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Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos.

. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website:

June 21-27, 2015

Vol. XXIV No. 28

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Live for Him


Philip Neri

fter hitting my 30s, I noticed a

slight change in my behaviour when
it comes to using the television.
I open it only to watch the news. I bet I
would really look boring to my old self if
there was a chance like that 20 years ago
that I would catch my self now drooling in
front of the television watching the news.
Indeed, as we grow older our priorities
and outlook in life do change. However, it
is not just people who change with time,
but also the world, Our beloved mother
Earth changes as well and this change
is not without human participation or
They say that climate change is caused
by the steady warming of the earth mainly
because of our excessive use of fossil fuel.
Our science teachers would agree that
excessive carbon dioxide emissions in the
atmosphere create the greenhouse effect.
Carbon dioxide traps the heat of the sun
and prevents it from escaping from the
atmosphere, making our oceans hotter,
as we have learned from our science class
that hotter oceans generate stronger
typhoons. All the typhoons that visit our
country come from the Pacific Ocean and
as the world grows warmer by the year,
so will the typhoons visiting our country
from the Pacific Ocean become stronger. I
indeed fear that day when a super typhoon
becomes a widely accepted phenomenon
for us Filipinos.
Why am I saying this? How is this
related to this Sundays Gospel? During
ancient times, the sea, and the oceans
were associated with chaos, grief, the
feared unknown and evil. Indeed as it
was in the past that the seas are feared,
so now we also fear the warming oceans
of our millennia which are creating super
typhoons that cause chaos, grief, fear and
evil. At times we wonder where the Lord

of the ocean is, He Who commanded the

seas to be still! Why does He allow such
evil, why is He silent? Is He asleep? Why
does He not stop the oceans from creating
Super Typhoons?
Putting this in perspective, we can
say that the reason why we have climate
change and we are suffering the effect
is because some of the most powerful,
influential, and intellectual people who
could have had a hand in helping us avoid
this phenomenon are rather worldly and
have not heeded the call to live for Him
Who died for our sake.
Living for Christ means we live not for
ourselves but for others, to love as Christ
loves. So this means we should not live our
life in wanton abandon to pleasure and
luxuries without regard to the bad effect.
This also means that we should have the
right conscience for preserving the world
for the future generation. And finally we
should always put to heart what Christ has
said that we should live for Him. So from
now on, think of Christ so that you will
throw your garbage properly, not smoke
in public, confront a loved one planning or
doing something illegal.
As a Christian, think of others first
before you do you something to satisfy
your lust for pleasure, prestige, and
power. Be a proactive agent of Christian
ways of living, be an environmentalist for
the sake of the future generations, choose
healthy lifestyle and avoid illegal drugs
and alcohol, be a better parent, follow
the laws, be faithful to the teachings of
your faith, go to Church on Sundays and
days of obligation to worship and listen
to Gods Word, participate in Christian
organizations and ministries to further
enhance your spirituality and increase
your faith, and finally, strive for holiness
by living for God. Amen.

Happy Fathers Day!

The Pastor Speaks


Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde


3. Ang Kaayohan sang Kabataan
Ang ikatlo nga kaayohan nga
ginaamligan sang Sakramento sang Kasal
kag dapat dumdumon sang mga nagapakasal
kag sang mga mag-asawa amo ang ginatawag
nga bonum prolis, ukon ang kaayohan
sang kabataan. Sa simple nga paghangop,
ini nagakahulogan nga ang pag-asawahay
gintukod sa tuyo nga mabun-ag sa kalibutan
ang bag-o nga mga kabuhi, ang mga anak,
bilang bunga sang paghigugmaanay sa tunga
sang bana kag sang iya asawa. Kag bilang
dugang nga paathag, ang isa ka lalaki kag isa
ka babayi nga nagapakasal apang wala sing
tuyo nga mag-anak, ina nga kasal indi tunay
nga kasal.
Ang Ikaduha nga Konsilyo sang
Batikano, sa iya Dokumento, Gaudium et
Spes nagasiling: Ang pag-asawahay kag
ang paghigugmaanay sang mag-asawa,
sa ila gid kaugalingon nga kinaugali,
nagatuyo sa pagpamata kag sa pagpatuon
sa mga kabataan. Sa pagkamatuod, ang mga
kabataan amo ang pinakamataas nga dulot
sang pag-asawahay kag nagabulig gid sing
daku para sa kaayohan sang mismo mga
ginikanan (GS 50).
Madamo nga mga Pilipino nga Katoliko
ang may sayup nga pagpati nga ang

Simbahan nagapamatok sa pagplano sang

panimalay. Malayo ini sa kamatuoran. Ang
matuod amo nga ang Simbahan nagatudlo
sang pagkakinahanglanon sang responsable
nga pagpamata (Responsible Parenthood).
Ini nagakahulogan nga ang mga mag-asawa
dapat magmangin maalwan sa pagbun-ag sa
kalibutan sang mga kabataan lamang nga ila
masarangan sa pagsagod agud nga mangin
maayo nga mga katapo sang katawohan.
Ang desisyon kon ano gid ang numero sang
ila bata ara gid sa mga ginikanan, kag wala
sing may makadesisyon sina luwas sa ila.
Kag ini nga desisyon dapat ila himuon suno
sa isa ka konsyensya nga Kristohanon, nga
nagakilala sang ila responsibilidad sa isa kag
isa, sa kabataan nga ila na ginbun-ag, sa mga
kabataan nga ila pa mabun-ag, kag sa Dios,
suno sa ginatudlo sang Simbahan. Suno sa
Ikaduha nga Konsilyo Plenaryo sang Pilipinas,
ang Simbahan nagapanugyan sang pagplano
sang panimalay sa natural nga pamaagi kag iya
ginasikway ang mga pamaagi nga artipisyal sa
pagpanamkon kag pagpugong sa pagpamata
bangod sa paglikaw sang responsabilidad sa
pagsagod sang kabataan.
Pero dapat man dumdumon nga ang
pagkamabinungahon sang pag-asawahay
kag ang pagpangalagad sa kabuhi, kon
sayuron, ang pagpamata, indi lamang para

