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Camelford Neighbourhood Plan

Camelford Neighbourhood Plan

In the coming months Camelford residents and business people will be

involved in producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

In the coming months Camelford residents and business people will be

involved in producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan will outline land usage in the parish for the next
15 years, it will help our community describe what types of houses are
needed, how many we want and where they should be built. It will also
include policies on issues such as employment, services and traffic.

A Neighbourhood Plan will outline land usage in the parish for the next
15 years, it will help our community describe what types of houses are
needed, how many we want and where they should be built. It will also
include policies on issues such as employment, services and traffic.

The completed document will have legal standing and will help to
encourage the right kind of development for our community.

The completed document will have legal standing and will help to
encourage the right kind of development for our community.

This is how the plan will be created:

This is how the plan will be created:

April 2015: A steering group has been set up and support from local
people with professional skills and experience has been secured.

April 2015: A steering group has been set up and support from local
people with professional skills and experience has been secured.

March to May 2015: Share information about the Neighbourhood Plan

with Camelfordians, promote the plan and encourage volunteer support

March to May 2015: Share information about the Neighbourhood Plan

with Camelfordians, promote the plan and encourage volunteer support

June & July 2015: Carry out a number of consultation events to

gather opinions, concerns and suggestions from residents and business

June & July 2015: Carry out a number of consultation events to

gather opinions, concerns and suggestions from residents and business

July & August 2015: Analyse data from the consultation and use the
data to determine the issues and options for land use

July & August 2015: Analyse data from the consultation and use the
data to determine the issues and options for land use

September & October 2015: turn the issues and options into policy
statements that will ensure land-use planning decisions will reflect the
needs and preferences expressed by the community consultation

September & October 2015: turn the issues and options into policy
statements that will ensure land-use planning decisions will reflect the
needs and preferences expressed by the community consultation

November & December 2015: Prepare a draft plan document

November & December 2015: Prepare a draft plan document

January & February 2016: Carry out a series of events over a six
week period for residents and business people to critique and comment
on the draft plan document. The draft plan will then be revised based
on community feedback

January & February 2016: Carry out a series of events over a six
week period for residents and business people to critique and comment
on the draft plan document. The draft plan will then be revised based
on community feedback

March 2016: The completed Neighbourhood Plan document will be

submitted to Cornwall Council for independent examination and
arrange a referendum for local people to vote to adopt the document.

March 2016: The completed Neighbourhood Plan document will be

submitted to Cornwall Council for independent examination and
arrange a referendum for local people to vote to adopt the document.

More information available at the Town Council 01840 212880

More information available at the Town Council 01840 212880

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