He Jingqian Essays

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Note: the information are not rich enough, pls add some information based on

your understanding .pls try your best to finished the first essay with about 750 words,
the second essay with about 450 words.
What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will Columbia
Business School help you achieve these goals? (750 words)
My short-term goal, after completing the MBA program at Columbia University, is to
return to China and serve as a private .financial advisor at China Merchants Bank, which is
the premier private banking service provider in the country , after completing the MBA
program at Columbia University, and strive to become a private banking account manager or
product manager in 2-3 years. My long-term goal is to set up a private financial services
company that mainly provides wealth management consulting for low-end clients in big cities
such as Beijing and Shanghai, with the primary goal of maintaining and growing the clients
wealth of clients and while providing customers them with tailor-made value
maintenancefinancial solutions. after accumulating work experience and becomingAs a
means toward this end I would like to become a CIFA (chartered independent financial
As a student of Finance Management, I acquired was lucky because I enjoyed many
internship opportunities to serve as an intern while doing wellmaintaining academic
excellence in my academic courses in college. During my internship at XXX, after obtaining a
preliminary understanding of Chinese private Chinese banks, I found myselfdeveloped a
keenly interested in this the industry. Compared with mature private banks, Chinese private
banks are just emerging, with unfledged management mechanism. To successfully run a
private bank
Because of the industries immaturity, private Chinese banks require, a number of highcaliber professionals well-versed in private banking, foreign private banks business
philosophy and business models, and as well as a strong awareness of customer service.
Along with the rapid development of Chinese economy, many people make investments
blindly in this country. Thus, we need a number of senior private financial advisors. Apart from
grasping knowledge ina strong grasp of the basic concepts of Finance, a private finance
account manager needs to provide clients with support in the fields of securities, mutual
funds, insurance, real estate, foreign exchanges, gold, taxes and law, which are precisely
what the areas that interests me.
My long-term objective is to set up a private financial services company that mainly
provides wealth management consulting for low-end clients, because there are a large
number of stock traders in China and mostis a booming middle class in China that desires
wealth management solutions but lack professional knowledge and often suffer losses when
they endeavor to invest on their own.
In the month of August 2009, 1.28 million new accounts were opened at on the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, including 1.27 million private accounts. There are nearly 100
million stock traders in China. If there are 1 million new accounts a per month, and each
account has a trading value of 20,000 yuanYuan, it means that 20 billion yuanYuan in new
assets are putpour into the market each month. This spells a huge potential market for
financial services. With the primary goal of maintaining clients wealth, the company that I

plan to set up in the future will provide customers with tailor-made value maintenance
solutions. I plan to combine the business models of currently prevalent in consulting firms and
fund management firmsrs. For financial instruments such as insurance, we will provide
investment recommendations for clients; for bonds and stocks, we may pool clients wealth
together to put it into the bond and stock markets pro rata to reduce risks. Moreover, we may
provide household business management and children education management services for
the children of clients. I believe that if we must win peoples trust with these thoughtful
financial services, and then our meticulous service style will build us an excellent reputation
and help us expand our customer base. I believe that the this kind of company will can
become the most homegrownfirst private financial consulting institution with a household
brand name in China.
In the beginning of this year, an introduction of to Columbia Business Schools MBA
program by Professor Linda Meehan enhanced my determination to apply for the program. As
the program involves a wide range of fields and leaves students ample leewayroom for
electives, I very much long for feel that I will be able to excel in theis kind of free, diversified
and multi-field academic atmospheremulti-curricular environment. It also fits my short-term
goal of acquiring knowledge and developing professional qualities. skills.

Master Classes are the epitome of bringing the gap between theory and practice at
the Columbia Business School. Please provide an example from your own life in which
practical experience taught you more than theory alone. (450words)
Among Chinese college students, there is a saying, graduation means unemployment.
Although it is somewhat overstating the direness of the situation, it describes gives a sense of
how austere the job market faced by college graduates is now. This can be partly ascribed to
that the fact that college graduates cannot meet job requirements quickly, as what is taught in
University is not in line with practicethe skills they will require in the workplace.
I took part in colorful extracurricular activities in my college years because I sensed that
merely studying the curriculum handed down by my professors would not be enough for me
to excel in a real job. I acted as director of the Practicing Departmenta job training seminar
for, in charge of pre-job training of soon to be graduates. I clearly had the sense that Chinese
college students do were not have receiving strong hands-on skills that they could use offcampus. To allow more trainees to excel in a fiercely competitioncompetitive market, I invited
many financial experts to provide training courses regularly, and contacted workplaces for
trainees to actto place my fellow students in as internships. This also gave me an opportunity
to get to know these peoplethese professionals and in the field of financial management,
which is both a science and an art. By learning memorizing abstract theoretical knowledge,
trainees became financially sensitive and developed prudent thinking like financial staff. As a
result,But only the fact that they were highly receptive of knowledge in practice. Intheir
internship work, s, the fact that they applied were able to apply what they had been taught
into practice, allowed them to truly excel. It turned out that In the end, the employment rate of
the trainees was 50% above that of students who did not take the training. In this job I not
only learned from the practice of managing a training endeavor, but was also able to see the
great benefits others derived from connecting theory and practice.

Any knowledge acquired from schools comes frommust immediately be honed through
practice, because theory is derived from practice and when either of the two elements is
missing something is lost. Students are lucky in that they can study and swallow analyze
proven theories in the classroom. However, we cannot allow ourselves to fail to live up to the
expectations of our forerunners by just swallowing accepting without and not applying what
we learn. Acquired theoretical knowledge must be put into practice, because we can only see
the essence of theory in practice.

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