sa pagpanganak kag pagpatuon sa mga

kabataan. May mga mag-asawa nga tungod
sa mga kabangdanan nga indi nila mapaiway
kag indi man ila sala, indi makapanganak.
Wala ini nagakahulogan nga ang paghigugma
sang mag-asawa wala na sing pulos. Ang
kakulang sang ikasarang sa pagpanganak
mahimo nga mangin okasyon para sa iban
pa nga importante nga pagpangalagad sa
kabuhi sang tawo; halimbawa, ang pagayup, ang nagakalainlain nga mga bulohaton
sa pagpanudlo, ang pagbulig sa iban nga
panimalay, mga imol nga kabataan ukon mga
kabataan nga may mga kakulangan ukon
Ang importante nga kamatuoran
nga naangot diri amo nga ang tunay nga
paghigugma indi maiyaiyahon kag wala
napatungod sa kaugalingon. Bisan gani sa
mga mag-asawa, ang rason sang ila pag-isa sa
paghilawas dira napatungod sa pagpadalom
sang ila kabuhi kag sang ila paghigugma sa isa
kag isa, kag may epekto man ini para sa iban
nga katapo sang panimalay kag sa kabug-osan
sang katilingban.
Para sa mga Kristiano, ang pag-asawahay
kag ang panimalay indi pribado nga bagay
kundi nagaepekto man sa mas daku nga katilingban kag sa bug-os nga sosyedad.
(May kasugpon)

Balance as of June 11, 2015

Donation Received from the Parish Cashier
Catholic Women's League
A Friend
Mrs. Zenaida Uy Ongchua
Elizamae Kassel & Mrs. D. Herrera
Kim Arcea
Primitiva Tanarte
Ursula Agius
Donation from Donation Box
Rosy Robiso
Donation Box
Donation for the Week
Less Expenses
Balance as of June 19, 2015

June 11-19, 2015

National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles





Collection and Expenses Report

For the Period of
June 1-7, 2015






In the spirit of transparency and

accountability, we are submitting a
weekly financial report. For details, feel
free to come to our parish office at Pius
XII Institute or call during office hours at
telephone numbers: 320-9505 and 3291625.

Pagpili Suno sa Kabubut-on sang Dios

Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

a Katapusan nga Panihapon, si Jesus

naghugas sang mga tiil sang Iya mga
gintuton-an agud hatagan kita sang
ehemplo sang matuod nga serbisyo ukon
pag-alagad. Sa pihak sang Iya pagka-Dios,
nagpaubos Sia sang Iya kaugalingon kag
naghugas sang tiil sang Iya mga gintuton-an,
isa ka bulohaton nga ginahimo sa sadto nga
tion sang mga ulipon.
Ining maayo nga ehemplo sang aton
Ginoong Jesukristo makahatag sa aton sang
inspirasyon ilabi na gid sa sining tinion
nga nagapili kita sang aton mga lideres sa
barangay. We are being reminded that we
are choosing leaders in our barangay not for
them to be popular but for them to serve our
Sa aton pagpiniliay ukon eleksyon
sa barangay, may mga tumuluo nga
nagapamensar nga ang pagpiliay pareho sa
proseso sang aton local kag national election.
Nagahunahuna sila nga ang kadamuon sang
boto amo ang basihan sang pagdaug.
Indi amo ini ang sahi sang eleksyon
nga aton ginapatigayon sa barangay kag sa
aton mga liturgical ministries. Sa baylo sang
simple majority kon sa diin ang tawo nga
nakaangkon sang madamo nga boto amo
ang nagadaug, ang pagpiliay sa barangay
nagatuyo sa pagpili sang terna ukon sang
ngalan sang tatlo (3) ka tawo nga ginaendorso sa aton Parish Pastoral Secretariat

kag Parish Administration nga ginatapuan

sang aton mga kaparian. Kita tanan mga
tumuluo sa barangay kag liturgical ministries,
katapo sang Parish Pastoral Secretariat
kag mga kaparian naga-ululopod sa
pagpangamuyo kag pagkilala sang kabubuton sang Dios. Ginatawag ko ini nga collective
discernment kay ang importante sa tanan
amo ang pagtuman naton sang luyag sang
Dios kag indi lamang sang aton gusto ukon

Sa sini nga tion, halos tanan nga barangay

nakahiwat na sang eleksyon. Ang mga
katapo sang aton Parish Pastoral Secretariat
nagaamat-amat naman isip ukon canvass
sang mga boto. Pagkatapos sina, ang resulta
pagapamalandungan sang aton Parish
Pastoral Secretariat kag ipasa nila ang resulta
sang ila paghinun-anon sa aton mga kaparian
nga magahimo sang katapusan nga desisyon.
Sa tion nga madesisyunan na, ang
bag-o nga katapo sang Barangay Apostolic
Council pagatawgon sang mga kaparian agud
ipahibalo sa ila nga sila napilian nga magalagad sa aton Parokya dira sa ila barangay
kag Magagmay nga Kristianong Katilingban.
Nagapasalamat gid kita sa mahal nga
Dios sa sini nga grasya nga ginhatag Niya
sa aton parokya. Daku gid ini nga bulig sa
aton agud mangin renewed Church kita.
May hulubaton kita nga nagasiling, Ecclesia
semper reformanda nga buot silingon, the
Church always renews Herself, kay ang
Simbahan buhi!
Nagapati ako nga ang pagpili sang aton
bag-o nga mga lideres, makadala gid sing
maayo nga pagbag-o sa aton Parokya sa
bulig sang Espiritu Santo nga may gahum sa
pagbag-o sang dagway sang kalibutan.
Ipangamuyo naton nga ang aton mga
napilian nga mga lideres mangin katulad ni
Kristo nga nagkari sa kalibutan agud magalagad kag indi alagaran (Mt. 20, 28).

