Design

Suniti Ahuja, Urvashi Manchanda, Rashmi Verma

PART-I: Overview
1. System Concepts
2. SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)
3. Role of System Analyst
PART-II: Analysis Phase
4. Fact-finding Methods/Information Gathering
5. Tools of Structured System Analysis
6. Feasibility Study
7. Cost-Benefit Analysis

ISBN : 978-93-80735-50-4

Price: ` 125/-

PART-III: Design Phase

8. System Design
9. Input/Output and Form Design
PART-IV: Implementation Phase
10. System Testing and Quality Assurance
11. System Implementation and Maintenance
12. Hardware/Software Selection
13. Project Selection and Scheduling Techniques

l Some Important DFDs
l Miscellaneous
l Glossary

Pages : 148

Communication Skills

Suniti Ahuja

ISBN : 978-93-5058-342-5
Pages : 232

Price: ` 165/-

Unit-I: Introduction to Basics of Communication
1. Communication: An Overview
2. Communication Models and Theories
3. Barriers to Communication
Unit-II: Improving LSRW
4. Verbal And Non-Verbal Communication
5. Listening Process
6. Group Discussion
7. Dyadic Communication
8. Seven Cs of Communication
9. Developing Dialogues
10. Soft Skills
Unit-III: Basic Vocabulary & Developing Fluency
11. How to Build Vocabulary
12. Prefix
13. Suffix


14. Synonyms
15. Antonyms
16. One Word Substitution
17. Spellings
18. Conjunctions
19. Auxiliaries
20. Prepositions
21. Articles
22. Tenses
23. Language Games
Unit-IV: Proper Use of Language
24. The Communication Skills
25. The Effective Speech
26. Interview Process
27. Presentation Skills

Price: ` 165/-

Fundamentals of Digital Electronics

Sunitti Ahuja, Urvashi Sapra, Monika Chauhan

Unit I
Basics of Semiconductor Physics
Unit II
Semiconductor Devices
Unit III
Junction Transistor
Unit IV
Digital Concepts
Unit V
Logic Gates
Unit VI
Boolean Algebra and Minimisation Techniques
Unit VII
Combinational Circuits

ISBN : 978-93-5058-196-4
Pages : 146

Basics of Retail Management

Business Economics

Price: ` 125/-

Price: ` 110/-

Unit IX
Unit X
Unit XI
Unit XII
D/A And A/D Converter
Logic Families

Narendra Kumar, Mukesh Dhunna, Divyaa Sharma

1. RetailingThe Beginning Basics
2. The Retail Strategy
3. Building and Sustaining Retail Relationships

ISBN : 978-93-5058-166-7

4. Retailer Relationships
5. Technology and Relationships in Retailing
6. Strategic Planning in Retailing

Pages : 124
T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Introduction to Business Economics
2. Basic Concepts
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Demand Forecasting
6. Theory of Production
7. Theory of Costs
8. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
9. Concepts of Revenue
ISBN : 978-93-5058-482-8

Pages : 320


Price: ` 275/-

10. Business Decision-making: Some Fundamental

11. Pricing Under Perfect Competition
12. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
13. Pricing Under Monopoly
14. Pricing Under Monopolistic Competition
15. Pricing Under Oligopoly

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Measures of Central Tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion
4. Simple Correlation
5. Simple Regression Analysis
6. Index Numbers

Price: ` 450/-

7. Time Series Analysis

8. Probability
9. Probability Distributions Binomial and
10. Probability DistributionNormal
*Statistical Tables

ISBN : 978-93-5058-485-9
Pages : 702

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Microeconomics
2. Consumer Behaviour: Utility Approach
3. Indifference Curve Approach
4. Theory of Demand
5. Elasticity of Demand
6. Theory of Supply
7. Theory of Production
8. Theory of Costs

ISBN : 978-93-5058-177-3

9. Concepts of the Revenue

10. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under
Perfect Competition
12. Price and Output Determination Under
13. Monopolistic Competition

Pages : 308

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Macroeconomics: Meaning, Scope and
2. National Income
3. Consumption Function
4. Investment

ISBN : 978-93-5058-264-0

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 188


5. Marginal Efficiency of Capital

6. Interest Rate Determination
7. Multiplier
8. Accelerator
9. Inflation

Price: ` 135/-

Business Law

Ashok Sharma

1. Introduction to Business Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872: Nature and
Classification of Contracts
3. Offer, Acceptance and Revocation
4. Capacity of Parties to Contract
5. Free Consent of Parties
6. Consideration and Legality of Object
7. Agreements Declared Void
8. Performance of Contracts
9. Discharge of Contract
ISBN : 978-93-5058-251-0

Business Economics

Business Law

10. Remedies for Breach of Contract

11. Formation of Contracts of Sale
12. Conditions and Warranties
13. Transfer of Property in Goods
14. Performance of the Contract of Sales
15. Unpaid Seller and his Rights
16. Breach of Sales Contract and Sale by Auction
17. Hire-Purchase Agreement
18. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
19. Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Pages : 256
T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Nature and Scope of Macroeconomics
2. National Income and Related Aggregates
3. Measurement of National Income
4. Classical Theory of Income and Employment
5. Says Law of Market
6. Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment
7. Consumption Function
ISBN : 978-93-5058-518-4

Price: ` 150/-

Price: ` 275/-

Price: ` 150/-

8. Investment Function
9. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
10. Multiplier
11. Introduction to Money
12. Monetary System
13. Monetary Policy
14. Fiscal Policy
15. Inflation

Pages : 304

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-508-5
Pages : 288

Unit I: Law of Contract
1. Introduction to Business Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872 An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal Formalities Written and Registered
10. Performance of Contracts
11. Discharge of Contract
12. Consequences of Breach of Contract
Special Contracts
13. Contingent Contracts


14. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts

15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency
Unit-II: Sale of Goods Act, 1930 & Factories Act
18. Sales of Goods Act, 1930: An Overview
19. Contract of Sale
20. Conditions and Warranties
21. Transfer of Property or Ownership
22. Performance of the Contract Delivery and
23. Unpaid Seller
24. Suits for Breach of Contract
25. The Factories Act, 1948

Principles of Management

R.K. Singla

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Principles of Management: Nature and
4. Scientific Management: Principles and
5. Evolution of Management Thought: Various
6. Management by Objectives
7. Planning: Nature and Significance
8. Elements or Types of Plans
9. Decision-Making: Process and Techniques
10. Organising: Process and Formal and Informal
11. Forms of Organisation Structure

ISBN : 978-93-5058-255-8
Pages : 376

Financial Management

12. Departmentation
13. Span of Management
14. Delegation of Authority
15. Decentralisation and Centralisation
16. Staffing: Concept and Nature
17. Recruitment: Meaning and Sources
18. Selection: Meaning and Process
19. Training and Development
20. Performance Appraisal
21. Directing: Principles and Elements
22. Motivation: Nature and Theories
23. Leadership: Styles and Theories
24. Coordination: Principles and Techniques
25. Controlling: Nature and Process
26. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern

