Resume and Refrenses

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Borne in :
Family state
One daughter
Republic Serbia, Europe
With exigency to find new job. Responsable, hard working, tolerant, persistant,
stubborn, hounist, team worker
Always searching for knowledge and further improvement


Landscape architect

Licence for responsable contractor

Licence for responsable designer


State exam : Main project for park Bagremar in Panevo

Started post degree studies with thesas for final work


Production plan and program in nursery of PUC Green

Panevo, on bazes of economical analyzes of market, sails and
real needs for green system in town Panevo
* Final work finished, studdies canceled due to change of family state and





Completed studies on thesis with topic:

"The current situation and possibilities for further
development of the green areas of the city Pancevo"
mark 10
Studies at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade,
Department of Landscape Architecture - average rating of
7.72 during the study
High School - Gymnasium "Uro Predi", Panevo, department
of Physics
educational profile - assistant associate in physics, average
rating 4,78
Advanced training in ARCGIS
Advanced nurture for 2D Auto Cad
Basic nurture of 3D Auo Cad
Advanced nurture for MS Office

Since October 2013, employed in the Public utility company "Green",

Pancevo in the workplace
Deputy Head of Cadastre service for Public green surfaces
Job Description:

Recording situation on the ground (SWAT), as an engineer and leader of the

team, the organization of fieldwork (no technology usage)
Creating and updating cadastral plans, in area of greenery, organization of the
data process and analysis
Preparation of reports on the status quo and studies (if applicable)
Drafting rehabilitation upon request
Keeping and maintaining archives of Cadastre
Providing expert opinions on the state of individual trees at the request of the
competent institutions and inspection
Creating ARCGIS databases

Unaccounted for jobs:

Creating a software package for Cadastre green area (input and analytical
processing in Excel and CAD) and harmonizing with requirements for
transmitting data in ArcGIS (from 2006 and so far)
Define methods and procedures for further development of Cadastre
Carrying out a large number of ancillary jobs, essential for good functioning of
the works on the development of the Cadastre of green areas and etc.

From 1.03.2002 part-time, and from 1.10.2004 permanently employed in the

PUC "Green", Panevo on various workplaces

Jobs Ddescriptions:

nursery production, tree topiary, implementation of new products, art, internal

transport, irrigation, projects and planting of green surfaces, plans and
programs of production in Nursery production sector
Development of conceptual designs for decorating a large number of green
areas and monitoring the performance of the work;
Project Planning green spaces with the construction of fountains in RJ
"Greenery" and supervision during construction;
Author of LEAP "action plan" for the area of greening (not registred as author,
due to late joining in team) and associate at the LEAP "Technical Report";
Development of the Cadastre of public green space and associate in creation
of software 2001/2003; in contact with the project since 1997 year. and author
of analogue table in 1996
Participation in the development of "Urban plan of reconstruction Park
National Garden with expanding area on former nursery", Panevo;
Providing requirements and approvals in Department of Planning and
Providing expert advice at the request of physical and/or legal entities;
maintenance of green areas, planning and planting in Sector for
maintenance of low vegetation
Participation in the development of Local Agenda LA21

Unaccounted for jobs:

analysis of certain activities of the enterprise sector and the possibilities of

their further development (internal requirements)
analysis of traffic and selling of goods (for the purposes of a master's thesis
stopped studdies and never finished master plan)
The publication of articles in the magazine Modus (by order of the director of
the company) and etc.

Study Condition of vegetation on the Square King Peter I
Report Condition of vegetation in pedestrian streets around Square
King Peter I
Reports about condition of vegetation on locations : street Zmaj Jovina,
street Karaoreva, street Koina, square Masarik and continuing







Online connection

* Reports include: mapping of vegetation types and all visible infrastructure,

construction, architectural and other elements on the surface, the diameter of
the growing season according to the defined parameters, evaluation and
assessment of the state of vegetation, a systematic review of each individual
or group, as well as lawns, conclusions and future measures, ranking for high
vegetation, collecting other relevant informations about location, the history of
development, hronology of activities, data entry and processing, digitization of

Report Condition of vegetation for central park in village Starevo

Study of Cleanner production on example of Working unit Town
greenery, PUC Green, Panevo
Lecturer on short course with training Flower arrangements in
Association of Visually Impaired People
Projects of present states and Reports about condition of vegetation on
numerous locations, mapping and analysis for Cadastre of green
Anual reports and plans related for further work on Cadastre of green
surfaces for period 2006/2009 and other documentation
Specialist at the Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Kosjeric (Institute of
Urbanism Belgrade)
Preliminary solution for greening the central park in village Glogonj
(phase I), MZ Glogonj
Projects for decorating private gardens - part-time and self-employ
Preliminary solution for artificial lake in village Kaarevo, MZ
Preliminary solution for protective belt near road Skrobara-Kaarevo,
first faze, MZ Kaarevo
"Strategic planning of economical green areas - wind protection belts",
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, Fair of Urbanism, Banja Luka
Preliminary solution for central square in village Kaarevo,
Foundation LEAP, MZ Kaarevo
Analysis of potential areas, evaluation and basic suggestions for
improvement, Urban Plan of general regulation of NP "Tara" for
settlements Oslua, Sokoline, Kaluerske bare, Raanska ljivovica
(Institute of Urbanism Belgrade)
Options for sustainable development biotopes in the case of National
Park "Tara", Institute of Urbanism Belgrade
Professional consultant in the greening of urban planning for tourist
apartments in Sutomore, Institute of Urbanism Belgrade
Production plan and technology for cutted flowers, private owner
Ljiljana Paji
Numerous works and thesas, never published

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