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)


Msgr. Velarde Meets Parish Scholars

(Parish Social Action Ministry)

une 14, 2015. It was a great day for all

of us, parish scholars, as we welcomed
new members to our family of parish
scholars, with Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, our
Parish Priest, who shared his thoughts as our
inspirational speaker.
We started our afternoon rite with a
prayer led by Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon, our youth
director. Indeed, it was a very special moment
for all of us as we got to know one another
by introducing ourselves to the parish priest
and to the new parish scholars. We shared our
thoughts and perspectives in life on how we
can become successful in our career by being
determined in all the challenges that come
and will come into our life.

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

Paula H. Bayotas
Of course, that afternoon wouldnt be
complete without Msgr. Higinio Velarde
sharing with us his thoughts in life. That very
moment we came to know more Msgr. Gene.
He taught us some principles in life that would
guide us toward the right path. He made us
understand that we should never have selfpity because it would lead us to our downfall.
Rather than pitying ourselves, we should take
every problem as an opportunity that will
lead us to success. Msgr. Gene believes that
we deserve where we are right now and its
Gods will that we are now a part of this group.
Now, we would like to introduce to
you these new members. They are: Kim
Paolo Balisi, who is taking up BS Business

Administration at West Visayas State

University (WVSU); Miguel Edemburgo, BS
Business Administration at West Visayas
State University (WVSU); Ma. Lourdes Belo,
BS Education, Major in Biology at ISAT U;
and Geemar Malayan, BS Marine Engineering
at John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime
University. We also have our new working
scholar in the person of Ione Espartero. He
is taking up BS Criminology at St. Therese
College. May you do your best to maintain
your scholarship and achieve your dream
with the help of God.
Thanks be to God for the opportunity
and concern the parish gives us. A blessing

Kapiestahan sa Simon
Ledesma Ginhiwat

Quote of the Week

You dont always
Sometimes you just
need to breathe,
trust, let go and see
what happens.
- Mandy Hale



RT. REV. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, JR., JCD, PA

Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. randy doromal

Rev. fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
Parochial Vicars
Rev. fr. Philipp Neil Y. Antenor-Cruz
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
rev. msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Rev. fr. Francisco T. Angostura
Rev. fr. joenick s. territorio
Resident Priests

Editorial Board
Pureza D. Lacuesta
Associate Editors
Fe marina s. siacon
News Editors
julieta g. aquilo
ma. rosario r. tejada
Feature Editors
Lalaine D. Pasquin
Layout Artist
Fr. Mickey cardenas
paula h. bayotas
Lygia v. hobilla
evangelino L. jardinaso
philip neri


The Candle Light is a non-profit

weekly publication.

Evangelino L. Jardinaso

sa sa pinakamataas nga
pamaagi sa pagpasalamat
sa tanan nga grasya nga
nabaton sa Mahal nga Dios
amo ang paghiwat sang tuigan
nga kapistahan paagi sa
Santos nga Misa. Sang Mayo
31, 2015, ang Barangay Simon
Ledesma naghiwat sang ila
tuigan nga kapiestahan nga
nagapasidungog kay Nuestra
Seora de las Flores, ang ila

Kaagahon sang Mayo 31,

isa ka masigabong nga diyana
ang nagpukaw sa bilog nga
pumuluyo palatandaan nga
fiesta na. Nasundan ini sang
paghiwat sang Santos nga Misa
ni Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon kon
sa diin ginpahanumdum ang
mga tumuluo nga magkabuhi
sa gugma kag paghiliusa
kasubong sang Santisima
Tama ka madinuagon ang

prosesyon tungod nakigbahin

ang tanan ilabi na gid ang mga
senior citizen bilang mga
Engrande nga koronasyon
ang ginhiwat para kay Fiesta
Queen Icelyn Gillamas Hilaga.
Sa pagpamuno ni Punong
Brgay. Feliza Villaluna kag
iya mga kagawad nangin
madinalag-on ang pagselebrar
sang kapiestahan ni Nuestra
Seora de las Flores.

Ladies of Charity Association

Receives New Members

ay 17, 2015 marks

the day when six new
members were received
with open arms into the Ladies
of Charity Association. The
ceremony took place during
the Eucharistic Celebration
officiated by Fr. Nathaniel
Gentizon at the 6:30 a.m. Mass.
In his homily, Father Gentizon
recalled that this is the Year
of the Poor as stated by Pope
Francis when he came to visit
us last January.
As our mission is to imitate
the Divine Savior in alleviating
the poor, the oppressed and
the disadvantaged, we were
reminded to be more caring
with the plight of the poor. So,
we share because we care!
The investiture followed as
the president of the association
called the applicants to come to
the reception line. They were:
Teresita L. Estacio, Eloisa
Luzviminda Porquez, Nelmar
Juanico. Father Gentizon then
blessed the ribbons and medals
and vested each new member
Receive the image of the
Son of God, model of charity.
May your glory be in the Cross of
Jesus Christ. Then the Ladies
kissed the Crucifix as they
received it.
members were welcomed with
a resounding applause as a
shout of acceptance to the fold
of the association of the Ladies
of Charity.

