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July 20 Hearing Scheduled in IRD v USAID

July 15, 2015
ARLINGTON, VA The United States District Court for the District of
Columbia has informed IRD that a hearing in the suit it filed on June 9 will be
held on July 20.
In the suit (IRD v USAID, Case No. 1:15 cv-854), IRD is seeking immediate
injunctive relief, as well as the vacating of its suspension from federal contracting
issued by USAID on January 26. IRDs case is centered on the illegality of the
original suspension and the significant harm it has caused IRD, its staff,
beneficiaries, and U.S. government interests.
USAIDs lifting of the suspension effective June 22, 2015 restored IRDs eligibility
for U.S. Government extensions and new awards. However, on the same day it
lifted the suspension, the Agency announced that it still had not resolved the
issue of IRDs present responsibility, and that they would conduct a reevaluation of the organization. USAID also filed a motion in response to IRDs
lawsuit asserting that by lifting the suspension, the case was moot and should
be dismissed. USAIDs filing also tacitly acknowledged that the IRD suspension
violated a 2013 federal law.
IRD subsequently filed its opposition to USAIDs notion to dismiss the suit,
highlighting the continuance of IRDs state of suspension de facto, as well as
USAIDs continuing failure to address past and ongoing harm caused by its
actions. IRD also pointed out the implication of USAIDs concession about
suspending IRD contrary to federal law.
CEO Roger Ervin said, This lawsuit will help ensure that all parties involved in
the delivery of development programming, including IRD and USAIDs Bureau of
Management, are held equally to high standards of transparency and
Ervin added, We are confident that this hearing will bring us one step closer to a
speedy, final resolution. Our primary goal remains moving forward with the
support of USAID and all our donor partners, as well as continuing our focus on
supporting the most vulnerable communities in the world.

Roger Ervin, President and CEO of International Relief & Development, has
over 25 years of experience leading and managing large organizations with
complex missions, including executive positions at the U.S. Department of State,
the U.S. Commercial Service, and the African Development Bank.
IRD is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization responsible for
implementing relief and development programs worldwide. IRDs mission is to
empower the worlds most vulnerable communities to achieve self-sufficiency
through innovative solutions, applied knowledge, and targeted expertise. For
more information, visit

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