2015 CO Legislature Per Diem and Mileage Requests (1 of 4)

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STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BECKER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum. G2miles ~@ $052 $ 3228 Payment Requested: wince _/4 100 @ Perviem: _/ 5 oa @ Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. or | oetty thatthe stalements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren hae not and il not be reimbursed re rom any ator soureas; that my sohadule of Travel was performed by me on ofl Sata business and not for personal purposes” and that | ectully Incured oF pal the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for whch reimbursement is clamed ona mileage bass Payee: Deets pate: __/ 20 /& ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2018 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Roundtrip mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 31a mie @ $082 $ 16.54 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: PIS Tes @ 8S 1054 251 1B 4 Porbiem: _[( days @ $4500 s_ 26500 64631 Total Requested: Please use this aaa for any comments or changes. | certiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment of the ‘arounls ceed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; hat my schedule of travel was pororied by me on ffcal Stato business and not for pereonal purposes: and that | atu incurted or bad he operating excenses of the motor vehice fr which reimbursement i claed on a mileage bess. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum Zmiles @ $ O82 $ 1404 Payment Requested: micage: __/ 7 Tis @ 5 408 PerDiom: 25 days @ 5 45.00 Total Requested: Please use this ara for any comments or changes. 03. | cet hat the stalements In the above schedule are tue and jst in all espects that payeent of the ‘amounts claimed here has not and wil not be rembureed fo me rom any ater sources that my schedule of {rave was performed by me on ofa Slate business and not for personal purposes; and tht | actually ‘ncutred or pad he opetating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is Gamed on a mileage basis A 7 STATE OF COLORADO (GENERAL ASSEMBLY oa SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO “January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Rounairip Mileage: Home to Capitol ana Return Smiles @ $082 $260 Payment Requested: Teta Mieage: Tis @ 8 200 plain 57 60 er Diom Dep @ 5 4500 s L2F00 745 VES. 09 Total Requested: sBesoO Please use this are for ny comments or changes | cody thatthe statements in the above schedule are te and justin all respects; tal payment of the ‘amount claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me fom any other sources hat my echedule of travel wae performed by me on afi State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually lnaed or bald he operating excenses ofthe motor vehicle fer which reenbursementis Claimed ona mileage basis Payee: Gee Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Roundup Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $082 $ 6.24 Payment Requested: PerDiem: 25 vays @ $45.00 Total Requested: lease use this area for any comments or changes. | eri thatthe statements in the above schedule ae tue and justin ll respects Witeage: t Tes @ S624 $b. 8 — Total ‘hat payment ofthe amounts ‘lamad herein has nt and wil no be reimbursed to me fom any cher sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Slate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or ald {ha operating expenses of the motor vehice for which relmbursarent is laimed on a migage basis Payee: Date: (yp. u-i6 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DORE Roundtrip Mileage: Hom to Capitol and Return. ‘Bmiles =< @ «$052 $ 43.68 Payment Requested: mueage: (7 te @ 5 ase Perviem: 22 ays @ $4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceri that the stalements in the above schedule are tue and justin al respects: tht payment ofthe amounts carmel herein has nat and wil not be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; tha my schedule of vavel was fevered by me on official State business and nol fr personal purposes: and that | actualy incurred or ald the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi fo which rembursoment& claimed on a mileage bas, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 25 mike @ $082 $680 Payment Requested: \X Total Mileage: @ 60 s_[16.60~ Perla: fon) 5 «500 »1/as.co sotmanne QB)E Gosac0 Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cai thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and ust in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed hein has not and wl not be reimbursed o me fom any ther sou travel was performed by me on fsa State business and not for personal purpo incurred or pal he operating axnenees of he mine wera for uhh enimiramant i anton MN basis Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY oe SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO “January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Home to Capitol and Return Ste mies @ nt 082 § 1843 Paymont Requested: rol fee gees eatin s 244 3- pervien: | T _ pae @ 8 4800 ste - [04,3 \- Total Requested: sZazees! Please use this area fo any comments or changes. | coi that the statements inthe above schedule are te and jst in al respects; thal payment of the famous claimed herein as not and wil not be reimbureed o ma rom any ofr sourese; hat my schedule of travel was performed ty me on offeal Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred oF paid the oparatng sxpeneae of he motor vile for whch simbursamnt is claimed on mieage bess. payee: Pep Dustin Eivere It vate: | —IO-Z0 15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 09. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘smiles = @ $ 052 $ 388 Payment Requested: aI Taare s_L679e Per Diem: t Days @ $45.00 s_Z2bs76? 4$2-96 Tota Requests gx Please use this aea for any comments or changes. | oectty thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin al espects: that payment of the amounts claimed heten has not and wal ot be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; hat my echedule of travel wes performed by me on offcal State business and not for personal purposes; and that actly Insured or pais ho operating axoanooe ofthe mote vehelo fer whieh raunbureomant is claimed an 9 misage basic ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 10 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2018 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 48 milee ~@ $082 $ 2496 Payment Requested: Total micoge: IT tips @ $ 2498 s443r~ Pordiom: IT vas @ $ 45.00 savs_ Total Requested: Smeg? ce Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein hae not and wil ot be reimbureed fo me fam any ater sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purses, and that | actualy Incurred or pase operaling expense uf Une mur veld for wih reanburvernert seamed On mileage basis, Payee: Date: ‘fois ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2miles @ $ 062 $ 104 Payment Requested: Toa uerge: 2S? 17 vie @ SAT 5 104 +s £84 11-06 poroiem V4 cas @ (4 5 4500 346s < Be, Please use this area for any comments or changes. Total Requested: | cert that he statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin al respects; that payment of he mounts ‘amet herein has notand wil ot be rlmburses fo me from anyother sources; that my sched of travel was performed by me on ofl State busines and not for pareonal purposes; and that | achiallyinciet ena fhe operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbureerent is clalmed on a maaage basis. SoS Wie /Zo1s- STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 66.68 miles = @ = $082 $ 2467 Payment Requested: mieage: Dies @ 3 mer eto Per Diem: Days @ $ 45.00 s_le Total Requested: Pleas use this area for eny comments or chen Fhe. Realty SNS A RE feo ON gp ner Mleage HES Wilk ust be Mk = ond orf Tandem ies thet BOT | oertiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are ve and jst inal eapects that payment of the ‘amounts csimed nein ha nol and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any ater souoes; hat my Schedule of travel wos perormed by me on official State business and not for personal puposes. and that | actually Incurred or paid the uperaliyy expermecs uf Ue cir veli for wich ebusernent is lad ona mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 252 miles @ © $ 082 $ 1362 Payment Requested: merge: (7 tthe @ 8 1362 3231,54— oem: | 7 vay @ $4500 3265 - Total Requested: 8 ie use this area for any comments or changes. | caty thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin al respec; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has rot and wll ot be reembursed to me from any other sources; tha my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal Stato business and nat for personal purposes; and that I actualy innured uae opetang expenses of the motor vehile fr which reimbursement i clamed ono mileage bass. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KEYSER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 46 miles <@ $082 $ 2392 Payment Requested: micage: _|"7_ ths @ $ 2302 s_H0s Perbiem: 2 bays @ $4500 s. Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify that the staterents in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amunts ‘claimed heren has not and wil not be reimbursed tome from anyother sources; that my schedule of avel was faiformed by me on ool tate Susinens and nt for poteona!pursceea: and wt | actualy inoue oF pois {he operating expenses ofthe moter vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis. Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KRAFT-THARP Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 3146 mies =< @ = -$ O52 $ 1636 Payment Requested: Mitesge: _!7]__ tres @ Per Diem: 2.0 days @ Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. | cetiy thatthe statements Inthe above schedule are tue and jst in all respects; that payment of the amount claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed fo me fom any ater sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offoal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually ised ux pal the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed on @ mileage bests. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum 586 miles §=@ = $ 082 $ 2049, Payment Requested: \: Micage: _<2 Ths @ $2043 is PerDiem: “th Daye @ 8 4500 Total Requested Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cotiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and ust inal respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be rembursed tome fom ary ater sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical Slate business and not fr personal purposes; and that I actualy Incured or pad te operating expenses of the motor vehicle for ubieh resriouscret fs aed rege basis, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEBSOCK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 256 miles @ $082 § 13.31 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cari that the statements in the above sthedule are tue and justin all respects; tat payment of the ‘amounts ezimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed tome fom other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by ma on oficial Slate business and not for pereonal purposes: and that | actually Incurred or pad the operating expenses of fe motor veut for which reimbursement claimed on mileage basis A roe: LES pas: _ fb /20/S STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LONTINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2534 miles §~@ = $052 $ 13:18 Payment Requeste Mileage: tps @ $1318 s_ dO Per Diem: _\ Days @ $ 4500 sieuoweai Total Requested: ns Te te rntlease. per Rep Contae om Moots” | certy thatthe statements nthe above schedule are tue and justin al respects; that payment of the amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wal not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was psf byte 09 offal State Business and not for personel purposes; and that | atu inured or pad the operating expences of the motor vehicle for viiehrembureements clalmed on a macage basi ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE McCANN. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return S18 mils @ = $ 082 $ 269 Payment Requested: Total tmicsge: _1 tips @ 8 209, $s YS2 23 diem _ 14 days @ 8 4500 310 £0.00 Uas 73 Total Requested S12: 73 Please use this area for any comments or changes. px clubis MLK | ceriy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are twe and jst in all respects that payment of the ‘amounts clamed hein has not and wl ot be reimbursed to me rom any oer sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State Business ard not for personal purposes. and that | actually Ineutred or paid Ute operating exper uf Ie iu vlan or wiv reinburseinentis claimed on mileage basis, STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MELTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zz mies @ $ 082 § 1467 Payment Requested: tmucege: 17 tws @ 8 1487 30-52 reroiem: 25 om @ 5 45.00 $1125.00 1374: 37 Total Requested: 837737 Peace use this are for any comments or changes. | coriy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and jst in all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has nat and will nat be rembureed to me fam anyother sources; that my schedule of {Tevel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal puypases, wn that | autaly Incurred or pat he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage 7 cs oan Melon GEE—> STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 21 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MORENO. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. ‘mies @ $ 042 $ 8:32 Payment Requested: tage: 1 tHe @ S32 stqLud 7 Peroiem: Il pays @ —$ 4500 $105.2 - Total Requested: sett | cotify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are rue and justin all respect; that payment of the ‘amaunis claimed herein has nol and wi nt be reimbursed tome fom any ether sources; that my schedule of ‘ravel was perfomed by me on ofcial Sate business and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incured or pat he operaing expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reenbursement fs Caimed ona mileage basic ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 21 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE P. NEVILLE. Home to Capitol and Return miles =@ $ 082 § 3432 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cert that the statements inthe above schedule ae true and jst in all respects; thet payment ofthe amounts ‘lames herein has not and willnot be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel was. pete by nme Gn ofl State business ant fr pesca purposes, sd ha acts Hered pd {he operating expenses of the motor vehicle or which reimbursement is clamed on a mileage bass, ieee po Payee: \ pate: SAMOS STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 22 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PABON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 082 $ 446 Payment Requested: Tota $418 s_2F.72 $ 4500 s_Adyosso Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceriy thatthe statements Inthe above schedulo ae tue and justin all espects st payment of the ‘amounts laed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me rom any ater sources; that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me 09 offal State business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Ineured or paw! tne operating expanses of he motor venice for wen relmoursement fared on alge basis. Payoa: (AOA & Date: ahte his” ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Dmilee @ $ 042 § 10.40 Payment Requested: ‘otal Mileage: Taps @ $ 1040 5 pas @ $45.00 Por Diem: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or chan | cetiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just inal respects; that paymant of tho ‘amounls claimed heen has not and wil not be reembutsed Io me fom any ther sources that my schedule of Travel was performed by me on offea! Stato business and nat for personal purposes, and tht | actualy Incurred or pal the operating exoeries of he lo vets fx white stun eae aye basis Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015, REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $082 $19.76 Payment Requested: mioage: |] tes @ 5 1878 rerviem: S” vas @ — $ 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area fr any comments or changes. | certiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all expects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wl nt be rembursed 1 me fom any ater sources; thal my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on ofcial Stale business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Incurred or pa the operatg expenses of ie motor vice for when rermbursaren flared aay basis. Payee: J. Pun be Date: Earl gmeeh STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 26 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2018 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Bris @ $ 082 § 1976 Payment Requested: ‘otal Mileage: \ Tres @ $ 1976 s_sBs%> Per Diem: |G vas @ $4500 s_ £10.00 Mf F> Total Requested: + zs Pioaso use this are foray comments or changes | certty that the statements in the above schedule ae rue and just ina respects: that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has nol and wil ot be reimbursed to me trom anyother sources, that my schedule of ravel was perormad by me on oft State basis adolf porinal purposes, ond thal | actual incured er pac {he operating expenses a he motor venice fe which reimbursements claimed on a mileage bass. payee AYA Congo Date: -\-1! STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum 20miles @ $ 082 $ 10.40 Payment Requested: Total iteage: “1 tps @ $ 1040 s176.%0- rerolm 2% pap @ — $ 4500 ea Cee Total Requested: sLZ UL 20-— Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cotfy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin al respects; that payment of the ‘amaunis clamed herein has not and wll not be reebutsed to me from any cher sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Slato business and not for poreonal purposes; and that | actually eure peatreopsaig expert feo vero wih remureen same ona Mage ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY Eo SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 0miles ~@ $ 052 § 1560 Payment Requested: tierce: _["7 tops @ rviem _("] ows @ Total Requested: Pease se this area for any comments or changes. | cetiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin al respecs; that payment of the ‘munis csimed here has not and wl nt be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; that my schedule of {ravel wos performed by me on lla Stale business and nol for peteonal purposes. and tha | actually incurs or pad he operalng expenses cf the motor venice for which relmoursemn i clamed on a gage basis, ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return C182 mies =@ —$ O52 $ 3204 Payment Requested: mieage: _! "7 Tips @ 8 3208 perviem: 1°] vos @ 5 48.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cotiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all especs; that payment of the ‘rrounts aimed heren has nat and wl not be rembursed te from any ether sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal Slate business and nat fr personal purposes: and that I actualy Incured or pad the operaing expenses of the motor venice for whieh reenbursement fs camea Ona ieage boss. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zsmies @ $ 082 $ 1430 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | actiy thatthe statements in he above scheduie ae tue and justin al respects; that payment ofthe amounts Clamed herein has not and wil not be rembureed tome from any oher sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofa Stat businets and nt for pereoral purposes, ane that | actuary Wnurred oF pal ‘he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i clsimed on a mileage basis. Date: Ji. o- (S STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 31 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles ~@ $082 $ 43.68 Payment Requested: Mileage: kes @ $4368 er Diem: das @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | coy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are fue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil nat be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of ‘eavel was periomed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy Ineued or pad tho operatng expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed one mileage basis, Payee: KW > Date: STATE OF COLORADO. GOIERAL ABsEuLY es SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -METRO Sanvary 2018 REPRESENTATIVE SZABO Roundlp Mileage: Home to Captol and Return Se gs eet tees Payment Requested: eet rae el series si eee ann») Perviem: O-_ vay @ $4500 s_700.0— Wespae- Total Requested: 5 Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cortify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin al respocs; that payment of the ‘amour camed herein has not and wil ol be reimbureed o me fom any other sources that my schedule of travel was pevormed by me on offeal State business and nat for personal purposes, and tat | actually incurred or pad the opeating expenses ofthe motor vile for which reenbursement fs claimed on a mileage bess STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TATE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘amis @ $082 § 21.04 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: Le tes @ $ 2184 8_ 322s Perviem: _/ vays @ $ 4500 381000 M828 Total Requested: SLgL 2s Please use this aoa for any comments or changes. | certify that the statoments in the above schedule ae tue and justin al respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wil nol be celmbursed tome fom anyother sources: thal my schedule of travel was performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incued or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basi, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 24 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $ 082 $ 676 Payment Requested: mucoge: 1] tis @ $070 SLL 9> verti AG om @ — $ «500 $LL25260 Z . Total Request EGG Please uso this area for any comments or changes. | catiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin al respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed ome rom any oer sources, that my schedule of trevel wos performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and tht actually Incurred or pal the operang expenses of he motor verse for wien emoursement is Calmed on 3 Mveage basis Payee Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE. Payment Requested: wmieage: [7 ts @ 8 2108 +_371).28 pats CANS tae ge 5 tard 6 AED Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceriy nat he statements i he above schedule ae rue and justin all respects thst payment of te amounts Clamed herein has not and wal not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources; thatmy schedule of travel was ported by me on ofa State Lushnam sendin for personal purposes; and that | actualy inouted oF pod fhe operating expenses of the motor vehi for whieh remburement is claimed on a mieage bass. vee: Hema OA rere Date: 1/16/15 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 48 miles = @ $ 082 $ 7.70 Payment Requested: mueage: /7-F7 tes @ rardien: Ova @ Total Requested: lease use this area for any comments or changes. 