Lygia V. Hobilla
After the Mass all went with
Father Nathaniel Gentizon with
the two Daughters of Charity
from Colegio de San Jose for a
shared sumptuous breakfast in
celebration of the acceptance
of the new members and the
renewal of the faithful ones.
The induction of the new
set of officers followed. In lieu
of the Spiritual Adviser, Sister
Milagros Magistrado, a Daughter
of Charity administered the
Oath of Office to the new set of
officers for the year 2015-2017.
The new officers are:


Mrs. Lygia V. Hobilla
Vice President :

Mrs. Amelita Lazarraga

Rowena Tabunlupa

Analiza Cajelo
Board Member:

Lourdes Villa

With the new set of officers

and new members, in this Year of
the Poor, the more we are inspired
to go on with our mission. To God
alone, be the glory!

Readings for
the Week
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jb 38:1, 8-11
Ps 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31
2 Cor 5:14-17
Mk 4:35-41
Monday, June 22
Gn 12:1-9
Ps 33:12-13, 18-19, 20, 22
Mt 7:1-5
St. Paulinus, Bishop, St. John Fisher
& Thomas More, Martyrs
Tuesday, June 23
Gn 13:2, 5-18
Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 5
Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday, June 24
Is 49:1-6
Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15
Acts 13:22-26
Lk 1:57-66, 80
Solemnity of the Nativity of St.
John the Baptist
Thursday, June 25
Gn 16:1-12, 15-16, or Gn 16:6-12,
Ps 106:1-2, 3-4
Mt 7:21-29
Friday, June 26
Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22
Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5
Mt 8:1-4

Saturday, June 27
Gn 18:1-15
Lk 1:46-47, 48-49, 60, 53, 54-55
Mt 8:5-17
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church

(Let us pray for each other)

june 2015


Fr. Noe Lozada

Fr. Elmo Cary Montao
Fr. Jose Cresente Amparo



Jaime Cardinal Sin

Msgr. Ramon Pamplona
Fr. Jose Edgar Serag

Holy Fathers
prayer intentions


That immigrants and refugees may
find welcome and respect in the
countries to which
they come.

That the personal encounter with Jesus
may arouse in many young people
the desire to offer their own lives in
priesthood or consecrated life.

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

:: Gospel Reflection

Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo

Ika-12 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Hunyo 21, 2015

Sanag sirum na sang sadto

nga adlaw, si Jesus nagsiling sa
ila, Matabok kita, 36Ginbayaan
sang mga gintuton-an ang
madamo nga mga tawo kag
nagsakay sila sa sakayan nga
ginasakyan ni Jesus. May iban pa
nga mga sakayan nga nag-upod
sa iya. 37Dayon nag-abot ang
mabaskog nga hangin. Ginhamak
sang mga balod ang sakayan sa
bagay nga halos mapuno na ini
sang tubig. 38Si Jesus nagakatulog
sa ulonan didto sa ulin.
Ginpukaw nila sia kag
wala ka bala nagakabalaka kon
malumos kita? 39Nagbangon
si Jesus, ginsabdong niya ang
hangin kag ginmandoan ang
dagat. Hipos! Magpahimunong
ka. Nag-untat ang mabaskog


amtang ari kita diri sa

kalibutan, nanarisari lang
nga mga unos sa kabuhi ang
nagaabot sa aton. Kinaandan
na sa isa ka pamilya nga ang
nagatuhaw nga gumontang
amo ang pagmasakit sang isa
nila ka katapo kag ang labi nga
masakitan sini amo ang mga
Sa akon bahin, magagmay
pa sadto ang akon mga bata.
Duha pa lang sila. Natabuan
nga nangita sang researcher
ang isa ka daku nga kompaniya.
Sanglit kualipikado man ako sa
amo nga obra, ginkuha ako nga
mangin researcher. Sa field
kami natuon kag tungod daku
ang sweldo nagpasugot ako sa
pag-obra bisan malayo pa sa
akon pamilya. Nakalab-ot kami
sa Bacolod.
Ang balos sang sobra
ko ka paghimakas amo ang
pagmasakit sang akon anak.
Nagrabe gid sia, gani gin-admit
namon sia sa ospital. Siling sang
doktor kon indi mahingagaw
basi isa lang ka semana ang
tener niya. Nagkalisud gid
ako. Ang akon kinitaan wala
gani makatrespaser sa ospital.
Apang sa pihak sining mga
nagakahinabo sa amon, wala
gid ako nagauntat sa pag-ampo
sa Mahal nga Dios nga luwason
Niya ang akon anak. Nagatuo ako
nga Iya ako gin-ubayan sanglit
ang doktor nga ginrekomendar
sa amon espesyalista gid sa mga

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

Mk 4:35-41


nga hangin kag nagluntad ang

Hinadlukan sila sing daku
daku nga kalinaw. 40Nagsiling kag nagpamangkutanay. Sin-o
sia sa ila, Ngaa nahadlok kamo? bala ini nga ginatuman bisan
Wala pa bala kamo sing pagtuo? sang hangin kag dagat?

