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STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2016 REPRESENTATIVE GINAL Payment Requested: weg: tmp e $00 Porbiem: _Z() dam @ $ 189.00 Total Requested: | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the smmuntscsimed hers has not and wll othe eimursed to me from any athe sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred o pid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi fpr which reimbursement is chimed on mileage basis ) Z Fooen/ Gwar STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HAMNER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1440 miles @ $082 $ 75.48 Payment Requested: = micnge: it tm @ = § 7538, 3300-2 PerDiem: JD oan @ ——$ 18000 3.256 70.00 272.72 Total Requested: 8 Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | cetfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just la all especs; that payment of the arnt dated erin hove a wi rt finbrrel t frem yew cre Het shee ‘ravel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully Incutred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base Payee: {Vu Haines Date: 4-15 ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HUMPHREY Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return vmamiee @ $ 082 $ 68.88 Payment Requested: mucage: YU ¢ $6666 a4 Perpien: 17 os @ $189.00 Total Requested: Ploase use thie area for any comments or changes. | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule ate true and jst in all respects; that payment of the ee a le ea eee Ce travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy Incurred or pad the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed on a ileage basis STATE OF COLORADO. ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 19 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2016 REPRESENTATIVE JOSHI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘s2miee @ $082 $ once Payment Requested: ota AP tis @ 8 ees 3 27V. 5 portion: LG pay @ $9000 $9278.60 SSbL So Total Requested: $, . Please use this aoa for any comments or changes. ~ Cn Fak _4li7\5 - ezavwd trae and justin all espects; that payment ofthe | cary thatthe statements in the above schedule mounts cleimed herein hes not ond wil not be reimbursed to me from any ether ures travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes: end that 1 actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basi, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KLINGENSCHMITT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 14206 miles «= @ = $052 § 7428 Payment Requested: on 4 wm e@ $2 sa2PZ 12. perches Oreo es $5670.00 S7b7-2 Total Requested: s Ploase use this area for any comments or changos. | cory thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and jst inal respects; that payment of the Amounts claimed herein has not and wil not he eembursed 9 me fram any other sourees: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offcil State business and not for personal purposes; and tht | actually incurred or pai the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is cleimed on mikage lary Payee: Date: 1U STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LANDGRAF Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1708 miles @ $082 $ 8882 Payment Requested: Total espe: UU Wis @ $ ssa seme Diem DO days @ $ 199.00 se, co — Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are rue and justin all vespect; that payment of the sreunte chimed heroin bas aint and wl not he imbued tome rom any athe eure hat my rhea of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purpses, and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which rembursement i claimed on a mileage bass STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Wamies =@ $052 $ 7488 Payment Requested: Total smucoge: {tips @ gs 748 1290-52 PerDiom: “3C)_ vys @ $ 189.00 s_ 5670.00 S70 S> Total Requested: $, Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts aimed herein has not and wil fot be reimbursed to me from any ather sources: that my schedule of travel wae performed by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes; and that actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which relmbursement is claimed on a mileage bass 2 ae GE ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ”7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -NON-METRO ‘April 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LUNDEEN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 104miles ~@ $052 $ 5408 Payment Requested: Teta wie: fie @ ston + Llp Fe Perdiem: _ JO days @ § 189.00 sSb79 —— SMEb. 32 — Total Requested: 5 Please use this area for any comments or changes. nts inthe above schedule | ceriy thatthe stater true and just in all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein bas not and will ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actully See ee a ee ee basis. 4) fA Li = Payee: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -NON-METRO- ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NAVARRO. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum zmies @ $§ 052 $1544 Payment Requested: — go, Nee OE Feet Moa ee OHIO Total Requested: ¢ Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ae true and justin al expects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts calmed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that mw schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incuere or pad the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage vone CUO COU DD om NAS ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO ‘April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NORDBERG Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘182 miles @ $052 $ 6148 Payment Requested: Total & Tips @ $6145 82ST SL ruc LA om @ 5100 s BYE100 B7ILSS {Eales Total Requested: Ploase use tis area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the arent risimed hecoin has not and ill othe elmbursed to me from aay ather sources: that my schedule of Travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle or which reimbursement is cleimed on a lege bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RANKIN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 34 miles @ SOS? $178.88 Payment Requested: Total micogs: 2 tps @ 17888 $BS7-7¢ Perdiem: Z 7 das @ $189.00 $ 703.09 Pa ares ; Please use this area for any comments or changes. 1 certify thatthe statements ia the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any athe sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement clolmed on a mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY a ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ROUPE. Home to Capitol and Return 1e2mioe @ § 082 $ 8424 Payment Requested: Mieage: A Tips @ $ m2 s_B56.% 25 om: © $ 189.00 8 L725 -00 Per Diem: _ <2 Total Requested: Posse use this area for any comments or changes. | eentiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just In al respects; that payment of the imburzed ta me from any athar sources that mi schela of ounte esinad hoain Rae not and wil not b vel wae performed by me on ofeial State business and nt for personel purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is aimed ona mileage basis Payee: Mc Hibar Date: 14, ty ag STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 22 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE THURLOW Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 4ssmiles §@ = $ 082 § 25272 Payment Requested: Totat Iteage: Z ties @ $2272 s_ CoS ¥Yy —] ec Diem: oe © $ 189.00 35 2 = Total Requested: s eB | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are tre and justin ll respects; that payment of the amounts claimed hersin hac not and will tbe reimburead ta me fram any athersourcee; that my chad of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incuere or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for wich reimbursements claimed on 3 mileage bass STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO ‘April 2018 REPRESENTATIVE VIGIL OO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return aT mis § @ = $082 $ 24440 Payment Requested: ‘Total Ke es 3 — Pordiem: 24 days @ $ 188.00 + 5,48. _ Total Requested: ‘SLES — Please use this area for any comments or changes. (a eee | carly thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts aimed herein hae not and wl ote rimsrend ta ma eam anyother eres; that ry chad of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incuted or aid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i calmed on a mileage basis Payee: ES bly” Date: ee Lears~ STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 24 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WILLETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 500 miles, @ = $082 § 260.00 Payment Requested: Tota mage ee $200 aye pom 2) ome sim S13. Total Requested: 3 Please use tis area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any ather sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually incurred or pald the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage io Wl Payee: Dato: 4 STATE OF COLORADO (GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2s ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WILSON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Beams §—@ $082 $ tans Payment Requested: ota 28 Miteage 4 Trips @ ‘$148.82 ssTs ~~ 4 Perviem: BO doe @ —— $.29900 $5,670% ~ Total Requested: sBgeree v Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all reepects; that payment ofthe amounts cnimed hacen hae not an wil ot he vehnbured tome fren any athor sure that my echodule of travel was performed by me on offi State businss and nat for personal purposes: and