R.K. Mittal, Manoj Kumar

1. Introduction to Financial Management
2. Time Value of Money
3. Risk and Return
4. Capital Budgeting
5. Cost of Capital

ISBN : 978-93-5058-519-1

Price: ` 300/-

Pages : 244


6. Sources of Long-Term Finance
7. Capital Structure
8. Operating and Financial Leverages
9. Working Capital Management
10. Dividend Policy

Price: ` 150/-

Statistics for Business

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN : 978-93-5058-286-2
Pages : 1036

Indian Financial System

Part-A (Basic Mathematics)
1. Matrices and Determinants
2. Intruduction to Input-Output Analysis
3. Function and Limits
4. Simple Derivatives
5. Maxima and Minima Functions of Variable
Part-B (Basic Statistics-I)
1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Measures of Dispersion

Price: ` 504/-

Part-C (Basic Statistics-II)

1. Correlation
2. Linear Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers-I
4. Index Numers-II
5. Time Series Analysis-I
6. Time Series Analysis-II
7. Probability
8. Probability Distribution-Binomial and Poisson
9. Probability Distribution -Normal
10. Sampling and Sampling Methods

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

1. Indian Financial System: An Overview
2. Financial Market
3. Money Market
4. Capital Market
5. Primary Capital Market
6. Secondary Capital Market
7. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
ISBN : 978-93-5058-317-3
Pages : 152


Price: ` 115/-

8. Non-Banking Financial Companies
9. Mutual Funds
10. Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999
11. Foreign Investment

Accounting and Financial Management

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

1. Introduction to Accounting
2. Accounting Principles, Concepts, Conventions
3. Double Entry System
4. Journal
5. Ledger
6. Subsidiary Books
7. Cash Book
8. Trial Balance
9. Final Accounts
10. Final Accounts with Adjustments
11. Rectification of Errors
12. Depreciation

ISBN : 978-93-5058-195-7
Pages : 488

Psychology for Managers

13. Cost Accounting

14. Cost: Elements, Concepts and Classification
15. Inventory: Issue, Valuation and Control
16. Payroll and Wage Record
17. Analysis Design and Implementation Issues of
Wage Accounting System
18. Computerised Accounting System
19. Computerised Inventory and Production Control
20. Issue and Forfeiture of Shares
21. Bank Reconciliation Statement
22. Sources of Finance

R.K. Singla

1. Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction
2. Attitude: Meaning, Sources and Formation
3. Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Types and
4. Perception: Meaning, Nature and Process
5. Decision-making: Process and Techniques
6. Motivation : Concepts, Need and Applications
7. Group and Group Dynamics
8. Team Building and Development
ISBN : 978-93-5058-569-6

9. Transactional Analysis
10. Leadership : Theories and Styles
11. Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Sources and
12. Organisational Culture and Climate
13. Organisational Change or Management of
14. Stress Management : Causes and Techniques

R.K. Mittal

1. Nature and Scope of Financial Management
2. Capitalisation
3. Capital Structure Theories
4. Cost of Capital
5. Long-Term and Short-Term Sources of Finance

Price: ` 225/-

Pages : 284

Financial Management

ISBN : 978-93-5058-329-6

Price: ` 300/-

Pages : 220


6. Capital Budgeting
7. Dividend Policy
8. Operating and Financial Leverages
9. Management of Working Capital

Price: ` 165/-

Business Environment

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Business Environment An Introduction
(Concept and Components)
2. Environmental Scanning and Importance of
Business Environment
3. SWOT and ETOP Analysis
4. New Economic Reforms
5. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation
6. Economic Planning in India
7. Tenth Five Year Plan
8. Eleventh Five Year Plan
9. Twelfth Five Year Plan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-380-7
Pages : 220

Fundamentals of Capital Market

Price: ` 100/-

Price: ` 250/-

6. Participants in Capital Market

7. Operators on Stock Exchange
8. Listing of Securities
9. Security Market Indices

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna, Baljeet Singh

1. An Introduction to Business Economics
2. Micro and Macro Economics
3. Demand Analysis
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Demand Forecasting
6. Cardinal Utility Approach
7. Ordinal Utility Approach
8. Theory of Production

Pages : 128

Business Economics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-452-1

10. Government Budget

11. Social Responsibility of Business and Business
12. Social Audit
13. Corporate Governance
14. Deficit Financing and its Implications
15. Disinvestment of Public Enterprises
16. Fiscal Policy of India
17. Monetary Policy of India
18. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)

R.K. Mittal, Satish Ahuja

1. An Introduction to Capital Market
2. New Issue Market
3. Stock Market
4. Financial Institutions
5. Instruments in Capital Market

ISBN : 978-93-5058-565-8

Price: ` 165/-

Pages : 328


9. Cost Analysis
10. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
11. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry
Under Perfect Competition
12. Price Determination Under Monopoly
13. Price Determination Under Monopolistic

Business Organisation and Management

R.K. Singla, S.S. Narta

1. Business Organisation: An Introduction
2. Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade
3. Partnership Organisation
4. Joint Hindu Family Business or Hindu Undivided
5. Cooperative Organisation
6. Company Organisation
7. Limited Liability PartnershipLLP and One
Person CompanyOPC
8. Management: An Introduction
9. Management as Science, Art, Profession and
Social System

ISBN : 978-93-5058-113-1
Pages : 248

Financial Accounting

10. Evolution of Management Thought
11. Planning: Concept and Types
12. Forecasting and Decision Making
13. Organising and Types of Organisations
14. Delegation and Decentralisation
15. Staffing: Process of Recruitment and Selection
16. Directing: Nature and Principles
17. Communication Concept, Types and Importance
18. Motivation: Importance and Theories
19. Leadership: Meaning and Styles
20. Controlling: Concept and Process

R.S. Singal, O. P. Verma, Madan Guleria

1. Introduction of Financial Accounting
2. Accounting PrinciplesConcepts and
3. Recording of Business Transactions
4. Accounting ProcessJournal
5. Accounting ProcessLedger
6. Accounting ProcessTrial Balance
7. Accounting ProcessFinal Accounts
8. Special Purpose Books : Cash Book

ISBN : 978-93-5058-451-4

Price: ` 325/-

9. Special Purpose Other Subsidiary Books

10. Bank Reconciliation Statement
11. Final Accounts with Adjustments
12. Joint Stock Company Accounts Issue of
13. Joint Stock Company Accounts Issue of
14. Introduction to Company Final Accounts

Pages : 404

Business Communication and Personality Development

Sri Jin Kushal, Devinder Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-453-8
Pages : 248

Price: ` 175/-

1. Business Communication: Nature, Process and
Basic Forms
2. Effective Communication
3. Self-Development and Communication
4. Corporate Communication
5. Barriers to and Principles of Effective
6. Body Language and Effective Communication
7. Assertiveness
8. ProblemSolving
9. Decision-Making Skills
10. Conflict Management
11. Stress Management


