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Automation management information system (AMIS)

As we all know that todays world is the world of competition which changes the living style of the people.
Due to the development of advanced and improved technology it would be easier to perform the jobs
efficiently and accurately. All types of the business, both large and small, are using information system,
networks, and internet technology to conduct more of their business electronically, and achieving new level of
efficiency, competitiveness and profitability. MIS is an integrated, user-machine system for providing
information to support, operations, management and decision making a function in an organization.
Management information system is the example of the improved technology which is widely used in the every
sectors of the business. Management information system is the process which uses to provide information in
that field of the organization within the limited time that helps to take accurate decisions within in the time.
Information system is essential for managers because most organizations need information system to survive.
As we are the student of BBA, that requires the practical knowledge which can be gain through the field
visits. Our goal is to learn about how the MIS implement in the private organization like m & m motor cycle
shoppie. AMIS is used in the automobiles organization for making their work reliable, efficient and cost
effective. AMIS is about the management of the automobiles, (vehicles) their repairs and maintenance, sales
and promotion of their product for smooth running of the business in the competitive market.

Introduction of Organization
HH Bajaj Company is one of the renowned companies in the market which is handling by Golcha Group. It is
the organization which is renowned in the production of bikes in the market. It is the organization which deals
with the sales of different bikes like pulsar ,discover, Avenger, XCD, platina and Kristal respectively in
different models, colors and cc. HH Bajaj are always update with their new model and style to attract the
customers. They always produce the bike according to the desire and need of the customer which is affordable
to them. They always spend a lot of money in their research and design. Their main target is to attract the
young customers who are the lover of bikes. HH Bajaj has given many authorized dealer in Kathmandu valley
and outside the valley. Among those authorized dealer M & M motorcycle shoppie is one of them which is
located at kumaripati lalitpur
M & M motorcycle shoppie is the only one organization which provides service to public at lalitpur. This
organization deals with the bikes which are brought into the market by HH Bajaj Company. This organization
deals with sales, service and parts since three years. This organization not only deals with sealing of new bikes
but also exchanges the bikes of Bajaj. It deals with the sales of new bike and exchanges the old bikes with
new ones. They sale bikes in cash and finance as well. There are different finance companies like Guna cooperative, Upattyaka finance, Everest bank etc. They provide a discount on cash sales with different offers
like scratch as well as others too.
This organization is private organization which is run with two directors where the data is flow in centralized
way. There main target is to sale the bike according to the target given by HH i.e. head office. As being the
private organization their main motto is to earn profit and provide service to public. This organization
provides opportunities to the new comers especially to new generation who have talent as well as desire to do
work. They have maintained the training section where new comers can get the training from their seniors.
For providing quick and easy service, organization has maintained different departments like sales, parts,
maintenance, finance etc. By the organizational chart it is clear how the data of the organization flows.

Goals and Objectives:

Every company has certain goals and objectives. So the goals of this organization are:

To provide quality products.

To satisfy the customers.

To attract more and more customers.

To provide various services.

To maximize the profit.

To promote healthy competition.

Organization Chart of M & M Motorcycle Shoppie

M & M Motorcycle



Cash Sales

Sales Department


Repairs & Maintenance




Fig: -

Organization Chart of M&M Motorcycle Shoppie (AIS)

