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Test your knowledge of English










Who the party?

a. meet they
b. met they
c. they meet
d. they met
e. met them
I wish IEnglish fluently?
a. have spoken
b. speaking
c. could speak
d. will speak
e. am speaking
I was wondering.tell me where the nearest post office is?
a. if you could
b. you could
c. if could you
d. please
e. can you
If he so much, he wouldn`t have passed the exam
a. wouldn`t have studied
b. hasn`t studied
c. didn`t study
d. hadn`t studied
e. not studied
My parents are coming tomorrow but I wish
a. they didn`t
b. they don`t
c. they won`t
d. they hadn`t
e. they weren`t
Did you hear what happened to James? He..
a. has been promoted
b. is promoted
c. is being promoted
d. promotes
e. promoted
Martin tells me John cheated on his wife,I find hard to believe
a. that
b. who
c. what
d. which
e. whose
Surely if he didn`t like your work
a. can tell
b. would have told
c. had told
d. must have told
e. will tell
The boy..that he hadn`t stolen the money, but we didn`t believe him
a. informed
b. persuaded
c. insisted
d. convinced
e. reassured

Test your knowledge of English

10. She will call you as soon as she..
a. will arrive
b. arriving
c. arrives
d. will be arrived
e. arrived
11. I regret more in school
a. not learn
b. not to learn
c. to not learn
d. not learning
e. not have learnt
12. I like your nails. Where?
a. have you them done?
b. have them done
c. do you do them
d. did you have them done
e. did you them
13. She will.. you this afternoon. She needs to discuss something
a. cry
b. speak
c. shout
d. call
e. scream
14. She always.a lot of sugar in her tea
a. has
b. eats
c. boils
d. makes
e. cooks
15. I had to go on a Sydney last week.
a. travel
b. journey
c. road
d. trip
e. ride
16. Can you give me a ..with my homework
a. foot
b. hand
c. arm
d. finger
e. leg
17. to Brisbane? No, I haven`t
a. Would you ever go
b. Are you ever going
c. Have you ever been
d. Did you ever go
e. Will you ever go
18. Before you start, please bear in .that this is very important!
a. thinking
b. head
c. mind
d. opinion
e. question

Test your knowledge of English

19. I have no when the train leaves
a. thought
b. idea
c. head
d. feeling
e. mind
20. If Iyou, I would do it
a. were
b. would be
c. have been
d. was
e. am
21. I think Jane must .late tonight. The light in her office is still on
a. be working
b. have worked
c. working
d. works
e. to work
22. It was a great meal, but very expensive. Look at the!
a. recipe
b. receipt
c. invoice
d. bill
e. ticket
23. David his mother and he did not pay much attention when the accident happened
a. has been calling
b. was calling
c. has called
d. is called
e. called
24. Dylan`s a really..person. He never does anything stupid
a. cheerful
b. talkative
c. sensible
d. interesting
e. kind
25. Sue has just returned from her holiday in Greece. She spent a lot of time on the beach. She is.....
a. darkened
b. tanned
c. browned
d. coloured
e. sunned
26. the new house by the end of the week, so we won`t be here next Sunday
a. are moving
b. move
c. will have moved
d. will move
e. will be moving
27. I think you go home now. Your mother will worry about you
a. may
b. would
c. can
d. could
e. should

Test your knowledge of English

28. Greg is. A lot of time in the library. He is getting ready for his exams
a. making
b. taking
c. spending
d. doing
e. stay
29. If I had cancelled the wedding I wouldn`t have bought the present!
a. have known
b. had known
c. know
d. knowing
e. knew
30. My boss isn`t very polite, and.particularly fair!
a. nor is he
b. either he isn`t
c. neither he isn`t
d. nor he is
e. neither did he be
31. We often.beach volleyball during summer
a. go
b. run
c. do
d. have
e. play
32. I don`t ..TV every day
a. look at
b. watch
c. stare
d. mirror
e. see
33. I hope this bruise on my leg.quickly
a. heals
b. treats
c. cures
d. repairs
e. betters
34. Is she that girl..boyfriend won the race?
a. who
b. that
c. whose
d. which
e. what
35. Jenny is so nice. She will ask her to do
a. wherever
b. whenever
c. whatever
d. whoever
e. however
36. Could you some money, please?
a. loan
b. own
c. borrow
d. hire
e. lend

Test your knowledge of English

37. The meeting was a complete .We did not do anything
a. consume of time
b. out of time
c. time spent
d. waste of time
e. time-using
38. We had thought that they.fluent Spanish, but they didn`t
a. would speak
b. spoke
c. were speaking
d. will have spoken
e. had spoken
39. My sister neverthe washing up
a. makes
b. puts
c. does
d. takes
e. cooks
40. My name is Juan and I.from Spain
a. are
b. am
c. isn`t
d. be
e. is
41. You..tell anyone. It`s our secret, OK?
a. mustn`t
b. wouldn`t
c. couldn`t
d. may
e. don`t have to
42. After the book was published, the main.point was its main story line
a. speech
b. conversation
c. telling
d. spoken
e. discussion
43. Caroline never leaves the house without..her make-up on
a. taking
b. doing
c. making
d. putting
e. getting
44. Where.?
a. lives she
b. do she live
c. she does live
d. she lives
e. does she live
45. Don`t forget to..the lights when you leave the room
a. turn over
b. switch off
c. turn in
d. switch in
e. switch up

Test your knowledge of English

46. Whattonight?
a. are you going do
b. will you do
c. will you have done
d. are you doing
e. do you do
47. There have been several big.against the use of the new cure
a. Issues
b. strikes
c. boycotts
d. activists
e. campaigns
48. My handbagstolen on a tram yesterday
a. is
b. has been
c. did
d. gets
e. was
49. The test showed he had had a lot of alcohol before driving, so the police arrested him for
a. trespassing
b. speeding
c. drunk driving
d. alcohol drive
e. mugging
50. The weather has been very dry this summer. We`ve had very .rain
a. a little
b. less
c. little
d. few
e. a few
51. Daniela likes..expensive clothes
a. buying
b. buys
c. buy
d. to buying
e. is buying
52. London iscity I`ve ever visited
a. the more big
b. the most big
c. the biggest
d. bigger
e. the bigger
53. I`d rather home next weekend, but I can`t!
a. could have stayed
b. stay
c. I do stay
d. I can stay
e. I will stay
54. I always go to the pubSaturdays
a. in
b. on
c. of
d. at
e. by

Test your knowledge of English

55. I don`t know where yesterday
a. did she go
b. she went
c. did she went
d. she did go
e. went she
56. What?
a. does happen
b. did happen
c. happening
d. happens
e. happened
57. All of us just burst into..when she told us that she is leaving
a. drops
b. screaming
c. crying
d. tears
e. cries
58. I`m so thirsty! If only I ..all the water!
a. wasn`t drinking
b. hasn`t drunk
c. didn`t drink
d. don`t drink
e. hadn`t drunk
59. I`m afraid..snakes
a. to
b. in
c. about
d. of
e. for
60. By the time John gets here, the meeting..
a. is finishing
b. finishes
c. will have finished
d. is going to finish
e. will be finish

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