Price: ` 175/-

12. Motivation
13. Positive, Creative and Lateral Thinking
14. Leadership
15. Team and Teamwork
16. Time Management
17. Work Ethics, Manners and Etiquettes
18. A Spiritual Journey Beyond the Management of
19. Interpersonal Relationship
20. Personality: Meaning, Nature and Traits
21. Pillars of Personality Development
22. Self-Esteem
23. Personal Formation Structure: Mind-Mapping
24. Types of Personality

Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Business EnvironmentAn Introduction
(Concept, Types and Components)
2. Environmental Analysis and Importance of
Business Environment
3. Competitive Structure of Industries
4. Nature and Scope of Business
5. Strategic Management
6. Economic Environment of Business
7. Nature of Indian Economy
8. Monetary Policy of India
9. Fiscal Policy of India
10. Competition Act, 2002
11. Socio-Cultural Environment of Business
12. Culture And Globalisation

ISBN : 978-93-5058-552-8
Pages : 252

Business Statistics

Price: ` 200 /-

13. Social Responsibility of Business and Business

14. Social Audit
15. Political and Legal Environment, and State
Intervention in Business
16. Constitutional Environment
17. International Business Environment An Overview
18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
19. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD)
20. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
21. Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
22. Multinational Corporations and Foreign
Collaborations in India

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Rajesh Dhorta

Price: ` 504 /-

1. Introduction to Statistics
7. Simple Correlation
2. Census and Sample Methods
8. Simple Regression Analysis
3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
9. Time Series Analysis
4. Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation of Data 10. Index Numbers
5. Measures of Central Tendency
Statistical Log Tables
6. Measures of Dispersion

ISBN : 978-93-5058-553-5

Business Law

Pages : 568

Ashok Sharma

1. Business Law: An Overview
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872: An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Offer, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Consideration and Legality of Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Performance of Contracts
ISBN : 978-93-5058-554-2

Pages : 260


Price: ` 200/-

10. Discharge of Contract

11. Remedies for Breach of Contract
12. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
13. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
14. Contracts of Agency
15. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
16. Consumer Protection Act, 1986
17. Value Added Tax

Business Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna, Baljeet Singh

1. Market Structure
2. Market Mechanism: Price and Output
3. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
4. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
5. Price and Output Determination Under

ISBN : 978-93-5058-116-2

Shagun Ahuja

1. Personnel Management: Nature and Scope
2. Personnel Policies and Procedures
3. Human Resource Planning
4. Recruitment

Business Statistics

Price: ` 100/-

Price: ` 504/-

5. Selection
6. Job Analysis and Job Design
7. Performance Appraisal
8. Management by Objectives

Pages : 144
T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Rajesh Dhorta

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Frequency Distribution Construction and Its
3. Representation
4. Measures of Central Tendency
5. Measures of Dispersion
6. Measures of Skewness

ISBN : 978-93-5058-285-5
Pages : 812

6. Price and Output Determination Under Imperfect

Competition or Monopolistic Competition
7. Pricing Under Oligopoly
8. Theory of Factor Pricing
9. Determination of Rent
10. Determination of Wages
11. Determination of Interest
12. Profit: Concepts, Theories and Policy

Pages : 248

Human Resource Management

ISBN : 978-93-5058-139-1

Price: ` 175/-


1. Correlation
2. Linear Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers-I
4. Index Numbers-II
5. Time Series Analysis-I
6. Time Series Analysis-II
7. Probability
8. Probability Distributions Binomial and
9. Probability Distribution Normal

Company Law

Ashok Sharma

1. Historical Development of Company Law in India
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
5. Memorandum of Association
6. Articles of Association
7. Prospectus
8. Company Meetings and Resolutions
ISBN : 978-93-5058-019-6

Cost Accounting

9. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid

10. Allotment and Issue of Shares
11. Share Certificate and Share Warrant
12. Transfer and Transmission of Shares
13. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien
14. Management and Control of Companies
15. Winding up of the Company
*University Question Paper

Pages : 232

S.P. Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Vikram Thakur

1. Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting
2. Elements of Cost
3. Material Cost
4. Labour Cost
5. Overhead Cost

ISBN : 978-93-5058-020-2


Price: ` 200/-

Price: ` 350/-

6. Unit Costing and Cost Sheet

7. Job Order Costing
8. Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounting
9. Process Costing

Pages : 488

Ashok Sharma

1. Introduction
2. Objects, Advantages and Limitations of Auditing
3. Types or Classification of Audit
4. Consideration or Preparation before Audit and
Audit Programme
5. Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal
6. Routine Checking and Vouching
7. Verification of Assets and Liabilities
8. Valuation of Assets
ISBN : 978-93-5058-031-8

Pages : 332


Price: ` 250/-

9. Company Auditor: Appointment, Powers, Duties

and Liabilities
10. Audit of Share Capital and Share Transfer
11. Audit of Managerial Remuneration
12. Audit of Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
13. Divisible Profits and Dividends
14. Audit of Specialised Units
15. Investigation
16. Auditors Communication (Audit Report)

Indian Business and Economy

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-117-9
Pages : 342

Government and Business

1. Business An Introduction
2. Nature of Indian Economy
3. Public Sector in India
4. Private Sector in India
5. Joint Sector in India
6. Cooperative Sector in India
7. Small Scale Industries in India
8. Demographic Trends-I: Population and
Economic Development
9. Demographic Trends-II: Features of Population
Growth in India
10. Trends in National Income

11. Trends in Employment and Problem of

Unemployment in India
12. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
13. Trends in Saving and Capital Formation
14. Problem of Poverty
15. Problem of Inflation
16. Parallel Economy
17. Industrial Sickness
18. Consumer Protection
19. Economic Planning in India
20. Tenth Five Year Plan
21. Eleventh Five Year Plan
22. Twelfth Five Year Plan

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN : 978-93-5058-118-6
Pages : 220

Price: ` 270/-

1. Business Environment Micro and Macro
2. Environmental Analysis and Importance of
Business Environment
3. Strategic Management
4. Meaning and Objectives of Business
5. Professionalisation of Business
6. Business and Culture
7. Technological Development and Social Change
8. Social Responsibility of Business and Business
9. Consumerism and Consumer Protection Act


Price: ` 150/-

10. Economic Systems Capitalism, Socialism and

Mixed Economy
11. Role of Government and Expansion of
12. State Intervention in Business
13. Constitutional Environment
14. Public Sector and its Defects in India
15. Private Sector in India
16. Privatisation in India
17. Industrial Sickness and Sick Industrial
Companies Act
18. Turnaround Management

Financial Management

R.K. Mittal

1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Financial
2. Choice of Form of Organisation
3. Financial Planning
4. Sources of FinanceI