Problem Analysis
M & M motorcycle shoppie starts its business with small capital (about 5 lakhs) used to have 7-8 staffs
including two directors had no proper information system in the organization .As their head office is in teku,
which is one of the big showroom of bajaj motorbikes forced them to expand their business M&M SHOPPIE
expanded their business with the proper guidelines of head office. Initially the M&M SHOPPIE had only
servicing department where only service orders for motorbike is taken. After expanding their business, more
departments are added like sales department. Repair and maintains department, servicing department and so
With the increment of department in the organization, the complexity of flow of information from one
department to another also increases. For the smooth flow of information, different networking system are
using (i.e. intranet).Email, internet are using to connect with outside world. Now their existing of 25-30 staffs
in the organization. There is no any specific position to their staffs except some department like repair and
maintenance, inventory management and director of their company. Thus, the flow of information limited up
to these department only. Management information system, these three key words have significant implication
is any type of organization either it is private or public enterprise. Though they are using different hardware
and software for proper information management ,servicing department is still away from their type of system
(i.e. management information system).The service department is one of the main department where customer
contact first for repair and maintained of their motorbike. Organization still using paper pencil toll to collect
the data .customer satisfaction is the main aim for this organization customer complain is recorded in the
service department (i.e. they record their complain in the job card which consist different options of
complains).Customer fill the job card before servicing their motorbike. these job card are move to repair and
maintained department where different information are recorded from the job card .Here, organization are
lagging behind in using resources properly because worker that work in service department are not use of a
computer information system. It declines the efficiency of workers retailed to information system.
Though, they are providing quality product/service due to lack systematic flow of information .it would affect
in providing quality service to their customer .Right decision at right time is only possible when the flow of
information is systematic.
Lack of proper or systematic flow of information means not good link among the staff. Inventory management
is also important part of the organization where information related to stock can be obtained. But proper lining
of staffs would create the problem in the sales department .For selling purpose, sales managers must (be
known about the inventory management).

For the effective, efficient and profitable business, there should be system that processed data into meaningful
information so that right decision at right time can be made.
We have clearly defined the problem of an automobiles company. The major problems of an M & M
motorcycle shoppie are as follows.

This organization had no proper information system

There is no specific position of the staff working except some department like repair and maintenance,
inventory management and director of this company.

Management information system is not used in the servicing department of this organization

This organization still using manual information system which will be difficult for a decision and
control process in the organization

Although this organization are providing quality product or service but due to lack of systematic flow
of information it would be affect in providing quality service to their customers.

There is no inventory manager in this organization so that it would be difficult to flow the information
to the sales department at a right time.

Job Card is used to record the complain of the customer but this record are not kept in the
computerized system so that it declines the efficiency of workers related to information system

Input Form

Fig: - Input Forms of customer and vehicle information of AIS

ER Diagram

Fig: ER Diagram of AIS


Fig: - Schema Diagram of AIS


Context Diagram

Add item
Search problem types

Provides problem


Provide parts types
Provide search detail



Customer order
Supply items
Generate bill

Level One Diagram


Fig: - Data flow diagram of AIS (Level 1)


Output Form

Fig: - Output Form of AIS


Engine Oil
Break shoe
Fuel Filter
Chain Sprocket
Pulg Spark
Disc Pad



Fig: - Bar diagram of parts consumption of the year 2000-2005 of M&M Motorcycle Shoppie


All types of the business, both large and small, are using information system, networks, and internet
technology to conduct more of their business electronically, and achieving new level of efficiency,
competitiveness and profitability. MIS is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to
support, operations, management and decision making a function in an organization. Management information
system is the process which uses to provide information in that field of the organization within the limited
time that helps to take accurate decisions within in the time.
M & M Motorcycle Shoppie does not have any proper information system. There is no specific position of the
staff working except some department like repair and maintenance, inventory management and director of this
company. Management information system is not used in the servicing department, sales department and
inventory department.


In this project we have studied the ways to implement computer based information system (CBIS) in an
M & M Motorcycle Shoppie can be benefited with the new information systems that have been developed.
This AIS will help the organization to understand and develop proper position of the staff. This will help the
organization to provide good service to the customer as it will be providing a computer base service system
and ensure the systematic flow of information. Finally all the department of the organization can have a
systematic system and can operate with the minimum capital and less time.
The organization can forecast the future requirement of the parts and bikes according to the past trend of the
demand which can be generated with the AIS. During this project we learned to analyze the requirement of the
organization and develop a proper system in accordance to the need and problems faced by the organization
and provide a complete solution.


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