36 | catty thatthe staoments in the above schedule ae tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed o me fom anyother sources that my schedule of travel wae pecormed by me on ffi Site business and not for personel purposes: and tht | actually Ineumed o pai te operetng expenses ofthe motor venice tor wnich fembursement is Caimec ona eage basis, rom alu Lees if te (3015 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 37 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WINDHOLZ Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 36 miles @ $082 $ 18.72 Payment Requested: woe: gaeo Pt @ (5 1072) Perdiem: © days @ 3 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cory thatthe statements in the above Schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources; that my sched of travel was performed by me on offal Saw business anc no or persoral purposes, aed at | actualy cured oF pall the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on @ mileage bess Payor: ern Leondch, 7 Date: “L205 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 38 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WINTER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Bomiles @ —$ 052 § 1758 Payment Requested: Mileage: | rw @ Per Diem: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceri thatthe statements inthe above schedule ae true and Just in ll respects; that payment ofthe amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any ather sources; that my schedule of wavel was performed by me on ofcal State business and not fr personel purposes; and tat | actually incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage bass, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o1 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BECKER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘SEmiles =<@ = $ O82 $ 3046 Payment Requested: otal merged ete s513.0F Perviem: |] das @ $4500 s 55-00 pata ae Total Requested: Please use thi area for any comments or changes. | certy thatthe stsements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has no and vill not be relmbursed o me from any athe sources; that my schedulo of travel was performed by me on offla State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually ‘hourred or pa tho oparaing suoancoe af ths moto vehicle fr whien reimbureamant ie claimod en 2 miBaas be STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 318 mlles @ $082 § 1654 Payment Requested: Total (4 ws @ s 1684 s_ S47 Perdiem: |G dae @ $4500 s_BK00 — Total Requested: s7@e Ze — Please use this area for any comments or changos. | cadily thatthe stalements Inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and il nol be reimbursed 1 me fom any other sources; hat my schedule of ‘fave! wat performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes) and that | actully IReured or pad the opetang expenses ofthe moto vehicle fr which eenbursement is Camec‘on a mleoge basis. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zimiles @ $ 082 $ 1404 Payment Requested: ie ks I cg aed he la pov: 2D vas @ $4500 BB 135° Total Requested: | ceify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all espects; that payment of the ‘snouts claimed Retin has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me fom any oer sources; tha my schedule of travel wes perormed by me on ofa State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully Incurred opal te operating exnenses of he motor vehicle fr whieh rembursement i clamec‘on a mileage bess STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 062 $ 260 Payment Requested: mieage: _(/ _ ties @ s 260 5 Per Diem: G Days @ ‘$45.00 8. Total Requested: Please use thie area fr any comments or changes. | cetiy that the statements inthe above schedule are true and justin al especs; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be rembursed tom fom any eter sources; tat my schedule of| travel was pecormed hy me on offal State business and fot fr oefsonal purposes; and that | ectualy Incurred or pad the operating expanses ofthe mato veise for which rembursement fs claimed ona mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 05, ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Fobruary 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum “amis = @ = $ 052 $ ~824~ 20 miles $10.40 Payment Requested: Mileage: 4 tw @ = s824 s11Z.60 ~ Pero aera Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. The tal cmthire C12. tewuditip) urmas wvervuet | certy thatthe statements in tbe above schedule ae ue and just nal respecs: hat payment ofthe amounts Claimed herein has not and wi al be reimbursed to me fram any ether sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on oficial State business and not fr personal purposes, ard hat | aciualy curred pal the operating expenses ofthe motor venice for which reimbursements Caimed on @ mileage basis. / ate (aa 0 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DORE. a Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return emilee @ § 052 $ 43.68 Payment Requested: ra ro mucoge: _ 2532 te @ 5 ane fear pero: 24 om @ — $ 4500 ett, Total Requested: 8, Goa Please use tis area for any comments or changes. | cert that the stalements in the above schedule are rue and jst in all respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘lame heteln has not and wil not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources, that my schedule of ravel was performed by me on ofl State pisiness 2nd nat for persona purpuses, sd that actually iesced or paid {he operaing expenses of he mater vehicle fr which reimbursement is claemed on a lenge Basis. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 082 $ 650 Payment Requested: 1a Mileage: Ties @ ram: BA oon 0 Total Requested: loase use this area for any comments or changes. | cotly thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘anounts claimed here has not end il nl be reimbursed to me fom any oer sources; hal my schedule of ‘evel wos perfomed by me on offi Stale business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Treured orld ie operating expenses of the motor venice fr wnich reerburserent fs ied a neage no epts D— Fell Als STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Home to Capitol and Return Ms miles @ $ 052 $ 1643 Payment Requested: Tota micage: _\'\__ tips @ $1643 oN = peroiem _['\__ cae @ 5 4500 s_BS OH Total Requested: sa - Ploase use tie area fr any comments or changes. | cally that the stalements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wil not be reimbursed to a rom any other sources that my schedule of travel wes performed by me on offal Stata business and not for personal purposes, and that | actualy Ineutted or paid the operating expenses of fe motor vehi for which reimbursement is clarmed on # micage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 09 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘omiles ~@ $ 052 $ 988 Payment Requested: micas: JF ves @ $ 988 8 poe perviem: [9 cop @ 5 4500 s LF 3550) Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | catty thatthe statements In the above schedule are tue and justin all espects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wl not be reimbursed to me fom any ater sources; that my schedule of {Tavel wae perfomed by me on ofcal Sata business and not for personal purposes, and that | actusly Inoue or pad the operang expenses ofthe molor vehicle fr which reimbursements clemed'on a mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum ‘amis =@ $ 052 $ 2496 Payment Requested: Total witeoge: 8 \] tips @ 5 2406 s 4432 Perdiem: 14 _ days @ $4500 s_§SS.20 - Total Requested: spamsa Poase uso this area for any comments or changes. | cotiy thal the statements in the above schedule are true and justin all spect; that payment of the ‘amounts clamed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me rom any oer eouross; that my schedule of travel wes perfomed by me on ofa State businoss and not for personal puposes; and tht | actually Ineutted or pa ne opefating expenses of he moter vehicle for when refmoursement is aimed ona mileoge basis a Payee: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT mies @ = § 082 $ 1.04 Payment Requested: aaa Pm mieage: AI ZE” tips @ IY $108 8. porbien: 2& oy @ $4500 s [260 — 1277-26 Total Requested: ssa Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceriy thatthe statements in the above schadula ae rue and just nal respects; that payment ofthe amounts {calmed hercin has ant and wil no be reimbursed fo me fom any oer sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on oficial State busines and not for personal purposes, and that | actual Incuted or pad {he operating expenses ofthe motor vaio for which emursementis claimed on a mileage basis Payee: pate: _ B/IZI201S— ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 668 miles = @ = «$082 $ 3467 Payment Requested: Miteoge: Ties @ 3 x67 PerDiem: _\H days @ 8 45.00 Total Requested: Lt Sd | cety thatthe statements inthe above schedule ae ue and justin all respects; tal payment of the seus calmed herein hes not and il nt be reimbursed o me fom any other sources; that my schedule of tly {favel wos performed by me on offi Sale business and not for personal purposes; and that IReuredor pald the opeatng expenses of the motor vehicle fr which remoursement fs Caren basi. STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return w2 miles @ $052 § 1362 Payment Requested: Miteage: \V__ ties @ Perviem: 19 _ days @ Total Requested: Please use tie area for any comments or changes. | cerily that the stalements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts caimed herein bas not and wil nl be rembursed tome fom any other sources; tat my schedule of {enuel wes performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Incured ex pad fe operebg expenses of he motor vehicle for which eenbursement is Caed on misege STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Fobruary 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KEYSER Roundirip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return “emilee @ $052 $2392 Payment Requested: Tota cage: thos @ $s a SLE VS Perbiem: 22 vas @ $45.00 3220, 2° Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changos. | pert thatthe statements i the above schedule are true and jst nal respects hat payment ofthe amounts ‘calmed herein ha not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; tal my schedule of tavel was performed by me on oficial Stal business ang not fer pereonal purposes, and that | actualy cured or pals {he operating expenses of the moto: vehicle or which remursements claimed on a mileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Fobruary 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KRAFT-THARP Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return S146 miles @ SOR S 16.26 Payment Requested: micage: 11 tie @ porviem: 24 _ ays @ ‘Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cory tat the statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; tat payment ofthe ‘mounts aimed heren has nol end wil not be rebursed tome fom any other sources; thal my schedule of se oo performed by me en afl State business and not for personal purposes, and that | actully Treurred or bald the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle or which reimbursement is caked on @ miesge basis Nae galt MRP Aly is. Payot STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE 18 Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. BS miles @ $082 $ 2943 Payment Requested: Mioage: Q ties @ $ 2043 Per Diem [9 days @ $4500 Total Requested: Peace use ths area for any comments or changes. Tota s £5717 3 855700 L917 5 | cetity thatthe stalements nthe above schedule are tue and justin all ospects; that payment of the ‘amounts Gaimed herein has not and wl not be rembursed tome fom any other sources; hat my schedule of {fovel woo pevformod By me on offal Sain hisinass an nal for personal purposes: and that | actualy Incurred or pacithe opeating expenses ofthe motor venice for which reenbursement fs amed ona mileage basis. Payoo: | Duslon va: 1 Gis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEBSOCK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 26milee @ $ 082 $ 1331 Payment Requested: Total riage: 1% tips @ 8 1338 $s. 2Q59.6F pervien: 28 ys @ — $ 4500 8120.00 1572-89 Total Requested: s Please use this area for any comments or changes. | catty thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has nol and wl not be reimbureed o me fom any other sources; that my schedule of {rovel wae performed by ma on oficial Stata unin and nol for Petsonal purposes: and that | actually ‘feured or pai te operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is clarmed ona ieage pe ica pate: 2 fe /201S- ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LONTINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return a Payment Requested: eee 8 13.18 Perpiem: | $4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any commonts or changes. | ceri that the statements in the above schedule are rue and just in all respects; tht payment ofthe amounts ‘lama herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed fo me ftom any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on omeal Sate business and nt for perv purpuses, ad tha actualy incurred or pais {he operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr wich reimbursement is lsimed on a ieage basis. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 19 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE McCANN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return S48 mies ~@ —$ 082 $ 269 Payment Requested: ilo GTi @ 3 289 sZt peroiem: B28 vas @ $4500 3260.00 Total Requested: Plonse use thie area for any comments or changes. Ol ABIAL Chg APA | ceriy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all espects: that payment of the ‘enounls claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed o me fom any cher sources; that my schedule of travel wes performed by me on offal State business and not for personal puposes. and that | actually Incurred opal te operating expenses of he motor vice for whch reimbursement camed on a mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MELTON De ET Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zz miles @ § 082 § 1467 Paymont Requested: Tota mucage: 194 tins @ $1467 s_QUB.73 — porotem: 5 cas @ 8 45.00 31035 — Total Requested: sL313.73 — 130 use this area for any comments or changes. | cortty thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of fanours claimed herein has cot and wl ot be reimbureed to me tom anyother sources; that my schedule of ‘Tvl wor porfoened by me on offical State busness and net for personal purposes; and that ¥ actuaty Incurred ot pai te operating expeneas of he motor vehicle for which reknbursementis claimed on @ mige basis 4 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -METRO February 2016 REPRESENTATIVE MORENO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum “mie @ $ 052 $ 832 Payment Requested: Mileage: (4 Trips @ $832 s_t mt, perpiem: _!1 das @ 3 45.00 £66.22 7 Total Requested: Rrecvenc eee Please use this area fr any comments or changes. | cesly thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; tat payment of the fenunts calmed herein has not and wil ot be rembursed io me from any other sources that my Schedule of favel wes pevfomed by me en ofa Sata business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually {fue oc pai te operating expenses of te motor vercl or wnin fembursement scat on wihoye Payee: Date: 14 [u ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 22 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles ~@ $ 082 § 3432 Payment Requested: micoge: 19 tes @ peo: 19 om @ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cerify thatthe stalements nthe above schedule ao rue and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources, that my schedule of travel was perfomed by me on offical tate business and not for personal purposes, and that actualy ncured or pad {he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement isclamed on a mieage basis Ba Cy eee pate: 2 /la/|5 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 23 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Fobruary 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PABON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Emilee @ $ 082 $ 416 Payment Requested: Total micage: (A Tiss @ $418 s_2PO¥ perdiem: _$} ome @ — $ as00 $1260.00 1339.04 3 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cetiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and jst in all respects; that payment of the ‘enounlscimed herein has nol and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any athe sources; that my schedule of {tava was pevormer! hy me on ofa Slate business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually incurred or pai the operating expenses of he moto: vehice for which rembursement is claimed on a mileage Pei Date: __afialis- ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 24 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies @ $ 042 $ 1040 Payment Requested: Total Imtsoe: A tim @ $1040 sb - Pervien: Jo days @ $45.00 slo - Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cesiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tus and justin all espects; that payment of the ‘amounts aimed herein has land wil at ba reimburses tome from anyother sources; thal my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offcal State business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Incurred or pal te operating expenses of he moto: vehi for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage baie STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 38 miles ~@ = $ 082 $ 1976 Payment Requested: Mileage: i ties @ 3 1976 SBI Per Diem: Ay Days @ $45.00 s_l0£b- 00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. 1 cotly thatthe statements In the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed here has not and wil ol be rembursed o me fom any other sources; thal my schedule of {favo wae performed by me on offal State business and not for personal puposes, and that | actully Ireued or pale the opetatng expenses ofthe motor venice fr which rembursement is Camec‘onamleage bass, Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOLA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Mimics = @ $052 $ 2184 Payment Requested: Tou Wieage: 19 Tes @ 5: 2184 5H BS - PerDiem: 2 4 days @ + 45.00 s\\Jo — Total Requested: Please use this area for any commonts or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts calmed hein has not and il not be reimbursed tome fom any other souroes; that my schedule of travel wos perorned by me on offi Sala business and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses of Ie olor vehicle for which reimbursement is claened on amleage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 27 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘38miles = @ $082 $ 19.76 Payment Requested: Total mia FL ts @ 5 76 3 372s ¥F Porpiem: 90) days @ $4500 3730.90 12IE SE Total Requested: 8 Please use this aoa for any comments or changes. | ceri that the statements inthe above schedule are ve and ust inal respects; that payment ofthe amounts Clamad herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any ether soures; that my schedule of travel was. performed by me on ofl Sate aisiness and no for personal purposes; a tat actualy Hncutred pad {hs operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fo which reimbursement is aimed on a mileage bass, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2miles @ $ 082 $ 1040 Payment Requested: fee mee I te a eee ee Ge Po res PCCM ceel oh lis ar a tant eo rae Total Requested: sLIZiZBo - Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cetty thatthe statements inthe shove schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts clamed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed o me fom any other sources; that my schedule of {Tavel wos perforned by me on offcal Sate business and not for pereonal purposes, and that I sctualy Inoue or pal te operang expenses ofthe lo: vehicie for which rembursemen is clames on @ mileage baie Date: “IS STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2018 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 30miles @ $ 082 $ 1560 Payment Requested: mileage: _/7 ts @ 5 1560 dim: 7 _ days @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any commonts or changes. 29 | cetiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects tat payment of the famounte Gaimed herein has not and wl ot be fembursed to me fom any other sources that my schedule of ‘ravel was perormed by me on offal Slate business and not for pefsonal purposes, and tha | actualy {Teurred 0: pad the operating expenses ofthe malor vehi Tor which rembursenent is claned on a mileage basi ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Gtez miles §=—@ $082 § 3208 Payment Requested: ven GeEHe $4500 sllasad - Total Requested: sl — Please use this aoa for any comments or changes. | cerily that the statements in the above schedule are rue and justin all especs; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wil nt be rembursed fo re from any athe sources; that my schedule of travel was perfonned by me on offi Sale bushess and not for personal purposes, and that | actually incued or ald the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reenbursement fs clamed on a mileage basis. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ea ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $052 § 1430 Payment Requested: Total mileage: _1'|__ Tes @ $ 1430 ae PerDiem: JS ows @ $4500 s_Labo — L531,70 — Total Requested: s Please use this are for any comments or changes. | carty that he statements in the above schodule are true adjust in all respects: that payment ofthe amounts tamed herein nas not and wal not be reimbursed to me frm anyother sources; that my schedule of tavel was performed by me on oficial Stale business and nt for personal purposes; and that | actualy incutred or paid {he operating expenses of the mator vehicle fr which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SIAS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 336 mies @ =~ $082 $ 17.47 Payment Requested: miweage: {7 Tes @ sqar PerDiem: |Z days @ $45.00 Total Requested: Please use this aea for any comments or changes. | cerly thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and jst in a8 respects; that payment ofthe lanmnts chained herein has not and wil net be rembursed te fom any ater sources: tat my schedule of {Tavel was performed by me on ofa Sale business and not for personal purposes, and tat | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses of the matorvehicio for which reimbursement is csimed on a mleage bocis. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles ~@ $082 $ 4368 Payment Requested: oa mieage: _[‘] tes @ $4208 s Bae — pervien: Ot vas @ $4800 sl aie 2 Ada 2 ale Total Requested: Ploase use thie area for any commonts or changes. | cory that the statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the “mous climed herein has nl and vill nat be rlmburse tome tom any olher sources; that my schedule of travel ee perfomed by me on offal State business and rol for personal purposes: and that | actually Ifevrred ox pa te opetting expenses of the motor vehicle Iorwnin remoursement Is clamed on a mica basis pe MNS oe pate: IES STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ey ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TATE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘amills = @ — § O82 $ 21.86 Payment Requested: Tota muesge: [4 tis @ 5 ane SATAN Ci perpen: 14] oye @ $4800 s_ 856 Total Requested: s7zeq 7’ + Please use this area for any comments or changes. | very that he statoments inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘lamed herein has not and vl ot be reimbursed to me fam any other soutces; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on oll Bate business ond not for pereonal purposes; and that | actualy ncuted er paid the operating expenses of he motor vehicle for which remmbursement is clsimed on a mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Smiles @ $ 082 $ 676 Payment Requested: Total [7 vie @ $675 SL25.LS Perdiem: AD oa @ 5 4500 sL260.00 1B SELL * Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | catiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all expects; thet payment of the ‘Grou clamod herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed fo re rom any other sources; hat my schedule of unl wee prviemed by me on offal Siate Business and not for personal purposes, and that sctully, Incured or aid the operating expenses of the motor vehise fr which rembursement fs clemed ona mileage taci. os Payee: ax Yer paw: _ 2/4/15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 36 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘amis @ $ 052 $ 2186 Payment Requested: Tota ice: lL tres @ $2104 +414 46 — rerben: C4 nae @ $4500 3 |,080_- uitete — Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certy that the statements in the above schedule ae rue and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wal not be reimbursed io me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel Was performed by me on aii! Slate business an not for personal purposes; and that | actual Incuted cr pa the operating expencos ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basi. ayes: Keys Valyivnce Date: 2/'2/15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY a7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE A. WILLIAMS. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 148 miles <@ = $ 052 $ 770 Payment Requosted: (A wee 170 $1246.50 reco: 20 om @ 5 «00 390.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | carly thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and lst in all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from anyother sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incurred or pa the operting expenses ofthe motor venice for which rembursements aimed ona mileage bass payee: Prt UC ewes Date: __Af)3f 205 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 38 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE A. WINDHOLZ Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 36miles = «@ = 082 $ 18.72 Payment Requested: Tota ges = Mileage: Ase ties @ $ 1872 8, ae Per Diem: G_ ows @ $45.00 $_gsT oo fr 210.39 Total Requested: | erty that the statements inthe above schedule are true end justin al respects; that payment of the amounts ‘lama herein has not and Wilot be reimbursed to me fom any oher sources; thst my schedule of avel was performed by me on oflal State busnass and no or personal purposes; and that | actually incued cx pad the operating expenses of the mator vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on misage bass. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 REPRESENTATIVE A. WINTER Home to Capitol and Return 38 mies @ $082 $ 1758 Payment Requested: Mileage: \ ‘Tres @ Per Diem: LO Days @ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts clamed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me ftom any other sources that my schedule of avel was Detformed by me on ofial State business and not or personal purposes, and that aclvaly incred © pald {he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is ciimed on a mleage bass, (ef Payee: cay (Ui pate: Ye i5 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BECKER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ $ 082 $ 32.28 Payment Requested: Tova uieope: 22 Ts @ $ 3228 3209 2e Periem: _2-2- days @ $ 45.00 s 9 G7aree peer aie ae Leeper § Total Requested: Posse use this area for any comments or changes. Wileage adjustment February 23 (32.28) | cetfy thot the statement in the above schedule are true and justin al vepacts; that paymant of the amounts cloimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me frem any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actual Incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basi Payee: Date: RE STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M8 miles =@ § 082 $ 16.54 Payment Requested: Mileage: £0 wes @ $ 1654 Perbiom: “ZO ays @ $ 45.00 3400.) - Febrery23 juste s_ say Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (16.5) 1 certify thet the sttements in the above cchedule ore true and justin all aepect; that payment of the amounts cleimed herein has not and wll ot be reimbursed to me from any ater sources; that my schedule of teavel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes: and that actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which celmbursement is daimed on a mieage basi eee Zl. of &—__—§_ Jalalis Date: ef STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 3 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2 miles =@ = O52 $ 1404 Payment Requested: itesge: 1S ips @ Per Diem: 25 Days @ February 23 Adjustment 5 feo Tota Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adustment-February 23 (18.0) 1 conty thatthe statment the above schedule are trae ond jst in ll veapoct; thot payment of the Amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incutred or pad the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage bast, ) a Wis aghlae ML Date: islis STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Smiles @ $ 082 $ 260 Payment Requested: Mioage: Trp @ $260 Perdiem: 722. oy © $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and just in al respects; that payment of the amounts daimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any other sourees; that mi Schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposas; and that I actually incurred or pad the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed an @ mileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY os SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2018 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum a mike @ $082 § 1040 Payment Request Tot wigs, 2.22 te @ 5 00 swage? Perdlem: 3] das @ $ 4500 Guktiche a 1 rss tem -" l Total Requested: slm2- Please use this are for any commans oF change. Menge Austen Febru 23 (628) ob adjnatd tla 4.2 ups te 410. tp l bp te | celfy thatthe statements inthe above sehedle or trus and justin all raepect; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein has not ad wil nt be reimbursed to me feom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and net for personal purposes; and that I actualy Incutred or pald the operating expenses of the motor veil for which reimbursement is laimed on 2 milage base day g ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06: ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DORE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return G4 miee =@ $052 $ 4368 Payment Requested: we Dime so rerviem: ZY oa @ $4500 slo fd. February 23 Adjustment 5_ ae Total Requested: Posse use this aoa for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (43.68) te slaleients hs the above schedule are true ond justin oll respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me from any ater sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is daimed on 2 mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 126 miles @ = § 082 $ 6.50 Payment Requested: . wn NA tin @ $69 Dom @ $ 4500 los. Per Diem: February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Pease use this area for any comments or changes. Iileage edlustment- February 23 (6.50) | certiy that the statements inthe above schedule are tue and just al respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wl ot be reimbursed to me from anyother Sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me an offcial State business and not for personal purposes; and that I actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis b nee ( Ad lurd pate: Mh Lb Jo) STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return s6mike = @ $082 $ 1643 Payment Requested: muaoge: “LE tie @ $1008 2 perpiom: 2 ous @ $45.00 February 23 Adjustment 5 Total Requested: sizes Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23-1643) Dem My kb 14 ( 1 contfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed hercin has nolan ill ot be reimbursed tome from anyother 2ourees that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully ‘ncurced or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i caimed ona mileage bass 2 Payé pate, 310-15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 09. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS: Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mies = @ $082 S Paymont Requested: February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage sjustment February (9.38) | contty thatthe statements i the above schedule ete Ue ni just In all respects; that payment ofthe ‘mounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me fram any ather sources; that my schedle of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basi STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 48 miles @ $082 $ 24.98 Payment Requested: Tota Miteage: 20 __ Trine @ $ 24.96 3494.99 — Perle: 23-day @ $4500 3_140.00 — Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. 1 certify that the statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the lmounts aimed herein has not ane nl ot Be reimbursed te any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and thet 1 actualy ineurted or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mieage bass. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum. 2miles = @ § 082 $ 1.04 Payment Requested: micage: QZ tos @ Per Diem: Svs © February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: + | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true dnd just la a respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of| travel wes performed by me on offcl State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or pad the operating expences of the moto vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage ass, Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6660 miles = @ © $082 $ 3487 Payment Requested: Iiteage: Tis @ $3467 pecoiem: Z| days © $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use tls area for any comments or changes. | cemtify thatthe statements in the above schedule are trve and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts daimed herein has not and vil not be elmbursed to me trom any one sures, that my schedule of fravel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actualy Incurred or pid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on 2 mileage basi. Date: klLZ—— STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ $082 $ 1362 Payment Requested: wie: 22 Wee $ ua s 2% - pe Poroiom 727 days @ $45.00 sO aa February 23 dsm $__ use Total Requested: lease use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage aajustment February 23 (13.62) | certify that the statements im the above scheoule are tue and Just all espe that payment of the ‘amounts chimed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed tome fom anyother sources; thet my schedule of Iravel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement i led ona mieege incuered or paid the operat basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY “4 