ISBN : 978-93-5058-152-0

Price: ` 100/-

Price: ` 225/-

5. Sources of FinanceII
6. Capital Budgeting
7. Capitalisation
8. Capital Structure

Pages : 144

Management of Foreign Trade

ISBN : 978-93-5058-399-9
Pages : 272

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

1. An Introduction to International Trade
2. Classical Theory of International Trade
3. Neo-classical Theory of International Trade
4. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of International Trade
5. Factor Price Equalisation and Income
6. Terms of Trade and Offer Curves
7. Measurement of Gains from Trade
8. Free Trade Versus Protection
9. Effects of Tariff: Partial and General Equilibrium
10. Non-tariff Trade Barriers


11. GATT (WTO) and Trade Policies of LDCs

12. Theory of Custom Union
13. Regional Economic Groups
14. Balance of Payments and its Adjustments
15. Exchange Rate Determination
16. Development of International Monetary System
17. International Resources and Problem of
18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
19. New International Economic Order (NIEO)
20. Problems of International Debts
21. World Bank Group

Business Organisation

R.K. Singla

ISBN : 978-93-5058-149-0
Pages : 236

Business Law

1. Business: An Introduction
2. Scope or Classification of Business Activities
3. Business Organisation: Meaning and Evolution
4. Modern Business Organisations
5. Establishing a New Business Unit
6. Promotion of a Venture
7. Plant Location, Plant Layout and Size of a
Business Unit
8. Forms of Business Organisations

Price: ` 150/-

9. Sole Proprietorship
10. Partnership Organisation
11. Joint Stock Company
12. Cooperative Organisation
13. Business Combination: Causes, Effects, Types
and Forms
14. Sources of Business Finance
15. Money Market and Capital (Security) Market
16. Stock Exchange: Meaning and Functions

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-134-6
Pages : 316

1. An Overview of Business Law
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872 An Introduction
3. Valid Contract and its Elements
4. Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
5. Contractual Capacity of Parties
6. Free Consent of Parties
7. Lawful Consideration and Object
8. Agreements Expressly Declared as Void
9. Legal Formalities Written and Registered
10. Performance of Contracts
11. Discharge of Contract
12. Consequences of Breach of Contract
13. Contingent Contracts
14. Implied, Quasi or Constructive Contracts


Price: ` 200/-

15. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee

16. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
17. Contracts of Agency
18. Sale of Goods Act, 1930: An Overview
19. Contract of Sale
20. Conditions and Warranties
21. Transfer of Property or Ownership
22. Performance of the Contract Delivery and
23. Unpaid Seller
24. Suits for Breach of Contract
25. Indian Partnership Act, 1932
26. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

Fundamentals of Management

R.K. Singla

Unit - I
1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Scope or Functional Areas of Management
Unit - II
4. Evolution of Management Thought
5. Planning: Concept and Process
6. Forms or Types of Planning
Unit - III
7. Decision-Making: Process and Techniques
8. Organising: Concept, Nature and Process
9. Types or Forms of Organisation Structure
10. Delegation of Authority

ISBN : 978-93-5058-135-3
Pages : 292

Principles of Economics

ISBN : 978-93-5058-138-4
Pages : 296

Price: ` 225/-

Price: ` 275/-

12. Market Analysis

13. Perfect Competition
14. Monopoly
15. Monopolistic Competition
16. Oligopoly
17. Theory of Factor Pricing
18. Theories of Rent
19. Theories of Wages
20. Theories of Interest
21. Theories of Profit

A.K. Vasishtha, H. Vasishtha

1. Algebra of Matrices
2. Adjoint, Inverse of a Matrix and Rank
3. Solution of Equations
4. Percentage
5. Ratio and Proportion
6. Average
7. Arithmetic Progressions
8. Geometric Progressions
9. Harmonic Progressions
ISBN : 978-93-5058-197-1

11. Decentralisation and Centralisation

12. Span of Control or Span of Management
Unit - IV
13. Directing: Concept and Principles
14. Supervision: Meaning and Importance
15. Coordination: Nature and Importance
16. Leadership: Importance and Styles
17. Motivation: Process and Techniques
18. Communication: Process and Networks
Unit - V
19. Controlling: Concept and Process
20. Techniques of Controlling

T.R. Jain, V.K. Ohri

1. Nature and Scope of Economics
2. Utility Analysis
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Indifference Curve Analysis
6. Consumers Surplus
7. Production Function and Laws of Production
8. Isoquant Curves and Producers Equilibrium
9. Concepts of Supply and Law of Supply
10. Theory of Costs
11. Concepts of Revenue

Business Mathematics

Price: ` 190/-

Pages : 516


10. Simple Interest

11. Compound Interest
12. Sets
13. Permutations
14. Combinations
15. Differentiation
16. Maxima and Minima
17. Elementary Integration

Organisational Behaviour

Upendra Rai

ISBN : 978-93-5058-036-3
Pages : 444

10. Leadership
1. An Overview of Organisational Behaviour
11. Power and Politics in Organisations
2. Introduction to Individual Behaviour at
12. Conflict Management
13. Stress Management
3. Perception
14. Grievance Handling
4. Personality
15. Quality of Work Life
5. Attitude
16. Management of Change
6. Motivation
17. Organisational Development
7. Learning
18. Organisational Culture
19. Case Studies
8. Group and Group Dynamics
9. Interpersonal Communication and Transactional

Business Communication

Sri Jin Kushal

1. Business Communication: Basic Forms and
2. Effective Communication
3. Corporate Communication: Formal and Informal
4. Communication Network
5. Barriers in Communication
6. Practices in Business Communication
7. Essentials of Effective Business Letters
8. Writing Important Business Letters
ISBN : 978-93-5058-017-2

Business Statistics

Pages : 272
T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification of Data
4. Tabular, Diagrammatic and Graphical
Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Measures of Variation (Dispersion)
7. Measures of Skewness

Price: ` 175/-

9. Oral Presentation
10. Effective Presentation Skills
11. Non-Verbal Communication
12. Effective Listening
13. Interviewing Skills Resumes and Job
Application Letters
14. Modern Forms of Communication: Fax, E-Mail
and Video Conferencing
15. International Communication

ISBN : 978-93-5058-022-6

Price: ` 250/-

Pages : 732


Price: ` 360/-

8. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis

9. Correlation
10. Regression
11. Probability
12. Probability Distributions: Binomial and Poisson
13. Probability Distribution: Normal
14. Sampling and Methods of Sampling
15. Test of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests

Business Environment

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Business Environment An Introduction
(Concept and Components)
2. Analysis and Importance of Business
3. Social Responsibility of Business
4. Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism,
Communism and Mixed Economy
5. Public Sector in India
6. Private Sector in India
7. Industrial Policy
ISBN : 978-93-5058-033-2

Indian Economy

Price: ` 135/-

8. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

9. Role of Government in Business
10. Monetary Policy of India
11. Fiscal Policy of India
12. Export-Import (EXIM) Policy
13. Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA
14. International Business Environment (Overview)
15. Trends in World Trade
16. World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Pages : 208