that | actually Incurred or paié the operating expenses f the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage bass Payee: dae: MAUS STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO April 2015 REPRESENTATIVE YOUNG Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1088 miles =@ = 082 $ S650 Payment Requested: micoge: Cf tas @ see Perdiem: 3D vas @ $ 189.00 Total Requested: Total $x22E.5> 3570-00 S9%6-3>3 $ Please use this area for any comments or changes. "cary thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; tht payment of the amounts claimed herain har not and wll ot be reimburced to me fram any athor sources; thot my schedule of lwavel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes, and thet actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ARNDT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘smiles @ $082 $ sa84 Payment Requested: Ve OF 15 ties @ $ 6868 sH Gms meena. pata 12376 Total Requested: spe Please use thie ares for any comments or changes. Mileage Per Diom | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just io all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and il ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for pertonal purposes; and that actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements csimed on a mileage basis /) Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE J. BECKER jome to Capitol and Return 160 ming =@ = § O52 $ 87.36 Roundtrip Mile Payment Requested: micage: [5 eps @ $9736 Per Diem: a bays @ $ 18900 Total Requested: Please use this ares for any comments or changes. | certfy thatthe statements in the shove schedule are true and just ln all respects; that payment ofthe amounts claimed herein hrs ant an wil rot he crimfured ta me fren any ether ener; that ny sched of travel war performed by me of offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incureed or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basi ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BROWN Roundtrip Milea Home to Capitol and Return G7omilee =@ = § 052 $ 24840 Payment Requested: Tot BOO $ 34840 BS site: Ua sapspts sZO0/. 20 pipe = Panne: ew s_96.80 Per Diem: Days @ $ 109.00 §/134,00 Apr Airfare Lotro (2) 56-2 Total Requested: | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ate tri and jc in all rept; that payment of the “amounts chimed herein has not and wil nt be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe moto vehicle for which reimbursement cme ona mileage bss, ZZ Payoo: Le pate: “5/7 ¥//, Print Page 1 of Subject! Durango Apr 17 (tneranA 15083788817) From: Trevlocty om (emelgravelocty con) fs eotinmyancasn: Date: Tweedy, Ap 4, 2018 008 Ald # °F travelocity “Thala ierary wos cet fom OEBRA BROWN. youn access is secon you can Wow he mest Psa Durango ort, 2018-Aer 1,208 [ary 1800970017 Important information + Remenberta bing yourneaty and goveeontared phtalD fe pot checkin ard sou. Denver (DEN) ~» Durango (ORO) TTOKETING IN PROGRESS fort 2015-82018, aos Ho et Une omer ‘Your kts not yet corned We re conming wate sin n)_-Pice Summary vl upate your ane tray win 24 hs Tvl: At same | | Tarr tran eal | sPAULeRORN Nofequent yes detate Token progress Tamms 8 Fost se508 wast poate ee BoaraFee 00 | + seatasinments, specs meas feqvent yer doe sar and spec | Totat $868.20 csustrce pres holt anne ety ih be ine | is gute nS os | Rr 17,2018 Depsture None Teall ined BB = sem | Addilonal Fight Services ber wares nom 4 wuneed DEN 10:89m RO Hom + Th tne may cage ston Unted ee Opened y FRYE OBKUNTED EXPRESS | eer cece aggee oor Economy Goch (Coton et hana eaten " ABeA9, 2016 Return Nonstop Tota wavelet 13 rm sam ewes tae pian RO Atty DEN S:zpm ‘bttps:// 4/1ano1s, Print Page 1 of 2 Subject: Durango Ap 24 (nero 115326908008) From; (ensie bavelety com) LT Date: Monday, Apt 20,2015 11:22 * ** travelocity ‘he Ty Herr wasn fon DEBRA BROMA. ye ave acs is sain oucan ew Bent upto de Durango er24 2095-25, 2015 | rey # 1SH5650005 Important Information + Reamer bing yur rear an govermentssied phot ID fora checkin and seer Denver (DEN) ~» Durango (DRO) “TCRETING IN PROGRESS NaN es 8, ond weak vee Faowce ‘Yar Wat ent yetonsred We contig wih ear ana || Pics Summary Wrap yar care nemry thn toon Teweriaant wee Towser : Flight ‘$565.58 | ruenowt — rohemantereas | Tergnpegen || _TaeeA Foe sroe2 mon moves Tway roigrae $000 | + Seat assignments, spacial mals, equant fer point awards and special ‘otal; $636.20 | stmarm‘onns ata ents evo sre ott ites | Apr 24,2018 - Departure Nonstop ‘Total trave tene:t nm seam ional Fight Serdces bower Te ea ‘Sentees net IN ftp ORO Hm «Tina ae an Ue cere Opesuchy MEST OBALNTEDEIRESS || ” erronasd be emer Sy coe ort are eo —_ sara Domes Omer 17m Ro Eten 685m Unto 5174 Opera /SKYEST DBA UNITED EXPRESS hnttps:// 4/21/2015 Print Page 1 of 2 Subject: Duang®-May 1 (tneanf 115839097755) From: Trovelety com (omal@e vaveloiy om) _—— Date: Wednesday, p29, 2015 1.08 AM & * travelocity DEBRA BROWN: | please give me a call so we can talk about this. Love you! “Te TroeloatyHreray wa sent mn DEBRA BROWN. younave acess ns act, youcan ew he me upto-dle Durango ay 1,205 May 3, 2015 | near # 15850067755 Important information + Reaarts xing our Herry and govermentesod pt Orso cack a ec Denver (DEN) -> Durango (DRO) aay 1,215 ay 3,205, 1 oue i cet TOKETING M PROGRESS ‘Yur teetis no yet confined. We are confeing wth the aie and ‘Price Summary vl upate your one near wn 24 hours. Traveler 1 At sg0120 “Tavler information ae ae PAULBROWN —Nofequet erat Tezhngn proses ‘nes Fete sie08 | paw owes Tewetety Booking Feo $000 + eensaormmeinxoncal est. eau! her sit awa and eo ‘estan uote soul be confemed ec na aie. | te 28: oe Hey Teale nen ‘Additional light Services Done oxmege ts EH ftp ORO A289 + Te nna chs or Ure 01 Oped y OUEST DBKUNTEDEXPRESS |" esrcaed meester | EemmenyCmch (| Crimea wth se ane ‘ rand=dla8kripukj25 S/42015 Print Page 20f2 ueange omer thtem aon DRO e:ttam DEN 10:880m ‘ureeB ned 4997 Opt by REPUBLIC AIRLINES BOAUNITED EXPRESS Ft Conti ent th eine” Aline Rules & Regains + Fares ao not umaneed unhatea + We ured a sonst lane carge We de net care 8 caro change fe Wer fc arne charge ue fos azraanc Wah ‘nm pol he ee wb pass on Yu, + Tctets are nonsundale, nananstersble and name changes art slowed. + Pease raat coven pensty nef hangs and cancaetons srotewata ie + Poss aad ingen tornaon egarig ain lab ntsione "Need help with your reservation? + VetourCusoner ge + Cal Tevet ester ae at 86520-7620 Complete Your Trip Get rested Get around Get out and explore Add a Hotel Add a Car ‘Add an activity ‘https://us-me6,]aSkrjpukj25 4/2015 ENVER TNTERNATTONAL AIRPORT 500 fo Bt, Dever, ch 828 costae Sere: ‘a - tos con eu oe fottorieatan OO © O22 camier 2 Mea 83829 eae Plate + WO.ATE nts 20:72 4/24/15 Lae 12 Batty 19:27 04/8/15 Lane 63 fapation 143) 2S) 2S) fate Goes $0) Suri: 6 res oo want eo $8.00 tan $8.0 cell om $00 DEK $0.00 ounce cc $0.00 pap ater § @.00 rk Ya ‘ss for office WHE DENVER INTERNAT TONAL AIRPORT on Pea Bet er, LA cto Sve: a w-8 cant ant nog ar Te Sar ake = CORE cashier Sin BLO Pe bas 2:3 O4/T/5 ae 32 uke Te D715 Lane 6 farts ts) 2G) 28) fe cote: 50 St: 184 ves BO owt iad $2 asi som cant cH § 0 oem 6. owe cae EO pao ar chs. a Sk You oe for agtce ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE BUCK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘14 miles @ $082 $ 5928 Payment Requested: mieage: _/, 5 Tins @ $ 5928 882-92 reecton: 7 (2 von @ $ 188.00 s [13400 Total Requested: | certify that the statements In the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the mounts aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage bass. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 05 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE MITSCH BUSH Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 328 miles @ = $052 § 17058 cae ee eo ae ees eye eo a2. Total Requested: use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ore true and justin al respects; that payment ofthe mount: cimed herein has not and will not he ceimbarad 9 me from any other sources: that my schedule of ‘vavel was performed by me an offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe moter vehicle for which reimbursement is caimed ona mileoge asi STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE -NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE CARVER Roundltrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 130 mles =@ $052 $ 67.60 Payment Requested: miteoge: _/, Strips @ $ 67.60 sor pete: (po Dew © $ 189.00 sLisy%e_ {4A8S.