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KEYSER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ee Payment Requested: mileage: 22 Tis @ $ 22 Perdiom: ZZ vas @ $4500 February 23 Adjustment 2492-3> Total Requested: ¢ lease use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 25( 28:92) 1 certify thatthe statements i the above schedule are crue and jst all respect, that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually ineureed or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursements clakmed on a mileage vas 5 Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KRAFT-THARP Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 3146 miles @ $082 $ 16:35 Payment Requested: Mileage: Tips @ $1636 Perbiem: _2°S vay @ $4500 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: loase use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adustment February 23 (1636) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst i all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and will not be eimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which eimbursement is camed on a mileage basis payee: 164 Veer - WEP STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 566 miles @ $052 $ 2943 Payment Requested: Tot eee Sr eels $2043 sCerse Per Diem: Days @ $45.00 $, 2. GO February 23 Adjustment s_ mee LEGE, 15 Total Requested: $, ae Ploase use this area for any comments or changes, oo rare teoae rae OE: Tsar odsaat per disom cecorchuply | centfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst in all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wll ot be reimbursed to me from any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that actually incurred oF pal the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is cimed oa a mileage bass Payee: “| Date 3 iis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEBSOCK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 256 miles @ $082 $ 1331 Payment Requested: $ nat s Baas et eae a Perdiom: _) days @ $4500 Spies February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use tie area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (13.3) | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has aot and wil not be reimbursed to me fram any other sources; that ny schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LONTINE ——— —| Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2534 mies =< @ = $ 082 $ 13.48, Payment Requested: ‘Tota! leap: Tips @ $1318 5 Perbiem: 21 oays @ $45.00 s YS .c0 ~ O46.08 Total Requested: s Te A las ya 4Pltne wes eee forany comment or change ; ar ee V8 deus ay feb, Snke there were ne Comments 1 this a ahtel anol edlyustet on ry non tor the shake day Hf As Ns ko ever, geast Let me bro | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed neren has nota wil wt be ers tome from any athersourees that mi schedule of travel was performed by me on offial State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle or which reimbursement is chimed on a mileage basis Paves: <2 Date: B= |i 1S ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE McCANN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 548 mils = @ $2 $289 Payment Requested: iteage: sae | ge peroiem 2) das @ $4500 3134507 Febraary23 Adjustment +_ ay Total Requested: $ Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mine nium eon B28) Wy clan mabe tO chores p dtu Feb 93 £9 OP | eentfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tra and jut in al racpects that payment of the ‘amounts cleimed herein has not snd wil not be reimbursed to me from any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i clalmed on a mileage basi Payee? cette Mc Gin pate: 3/12/15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MELTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zzmies @ $ 082 $ 1487 Payment Requested: 42 wm 6 rao: 27 om 0 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. ‘wileage adjustment - February 23 (14.67) 1 contify that the statements in the above schedule are true and justin ll respect; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any athe sources; that my schedule of travel uae performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe mator vehicle for which reimbursement s claimed on a mileage basis Payee: Date: N STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MORENO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mies @ $ 052 $ 832 Payment Requested: tos 22 we @ $32 sgZa04 - PerDiem: 22 days @ $ 45.00 sds Soe February 23 Adjustment $type tee “le Total Requested: ‘ae | Please use this area for any comments or changes. Iileage adjustment February 238.32) | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justi all respects; that payment of the amounts chimed herein has aot and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offi State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis Payee: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 22 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles = @ = $ (O82 $ 2 Payment Requested: A February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Ploase use this ares for any comments er changes. stteageadjesment- February 23(2422), CI@ASE Alfo od} 5F My qemlecding Feb, 23, (Hor) | cory thet the statements in the above schedule are true and just inal aspects; that payment of the ‘mounts cloimed herein has not and ill not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or peld the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a milea basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 23 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PABON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $052 § 448 Payment Requeste Miteage: 2X ties @ rerdien: __7\_ ows @ February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: lease use this ares for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (4.16) 1 ceray thatthe stetents in the above sthedule are true and Justin all reepect: that payment of the “amounts claimed herein has not and wll ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of trovel waz performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully incurred or bai the operating expenses ofthe motor vile fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2a ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 20miles @ $ 082 $ 1040 Payment Requested: Se Agi et ne Pee ee es February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Pleate use thie area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 10.0) |e 1 cerry mat the statement in the above schedule are true onl justi allrezpect; that payment of the mounts claimed herein has not and vil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is clalmed on a mileage bss ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 26 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return amie =@ $052 $ 1976 Payment Requested: “Total cage: 2.2. vie @ — § 1978 SPBE7E rercien: Ql tm @ $500 Fetrary2 Ajcovnt Par dum ad) Total Requested: Please use this ara for any comments or changes. eng sstent-Febrary 2 (3970) pee or | certty hat the statements in the above schedule are true gid jst amounts claimed herein has not and wll not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offical State business and not for peesonal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed ona mileage basi STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOLA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘amis @ $052 $ 2184 Payment Requested: Total mieage: 22. Tos @ $ me $_Yen 8 Perdiem: 2.9 vas @ $ 45.00 s_ao5 Total Requested: lease use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst in al respects; thet payment of the fmounts claimed herein has not anid wil ot be reimburse to se es any wher sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; end that | setually Jncuced o paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i aimed on a mileage basis, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY [SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles —@ $082 $ 1975 Payment Requested: me JQe mee fm 5 ORD Per Diem: at bays @ $45.00 310.80-00 ee ; $_ 76 Feb 23 per dem aAy 5 gene Total Requested: ZH Please use thie area for any commonts or changes. ‘Mileage acjustment February 23 (19.76) Pleaae adjust per dicen Soy Nha snow da | cory thet the statements in the above schedule are tru and jue in al respects; that payment of the “amounts claimed herein has not nd wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which elmbursement is claimed on a mileage rea Ain Lamon ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015, REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $ 082 $ 1040 Payment Requested: micage: 2-2-“Tis @ $1040 perviem: “2 () oop © $ 45.00 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (1040) | certity thatthe statements In the above schedule are tue aid jun all vespets, that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimburse to me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes and that | actully Incurred or pid the operating expenses ofthe motor ve ebursements claimed on 2 mileage basis. Payé Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 30 miles @ $082 $ 1560 Payment Requested: wag: 22. We @ 5 1580 +s 3.20- pena EZ Aare February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Ploase use this aoa for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (15.60) | certify thatthe statements the above schedule ae true and justi all especs; that payment of te amounts claimed herein has nat and vil ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is dlaimed ona mileage base Payee: SL Len Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6162 mies @ $082 $ 32.04 Payment Requested: QO wee $208 + pues, — PorDiem: 7 days @ $4500 slA1S.00 — Ma February 23 Adjustment $ mites Total Requested: Pease use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (32.04) | cetify that the statements inthe above schedule ate true and just m al respects; tnat payment of te amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to ma from any other sources; that my schedule of Iravel was perforied by me on official State business and not for personal purposas; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses oft motor veil for which reimbursement clad on 2 milage basis. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 31 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2016, REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zsmilee = @ $ O82 $ 1430 Payment Requested: Toa wing: 2 me $ us si3Fwo - Per Diem: 7% Days @ $ 45.00 $_$55.00 — February 23 Adjustment $_gu36), Total Requested: loase use this area for any comments or changes. ‘Mileage adjustment - February 23 (4.30) fer? Pleese «ply fle cbinrstre “A | certy thatthe statements nthe above ashe are true and justin all reopectsy thot payment of the mounts claimed herein has not and will ot be reimbursed to me rom any other sources; that my schedule of| travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurced or peid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on 3 mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SIAS. 36 miles = @ $082 § 147 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: _ Tins @ $s w7a7 sap4gn < Periem: 22 days © $4500 $4ay.v0 Total Requested: Plaase use this area for any comments or changes. 