T.R. Jain, Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

Price: ` 150/-

1. Nature of Indian Economy
8. Eleventh Five Year Plan
2. Economic Growth and Economic Development
9. Agriculture in India Problems and
3. Human Resource Development Concept and Development
10. Large Scale Industries
4. Economic Resources of India
11. Service and Entrepreneurial Sector in India
5. Human Resources Population Problem and
12. Role of Commercial Banks
Population Policy
13. Role of Financial Institutions
6. Unemployment Problem in India
14. Small Scale Industries in India
7. Economic Planning in India
ISBN : 978-93-5058-034-9

Pages : 224

Principles of Accounting

R.K. Mittal, M.R. Bansal

1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
2. Accounting Concepts and Principles
3. Accounting Standards
4. Accounting for Price Level Changes
5. Accounts of Non-trading Organisations
6. Joint Venture Accounts
7. Consignment Accounts
8. Accounts of Banking Companies
9. Accounts of Insurance Companies
10. Departmental Accounts
ISBN : 978-93-5058-035-6

Pages : 1012


Price: ` 495/-

11. Branch Accounts

12. Hire Purchase & Instalment Payment Systems
13. Royalty Accounts
14. Partnership Accounts - Distribution of Profits
15. Partnership Accounts - Admission of a Partner
16. Partnership Accounts - Retirement or Death of
a Partner
17. Partnership Accounts- Dissolution of
Partnership Firm

Advertising Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Advertising An Introduction
2. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising
3. Ethics and Truth in Advertising
4. Communication: Meaning, Importance and
5. Communication Mix
6. Branding Decisions
7. Objectives of Advertising

ISBN : 978-93-5058-140-7

8. Advertising Budget
9. Advertising Copy and Creativity in Advertising
10. Types of Advertising Media
11. Media Planning and Scheduling
12. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and
Advertising Research
13. International Advertising

Pages : 232

Human Resource Management

Shagun Ahuja

1. Human Resource Management, Nature, Scope
and Functions
2. Human Resource Development
3. Human Resource Policies and Programmes
4. Strategic Human Resource Management
5. Productivity and Improvement
6. Job Analysis and Design
7. Human Resource Planning
8. Recruitment
9. Selection
ISBN : 978-93-5058-176-6

10. Career Planning and Development

11. Training and Development
12. Performance Appraisal
13. Promotion and Transfer
14. Compensation ManagementI
15. Compensation ManagementII
16. Job Evaluation
17. Labour Legislations
18. Discipline and Grievances
19. Trade Union

R.K. Mittal

1. Concept, Nature and Scope of Financial
2. Time Value of Money
3. Capitalisation
4. Capital Structure Planning
5. Cost of Capital
6. Capital Budgeting

Price: ` 250/-

Pages : 384

Financial Management

ISBN : 978-93-5058-252-7

Price: ` 150/-

Pages : 256


7. Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty

8. Management of Working Capital
9. Management of Cash
10. Management of Receivables
11. Inventory Management
12. Management of Earning (Dividend)

Price: ` 160/-

Sales Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

1. Sales Management An Introduction
2. Sales Organisation
3. Sales Department Relations
4. Salesmanship and Personal Selling
5. Sales Display
6. Distribution Channels and Network Relations
7. Marketing Middlemen

ISBN : 978-93-5058-257-2

8. Physical Distribution
9. Sales Force Management: Recruitment and
Selection of Sales Personnel
10. Sales Force Management: Training Sales
11. Sales Force Management: Compensating Sales

Pages : 164

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain

ISBN : 978-93-5058-321-0
Pages : 372

Price: ` 105/-

1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Fundamentals of Economic Tools
3. Demand Analysis
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Revenue Concepts
6. Demand Forecasting
7. Short Run and Long Run Production Functions
8. Theory of Cost
9. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
10. Market Structure and Business Decisions
11. Price and Output Determination Under Perfect


Price: ` 250/-

12. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect

13. Price and Output Determination Under
14. Price and Output Determination Under
Monopolistic Competition
15. Price and Output Determination Under Oligopoly
16. Pricing Strategies and Tactics
17. Profit
18. Break-Even Analysis
19. Inflation

Books for MBA/M.Com/M.A.

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81420-55-3 (Hindi) Pages: 700

ISBN : 978-93-81420-54-6
Pages : 590

Managerial Economics

1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Importance of Managerial DecisionMaking;
Marginal Analysis
3. Economic Theory and Managerial Theory
4. Basic Economic Concepts
5. Objectives of a Firm
6. Demand Function
7. Elasticity of Demand
8. Consumers Equilibrium: Utility Approach
9. Indifference Curves Approach-I
10. Indifference Curves Approach-II
11. Theory of Revealed Preference
12. Theory of Consumer Choice Under Risk
13. Fundamentals of Demand Estimation/
14. Short Run and Long Run Production Functions
15. Break-Even Analysis
16. Cost Curves
17. Concepts of Revenue

Price: ` 405/-

18. Economies of Scale

19. Market Structure and Business Decisions
20. Price and Output Determination Under Perfect
21. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
22. Price and Output Determination Under Monopoly
23. Price and Output Determination Under
Monopolistic Competition
24. Price and Output Determination Under Oligopoly
25. Pricing Strategies and Tactics
26. Pricing Under Public Sector Enterprises
27. National Income: Concepts and Measurement
28. Circular Flow of Economic Activities
29. Inflation-Types and Control
30. Balance of Payments
31. Monetary Policy
32. Fiscal Policy
33. Business Cycles

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

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ISBN : 978-93-81420-44-7
Pages : 564

1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Fundamental Economic Concepts
3. Demand Function and Law of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand
5. Consumers Equilibrium: Utility Approach
6. Consumers Equilibrium: Indifference Curves
7. Consumers Equilibrium: Indifference Curves
8. Demand Estimation and Demand Forecasting
9. Production Functions
10. Theory of Cost
11. Concepts of Revenue
12. Economies of Scale and Learning Curve


Price: ` 360/-

13. Market Structure and Business Decisions
14. Price and Output Determination Under Perfect
15. Equilibrium of Firm and Industry Under Perfect
16. Price and Output Determination Under
17. Price and Output Determination Under
Monopolistic Competition
18. Price and Output Determination Under Oligopoly
19. Managerial Theories of Firms
20. Pricing Strategies and Tactics
21. Pricing Under Risk and Uncertainty
22. Elements of Factor Pricing

Organisational Behaviour

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-214-5 (Hindi) Pages: 204
1. Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction
2. Attitude: Meaning, Sources and Formation
3. Perception: Meaning, Nature and Process
4. Learning: Meaning, Principles and Theories
5. Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Types and
6. Transactional Analysis

ISBN : 978-93-5058-215-2

7. Group and Group Dynamics

8. Team Building and Development
9. Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Sources and
10. Organisational Development: Process and
11. Management of Change