% — Total Requested: Plesse use this area for any comments or changes. | erty thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just In all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts chimed herain has not snd wl ot reisread tam eam anyother sure that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on 2 mileage base ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO ‘May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE CORAM Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return S30 miles = @ © $082 $275.60 Payment Requested: Total ioage: Lhe vis © $2750 0 ira: Datos From To. s ia Round Tp Round Tip Round Tp Round Ti LW Mise. Expenses: oO Per lem: Lows @ $ 189.00 $ vo Total Requested: 34 Please use this area for any comments or changes. eerily hat the Hatements in the above schedule are true and jst In all rexpedts; hat payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimburged tome from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offi State bya) and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incueed or paid the operating expenses ofthe lle for which reimbursement i aimed ona mileage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08: ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE DELGROSSO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘t4miles = @ $052 $ 5028 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: ps @ $5928 pugienres Per Diem: Lk bays @ $189.00 s_25%.00 Riz Total Requested: lease use this aros for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule ate true and justin ll respects; that payment of the insu lined herein ha not and wil not be reimbursed to me from anyother cource; that my schadula of Iravel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses of the moto vehicle fr which reimbursement is led ona mileage ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO. May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ESGAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2s mils @ $082 $ 11888 Payment Requested: Total tiesge: le ts @ $s s 1TH Per Diem: (3 Days @ $ 189.00 s VGH. CO, Total Requested: Tang — loase use this area for any comments or changes. | catfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are trve and justi all respects; that payment of the smnnts aimed hersin has not and wil tot be reimbursed to me from any athe sources: that my schedule of frovel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes: and that I actualy Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement s claimed on a milage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE GINAL jome to Capitol and Return 130 miles ~@ = $052 § 67.60 Payment Requested: tmieage: 15 tts @ 5 6760 $10). ¥0 rervim: bom @ — §18500 SLL 3400 Total Requested: | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst in all respects; that payment of the mounts cloimed hercin hoz not and il ot be reimbureed to me from any other eorcec; that my chadule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which elmbursement is claimed on 4 mileage basi, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HAMNER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 14458 mies @ $082 $ 7518 Payment Requested: Total mieage: 5 rps @ $7518 $02.77 rerdiom: _ JL, om @ $ 188.00 sLI3Z4o 1246-27 8 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. dap setae aid VL eas Rese ae] | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the snounts lied hersin has nt and wil note reimbursed to me fom anyother soureas; that my zchedul of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on 2 mileage bass STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE HUMPHREY Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1222 miles §=@ $082 $ 681 Payment Requested: Total RSE Cg cai uae arn er Diem: A_ om @ $ 189.00 s 236.00 SSseg Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cetfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the mounts claimed herr has not and will ot be reimbursed to me from any ather sources: that mu schedule of travel was performed by ine on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy Incurred or pal the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for whch reimbursements claimed ona mileage base. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE JOSHI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 132 mies @ $082 S 686s Payment Requested ott tueage ''5 tip @ 5 cams sL0t-7e wie iin eae ee 123b-7€ ¢ Total Requested: Please use this ara for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justia all respects; that payment of the mounts daimed hersin has ont and wil ot be tmBursed to me fram any ather sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that I actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage base rape ANAK Oosts\ pie BANE STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY “4 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NONMETRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE KLINGENSCHMITT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘astmioe @ $082 $7428 Payment Requested: Tota taierce: |S” es @ $ 7428 s Periem: © $129.00 eallissinaee WF. 7 Total Requested: ‘ Preae ue his ae or any comments 0 changes [ree Pasion oy Ae rien 2 oe Pe oh i | | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst ln all respects; that payment ofthe mounts claimed hersn hoe not an il not be relmburze to me from any ether sources that my sche of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy Incorred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LANDGRAF Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return msmies @ $052 $ sz Payment Requested: Toa Mileage: LS Tips @ $88.82 SAR — 34.00 verve: 2 Gyo e@ — $ 19900 BES meses Total Requested: sLe473 Please use this area for any comments or chan | certify that the statements in the above schedule are true and Just In all respects; that payment ofthe eee re eee etree eee eet Ee travel was performed by me on ofl tate business and not for personal purposes: and that | actully incutrad or pai the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ana mileage Ree Date: S-Ni Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO (GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- ‘May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LEE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘4miles ~@ $082 $ 7A88 ayment Requeste merge: [5 te @ 3 788 si 52 Perpiem: 5 days @ $ 189.00 s4Y¥5.00 Total Requested: 3 Ee lease use this area for any comments or changes. | cently that the statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein hae not and wil not be reimburzed to me rom any athor sources: that my cher of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is lied on a mileage bass STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE LUNDEEN Home to Capitol and Return 104miles @ $052 § 5408 Payment Requested: otal § stos s le - ie Ne aa ees (UE Mileage: Total Requested: 8 Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | centfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justi all specs; that payment of the mounts dalmed heren hos nota wil nt he erent mfr any ether arse: that fy echo travel was performed by me on offi State business and notfog personal purposes: and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motop hice reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NAVARRO Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2amies @ $052 $115.44 Paymont Requested: weg: 1D oe © pe eee oMvee te) Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedole are ue and jst la all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed hersin has not and wl othe ceimbvrend tome rom any ater sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that I actually incurred or aie the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage Maree POL? Date: Sint y STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE NORDBERG. Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘102 miles @ — $ 082 $ 6145 Payment Requested: pee Set ics s 22.09 poroiem Gd @ $189.00 sLLBY oO Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein hat nt and will othe ceimburend tome fram any ather sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that I actually incurred or pald the operating expenses ofthe moterveiciefor which reimbursements aimed ona mileage bass, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE RANKIN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Mad miles = @ «$82 § 178.88 Paymont Requested: Total reroiom: LD von @ 518300 sLlBpoF UBL 0? Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justi all expects; that payment ofthe smunt claimed hecrin ha nat ad wil not he eimbursed to me from any ater sources: that my schedule of travel was pesformed by me on offi State busines and nat for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor veicefor which relmbursement is claimed ona mileage basi STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 21 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE ROUPE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 42 mies @ § O82 § 3424 Payment Requested: Total wom: |B wee ¢ aa 5126-36 rercem © vas @ — $18800 sIyveice 207-36 Total Requested: Please use this are for any comments or changes. | certify that the statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts claimed herein ha not and wl aot he raimhured to me from anyother sources: that my schedule of teovel was performed by me on offi State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or pald the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE. NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE THURLOW 22 Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 426 miles «=< @ = «$082 $.25272 Payment Requested: wiewe, __/ tis @ $2527 Perdien: © oan @ —$ 18800 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify that the statements Inthe above schedule are true and just in ll respects; that payment of the ot and wil not be relmbursed to me from anyother ences that my eehedla of Itavel was perforied by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actually incurred or pei the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base Payé Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 23 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO ‘May 2018 REPRESENTATIVE VIGIL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 470 mils @ = $082 $244.40 Payment Requested: otal miteage: fe Sips @ $ 74840 $03BS? MBS v? 15-00-60 Total Requested: s | cary thatthe statements ln the above schedule are true and justin all vespects; that payment of the ammunte claimed herein has nat and wil not he eembursed to me from any other sources: that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incurred oF pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for whic reimbursement is claimed ona mileage tari, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 24 