kabataan. Napaayo niya ang

amon anak. Para sa akon amo
na yadto ang Iya sabat sa akon
Isa yadto ka unos sa amon
kabuhi nga indi gid namon
malipatan. Nag-ayo sia sa kalooy
sang Mahal nga Dios. Daku gid
ang amon pagpasalamat sa Iya.
Madamo pa nga pagtilaw ang
amon naagyan apang wala gid
kami nagabuhi sa Iya. Kon kaisa
nagapamangkot man ako sa
akon kaugalingon, nagakatulog
man bala ang Dios?
Kasubong sang ebanghelyo
sini nga Domingo, nagakatulog
si Jesus. Ang Iya mga disipulos
ginkulbaan gid sing daku
tungod sang dalagko nga
balod kag mabaskog nga
hangin. Nahadlok sila nga basi
mapatay sila sa tunga sang
lawod. Gani ginpukaw nila si
Ginmanduan ni Jesus
ang hangin sa pag-untat kag
ang mga balod sa pagkanay.
Dayon ginpamangkot ang Iya
mga disipulos, ngaa nahadlok
gid kamo, wala bala kamo sing
pagtuo? Natingala gid sila sing
daku, masigpamangkot lang,
kon sin-o gid bala Sia, ngaa bisan
ang naturalesa sang kalibutan
nagapati gid sa Iya.
Kon kaisa kasubong man
kita sang Iya mga disipulos
nga abi naton kon indi masabat ang aton pangamuyo siguro
nagakatulog gid man Sia. Apang
tungod sang bug-os naton nga
pagtuo kita nagasalig gid sa Iya
kag Sia gid pirme ang aton gina-

tawag kag ginapangayuan sing

bulig sa tanan nga tion. Sia gid
lang kag wala na sing iban nga
makahatag kaluwasan! Gani
agud madula ang aton mga kahadlok, kinahanglan patubuon
pa gid naton ang aton pagtuo.
Paagi sa pagpangamuyo
magabakod kita.
Ang pangamuyo amo ang aton yabi nga
makabukas sang Iya tagipusuon
agud mapangayuan sing Iya
kalooy kag grasya nga kinahanglanon naton sa oras nga tanan.
Sa tion sang indi pagkahamtang
si Jesus gid lang ang makahatag
sang paghidait sa aton tagipusuon. Gani nagasiling Ako sa
inyo; ang bisan ano nga inyo
pangayuon sa pangamuyo, magtuo kamo nahatag na ina sa inyo
kag pagabatunon gid ninyo ina.
(Mk 11:24).
Amo ini ang gahum sang
aton pangamuyo kag pagtuo nga
wala sing pagpangduha-duha:
ang tanan mahimo sa iya nga
nagatuo (Mk 9:23).

1. Nagaabot man bala sa aton

balatyagon nga ginabale
wala lang kita sang Dios?
2. Nakapabakod bala sa aton
espiritwal nga pangabuhi
ining mga pagtilaw? Paano?
3. Ngaa ginatugot sang Dios
ining mga unos sa aton
kabuhi kon matuod nga
palangga Niya kita?
Fe Marina S. Siacon

Barangay Sponsors


Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers

Exposition & Benediction of the

Blessed Sacrament
7:00 AM, Monday - Saturday
Jaro Cathedral Church



San Roque


Ma. Cristina







CC El 98





San Vicente


San Roque

Oras sang Parokya (kada Mierkules)



Family for Christ



General Assembly

June 28, 2015, 2:00 pm

Santos nga Misa sa

kaangtanan sang
pagbukas sang Klase
Jaro II Elementary School
Hulyo 16, 2015


San Vicente


Tabuc Suba Ilaya

First Saturday Dawn Rosary




Ma. Cristina

Simon Ledesma


8:00 a.m.

Education Ministry
monthly meeting
(Ginabug-osan sang mga School, Barangay kag
Volunteer Catechists, mga BAC-Education
sang kada barangay)

Hulyo 5, 2015, 9:00 a.m.

Schedule of election of
Liturgical Ministries

La Isabelita Hall.

Candle Light
financial report

June 21, 10:30 AM Ministry of Readers

June 21, 10:30 AM Jaro Parish Ministry

of Altar Servers

of Holy Communion (EMHC)

June 27, 9:00 AM Extra Ordinary Ministers

June 27, 6:30 PM Himig Katedral Choir

May 1-31, 2015






CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

St. Josemaria, Effective Intercessor for Various Needs

Fr. Mickey Cardenas

t is now a tradition in many places to honor

God by celebrating the Holy Mass on June
26 in honor of St. Josemara Escriva, priest
and founder of Opus Dei.
In Iloilo, the Solemn Concelebrated Mass
in honor of St. Josemara will be held in the
National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles on June
26, 6.15pm. Everyone is invited!
At his canonization Saint John Paul II
called him the saint of ordinary life who was
chosen by God to proclaim the universal call
to holiness and to show that everyday life and
ordinary activities are a way of sanctification.
Bishop Javier Echevarria, the present
Prelate of Opus Dei and, who for many years
served as St. Josemarias secretary, recalled
that on the final years of his life, the holy priest
would assure his spiritual sons and daughters,
From heaven I will help you more.
Forty years have gone by since that 26th
of June in 1975, when God called our Founder
to the joy of heaven. How many gifts he has
gained for us since then! And he has certainly
fulfilled his promise, the Opus Dei Prelate
All throughout these years many
persons who benefitted from St. Josemarias
intercession attest that a large part of favors
received were aimed at fostering the good of
St. Josemaria believed that those who are
called to the married state will, with the grace
of God, find within their state everything they
need to be holy, to identify themselves each

day more with Jesus Christ, and to lead those

with whom they live to God.
For this, two novenas, The Novena for
a Happy and Faithful Marriage and The
Novena for the Family, have been composed
inspired by Saint Josemarias desire to help
all married couples and those preparing for
marriage, to find meaning and encouragement
in their vocation through a commitment
to daily prayer and friendship with God,
especially when facing inevitable difficulties
and times of trial.