1 catily that the statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the lsmounts aimed herein has not and wi nx Be reimburse tore fom any oes sours, that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe mator vehicle for which relmbursement sclsimed on a mileage basi Payee: _L4vb Sy pate: gahs: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 33 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015: REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return emis ~@ $082 $ A.68 Payment Requested: mice: _22- tes e $8 s Oo Per Diem: _ days © $ 4500 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 233.68) 1 cotfy thatthe statements in the ebove schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed nerein has not wr il ot be einbursed to me from eny other sources; that my chedule of travel was performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and thet | actualy Incurced or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis, rm fo dug 2 mafic ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TATE. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $082 $ 21.84 Payment Requested: wicage: 2% Tim @ $718 s FEOSE. perdiem: 22 paw © — $ 4500 s_29a.00 February 23Adhustment s_ “ae LLB eo L Total Requested: s Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (23.84) | certify that the statements in the above schedule are tue and Just mall respects; that permet oF the amounts cleimed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not fr personal purposes; and that | actually ‘neurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis Payee: Date: B[tef tere ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 13miles @ $082 $ 6.76 Payment Requested: eee) mace 349: is = vertiom: | ome @ $50 slBI9— February 23 Adjustment s__ “tere” [546 — § Total Total Requested: Picsse use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment -February 23 (676) 1 cory thatthe statements in the above sonegule are rue and Just n all respects ht payinent of the “amounts aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on fia State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor veice for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis Paes! We TaleC Date: is STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘amis @ $ 082 § 21.84 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: ZC tips @ $ 288 = Perdiem: 7S bays @ $45.00 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Iileage adjustment February 23 (21.88) | certify thatthe statements in the shove schedule are true and jst 9 20 respects; that payment of the amounts coimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that actually incurred or pail the operating expenses ef the mator vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage ass Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE A. WILLIAMS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘4Smies @ § 052 $ 770 Payment Requested: miwage: _ 13 tips @ $770 $235.60 rerdiem: AS om @ — $ 4500 $1125.00 February 23 Adjustment s__ Sey" Total Requested: 3 Please use thi ileage adjustment - February 23 (7.70) | ertfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any ather sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical state business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which eenbursement is cimed on 2 mileage basis Payor: _Aloitle (20 (iiew Date: 33 pee STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2e ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2018 REPRESENTATIVE A. WINDHOLZ Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $F Osz St Payment Requested: mer Bee 8 Per Diem: f2__ ows @ $45.00 $_4% 90 Febroary 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Posse use thie ara for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (18:72) | cerity thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin al respects; tnat payment of tne amounts aimed herein hae not and wil nt be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incuere or pa the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 REPRESENTATIVE A. WINTER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum ‘Bamiles ~~ @ $082 $ 17.58 Payment Requested: Le Muleage: Tips @ PerDiem: 25 das @ February23 Adjustment Total Requested: Mieage adjustment -February 23 (17.58) 5 Vw 29 | certiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts csimed herein has aot and will not be reimbursed to me fram any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a mileage bass weal Pay Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY on ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2018 REPRESENTATIVE BECKER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return G2mies @ $ 052 $ 3224 Payment Requested: Total teoge: ZI) wn @ — § 28 3 b7704¢ rau: 29 om @ 3 asm —-¢: /08700 1112.0f Total Requested: 5 lease use this ares for any comments or change. | ertfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tre and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wl ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of “ravel wos performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on 2 mileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ME miles @ § 052 § 1654 Payment Requested: 2\ tips @ $ 1654 PerDiem: __2\ days @ $4500 Total Requested: Pease use this area for any comments or changes. 1 certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true an just inal respects; that payment ofthe mounts ceimed herein hasnt and wl tbe reimbursed to me from anyother sources that my Schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personel purposes; and thet | actually Incurred or bald the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for whieh reimbursement is claimed on @ mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2018 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies @ $ 052 $ 1406 Payment Requested Total sveage: (tos @ $1408 Sa2PL SF Perviem: 7) os @ $45.00 sLB50-00 $ they Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just la all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts calmed hercia hos net and wil nt be reimbursed to me from ay other sources; that my chedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or poi the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona milage base STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY oa SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 052 $ 260 Payment Requested: Total ieage: Tins @ $260 ne 207 Perdiem _<<2/ vas @ $4500 s G5 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cetfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and Justin all respects; that payment ofthe siountscleimed herein hes not end wil not be reimbursed tame from any othe courcar; that my schedula of travel was performed by me on offical State business and at for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage basis oom be (ihe Date: aa Leis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2048 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 20 milks @ $ 082 $ 1040 Payment Requested: Milesge: 21 wis @ $ 1040 s21¢. 90 Per Diem Total Requested: Please use ths area for any comments or changes. Thawle | Somope vthe oh | certify that the statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the mounts elsimed herein has not and wil nat he reimbreed tn me frm anyother sources that mv schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mieege basi pares oie maar Date: _4: /#+/5 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06: SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2045 REPRESENTATIVE DORE jome to Capitol and Return miles @ $082 $ 43.00 Payment Requeted: yu Zee ee ae Potro Perpiem: 2¢ vas @ $ 5.00 Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. | cerfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein hasnt ond wail ot be reimbursed to me from any athor2aureaa hat mi zchedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and thet | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which eimbursementis claimed on 2 mileage ass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 125 mies @ $ 082 $ 650 Payment Requested: Total wo AN me 5 om 3 UE pero: 2 om @ $50 ste — . | 200-58 ) ee Cie lease use thie ares for any comments or ehanges. | cetify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘annaunts calmed herein has not snd wil not be reimbursed tome fom any ather2oures thot my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposas; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor veice for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis, , ow: tal [5 BI = ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M6 miles —@ $082 $ 1643, Payment Requested: Mileage: Z| Tees @ $1643 3 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments o changes. AFB — rerviem: “2\ ays @ $45.00 3 IUK,00 - Total Te | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all vespects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has aot and wll ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of trovel wes performed by me on offal State businere and not for pereonal purpores; and that | actually Incurred or pid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis payee: Rep, Dea tin tant STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY cy ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, 7 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 19mies @ $ 052 $ 088 Payment Requested: Total eee eter head ssDo7 4h Waitt: GT teed we ie s PYS=00 HS2-4% § Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | centfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are rue ond justia all respects; that payment of the amounts clelmed herein hes not ond il not be rcibursed to me from any other soueea that my echedle of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actualy Incuted or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is clsimed on a mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2046 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. mies =@ = -$ 052 $ 2496 Payment Requested: “otal f wiwoge: [A ts @ $2496 s 44.4 Pervien: 2D os @ $4500 s_110.00 Total Requested: set — Please use this ares for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true ond justin all respects; that payment of the er nowves, al my schedule of vel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually Incutred or pale the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursemonts claimed on alee basis Payee: pate: Heals STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2miles @ $082 $ 1.04 Payment Requested: Total $108 s 2184 — $4500 slizo _ Total Requested: slg — Please use this aoa for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts calmed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed tome rom any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purpsas; and that | ectually incurred or paid the operating expenes of the matorveice for which reimbursement is claimed on & mileage boss Payee: Lh LJ Date: _4//14 119 IS- ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 66.68 mies = @ = $082 § 9467 "ayment Requested: Total \O_ wm © $ 3487 sBo7 — Perrier 7s ere § 4500 pSliGy ca 1271.70 s Total Requested: Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | certify that the statenients in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts caimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any ather sources; that mv schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or pai the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2046 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 22 miles @ —$ O82 $ 1362 Payment Requested: Miteage: | tins @ $1362 Per Diem: Days @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes " eartify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects that payment of the amounts claimed nerein has not and wii not be reimbursed to me tom any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purpses; and that | actully Incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a mileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KEYSER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 46 miles @ $082 $ 25.92 Payment Requested: Nit Zl__ we @ $ 292 $5OZ. 52 Perdiem: AD oa @ $ 45.00 s Total Requested: $ Please use this area for any comments or changes. Total 