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July 13, 2015

Subject: Request for Information: PC-15-I-007 Online Medical Database
To: All Interested Vendors
The Peace Corps is seeking a mental health and psychology online journal database to provide
appropriate and up to date resources for clinical care and training purposes. As part of this
process, we are seeking information on available products to meet our need and vendors that
are capable of providing the requirements as outlined in the DRAFT Requirements listed below.
Peace Corps is aware of PsycARTICLES and we are reaching to industry for information on
capabilities, constrains, and alternatives. Please note that this request for information is part of
market research only and it is NOT a Request for Quotes (RFQ). The Government will not
reimburse respondents for costs associated with your submission for this announcement and a
contract will not be awarded based on submissions to this request. Please submit your responses
to by 12 noon on July 20, 2015.
Counseling & Outreach Unit (COU) Journal Database Requirements
Primary Needs
Mental health and psychology online journal database that provides full journal article
access (as opposed to services providing only individual access to abstracts or partial articles).
The content of the articles provided in the database is directly related to the international
mental health needs of the Peace Corps; journal articles are specific to mental health and
a) Target audience for the journal articles is mental health clinicians not patients.
b) Journals and articles provided undergo a meticulous peer-reviewed process.
Database of articles is available online to Peace Corps staff 24-hours per day, 7 days per
Online materials are updated regularly to ensure journal articles are kept up to date with
current research.
Database includes a search function to allow users to search for articles specific to a topic,
publishing date, and other features.
Articles are available in PDF or HTML formats for easy navigation and downloading.
Database and articles are accessible both domestically and internationally.
Database allows for multiple, concurrent user logins and simultaneous usage of resources
(access is not restricted based upon number of Peace Corps users logging into the system at the
same time).
Secondary Needs
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Database and articles can be accessed in rural areas that lack strong internet connectivity.
Access to database and articles do not require large bandwidth for use, which may be
unavailable in rural areas.
Set-up and training will be provided by the vendor to the Peace Corps staff as follows:
a. Vendor will provide OHS and COU with written instructions/user manuals (including screen
shots) for setting up the product on the Government computers.
b. Vendors help desk will be available during normal business hours (Monday through Friday
8AM to 5 PM Eastern Time) for support. Government users shall be able to contact vendor
via telephone and email.
c. If there is an emergency help ticket, the vendor shall provide a response within 24 hours.
We ask you to please provide detailed and concise information on potential products that may
meet this requirement; and your company's qualifications and experience in providing the
services described in the DRAFT Requirements provided above. Capabilities statements must
address the following:
a. Identify potential products that meet Peace Corps requirements
b. Outline potential challenges or shortcomings from the available solutions
c. Describe the benefits of using the particular database solution you recommend
d. Describe your firm's ability to provide the solution
Please limit your responses to ten (10) pages. We ask you to provide your responses
electronically to the Contracting Officer at no later than July
20, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Digitally signed by Mejia Salamanca, Claudia

DN: dc=gov, dc=peacecorps, ou=Disabled
Accounts, ou=Onboarding Staff, cn=Mejia
Salamanca, Claudia,
Date: 2015.07.13 16:21:56 -04'00'

Claudia Patricia Mejia,

Contracting Officer
Office of Acquisition & Contract Management (OACM)
Office: 202.692.2082

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