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After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You
can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some
benefit while you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks
of life.
Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.
Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the
proper Term-otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for she
knows all about you.
A Problem in Mathematics is an Inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate or
demonstrate a fact, result, or law.
The Fact of this problem No. 13 is Mathematics is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, thats
a Fact, and another Fact is that it Stands True.
If Islam Is Mathematics and Mathematics is Islam, when we state we have Supreme
Mathematics we are actually saying we have Supreme Islam, Islam Is Not a Religion it is
our way of Life Our Culture, Islam did not start with Prophet Muhammad, it was Giving
to Him to teach to His People AS a Religion, But to the Original Man who is God, and on
a Collective whole ALLAH, Islam Is Mathematics, The same reality when it comes to the
Black man and Black woman in the Wilderness of North America, because of the
Language of Our people, Master Fard Muhammad Had to Use His Mathematical
Theology In the Proper Term, NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that
cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language. So when you hear the Messenger The Most
Honorable Elijah Muhammad use the term Religion when it comes to our people he is
Speaking the people Language, The Father Allah When he went out to Teach the Babies
did he not Speak The Language of the babies, participate among the babies where he
could use his Mathematical Theology in the proper term, A Term can be a Spoken
Language or a Period of Time or Even Ones Deeds and Actions are Nonverbal
Communication and a Language That can attract or use in a Mathematical Way,
Minister Farrakhan is using his Mathematical Theology in the Proper Term, In this Period
of Time, Speaking the Language of the People, he as did the Father Allah in his Term
Raised the babies, but because the Babies lack in their Understanding of Islam being
Mathematics the Babies fuss and fight concerning who Daddy is Right or Wrong, when it
can be proving at any Time that Both Fathers are Brothers from the Same Father The
Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Both are Using Supreme Wisdom Lessons where by
they Copied The Answers Of Minister Elijah Muhammad and Memorized them by Heart,
and they both learn to use it to secure some benefits while they Live, should not the
Students of the Students of the Student of a Master teacher come to the understanding of
Mathematics being Islam and Islam being Mathematics.More Next Time

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