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WILLETT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 00 miles = @ = «$82 $ 26000 Payment Requested: ‘mioage: Tes @ $ 25000 Perdiem: (9 das @ $ 18800 Total Requested: Posse use thie area for any comments or changes. | certty thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst in respects; that payment of the other sources that my schedule of, ‘travel wos performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; end that! actualy incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for hich reimbursements claimed on arileage bass ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO- May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE WILSON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2062 miles @ $082 $ 140.82 Payment Requested: muergs: [157 vps @ rerum Gomme @ Total Requested: Please use this | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jst ln all respects; that payment ofthe siounts oimed herein bas not and will not be reimbursed to me from any other sources that my schedle of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 26 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - NON-METRO May 2015 REPRESENTATIVE YOUNG Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1088 mies @ $082 § 5888 Payment Requeste eng LS ws © 3 5658 reroem Lion @ $ 189.00 Total Requested: use this area for any comments or change. | certify that the statements in the above Schedule are true and just inal especs; that payment of the ete eae eee eg eee eee travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personel purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expences of the mato vehicle for which reimbursement is led oa a mileage bas STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR AGUILAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ = $ 082 $ 884 Payment Requested: Total Wenge, 14 tes @ 5 08 3 L2E-76 Perviem: _'{ days @ $ 4500 $430.62 1S B-7lo Total Requested: 5 Ie / Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. | ceriy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘ameunts claimed hersin hae not and wal not be reimbursed o me fom any her sources: hat my schedule of travel was perorsed by me on offeial State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actualy Incurred or bai he operatna expenses ofthe motor vice fr which reimbursement is claimed on 2 mieage baie Pay Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR BALMER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $ 082 $ 21.84 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use tis area for any comments or changes. 02 | cet thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all espects; that payment of the ‘moun clsimed herein has not and wil not be reimbureed fo me fom any oar eouroes; hat my sohedule of Travel was performed by me on offeal State business and not for personal purposes and that | actly incured or pad the operating excenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed on a meaoe basi. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 SENATOR CARROLL Rounatrip Home to Capitol and Rewrn ag z2miles @ $ 082 $ 1144 Payment Requested: Total wucoge: [7 tes @ 5 1144 s/9¢-A5 , porvion: I! vas @ $45.00 326510? 9.SS Total Requested: LS Please use tis area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements io the above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts sine here ha not and wil ot be rembursed tome fram any ater sources hat ny schedule of travel was performed by me on fla State business and nol for personal purposes: and that | actualy ‘ered erboate cetneexsenses of Han veh wh rembusementis comes on mieaee STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 04 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015, SENATOR GUZMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 082 $ 446 Payment Requested: weg: LT tes @ 8 48 eee teeta a ates 7 eZ 8: W 406; BAX Please use this area for any comments or changes. Total Requested: | certly thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and jst In all respects that payment of the ‘amounts claimed here has nol ane il nol be rembursed to me fam any ether sources; that my schedule of {ravel was performed by me on ffcial Sale business end not for personal purposes. and that | actually incued or bala the operating expenses ofthe motor veice fr which reimbursement i clamed ca a milsage basis. Payee: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os: ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR HEATH Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retum ‘Smiles @ $ 082 § 20:12 Payment Requested: Tot ties 7_wse@ 212 8 LESS Peroiem: (7 0a @ $4500 s2os70° lease use this area for any comments or changes. | oetity thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘ameuns claimed herein has nol and wal ol be reimbursed fo me rom any ater sourees; hat my echedule of travel was perforned by me on ofa Stata businass and not for personal purposes; and that factually Incurred of paid tho operating excenses ofthe motor vice for which eimburserent is Claimed on mleaae basis. , Ue jd Payee: pate: /// 1) ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 SENATOR HODGE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $082 $ 2392 Payment Requested: Tot ieage: J_wsa sae s Ybb66¢ PerDiem: 25 Days @ $45.00 8 LES? A Total Requested: sZesrCL oase use this area for any comments or changes. | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule ae tus and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be veimbureed o me fom any ater sources; that my schedule of travel was perforned by me on oficial Stale businass and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Ineutred ox bad the operating excenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement camed on amleage rome DN ns Date: Mle Lis ’ >» ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 SENATOR HOLBERT Roundirip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return WSmiles @ § 082 $ 19.14 Payment Requested: Total micage: [1 tips @ 5: 1014 s_ 325.87 porpiem: 17 days @ 5 4500 (eS 4070.%*- Total Requested: $2072.35 Please use this area for any comments or changes, | cerity thatthe statements in the above schedule ae rue and just in all respects thet payment ofthe amounts ‘claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me from any other sauces; that my schedule of travel was fevered by me on oficial Stale business and not for personal purposes: and tat | actualy incusred or paid {he operating expenses ofthe mot vehicle fr ch rembursement is lsimed en a mieage basie payee: (Wes Mbczaes— pate; _(/2o/oars STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY oe. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR MARTINEZ HUMENIK Roundtrip Miloago: Home to Capitol and Roturn ‘Smiles =~ @ «$082 § 176 Payment Requested: miage: _/7 Tes @ Perpiom: _/") cays @ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | oerty that the statements in the above schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me fom ary other sources, that my Schedule of ravel was performed by me on official Stata business and no for personal purposes; and that | actual ncuted or pat ‘he operating expenses ofthe mata venice for whch rembursementis claimed 092 mileage bass. pate: _ 01/20 20/5 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR JAHN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Tmies @ $ 052 5 Ba Payment Requested: Total mucege: /7 we @ 5 08 spS0-2¥ rom: Sop @ 8 4800 $s LL2S20? ne Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cet thatthe statemens in the sbave schedule are true ang justin all respecte: that payment of the ‘mauris ised herein as aot ad wil nol be reimbursed o me from ary other soutees that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Stata business and not fr personal purposes, and tat I aeually [eared cr peri ner taco et tier abla Satin entree lotnn onmieene basi Payee: ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR JOHNSTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1omiles @ $ 082 $ 520 Payment Requested: ( Mileage: \,_ tis @ $520 Per Diem: 720° das @ 3 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. travel was performed by me on fda State business and not for pegonal purposes. and that | actly Ineutred or pat he operating apenas of tha nine wenn for yin afamirsment is lame on meso basis fy 7 Jif ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 SENATOR JONES Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return emis = @ $ 082 $ 2392 Payment Requested: Total mieage: (LACE tie @ 5 23.90 $s BBYES perpen: TL) vas @ 8 45.00 3290-00 Bae Please use tis area for any comments or change | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and jst in all expects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed neren hae not and wil ot be reimbursed tome fam any ether sources; that my schedule of travel wae performed by me on effial Slate business and nol for pereonal purposes; and that | tually ‘heute or pal the operating expanses ofthe mine vehicle for which reimbursement clamed on mileaoe basis STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR KERR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Zmiles @ $ O52 $ 1144 eres Bae Se arene. apie, Farts cere 3 45.00 s_ FP Total Requested: se: Please use this rea for any comments or changes. | catiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respecte: that payment ofthe amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed tame fam any ether sources, tat my schedule of travel wes performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually ‘neuted er paid te operating expences of he motor veh for which rimbureaman a clarned om micoae basis. GF