990.00 1¥92-5>- | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst inal expects; that payment of the amounts aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any ather sources: that mw schedule of travel wae performed by me on offi State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy incurred or ped the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base. 7) Date: SUS Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 18 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KRAFT-THARP Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capltol and Retum sab miles @ $082 $ 1628 Paymont Requested: Tota 21 tis @ $1636 3393-56 PecDiem: 2 tas @ $4500 LEOESE ¢ Total Requested: lease use tis area for any comments or changes. | ceify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any ether sources: that mw schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base ayers Mitvey Yeort-wsee Alia he Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6 mils @ = 082 $ 2943, Payment Requested: Total Mieage: 7 Wes @ $2943 sQlFO5 Perdiem: 71 days @ $45.00 s7Y¥s.00 1563.03 Total Requested: 3 Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule ate tre and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed hersin hae not and wil ota aimhurend tama from any other sources; that my echadule of travel was perfarmes by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes, and that | actully Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a mileage basis Payee: _P/ pweuve Date: = (41s ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Apri 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEBSOCK Roundtrip Mileac Home to Capito! and Return 26 miles @ $082 $ 1331 Payment Requested: ce wee: 2] wie sun s_27bS7 far Caer ne oS a $1305, 00 wsEY 51 Total Requested: | cerify that the statements inthe above schedule are true and just inal respects; that payment ofthe mounts dsimed harein hs Act: ol wl ot ba reibursed to ea eee ee eet eee {ravel was performed by me on offical tate business and not for pertonal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement csimed on a milage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LONTINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 254 miles @ $082 $ 13:18 Payment Requested: nileage: ie @ $ uae tures 2) om @ $ 45.00 3 ONS - Per Di Total Requested: s Poste use thie area for any comments or changes. | erty thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all expects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; that my schedule of Travel was performed by me on official State business ad not for personal purposes: and that I actually incutred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for whch reimbursement Is claimed on 2 mileage = 7 _A pate: 4-4-5 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE McCANN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return S48 milee = @ = $ 082 § Payment Requeste Total cage: Jl ts @ $208 + 5OV9 Perdiem: 24 days @ $4500 3 £305.00 (361-49 Total Requested: § Please use this ara for any comments or changes. wkclude Gov Frider clude G | | certify thatthe statements ia the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amount claimed hecrn hac ant and il ot he erimburced tome from any athe sources that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursements claimed on a ileage base < Woth Me Cu STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MELTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2am milee §=@ «$052 $ 1467 Payment Requested: Total mucsce: A! tues @ 5 sar $308.07 — recon: AD ome $4500 sLI70.2? — Total Requested: sLAZE27 — Poage use thi area for any comments or changes. | cetfy that the statements in the above Schedule ae true and justin all respect; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed ern has not ard wil a le rinivrsed ue fon ay ther sources that my schedule of Iravel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or pai the operating expences ofthe motor vehide for which reimbursement is limed ona mileage bass. aoe STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY a1 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE MORENO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mies @ $ 082 $ 832 Payment Requested: “otal Tes @ $s a2 s14a2 — Days @ $ 4500 Sunnie s Total Requested: siz - Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | cently thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just la all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has ant and wil nthe reimbursed in me fren any ater sures: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State busines and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually incurred or paid the operating expenses of the mator vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona milage basi Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 22 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. Gémiles =@ = § 082 $ 3432 Payment Requested: muvage: | tis @ $342 reriom: | om @ © $ 4500 Total Requested: Please use this ares for any comments or changet 1 certy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst io all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein hac ont and wil ote reimbursed to me fram anyother sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed ona mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE PABON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Smiles = @ = $ 082 $ 416 Payment Requested: Total Mea Q\ ts e@ $436 s_5£7-5% rerbim: “9 om @ $4500 $2352.00 LY37-3o s Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Iileage adjustment -February23 (4.16) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are tr and justin all respects that payment of the mounts cimed hercin haz not and will not be reimbursed to me from any other eoureee that my ahedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which eimbursement claimed on a lea Oere Date: 4/1 Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2a SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN 1ge: Home to Capitol and Return Zomiss @ $052 $ 1040 Payment Requested: ott Mileage: IO tis @ $ 1040 $_2eF — peroiem: IF oe © $ 45.00 s_1e5 = Total Requested: $e Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all expects; that payment of the amounts claimed hare has aot an wil ot he relmhurad tome from any ater ences that my eehedleof| travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incutre or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage bass, Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Stmies @ $052 $ 1976 Payment Requested: eerie fen Sta mom 25 ome +0 Total Requested: 25 Tota SHG 96 sileg.ob 22 2.96 Please ute this area for any comments or changes. | certiy that the statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe eee tee eee el ae cae eee ec travel wos performed by me of offi State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy incurred o paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which relmbursement is claimed ona mileage bss oo x Date: YL STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 26 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOLA Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitotand Return ‘miles @ $052 § 2184 Payment Requested: ‘Total Z\ Wee snm s_A5e.2y Perbiem: 2. days @ $ 4500 sagan Total Requested: saa Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | ceri thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the “wuts aie ee hes tad wil Ht be relmburse ome from anyother sources; tat my schedule of {travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incutrd or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle or which reimbursement csimed on a muleage a Payee: \)= owe: hie Devin, Prices STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Brmiles = @ $ 052 $ 1976 Payment Requested: mises: A im @ $1976 SLY FE Per Diem: eu Dos @ $ 4500 s10F0.00 shi dag & yw en Total Requested: Dl2aSe LSD — Please use this area for any comments or changes. add | dau o, ger diem fir Maceh (7)28) | certify thatthe statemants in the above schedule are true and just in al respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein hae tant ll othe rimburced to me rom any ather sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not fr personal purposes; and that | actually ‘neuted or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for wich reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 28 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2018 REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2omilee @ $ 052 $ 1040 Payment Requested: \__ tips @ $ 1040 bays @ $45.00 Total Requested: sDSZaRyo Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts caimed herain hat not ant wil othe zimbursed ta me fom anyother sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actully incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on mileage base STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN 29 Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return amis @ $ 052 $ 1560 Payment Requested: Mileage: Al wes @ $1560 rerviem: [om © $ 45.00 Total Requested: Tota 3 B27-6O 3_ 2S 00 peewee Pease use this area for any comments or changes. (pale a etc | certify that the statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects: that payment of the amounts caine herein hse not and ul not airend tama eam any athee sure; that my rhea of Iravel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is lied on 2 mileage bass Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE Roundtrip Mileage: Home fo Capitol and Retum. e1ez mies @ $ 082 $ 3204 Payment Requested: $ 3208 rorvien; G&D hae @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please uso this area for ny comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above sthedule are true and jst in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed 10 me from any other sources; that my schedule of Iravel was performed by me on offi! State busiest and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incuered or pad te operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage ass Payee: ner Date: STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2Smiles @ $ 052 $ 1430 Payment Requested: Mis: _ Gl Tis @ periem: “(ows @ Total Requested: Please use this are for any comments or changes. ai | certify that the statements in the above schedule are tre and justin al respects; that payment of the mounts claimed hersin hoe not and il ot be reimburzed ta ma ram any ather sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis aN NLR 7 pate:(/ 4 74 -/5) STATE OF COLORADO (GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April2016 REPRESENTATIVE SIAS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Bemis —@ $082 $ 1747 Payment Requested: Tota mileage: _2) Tips @ $ aa7 $_Sbb.87_ — PerDiom: 2 Das @ $45.00 $ Assay 3n87 Total Requested: § Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the smite csimed harpin has not and il ot be reimbursed to me from anyother sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurced or pal the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage basis Payee: bam i ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 33 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Bemis =@ $052 $ 4368 Payment Requested: muwage: 24 ws @ $a 8 FUL recom Ad ome — $ ssa s far Total Requested: sey — | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respect; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wl ot be eimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel wes performed by me on offi Stts businazz and not for persona purp incurred or paid the oper bas, and thot ¥ ctuahy ing expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage pees APs Date: ¢4/18

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