The novenas contain daily reflections

from the writings of St. Josemaria, prayers for
the family, and the prayer for the intercession
of St. Josemaria.
Through reflection and prayer, the
novena is a guide that helps spouses bring
to God the needs and challenges of daily life
while striving to attain the virtues - especially
purity, humility, generosity, and love - that
lead to happiness while living a faithful
In numerous occasions Pope Francis has
asked the faithful to pray for the upcoming
Synod for the Family. These novenas can help
to follow the Popes invitation and pray for all
families around the world.
Besides the Novena for a Happy and
Faithful Marriage and the Novena for the
Family, which have resulted in numerous
favors, three other novenas are also available:
the Novena for the Sick, the Novena for Work
and the Novena for Forgiveness.
The Solemn Mass for St. Josemarias
Feast will be held on June 26, 2015, 6:15 pm
at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles
(Jaro Cathedral) where St. Josemarias
image is venerated. This Holy Eucharist will
be officiated by Most Rev. Msgr. Angel N.
Lagdameo, D.D., Archbishop of Jaro.
These novenas are available free in the
Opus Dei website (
or in Tuburan Study Center, 49 Gen Luna St,
Iloilo City, telephone 337-0351,

St. John The Baptist Precursor of Jesus Our Lord

n the fifteenth year of the reign of the

Roman emperor Tiberius Caesar, a man
wearing clothing of camels hair and
with a leather belt around his waist came
from the desert, proclaiming: Repent, the
kingdom of heaven is near.
His name was John, and he ate locusts
and wild honey, and came to the people,
saying, After me will come one more
powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals
I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I
baptize you with water, but He will baptize
you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
John was the messenger sent by
God the Father to prepare for the coming
ministry of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ.
From Jerusalem and Judea and along the
river Jordan, people came confessing their
sins and were being baptized by him.
Then, Jesus came from Nazareth to
Galilee, along the river Jordan, and was
baptized by John. But John tried to deter
him, saying, I need to be baptized by you,
and it is you come to me? Jesus replied,
Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do
this to fulfill all righteousness.
John lived as a hermit in the desert of
Judea until about A.D.27 when he started
preaching and baptizing people along the

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

Armando A. Sue
river Jordan. In Bethany on the other side
of the river, the religious authorities of
Jerusalem sent some priests and Levites to
ask John who he was. He answered, I am
not the Christ. I am the voice of one calling
in the desert, Make straight the way for the
Lord. By this answer, John declared clearly
that he was not the light, but he came to
bear witness to the Light, Who Is Jesus the
Lord, so that through Him everyone might
The next day, with two of his disciples,
John saw Jesus passing by towards him, and
he said: Look, here is the Lamb of God!
Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one
of the two who heard what John said. He
told his brother Simon, We have found the
Messiah (Jesus, the Christ). And he brought
him to Jesus (Jn 1:29-42).
Now, it came to Johns knowledge
that Herod, ruler of Galilee, was having
a relationship with Herodias, wife of his
brother Philip, who was ruler of Iturea and
Traconitis. John said to Herod: It is not
lawful for you to have her. Herod wanted
to kill John, but was afraid of the people,
because they considered him a prophet.
Herod had John imprisoned (Mt 14:1-5).
On Herods birthday Herodias daughter

danced for them which pleased Herod so

much that he promised with an oath to give
her whatever she asked. Prompted by her
mother, she said, Give me here on a platter
the head of John the Baptist. The king was
distressed, but because of his oaths and her
dinner guests, he ordered that her request
be granted and had John beheaded in
prison. His head was brought in on a platter
and given to the girl, who carried it to her
mother. Johns disciples came and took his
body and buried it. Then they went and told
the matter to Jesus (Mt14:6-12).
Sources and References:
l. Serendipity New Testament for Groups, New International Edition
(Serendipity House, Box 1012 Littleto, CO 80160)1986.


What is Charity?

Papal Encyclical LAUDATO SI:

On The Care of Our Common Home

ope Francisfirst encyclicalis

focused on the idea of integral
ecology, connecting care of the
natural world with justice for the poorest
and most vulnerable people. Only by
radicallyreshaping our relationships
with God, with our neighbours and with
the natural world, he says, can we hope
to tackle the threats facing our planet
today.Science, he insists, is the best tool by
which we can listen to the cry of the earth,
whiledialogue and educationare the two
keys that can help us to escape the spiral
of self-destruction which currently engulfs
At the heart of the Popes reflections
is the question: What kind of world do
we want to leave to those who come after
us, to children who are now growing up?.
The answers he suggests call for profound
changes to political, economic, cultural and
social systems, as well as to our individual
Chapter 1 sets outsix of the most
serious challengesfacing our common
Pollution, waste and our throwaway
mentality: the earth, our home, is
beginning to look more and more like an
immense pile of filth
Climate change: one of the principle
challenges facing humanity in our day
but many of those who possess more
resources and economic or political
power seem mostly to be concerned with
masking the problems or concealing their
Water: access to safe drinkable water
is a basic and universal human right yet
entire populations, and especially children
get sick and die because of contaminated
Biodiversity: Each year sees the
disappearance of thousands of plant and
animal species and the consequences
cannot be predicted as all of us, as living
creatures, are dependent on one another.
Often transnational economic interests
obstruct this protection
Breakdown of society: Current models
of development adversely affect the quality
of life of most of humanity and many cities
are huge, inefficient structures, excessively
wasteful of energy and water
Global inequality: Environmental
problems affect the most vulnerable people,
the greater part of the worlds population
and the solution is not reducing the birth
rate but counteracting an extreme and
selective consumerism
And Chapter 3 explores six of the deep
root causes of these growing crises
Technology: While it can bring progress
Blessed James
Alberione without
towards sustainable


a sound ethics, it gives those with the

knowledge, and especially the economic
resources an impressive dominance over
the whole of humanity
The technocratic mentality: the
economy accepts every advance in
technology with a view to profityet by
itself the market cannot guarantee integral
human development and social inclusion
understand our place in the world and our
relationship with nature. Interpersonal
relations and protection of human life
must be set above technical reasoning
so environmental concern is also
incompatible with the justification of
Practical relativism: environmental
degradation and social decay is the result
of seeing everything as irrelevant unless it
serves ones own immediate interests
Employment: Integral ecology needs
to take account of the value of labour
so everyone must be able to have work
and its bad business for society to stop
investing in people to achieve short-term
financial gains
Biological technologies: GMOs are
a complex environmental issue which
have helped to resolve problems but bring
difficulties such as concentrating land in
the hands of a few owners, threatening
So where do the solutions lie? Here are
six of the best.