Payoo: Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Bmiles @ $052 § 1352 Payment Requested: mueige: 17 ts @ 8 1382 SDSL recom !7 con @ $4500 3 esr 00 Total Requested: 8 o | cery that the statements in the above schedule ae true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘lad hein has not and willbe rémbursed tomo from any other sources; that my schedule of avel was performed by me on official Stat business and nol for personal purposes: and that | actually incurred o aad ‘he operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr whicn mbursement is czamed on a miaage bass, STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2018 SENATOR NEWELL Home to Capitol and Return 2miles @ $ 082 § 11.96 Payment Requested: Total muenge: 20/7 ee @ 5 1188 +_Zes-32 rervien: Total Requested: (ors Please use tie area for any comments or changes. Per Sen Veer r/poles- | ceaily thatthe statements In the above schedule are true and jst In all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed neren hae not and wil nt be rembureed fo me fom any ater sources; hat my schedule of {fovel woe performed by ma on ofa Stata business and not for pereonal purposes: and that | actually ‘heated or pad the operating expenses ofthe rotor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis Payee: os STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2015 SENATOR SCHEFFEL Home to Capitol and Return St miles =~ @ — $082 $ 28.08 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: 17 Trips @ $ 28.08 s_477.36- Pan O/C ts en) sig STOR QULBe- Total Requested: 342ef>. Blo Please use this area for any comments or changes. | ceriy thatthe statements In the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed neteln hes not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any oer souroes that my schedule of ‘fave wes performes by me on ofc Sate business and not for perSonal purposes, and that actually Ineured orale the operating expres fe rl velcly fr which veinbursernent i ckined on 2 nleage aa SoG pate: SE MAS STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘January 2018 SENATOR STEADMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 2miles <@ $ O52 § 1.04 Pao See = ease use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe stalements in the above schedule are te and jst In all expects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts Calmed heren has not and wil not be rembursed tome fem any eter sources; hal my schedue of {ravel was perfommed by me on oficial Siate business and not for personal puposes, and that | actully \tcurred or pal te operating experns uf Ue inur veil Kar wih rembursement is claimed an a mloage baie ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR TODD Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 20 miles =@ © $ O82 $ 1040 Payment Requested: Total ieage: 1 ws @ $ 1040 s_L7¢.s0 Per Diem: les days @ 8 4500 sLOe0e ae *75Of- Total Requested: use this area for any comments or changes. | corty thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and just inal respects; that payment of the ‘amounts eimed heten has not and wal nat be reimbursed o me fom any cher sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offeal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Ineured or pal the opetaing expenses of ms motor vice for wnich reimburse cae eae STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR ULIBARRI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return %2 miles ~@ $052 $ 1255 Payment Requested: Total micros: | we @ $1288 $..2/3- Sb - reroiem: 29 dae @ $4500 3 LLPS00- 133.86 7 Total Requested: pespge Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cat tat the statements Inthe above schedule axe tue and jst i all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wl ot be reimbursed o me fom any ther sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Stato businoss and not for personal purposes, and that | actually Incurred or pate operating expenses of the motor vehicle for whch reimbursement is lamed on micage basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO January 2015 SENATOR WOODS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 27 miles @ $082 $ 1232 Payment Requested: micage: _/7 tos @ 8 1232 Ue Per Dior: Days @ 8 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | catty thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin al espects; that payment of the smourts claned herein has nol and wal nt be reimbursed to me from any other sources; hal my schedule of travel was perormed by me on ffeil State business and nat for personal purposes: and that | actly Ipaned or pou opetatng expenses che mot vele or nen emurtemusisamadon aisape STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY o1 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 SENATOR AGUILAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mies @ $ 082 $ 884 Payment Requested: Total Micage: _i5 Tne @ 3 894 sLB0.00 pero _!% vas @ $4500 3.475700 847. 00 Total Requested: Please use this area fr any comments or changes. Sy 2 aa- a4] 1S se may be fete Uw lawns ~ | coy thatthe statamenis in the above schedule are true end justin al respects; that payment of the ‘amaunts ciamed heren has not and wl not be rembursed fo me fom any ater sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Slate business and nt fr personal purposes; and thet | ect ireumed opal the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fo whieh reimburcement is clamed on 2 mileage bass Ae Auta 2 Bho” STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR BALMER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ $052 $ 2184 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use ths area for any comments or changes. | cer thatthe statements Inthe above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts aimed herein hae nol and wil Not be rembursed to me fom anyother sources that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by the on ofcial Sate business and not for personal purposes. nd that | actualy Incurred ot pel bw operaing expenses ofthe rotor vehsi or which rimbureaent le claimed on 2 mileage oss Og S Payee: _A Sasa STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03. ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR CARROLL, Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Mamie @ $082 $ 1144 Payment Requested: 4 Teta sim — Mae iy Ay) ceroum 1A oop @ $4500 s fsSu00 Tan Beto) day - ofS00 er) ‘Total Requested: fe valor sou Fone ny ta Tl Ou ia dberak sede a Hath ond 8 dup 4 Pees | corty thatthe statements in the sbove schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment of the “amounts claimed heren has not and wil nol be rembused tome fom any other sources; that my schedule of ‘rave! was perfomed by me on offal Stale business and not for personal purposes; and tha | actually Treued or pall Ue opening expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimburzoment is caed ona mileage basis 42 STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR GUZMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies —@ § 082 $ 416 pone eee mace le toh nse. 5 mwowm: IF cme sso + 8,0 g of 4 Total Requested: Pe | cetly tat the statements inthe above schedule are tue and jst in all respects that payment of tha ‘amounts claimed herein has nol and Wl ot be reimbursed to me rem any ater sources; that my schedule of travel wos perormed by me on offal Sata buries and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incurred ot pad ie upetaliqy exseres of te motor vice or whch emburserent is clamed one mileage basis. ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os: SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR HEATH Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. smiles @ — $ O52 § 29.12 Payment Requested: Tota Tips @ 8 2012 s SEPA Per Dame: Dae @ $4500 s £555 be Please use this area for any comments or changes, | cotty thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts aimed herein has not end wl nt be rembursed to me fom any other sources; thal my schedule of| Travel was performed by me on offical Slate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy Ineusred up he aperalony expenses OF the motor vehicle fr which rembursemet i lamed.on a mileage bose ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR HODGE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $082 $ 2892 Payment Requested: mierge: 11 ts @ — $ 02 sLEH-4G pordiem: 29 dae @ $4500 sL26080 LUE LE Total Requested: Please use this area for any commons or changes. | cetiy thatthe statements in the above sthedule are tue and justin al respects tat payment of the “amounts aimed herein has not and wi ot be rembursed tome fom any other sources; thal my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on offal Site business and not for personal purposes; and that | actly Ineured or pat ne operatng expenses of the motor venice for whieh reinsert cael aye bass, payee: _/Vaip WN 4 te Date: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO Fobruary 2015 SENATOR HOLBERT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M8 miles —@ $082 $ 19:14 Payment Requested: Total maeage: [ties @ 5 11 3 303.04 ~ pene onvo neti e en eae = ie. Please use this area for any comments or changes. Adiptione | of per dicw Yor continent wootrngs , 2148. |ceriy that the statements in the above schedule ae true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘caimed hein as not and wl at be eimbursed fo me fom any other sources. tha my schedule of perormed by me on ual lat buseress and not for personal purpases: and that | aca ineured er ld fhe operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for winch rembursoment is claimed on @ mileage basi payer: (tls Havent Date: 02 ///S~ ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR MARTINEZ HUMENIK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Mimiles @ $052 $ 17.68 Payment Requested: miteage: _/7 32,2) “e FRG. PerDien: 22 Days @ s_990:00 Total Requested: SG sy eT gnade Bae pees % phe Mak) (fe | cerify thatthe statements in the above schedule ae rue and justin al respects; that payientof the amounts ‘aimed herein has not an wil not be celmbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was pattommea by me on oficial State business sed Ht for persaral purposes; and that | actly incured or paid {he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursements cisimed on a mileage basis. a. owe: 02/7/15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO. February 2015 SENATOR JAHN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ $ 082 $ 884 Payment Requested: Total wicoge: 7 vie @ 5 884 5 Pervien: LS van @ $45.00 s.L2G0 0% L¢ID7-G6 Total Requested: s Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cory that he stalements In the above schedule are tue and justin all respects that payment of the ‘amounts aimed here has not and wil nl be rembursed fo me from any ater sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal Sate business and not for personal purposes. and that | actly Incurred or pal! te operaltys experts of ne surveil Kx wih rnburernent is clomed on mileage baie Payee: om Wale STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR JOHNSTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 10miles @ $ O52 $ 520 Payment Requested: Total 14 tes @ $50 +_4bfo — perpen: 14 doe @ $4500 amas see e fO\e Total Request fa —/ Please use this area for any comments or changes, iteage: | catiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tus and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed o me fom any oer source; that my schedule of travel was peroned by ma on offeal tate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy treured or paid me operating experses of he olor ylise fo wists ehiurseinei i claimed on a mileage sats / vome If owe: _ 2/2) |S STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR JONES Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles ~@ = $ 082 § 2392 Payment Requested: micage: J tes @ 8 282 Perbiem: 24 ays @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are tue and jst in all respects; tat payment of the ‘amounts claimed here has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any eer sources; that my schedule of \favel wos pertormed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy \heurres or pa the operating expense of Ue lurve fx which renbursenent is clamed on a mileege ee Be 8 ee STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2018 SENATOR KERR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mmiles = <@ = $ 082 § 11.44 Payment Requested: otal meee OWirete asia Eun partion: 229 0m @ $4500 $10 35:20 Ll bebe : Total Requested: lease use this ares for any comments or changes. | cetily thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jut a expects that payment of the amounts claimed heten has not and wil nat be reimbursed tome fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by ma on offal State Business and not for personal puposes, and that | actly Ie pam eating expres Pee at ewer anan armies basis, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ O82 $ 1382 Payment Requested: Total cage: |% tis @ 8 1382 8. gE Per Diem: 19 Days @ $ 45.00 8. SSS 00 LLL $s Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | erty thatthe statements in the above schedule are rue and ust al respects; that payment ofthe amounts ‘Gained herein has not and wil not be reimbursed tome fon apy other sources; that my schedule of travel was fauna by tne on offcal Sate bvineee and not for perepfel purposes; and Pat | actualy incurred oF pak the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for whi ret is claimed on a mieage basis. Payes Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR NEWELL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zmiles @ $ O52 § 11.96 Payment Requested: Total Mics: FO res @ $1196 $s. I27-2¢ Perdion: D5 vas @ $4500 $1125.00 13525 Total Requested: 8 i Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. | carly that te statements In the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts cise heren has not and wil nt be reimbursed tome fom any other sources hat my schedule of {Tavel was performed by me on offi Sale business and not for personal pupposes, and that | actly ‘nour or paid the opeating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is clare on @ mileage basis U Payee: A) leurl ae Sfafis ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMGLY ” SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2018 SENATOR SCHEFFEL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smee Qk OaL 2808 Polit Ric bat Tou egies $583.52 atoiege ean foe ces $45.00 3859.00 266s Total Requested: s Please use this area for any comments or changes. | oetiy thatthe statements in the above schedule ave tue and jst inal respects; Vat payment of the ‘amounls claimed herein has not and Wl not be reimbursed o me rom any ater sources; that my schedule of travel was perfornes by ma on offal Stata business and not for pertonal purposes, and that | eet Insutrad or pal he operating expenses of te motor well for wis urement eames ot mila basis STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2015 SENATOR STEADMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2milee @ $ 082 $ 104 Payment Requested: eer eta Peres /s/Areelal Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cotity thatthe statements in the above schedule are ive and jst inal respects; that payment of the bmounts elaimod herein hes not and wil ot be reimbursed t me from any other sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on offi Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy retired or pels mo opevalng expenses oe insur vei for mhich rembursement a clamed on 2 mileage basis, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2046 SENATOR TODD Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ $ 082 § 1040 Payment Requested: wicase: | tips @ $1040 s LE 2.90 on: 18 oon @ 5 4500 s_8/0,00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cetty thatthe stalements in the above schedile are tue and justin a respects that payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed Neren has not and wl ot be rembursed io me fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on oil Sata business and not for personal purposes. and that | actually STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO February 2016 ‘SENATOR ULIBARRI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 242 miles @ © $ 082 $ 1258 Payment Requested: muoose: _!7 taps @ 8 1288 iretan 08 tap wl con Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | cortty thatthe statenenis in the above schedule are tue and justin al respec; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fem any othr sources; that my schedule of travel wes performed by me on offal Slate business and nat fr pereonal puposes; and tat | actualy Incured or paid the opeating expenses ofthe roto vaio for which reimbursement fs clamed ona rnieage basis. ) my QA iv vu Payee; wy JUL Ks pew: _ 3, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO. February 2015 SENATOR WOODS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 27 miles @ $ O82 § 1232 Payment Requested: Tota {A tins @ $s 1232 s_AZY.p8 — Perdiem: AU vas @ $45.00 3 F000 — Total Requested: Ploase use tie area for any comments or changes. am Working Monday, fb. | t part of 1 cory that the statements in the above schedule are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has rot and wil nl be reimbursed tome fom any other sources; hat my schedule of trove! was performed by me on ola Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy ‘noutted or aid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicie for which remnbursement scam on mileage basie on STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY on SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR AGUILAR: Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Vrms @. «$082 $ Payment Requested: Tot iitoage: _2O_ Tips @ S86 sL7¢ £0 EU Perdiem: _ AO vas @ $45.00 3_Qks IO Peb 23 of - 4500 Total Requested: sZvepo Poste use thi area for any comments or changes. 