Pages : 228

Principles and Practices of Management

R.K. Singla

ISBN : 978-93-5058-238-1
Pages : 376

Price: ` 150/-

1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Levels and Functions of Management
4. Principles of Management: Nature and
5. Development of Management Thought: Various
6. Planning: Nature and Process
7. Elements or Types of Plans
8. Management by Objectives
9. Organising: Process and Formal and Informal
10. Work Specialisation and Departmentation
11. Chain of Command and Delegation of Authority


Price: ` 300/-

12. Decentralisation and Centralisation

13. Span of Management
14. Line and Staff Authority
15. Staffing: Concept and Scope
16. Decision-Making: Process and Techniques
17. Directing: Principles and Elements
18. Job Evaluation Design: Concept and Methods
19. Performance Appraisal
20. Developing Compensation Plans
21. Coordination: Nature and Importance
22. Controlling: System and Process
23. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern
24. Social Responsibilities of Business

Business Environment

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-38-6 (Hindi) Pages: 316
1. Theoretical Framework of Business
2. Environmental Scanning
3. Dualism and Problem of Uneven Income
Distribution in India
4. Emerging Rural Sector in India
5. Social Responsibility of Business
6. Consumerism in India and Consumer
Protection Act

ISBN : 978-93-81420-37-9
Pages : 304

Business Environment

Price: ` 225/-

7. Economic Systems and Business Environment

8. Economic Planning in India
9. Economic Reforms in India
10. Industrial Policy
11. Competition Policy and Competition Act
12. Public Sector in India

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-53-9 (Hindi) Pages: 452

Price: ` 300/-

1. Theoretical Framework of Business
8. Economic Policies
9. Industrial Policy
2. Environmental Scanning
10. Industrial Licensing Policy
3. Economic Systems
11. Business and Government
4. Economic Planning in India
12. Industrial Sickness
5. Public Sector and Economic Development
13. Small Scale Industries
6. Private Sector and Joint Sector
14. The Environment (Protection) Act
7. Economic Reforms, Liberalisation and Structural
ISBN : 978-93-81420-52-2

Pages : 440

Business Environment

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

1. Theoretical Framework of Business
2. Industrial Policy
3. Economic Policies
4. EXIM Policy
5. The Competition Act
6. Foreign Direct Investments and Trends
7. World Trade Organisation
8. Prominent Economic Groupings

ISBN : 978-93-81420-43-0

Pages : 372


Price: ` 300/-

9. Public Sector in India

10. Private Sector and Joint Sector
11. Small Scale Industries
12. Economic Reforms, Liberalisation, Privatistion,
Globalisation and Trends
13. Balance of Payments
14. Emerging Sectors in Indian Economy and
Current State of Growth Environment

Accounting for Managers

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN : 978-93-5058-183-4
Pages : 580

Company Law

1. Introduction to Accounting
2. Accounting Principles, Concepts, Conventions
3. Accounting Standards
4. Accounting Process
5. Journal
6. Ledger
7. Trial Balance
8. Depreciation
9. Final Accounts
10. Final Accounts with Adjustments
11. Financial Analysis
12. Ratio Analysis
13. Funds Flow Analysis

Price: ` 325/-

14. Cash Flow Analysis

15. Introduction to Management Accounting
16. Introduction to Cost Accounting
17. Cost: Elements, Concepts and Classfication
18. Budgetary Control
19. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
20. Marginal Costing and Break Even Analysis
21. Inventory: Issue, Valuation and Control
22. Inflation Accounting
23. Human Resource Accounting
24. Responsibility Accounting
25. IFRS: An Introduction

Ashok Sharma

ISBN : 978-93-5058-233-6
Pages : 312

1. Historical Development of Company Law in India
2. Company: Meaning, Characteristics and Nature
3. Types of Companies
4. Private Company
5. Formation, Promotion and Incorporation of a
6. Memorandum of Association
7. Articles of Association
8. Prospectus
9. Shares: Kinds of Shares, Voting Rights of
10. Allotment of Shares
11. Share Capital of Company
12. Share Certificate and Share Warrant


Price: ` 200/-

13. Transfer and Transmission of Shares

14. Calls on Shares, Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien
15. Members and Shareholders of a Company
16. Borrowing Powers: Debentures and Charges
17. Directors: Appointment Powers and Legal
18. Company Meetings and Resolutions
19. Meetings Procedure or Requisites of a Valid
20. Reconstruction and Amalgamation
21. The Majority Rule and Minority Rights
22. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement
23. Winding up of the Company

Business Statistics

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Probability
2. Probability Distributions Binomial and
3. Probability Distribution Normal
*1. Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression
2. Sampling and Sampling Distribution
3. Tests of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests
ISBN : 978-93-5058-201-5

4. Tests of Hypothesis: Small Sample Tests

5. Chi-Square Test
6. F-Test and Analysis of Variance
7. Statistical Estimation Theory
8. Non-Parametric Tests
9. Statistical Decision Theory
10. Statistical Quality Control

Pages: 496

Statistical Analysis for Business

S.C. Aggarwal, S.K. Khurana, Leena Gupta

1. Probability
2. Random Variable and Probability Distribution
3. Probability Distributions Binomial and
4. Probability Distribution Normal
5. Sampling & Sampling Distribution
6. Large Sample Tests (Z-test)
7. Small Sample Tests (t-test and F-test)

ISBN : 978-93-5058-474-3

8. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

9. Chi-square Test
10. Simple Correlation
11. Multiple and Partial Correlation
12. Data Sources and Questionnaire Design

S.C. Aggarwal, R.K. Rana, Leena Gupta

1. Multiple and Partial Correlation
2. Probability
3. Probability Distributions: Binomial and Poisson
4. Probability Distributions: Normal
5. Sampling & Sampling Distribution
6. Tests of Hypothesis Large Sample Tests

Price: ` 325/-

Pages : 468

Basic Statistics for Economists

ISBN : 978-93-5058-200-8

Price: ` 300/-

Pages : 396


Price: ` 275/-

7. Tests of Hypothesis Small Sample Tests

(t-test and F-test)
8. Chi-Square Test
9. Estimation Theory

Quantitative Methods for Business

S.C. Aggarwal, Leena Gupta

1. Probability
2. Random Variable and Probability Distribution
3. Probability DistributionsBinomial and Poisson
4. Probability Distribution Normal
5. Sampling and Sampling Distribution
6. Large Sample Tests (Z-test)
7. Small Sample Tests (t-test and F-test)

ISBN : 978-93-5058-327-2

8. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

9. Estimation Theory (Point and Interval
10. Statistical Quality Control
11. Decision Theory and Decision Tree Analysis

Pages : 432

Statistical Analysis for Business

T.R. Jain, Dr. S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-42-3 (Hindi) Pages: 588

1. Simple Correlation
2. Bivariate Regression Analysis
3. Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression
4. Theory of Probability
5. Probability Distributions Binomial and Poisson
6. Probability DistributionNormal