In The Gospel of Creation:

Chapter 2 examines the Old and

New Testaments to show how

human life is grounded in our
relationships with God, with our
neighbours and with the created
world. We must acknowledge
our sins when we break these
and realize our
Venerable Tecla Merlo
towards all of Gods creation.
In Integral Ecology: Chapter 4
explores this new paradigm of
justice which means the analysis
of environmental problems cannot
be separated from the analysis of
human, family, work-related and
urban contexts, while solutions
must be based on a preferential
option for the poorest of our
brothers and sisters
In Dialogue: Chapter 5, entitled
Lines of Approach and Action
stresses the need for honest and
open debate, so that particular
interests or ideologies will not
prejudice the common good.
The Church does not presume
to settle scientific questions or
to replace politics, but it can
promote dialogue on global and
local governance, transparent
decision-making, sustainable use
of natural resources, as well as
engaging in respectful dialogue
with other people of faith and with
the scientific world.
In Education: Chapter 6 urges
schools, families, the media and
the churches to help reshape
habits and behavior. Overcoming
individualism, while changing our
lifestyles and consumer choices,
can bring much pressure to bear
on those who wield political,
economic and social power
causing significant changes in
In Ecological Conversion: Chapter
6 also highlights St Francis of Assisi
as the model of a more passionate
concern for the protection of our
world, characterized by gratitude
and generosity, creativity and
In Spirituality: Finally Chapter 6
and the two concluding prayers
show how faith in God can shape
and inspire our care for the
environment. The Sacraments,
the Trinity, the model of the Holy
Family and our hope for eternal life
can teach, motivate and strengthen
us to protect the natural world
that God has given us.
Vatican Radio,

CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

Pureza D. Lacuesta

harity is the queen of virtues. It is also

the window of the Christian soul and
the passage of virtues. It starts from the
heart, then on the mind, and out through the
mouth, the hands, and the feet. It is not only a
feeling, but also a product of the mind.
If we call ourselves Christians, we must
practice the example that the Lord Jesus
Christ has given us. He suffered and died for
us, and even His trip to Calvary which was
supposed to be done only for fifteen minutes,
was traversed for two and a half hour
because of His bare feet which were covered
with blood and wounds due to the hot sand
and the sharp stones, and of the blood oozing
from His head, made by His crown of thorns
which was buried in it and they dripped down
to His face and neck.
Jesus was thinking of us. He wanted
to make us realize the enormity of sin. He
wanted us to see the evils of sin which made
Him suffer and die.
Let us therefore do our share of charity
by sharing with the poor and the needy
whatever material things we can give food,
clothing or anything tangible that can ease
the pain of the needy.
Those of us who are given the gift of
academic knowledge must share it to help


those who do not have the capacity for it.

Let us give spiritual help wherever we
are, and wherever we have the chance to do it
in fact, at all times and in all places.
Let us do away with selfishness and
unnecessary competition.
Charity begins at home. We must be kind
with one another, excuse each other when
something goes wrong, guide the weak, the
old and the small ones, and respect each
others rights. Help and guide each other and
show our love especially in difficult situations.
Make your presence be an inspiration
wherever you are. Teach about God through
words and examples. We must remember
that every minute of our life every breath we
take, is a gift from the Almighty Who wants us
to be His ministers as long as we live.
Educational institutions must teach God
through harmonious relationships, seriousness in sharing knowledge and giving justice
whatever is done.
Government offices can depict Christianity through justice and proper practice of existing laws and regulations equality in dealing with clients and dispensing everyones
needs with proper attention.
We must always remember that there is
an end to our earthly existence. Our body dies
but our soul lives. No matter how young or

old we are, there will come a time when we

will be called for judgement. Everything we
have done will be recounted.
Let us be catechists in our own way
through words, actions and examples. The
world is like a schoolroom. We listen we
hear we see we imitate we unfold our
own. Every moment is the right moment. Every time is a chance to prove that we are children of God.
We can be strong and face the trials that
come our way if we raise our eyes and heart
to God, pray and trust in Him, observe and follow His commandments and He will take our
hand and lead us.

Hidden Books

Can you find these books from the New Testament hidden in this word search?
The words read forward, backward, up, down and diagonally.


CANDLE LIGHT (June 21-27, 2015)

Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary

The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.


EXEQUIEL U. DIMAANO, 29 yrs. old, resident of DB Ledesma St.,

Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Rodillo Dimaano & Edna Unto and CHRISTINE
MARIE B. CUBERO, 28 yrs. old, resident of DB Ledesma St., Jaro, Iloilo
City, daughter of Fernando Cubero, Sr. & Maria Cristina Bacatan.
PETER JOSHUA J. MILLARE, 27 yrs. old, resident of Jamabalud,
Pototan, Iloilo, son of Pedro G. Millare & Josena L. Jamog and JUNE
LAURICE M. PALMA, 27 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao,
Iloilo City, daughter of Custodio P. Palma, Jr. & Lyra Peralta Macahilig.
RHEO LUCIO, 25 yrs. old, resident of Delgado St., Calinog, Iloilo,
son of Calumba Lucio and MARY JOY B. MANSILLA, 23 yrs. old,
resident of Calumpang, Molo, Iloilo City, daughter of Felix Mansilla &
Ana Marie Biasca.