1 Sdn, =) ert | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis Paye BL ND pee Dat STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2018 SENATOR BALMER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Keturn ‘miles @ $082 § 21.04 Payment Requested: we DO we ou rat: LD ome sm 3 /30S00 ea een aE Total Requested: 3 Please use this area for any comments or changes. ‘Mileage adjustment - February 23 (24.84) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fram any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offcil State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actually incurred or paid the operating expenses of is claimed ona mileage basi STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2016 SENATOR CARROLL Roundtrip mileage: Home to Capitol and Return zamiee @ $082 $ 1144 Payment Requested: Tota Wieage: AD tes @ = § 1m $27 OE reroten: A cae @ $4800 3990.08 allie Se caay | centity that the statements inthe above schedule are true and just n all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official Stata business and not for personal purpose; and that | actully Incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed ona mileage boris STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 04 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR GUZMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Omiee §=@ $ 082 § 416 Payment Requested: mmiteage: 22 tips @ $416 seals < ease een ota a i Ue Total Requested: Please use this ares for any comments or changes. M a053 Wrateoaalpicstnent beetle f' le WV, n | celfy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and jus n all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed harain Rae not and will ote reimbursed to me fom any ather sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursement is aimed on 8 mileage basis le oe Payee: pate: _9-/2 “Zor ¢— ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY os: ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 SENATOR HEATH Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Sémiles @ $ O82 § 28:12 Payment Requested: Tota Mileage: Trips @ $ 2082 SLUe5e Per Diem: Days @ $45.00 $. (so february 2 Adusoment Sa Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment February 23 (28.2) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wll ot be reimbursed to me rom any ather sources that my Schedule of luavel was performed by me an official State business and not for personal purposes; and that I actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement s claimed ona milage bass STATE OF COLORADO (GENERAL ASSEMBLY os SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR HODGE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return amie $052 § 2392 Payment Requested: eat tos 2d We @ $ as 12 e Perbiem: _3\ Dm @ — $ 4500 sLBasi 08 February 23 Adjestment Total Requested: Please use this aea for any comments or changes. ‘uileage adjustment February 23 (23.52) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are trie and jst in all respects that payment of the amsntscsimad hacen has not and will othe reimbursed to me from any other sources: that my schedule of {ravel was performed by ine on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incutred oF pal the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage rare: Masha) Date: Sl ayig ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2018 ‘SENATOR HOLBERT ound Miaage: ee Con and sham seamen Qs Ose #1848 coma Total sage: Ties @ $190 ya This is, cx one-day mF re aawttBem BU om @ 5 4500 5 WHS February 23 Adustment 22 | > 1 so usa Total Requested: for! anfiur eel = save — Sees eer oe icetadsck thats ani Talclag ec, ae ames eid down ly one clay to companate Yor Aes closure AL = 1 BN, wiileage nek HILO FLM > tip) 94, | eonify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all resoects: that aayment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and tht | actully Incuced or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i aimed on a mileage boss, payee: Chis MaceaeT— Date: shale ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR MARTINEZ HUMENIK Roundtrip Mileage: Hometo Capitol and Retum (44-5 exebrcack 17) emiee —@ $052 § S785 S nchually aceite Be [8.24 Payment Requested: otal mong OR me $b rerdien: 2A tom @ — $ 4500 $990.00 ~ } exter 2 Op needs beg, Febrary2aadustment (322 hole bales ) “te peter 7220: hm RT sled 5 Total Requested: taeage adustment-Februsry23(17.66) QW _63 = actually hud to leaue We f (itn we HA Jaw to Hie Caprol'so wad, 2 | eotfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects: that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me Kom any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually inured or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements cleimed on 2 mileage oss ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 09 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2045, SENATOR JAHN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘mies @ $082 $ 8.08 Payment Requested: Tota tone: 22 rigs @ 5 aan s SILLS reroem 3! ows @ — $ 4500 $1395.00 February 23 Adjustment s Seay [SOLE Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Ileage adjustment February 23 8.88) | catfy thatthe statements in the above schedule ate true and justin ll vespets; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein has nota il ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not fo personal purposes; and that! actually incurred oF pa the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is daimed ona mileage bos Payee: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR JOHNSTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 1omiks @ $ 082 $ 5:20 Payment Requeste: a Tota ois @ $ 520 seo Perviem: ) vay @ $45.00 s_ ho ~ February 22 Adustment $_ so Total Requested: SzzDO Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment Febeuary 23 (5.20) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ate true and just in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has aot and wil not be reimbursed to me fram any other sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe tor vehi for which reimbursement is claimed on 2 mileage bass A STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR JONES Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return as mies §=@ = $ 052 $ 2392 Payment Requested: Tot woos _\G tee sus $ 3S: 50 perdi: Vv @ $4500 $ £21870 0 (x 73.50 Total Requested: $ Please use thie area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ate true and just in all respects; that payment of the mnunts claimed herein has not ond wil ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposas; and that I actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i aimed ona mileage basi Payee: __f( @x/-/ f— Date: 2/ys ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 SENATOR KERR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mamilee @ $ 082 $ 1146 Payment Requested: Total teage: © tips © sone $ of rerun: ZB om @ $0 s 217000 1395.00 s Total Requested: Pease use tis area for any comments or changes. | certify that the statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the ‘mainte claimed herein Rac not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources: that my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incutre or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is aimed ona mileage base. Ly thos Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2018 ‘SENATOR NEVILLE, Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies @ $ 082 $ 1382 Payment Requested: mieage: UD perviem: UL February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Mileage adustment- February 23 (13.52) ‘ eamify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all respects: that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes: and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage ass, A ae Cl Date: wis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR NEWELL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Bemis @ $082 $ 11.96 Payment Requested: Tota mieage; GX tips @ $ 96 sDBabr Perviem: 27 voy @ $45.00 $ L940 February 23 Adustment sey” ef bb SL Total Requested: s Please use thie area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment -February 23 (1196) | contify thatthe etatemante in the shove eche amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that 1 actually incutre or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement x claimed ona mileage oe ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘March 2015 SENATOR SCHEFFEL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Sémiles = @ = $082 $ 28.08 Payment Requested: Tota Milesge: 2S trips @ $ 2808 s NTO Perdiem: 27 oa @ $4500 $940.00 February 23 Adjstment s_ wae) LE2D GF ‘ Total Requested: Ploase use tis area for any comments or changes. Mileage adjustment - February 23 (28.08) | contfy thatthe statements in the above schedule ate tr and jst in all respects: that payment of the amounts claimed herein has aot and wil nat be reimbursed to me fram any ather sources; that my schedule of teavel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and tht | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage boas 0 Payee: Date: Sopa. / STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR STEADMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2miles @ $ 052 § 1.08 Payment Requested: ore er eat eed Oe ‘Total Total Requested: $ ree Pease use this area for any comments or cfanges. | certify hat the statements in the above schedule are true and just ia all respects; that payment of the amounts cmd herein he oot an will not he eimbwrend tome fram aay athe sees: hat my schedule of ‘rovel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operat basis pater (Zmerth 2015 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 SENATOR TODD Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 20miee @ $ 082 $ 1040 Payment Requested: WA Total snag K tw @ 5 100 $27.20 j bays © $45.00 s_J/0. 