ISBN : 978-93-81420-41-6

Price: ` 360/-

7. Sampling and Sampling Methods
8. Tests of Hypothesis Large Sample Tests
9. Tests of Hypothesis Small Sample Tests
10. Association of Attributes
11. x2 (ChiSquare) Test

Pages : 590

Managerial Economics

T.R. Jain, O.P. Khanna

ISBN: 978-93-81420-51-5 (Hindi) Pages: 432

ISBN : 978-93-81420-50-8
Pages : 436

Price: ` 300/-

1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Macroeconomics
2. Circular Flow of National Income
3. National Income: Concept and Measurement
4. Consumption Function
5. Investment
6. Marginal Efficiency of Capital
7. Multiplier
8. Accelerator
9. Keynesian Model of Income Determination
10. Economic Growth: Measurement and
11. Inflation
12. Budgets and Budgetary Deficits


Price: ` 275/-

13. Deficit Financing

14. Public Debt
15. International Trade
16. Comparative Cost Advantage Theory of
International Trade
17. Factor Endowment Theory of International
18. Balance of Payments Management
19. Management of Foreign Exchange
20. Business Cycle
21. Economic Planning

Business Environment

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-40-9 (Hindi) Pages: 264
1. Economic Policies
2. The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
and Non-Performing Assets (NPA)
3. Business and Government
4. Foreign Investment
5. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
6. Small Scale Industries

Price: ` 175/-

7. Industrial Sickness
8. Multinational and Transnational Corporations
10. EXIM Policy
11. World Trade Organisation
12. International Monetary Fund
13. World Bank

ISBN : 978-93-81420-39-3 Pages: 264

International Business Environment

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-49-2 (Hindi) Pages: 188

1. International Business: Nature and Scope
2. Multinational Corporations
3. Technological Environment
4. Foreign Investment
5. World Trade Organisation
6. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)

ISBN : 978-93-81420-48-5

Business Statistics

Pages : 184

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, Leena Gupta

1. Multiple and Partial Correlation
2. Multiple Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers-I
4. Index Numbers-II
5. Time Series Analysis

Price: ` 150/-

7. International Monetary Fund

8. World Bank
9. Generalised System of Preferences and
International Commodity Agreements
10. Prominent Economic Groupings
11. Foreign Exchange Market

ISBN: 978-93-5058-386-9 (Hindi) Pages: 400

ISBN : 978-93-5058-385-2

Pages : 400


Price: ` 300/-

6. Probability
7. Concept of Probability Distribution
8. Probability Distribution Binomial and Poisson
9. Probability Distribution Normal

Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

1. Introduction to Quantitative Techniques
2. Analysis of Variance
3. Non-Parametric Tests

Price: ` 150/-

Price: ` 125/-

4. Linear Programming
5. Network AnalysisPERT and CPM

ISBN : 978-93-5058-070-7
Pages : 188

Strategic Management

Archana Bhatia, Lalita Dhingra

ISBN: 978-93-5058-214-5 (Hindi) Pages: 204
1. Introduction to Strategy and Strategic
2. Overview of Strategic Management Process
3. Role of Strategist
4. Mission and Vision

ISBN : 978-93-5058-506-1

5. Goals and Objectives

6. Environment Analysis
7. Organisational Appraisal and Internal Analysis
8. Strategic Alternatives

Pages : 172

Applications of Statistical Methods in Business

S.C. Aggarwal, Leena Gupta

1. Sampling and Sampling Distribution
2. Large Sample Tests (Z-test)
3. Small Sample Tests (t-test and F-test)
4. Chi-Square Test
5. Estimation Theory (Point and Interval

ISBN : 978-93-5058-328-9
Pages : 280


Price: ` 200/-

6. Non-Parametric Tests
7. Statistical Quality Control
8. Advanced Statistical Techniques-I (ANOVA)
9. Advanced Statistical Techniques-II
(Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis and
Cluster Analysis)

Environment for Managers

Alok Goyal, Mridula Goyal

ISBN : 978-93-81420-88-1
Pages : 712

1. Theoretical Framework of Business

18. World Bank (IBRD)
Environment (including Dynamics of B.E.)
19. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
2. Environmental Scanning
20. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
3. Key Indicators of Business Environment
21. Private Sector and Joint Sector
4. Risk in Business Environment (including Country 22. EXIM Policy
Risk and Political Risk)
23. Development Banks
5. Current State of Growth Environment
24. Industrial Licensing Policy
6. Economic Reforms, Liberalisation and
25. Consumerism in India and Consumer Protection
7. Globalisation and Trends
26. Social Responsibility of Business
8. Industrial Policy and Trends
27. Multinational Corporations
9. Public Sector and Disinvestment
28. Technological Environment
10. Competitive Environment (including Factors of 29. Industrial Sickness
30. Small Scale Industries
11. Financial System
31. Investors Protection
12. Money Market
32. Non-Banking Finance Companies and Banking
13. Primary Market
14. Secondary Market
33. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
15. Balance of Payments
16. Economic Policies
17. Foreign Direct Investments and Trends

Advertising and Sales Management

Mukesh Trehan, Ranju Trehan

ISBN: 978-93-81420-36-2 (Hindi) Pages: 548

ISBN : 978-93-81420-35-5
Pages : 528

Price: ` 375/-


1. AdvertisingAn Introduction
2. Communication Mix or Promotion Mix
3. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising
4. Objectives of Advertising
5. Advertising Budget
6. Types of Advertising Media
7. Message Design and Development
8. Media Planning and Scheduling
9. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
10. Advertising Agency and its Role
11. Client Agency Relationship and Agency
12. Advertising and Consumer Behaviour
13. Advertising Scene in India
14. Marketing Communication Process and
Communication Models
15. Sales ManagementAn Introduction
16. Fundamentals of Selling, Salesmanship and
Selling Process


Price: ` 325/-

17. Sales Planning

18. Sales Forecasting
19. Sales Quotas and Sales Territories
20. Sales Budget
21. Sales OrganisationOrganising the Sales Efforts
22. Sales Force Management: Recruitment and
Selection of Sales Personnel
23. Compensating Sales Force
24. Sales Meetings and Sales Contests
25. Control Process: Analysis of Sales Volume,
Costs and Profitability
26. Sales Force Management: Training,
Development and Induction
27. Sales Force Management: Controlling Sales
28. Promotion Policies
29. Sales Force Management: Motivating the Sales

Corporate Legal Environment

Kavita Chadha, Annie Chadha

ISBN : 978-93-5058-184-1
Pages : 224

Business Statistics


1. Contract Act 1872
2. Offer and Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Capacity of Parties
5. Free Consent
6. Legality of Object
7. Performance of a Contract
8. Discharge of a Contract
9. Remedies for Breach of Contract
10. Contract of Agency
11. Insurance Act
12. Negotiable Instruments
13. Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange and
14. Meaning, Formation of Contract of Sale
15. Conditions and Warranties