JAN-MICHAEL O. PARCON, 25 yrs. old, resident of San Vicente,

Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Abraham Parcon & Estela Oscares and
MICHELLE A. ESPINOSA, 26 yrs. old, resident of San Vicente, Jaro,
Iloilo City, daughter of Arnaldo Espinosa & Raylin Academia.
JIMMY S. TOLONES, 40 yrs. old, resident of Leganes, Iloilo, son of
Alejandro Tolones & Delia Soldevilla and GLADYS E. LIARES, 42 yrs.
old, resident of Cabatuan, Iloilo, daughter of Jorge Liares & Asuncion


RANDY D. POJOL, 27 yrs. old, resident of Balabag, San Rafael,

Iloilo, son of Reynaldo B. Pojol & Sinplorosa D. Domines and RYSHIELL
C. DE LA CRUZ, 25 yrs. old, resident of M.H. Del Pilar, Jaro, Iloilo City,
daughter of Rex J. De La Cruz & Sylvia J. Cabsaba.
WILLIAM K. NG, 49 yrs. old, resident of 76 Avenue, New Hyde
Park, New York, son of Samson Ng & Nenita Kho and REKA JEAN D.
LAYSON, 26 yrs. old, resident of Iloilo City, daughter of Ray Layson &
Jeana Divinagracia.


JUNE 21, 2015 SUNDAY

05:00 a.m.
Death Anniversary of Alberto D. Gasis by Cecilia G.
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Ladies of Charity
08:00 a.m.
09:30 a.m.
+Rey, Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria

Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion

& Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus

Bacabac & Luz Tajanlangit by Alice T. Mallare
12:00 n.n.
+Crisostomo Corsino & All Souls in Purgatory by

Eva Corsino & Family
03:00 p.m.
+Maeng & Ma. Lilia Parreas by Elen, Boyet,

GingGing, Ian & Grandchildren
04:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. &

Family; Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Randy

Lumbaning & Family; Fe Marina Siacon &

Children; Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family;

Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. Grace Evangelista &

Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children;

Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; Rosette

Tayongtong & Family; Alma Blanca & Children;

Paterno Dichupa Jr; Abbey & Avery Blanca; Adrian

Raphael & Aesha Fabrigar; Braulia Cababasay &

Family; Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga;

Jelly Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje & Children;

Teresita Villaluna & Family; Cesar Geluz & Gerard

Penecilla Jr.; Che Gonzaga; Ian Latty, Inday

Buenvenida & Veneranda Presentacion; Cirilo

Ben Hilapad; Rowena Nguyen & Family; Roberto

Hamot; Jaybriel Jude Billones;

Mr. & Mrs. Maximino Huelar, Rey Anthony &

Valentina Huelar; Mannix & Monette Fernandez;

Jose Rey Ariete; Amelia Justiniani; Rebecca

Pinuela; Red Family; Juryl Luis Barrameda &

Family; Amando Dimacali Sr. & Family;

Amando & Tessie Dimacali; Higenia Ballesteros;

Joy Gefes; and Special Intention of Marivic & John

Kane; Cheryl Figueroa; Emily Barrameda;
06:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J.

Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw & Feliciano
07:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass Allen & Floriemay Padernal
JUNE 22, 2015 MONDAY
05:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for Phil Zerrudo by Alice J.
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Claire Adrienne Florete
06:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Bernardo

Paulino P. Monroy by Monroy Family
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for Tony & Maricar Marcelo by

OJ & Swit Marcelo
05:30 a.m.
+Inocentes Figueroa & Alicia Serofia by Evelyn
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Che Gonzaga
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Lozada & Jaleco Families
12:15 p.m.
+Luz Ilagan, Ramona Favis, Paciencia Besa &

Peluqui Dingcong by Josefina Garcia
05:30 p.m.
+Romeo Borromeo by Morales Family
05:30 a.m.
+Primalyn Cambronero by Gloria Canbronero
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Dr. & Dr. Gerard Penecilla in

Honor of Mary Help of Christians
06:30 a.m.
+Ana Salazar by OJ & Swit Marcelo
12:15 p.m.
Special Intention of Che Gonzaga
05:30 p.m.
+Jose, Jr. & Eddie Chiongson by Chiongson Family
05:30 a.m.
+Dioscoro, Gracia, Arnulfo, Julia, Vicente, Edgardo

& Teresita by Villarosa Family
06:00 a.m.
+Jose, Elecia, Violeta, Gabrie & Concepcion by
Villarosa Family
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Lozada & Jaleco Families
12:15 p.m.
+Deo Salvador Benjamin Chavez by Canillas
05:30 p.m.
+Lilibeth Barrido by St. Paul School, Barotac Viejo,
Batch 2007
JUNE 26, 2015 FRIDAY
05:30 a.m.
+Ruby Jalbuena by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles
06:00 a.m.
+Raymund Lutero by Campaero Family
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Lozada & Jaleco Families
12:15 p.m.
+Angelina Zarragosa by Morales Family
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Lizada,

Jr. & Family
05:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Lucia Jalbuena
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Therese Marie Antoine
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Lozada & Jaleco Families
05:30 p.m.
+Pedro Destao, Sr. by Gina Morrisson

and for the soul of Mark Anthony Yunque

JUNE 13, 2015



JUNE 14, 2015



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