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All-in-One Router Modem


Copyright 2015 by 1905 Software inc. All Rights Reserved.

All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

Table of contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
Welcome ........................................................................................................ 3
What's new ..................................................................................................... 3
Detect Interface .............................................................................................. 3
Main Interface ................................................................................................. 5
Main Interface ............................................................................................. 5
File ............................................................................................................ 6
Developers ................................................................................................. 7
Tools ......................................................................................................... 8
Help .......................................................................................................... 8
ADSL Config ................................................................................................... 9
Wireless Config ............................................................................................. 10
Options ........................................................................................................ 11
Getting Started .................................................................................................. 12
System requirements ..................................................................................... 12
Getting help .................................................................................................. 12
New topic ......................................................................................................... 13
New topic ......................................................................................................... 13

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

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What's new
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Single source CHM, PDF, DOC and HTML Help creation

Detect Interface

that will show you the name of the router or modem you use
*we don't need the information shown below in future processes

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

that will show you the vendor name or System-On-Chip

* all future processes depends on information shown here

that will show you the wireless chipset used in this unit
* all future processes depends on information shown here

that will show you the chipset name of the built-in switch (the 4ports / 2ports lan)
*we don't need the information shown below in future processes

* thats mean this router/modem not using the original firmware

* this router/modem available to and distributed only by ISPs (not available in the market)

Detection button
this button will extract all information above-mentioned

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

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Main Interface
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Main Interface

the main functions and tools

router/modem login IP (used to access the router GUI interface)

the name of the router or modem you use

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

Yes: your router/modem detected by the app

No : your router/modem can not be detected by the app

Green: router turned on

Red : router turned off

Green: internet turned on

Red : internet turned off

your router/modem MAC address

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with that function you can create a error log and send it to us to have a look at

if your router/modem not supported by the app you can use this function to halp us adding it in upcoming
app versions

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

by this function you can export your ADSL/WIFI settings for future use

by this function you can import settings you exported before

by this function you can save your current settings

by this function you can save the current settings as a new profile

by this function you can load any profile you saved before

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by clicking this item a new input window will show up asking you to enter a secret developer code have it
before from the author of this app

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

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by clicking this item options window will show up

use this function only if you have a custom ISP router firmware

by clicking this item a new windows will come up shows you informations about your router/modem

you can use this function to know who's connected to your router/modem
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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

you can use function to watch tutorial videos about how things work

a small informations about the author and the application

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ADSL Config

get this details from your internet provider

get this details from your internet provider

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create HTML Help, DOC, PDF and print manuals from 1 single

Wireless Config

enabled: turn the wireless chipset ON

disabled: turn the wireless chipset OFF

set a name for your wireless network

choose a security encryption for your wireless network password (disable - wep - wpa - wpa2)
** disable = open network
** if you select disable you dont have to set Password nor Encrypt

set a password for your wireless network (more then 8 character)

choose from (tkip - aes - tkip aes)

select your country (example: France = FR)

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

set your wireless network to be visible or hidden

OFF: network visible
ON: network hidden

set your wireless network channel ( 1 : 14 )

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click it if you want to reboot your router/modem

same like above one but with more rebooting speed

reset your router/modem to default factory setting

to turn your wireless on : select ON then GO

to turn your wireless off : select OFF then GO

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

to turn your adsl connection on : select ON then GO

to turn your adsl connection off : select OFF then GO

to kick pc out of network

enter MAC address of the pc you want to kickout then Reject then GO
to make the network available for you only
enter your MAC address then Allow then GO

set time by clicking the small dropdown arrow

then click SET button (you will see the time in

orange color)
then click Restart Router or Fast Restart Router or Reset Router or
Turn Wireless ON/OFF or Internet Conne.. ON/OFF or WIFI Association (you will see the time in
green color)

click SET button again to cancel the operation

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Getting Started
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create EBooks

System requirements
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create iPhone web-based documentation

Getting help
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easy EBook and documentation generator

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All-in-One Router Modem Toolbox

New topic
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New topic
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