16. Transfer of Property and Possession

17. Rights of an Unpaid Seller
18. Law Relating to Carriage (Rail, Sea and Air)
19. Introduction of Companies Act 1956
20. Formation of a Company
21. Meetings
22. Winding up by Court
23. Direct and Indirect Taxes
24. Central Excise, Customs, CST
25. Partnership Act 1932
26. Duties, Rights and Liabilities of a Partner
27. Incoming and Outgoing Partners
28. Dissolution of Partnership
29. Registration of Firms

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN : 978-93-81420-45-4
Pages : 1158

Price: ` 165/-

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution
4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Measures of Dispersion
7. Measures of Skewness
8. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis
1. Correlation
2. Linear Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers - I
4. Index Numbers - II
5. Time Series Analysis I
6. Time Series Analysis II
7. Probability
8. Probability Distributions Binomial and
9. Probability Distribution Normal


Price: ` 450/-

1. Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression
2. Sampling & Sampling Distribution
3. Tests of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests
4. Tests of Hypothesis: Small Sample Tests
5. Chi-Square Test
6. F-Test and Analysis of Variance
7. Statistical Estimation Theory
8. Non-Parametric Tests
9. Statistical Decision Theory
10. Statistical Quality Control
11. Association of Attributes
Appendix: Descriptive Questions (VSA/SA)

Basic Statistics for Economists

T. R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal, R.K. Rana

ISBN: 978-93-81420-47-8 (Hindi) Pages: 1296

ISBN : 978-93-81420-46-1
Pages : 1226

1. Measures of Central Tendency
2. Measures of Dispersion
3. Measures of Skewness
4. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis
1. Correlation
2. Linear Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers - I
4. Index Numbers - II
5. Time Series Analysis I
6. Time Series Analysis II
7. Probability
8. Probability Distributions Binomial and
9. Probability Distribution Normal
1. Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression
2. Sampling & Sampling Distribution
3. Tests of Hypothesis Large Sample Tests
4. Tests of Hypothesis Small Sample Tests
5. Chi-Square Test
6. F-Test and Analysis of Variance
7. Statistical Estimation Theory

Advanced Business Statistics

Price: ` 504/-

8. Non-Parametric Tests
9. Statistical Decision Theory
10. Statistical Quality Control
1. Random Variable, Mathematical Expectation,
Moments and Moment Generating Function
2. Advanced Time Series Analysis (Fitting of
Modified Exponential, Gompertz and Logistic
3. Estimation of Single Linear Equation Regression
Model and Test of Significance of Regression
4. Estimation of Growth Rates and Forecasting
with OLS
5. Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Production
6. Types of Data and Statistical Analysis
Procedures: Univariate, Bivariate and
Multivariate (An Overview)
7. Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation of Data

T.R. Jain, S.C. Aggarwal

ISBN: 978-93-81420-68-3 (Hindi) Pages: 1018

ISBN : 978-93-81420-67-6
Pages : 958

5. Chi-Square Test
Frequency Distribution
6. F-Test and Analysis of Variance
1. Measures of Central Tendency
7. Statistical Estimation Theory
2. Measures of Dispersion
8. Non-Parametric Tests
3. Measures of Skewness
9. Statistical Decision Theory
4. Moments and Measures of Kurtosis
10. Statistical Quality Control
5. Probability
6. Probability Distributions Binomial and Poisson 1. Simple Correlation Analysis
7. Probability Distribution Normal
2. Simple Regression Analysis
3. Index Numbers-I
1. Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression 4. Index Numbers-II
2. Sampling and Sampling Distribution
5. Time Series Analysis-I
3. Tests of Hypothesis Large Sample Tests
6. Time Series Analysis-II
4. Tests of Hypothesis Small Sample Tests


Price: ` 504/-

Basic Mathematics for Economists

S.C. Aggarwal, R.K. Rana

ISBN : 978-93-81420-66-9
Pages : 686

Organisational Behaviour

1. Matrices and Determinants and Economic

11. Linear Programming - Graphic Method
12. Linear Programming - Simplex Method
2. Introduction to Input-Output analysis
13. Duality in Linear Programming
(An Application of Matrix Algebra)
14. Game Theory
3. More on Matrices (Vectors, Quadratic Forms, 15. A.P. and G.P. Series and their Economic
Eigen Roots and Eigen Vectors)
4. Functions, Limits and Continuity
16. Set Theory and its Economic Applications
5. Simple Derivatives and its Economic Applications 17. Analytical Geometry and its Economic
6. Partial and Total Derivatives and their Economic Applications
18. Linear and Quadratic Equations and Economic
7. Maxima and Minima and their Economic
19. Miscellaneous Topics
8. Integration and its Economic Applications
9. Differential Equations and its Economic
10. Difference Equations and its Economic

Hawa Singh, Sudesh

ISBN : 978-93-5058-244-2
Pages : 408

Price: ` 375/-

1. Organisational Behaviour: Concepts
and Significance; Human Relations and
Organisational Behaviour
2. Management and the Evolution of Management
3. Personality
4. Perception
5. Learning
6. Motivation
7. Stress Management


Price: ` 300/-


8. Group Behaviour
9. Group Dynamics
10. Transactional Analysis
11. Conflict Management
12. Leadership
13. Communication
14. Fundamentals of Organisation
15. Organisational Change
16. Organisational Development
17. Organisational Culture and Climate

Management Process and Organisational Behaviour

R.K. Singla
ISBN: 978-93-5058-205-3 (Hindi) Pages: 592

ISBN : 978-93-81015-07-0
Pages : 612


1. Management: An Introduction
2. Nature of Management: Some Important Issues
3. Levels and Functions of Management
4. Principles of Management: Nature and
Significance Analysis Time: Case Study
5. Development of Management Thought: Various
Approaches Analysis Time: Case Study
6. Planning: Significance and Process
7. Types of Plans
8. Decision-Making: Process and Techniques
9. Management by Objectives
Analysis Time: Case Study
10. Organising: Process and Formal and Informal
11. Design of Organisation Structure
12. Departmentation: Need and Basis
13. Delegation of Authority: Process and
14. Decentralisation and Centralisation
15. Span of Control or Span of Management
Analysis Time: Case Study
16. Staffing: Concept and Scope
Analysis Time: Case Study
17. Directing: Principles and Elements


Price: ` 375/-

18. Controlling: Process and Principles
19. Control Techniques: Traditional and Modern
Analysis Time: Case Study
20. Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction
21. Attitude: Meaning, Sources and Formation
22. Perception: Meaning, Nature and Process
23. Learning: Meaning, Principles and Theories
24. Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Types and
Theories Analysis Time: Case Study
25. Motivation: Theories and Techniques
26. Group and Group Dynamics
27. Team Building and Development
28. Leadership: Theories and Styles
29. Communication: Process, Network and Barriers
30. Transactional Analysis
31. Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Sources, and
Types Analysis Time: Case Study
32. Management of Change
33. Organisational Development: Process and
34. Stress Management: Causes, Symptoms and
Techniques Analysis Time: Case Study

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