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In May 2015 Media Gives Back went to Heavens Shelter in Mitchells Plein, a home for abused and
destitute women and their children. The shelter was started by a wonderful woman named Zulpha, in
1998 in her home. Heavens Shelter House is a place for those who have lost all hope and desperately
seek refuge. Once they are back on their feet, they are able to leave and face the challenges of life as
stronger, better equipped people. The shelter welcomes people of any race, creed or religion who are in
The shelter teaches the adults skills in arts and crafts, outcome-based and home-based training in early
childhood education. Zulpha also teaches them basic hairdressing skills which they can use to earn an
income. They women and children are trained to take care of themselves, are taught basic life skills and
are given educational opportunities. Mothers are taught the values of family life.
Not only does Heavens Shelter help to alleviate unemployment in a community plagued with such
difficulties, but it builds self worth and confidence. This home helps to reduce the number of street
children and helps empower our destitute communities.
Over the years the number of people they took in grew so much that they had to look for a bigger space.
A couple years ago they found a vacant property with a dilapidated double story building. Originally it was
even without a roof but was large enough to cater for the up to 80 people to be housed at a time. They
have also got a few wendy houses on the property so that where possible, they can allow people in their
community who are homeless ro sleep off the street.
Heaven's Shelter is a registered non profit organisation but receive no government grants and as such
relies solely on donations and aid from other organisations and the public.

52 Paarden Eiland Road, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405

Tel +27 21 511 3300 / Fax +27 (0)866 338 194


Two years ago an amazing organisation called NewKidz on the Block, together with Brights Hardware
gave the home an extreme makeover making it habitable and safer. However there are still things that
need to be done to improve the building and the facilities inside and this is where we come in. I would
like to put together a team of sponsors and volunteers to spend a day (or 2 if required) to help them
make the shelter a better and safer place for all.
Below is a list of requirements that they have. If you are willing to donate or sponsor any of the items;
cash towards purchase of the items or volunteer your time please let me know. Every contribution makes
a difference, no matter how small. If you are unable to help in time, please see if you can help with some
of the items we can use to support this wonderful charity and the people who dedicate themselves to
uplifting those in such dire need.
Items needed:

Corrugated iron sheeting for roofs some of the roofs are currently leaking
Lights outside for security
Rubble to be cleared away from outside the fence
Some of the fence needs re-enforcing
Carpeting most of the rooms (including bedrooms and childrens play areas have no carpets)
Tiles for the hall where they hold there counselling sessions and talks (only a small section is tiled)
Curtain Rails
Toiletries & clothing for the adults (Toothbrushes/tooth paste; deodorant, soap etc)
Toiletries & clothing for the children (Toothbrushes/tooth paste; wet wipes; creams; soap etc)
Baby clothing, nappies and formula
Bedding unfortunately some of the residents take the bedding with them when they leave and
currently only about half the beds have any bedding.
A stove they currently cook on a tiny stove, which makes cooking for 80 people a challenge
An urn
Nonperishable foods feeding so many mouths is expensive and a huge task

Basic gardening tools - They have started a small veggie garden and with a little help, and time,
will be able to source some of their food from it
Seeds for their veggie garden winter vegetables mainly (Onions and potatoes etc)
Wool and sewing items to make blankets and for skills development
Grass for the outdoor childrens area
They also use R250 of electricity a day so are desperately needing people to purchase tokens they
can use.
Additionally any items that are donated but not suitable for the shelter are sold in a rummage sale
to raise funds for other expenses.

I look forward to your response, and any suggestions or ideas you have are welcome!

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