60 99720 Total Requested: 5 Per Diem: Plaste use this area for any comments or changes. | certify that the statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts caimed herein has nat and wil nt be reimbursed to me ftom any othor Sources; that my sched of travel was performed by me on offal Stote business and not for personal purposes; and that! actual incutred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements aimed on a mileage vs ere IE l STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO. ‘March 2015 SENATOR ULIBARRI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M2 mils @ $$ 082 $ 1255 Payment Requested: eer ere fea a or aes aaa $1395,00 cots _ = Total Requested: Please use this aea for any comments or changes. ‘Miteage adjustment -February 23 (12.58) "cary thatthe statements inthe above schedule aro tre and juct i al respecte; that paymont ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed tome from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purpoces; and that | actually Incurced or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi fr which reimbursement is aimed on a mileage bass \. pore: i Mn, Wi pate; 3] 12/15 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO March 2015 ‘SENATOR WOODS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 27 mies —@ $082 $ 1252 Payment Requested: mueage: 12) tips @ $ 1232 pervien: BA vo @ $ 4500 February 23 Adjustment Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage asjustment February 23 (1232) | certy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and jut in all reepate; thot payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wll ot be reimbursed to me from any ather sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes, and tht | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehce for which reimbursement clained on a ileage Hit Dh ved STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 SENATOR AGUILAR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return armies @ $ 052 $ 884 Payment Requested: Qi wes @ Peroiem: _ 21 vas @ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. o1 | cory that the statements in the above schedule ate true and just in all respects: that payment of the ‘mounts caimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursement i calmed on a mileage basis payee: lune Y- vate: 4. Mo: aory ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2016 SENATOR BALMER Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 42miles @ = $ 082 $ 21.84 Payment Requested: wings: Ql vie @ 5 at ruven: 20 om 0 $m Total Requested: lease use this area for any comments or changes. Mileage adustment-Februery 23 -2%-84}— | certiy thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just in ll respects: that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; tat my schedule of travel wos performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actully incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage bass Payee: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 SENATOR CARROLL ounatrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Keturn mmies @ $ 082 $ 144 Payment Requested: wine: 2 ties @ rorom _A\ om @ Total Requested: Please use tis area for any comments or changes. Mucoge adjostment February 23448)— | certify that the statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ofthe ‘ammounts claimed heels has not and wil nt be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purpores; and that | actualy incre or pai the operating expenses of the por vie for which eenburseren ced ona mileage basis AR) #2 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 04 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 SENATOR GUZMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Smiles @ $ 082 $ 416 Payment Requested: Total Tin @ $6 sO7. 26 oy @ $45.00 s US od - Total Requested: 5 aa A Per Diem: rea for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the shove schedule ate true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and will ot be reimbursed to me from any athe sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incutre or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage Paye ow: 4/14/2015 ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY os SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2016 SENATOR HEATH Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Semis @ «$082 zate Payment Requested: Tota Mileage: | tes @ $ saz sél/.s> Por Diem: Dn $ 45.00 sQY¥F0° 5BLS52 Total Requested: $ Pease se this area for any comments or changes. -atieoge sajstentFevraery23-¢2542), | cory thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just in ll respects; that payment of the “mounts clad haven hae not ant wil otha erento me fom any other sures; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actully incurred at pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which cembursement is lame ona mileage bad ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015; SENATOR HODGE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘miles @ = $ 082 $ 2282 Payment Requested: Tota Miewge: 2.1 Tis @ © § 2392 $409.52 PerDiem: 3) dae @ $45.00 $1390.00 lg s52:3> Total Requested: ¢ Please use this area for any comments or changes. ‘Mileogeadjustrent= PENTISTF23-425-90)~ | certiy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts calmed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother Sources; that my schedule of travel wae performed by me on official State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actualy incutred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement scam ona mileage ass. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, SENATOR HOLBERT Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 368 miles @ $082 $ 10:44 Payment Requested: Tora iwage: Ll ins @ 5 1018 s_ 40-4 — reowm Ll ome smo — ¢_ 745-79 1340 44 Total Requested 5 Pease vse tis area for any comments or changes. sincere) € 1thaupit thet Hum wont, deve Rest ieess Reiss ot on ie verity Wook if decsn't hnppen. t= Thank pov. | cetfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respect; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and will not be ceimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of ‘revel wor performed by me on offal State bucnece and not for prtonal purpeeet; and that # actualy incurred or pald the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which cenbursement is claimed on a mileage Es payee: _ Lorber T— Date: SLYo1S— STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2016 SENATOR MARTINEZ HUMENIK Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Mmies @ $ 082 § 1 Payment Requested: ‘otal AL we 5 u0 3 Bl. a9 - Pee eo Ocha e Mit Total Requested: sEBie.28 — Please use ths area for any comments or changes. eager ststment—Fabraary-254-4%.685 | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts csimed hersin hae not and wil not a reimburead toma fram any other sources; that my echadule of teovel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and tht | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement iclakmed on a mileage ass Payee: =< Dates 9H /2-/S ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2045 SENATOR JAHN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘Tmiles @ $ 082 $ 886 Payment Requested: Total wane: Al tee § om SLI reriem 3D om @ — $ 4500 $1350.00 s a sf Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any commonts or changes. eage adjestment-February 234834) | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any athe sourees: that my schedule of| travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incuree or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on 8 mileage = ee vm Ho STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 ‘SENATOR JOHNSTON Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘omiles ~@ § 052 $ 520 Payment Requested: itcage: | taps @ $520 Perdiem: | _ das @ $45.00 Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes. lenge ahustnent—Febroary 23 5 20h | cenfy thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom any ather sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not for personal purposes: and that! actualy inane or id te oat epenss of temo li wh enbrement ced on ge bass i Paye STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2045 SENATOR JONES Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies = @ = $ 042 $ 2392 Payment Requested: seage ties @ $2392 Perdiem: D6 das @ $ 45.00 Total Requested: Please use thie area fr any comments or changes, | certify thatthe statements in the above schedule ate tr and just in all re amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other Total 8 BBLEE s 220.00 LOY ES specs; that payment of the sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: and that | sctually incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimburse bast Payee: ois a ment is climes ona mileage ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015, SENATOR KERR Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘2milee @ $ 082 $ 1144 Payment Requested: muro: _Zef iee $ nae rerdiem ZS vas @ $ 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements in the shove schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of the amounts aimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources: that my schedule of travel war performed by me on offal State business end not for personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or paid the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements caimed on a mileage basis ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 SENATOR NEVILLE Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return mies @ $082 $ 1382 Payment Requested: Total $ 1352 $7 E3:-92- $ 4500 s_FY¥5.00 132 VG > s Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. ‘Mieage adjustment=Febnuacy 234352) | cory that the statements inthe above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts laimed herein has nat and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and got for personal purposes; and that | actually incutred or paid the operating expenses ofthe moto vehicle for which reimbursement is clined ona mileage base ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 ‘SENATOR NEWELL, Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Zmilos ~@ = $ 082 $ 1196 Payment Requosted: eee Mere $ 1196 $2257: Me PerDiem: _& dap @ $45.00 8 1260.0 Total Requested: s Please use this area for any comments or changes. Mileoge abstment Februar 23 11.6) | certify thatthe statements in the shove schedule are true and justi all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed hereln has not and will not be reimbursed to me from any athe sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incutred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage base payee: 05 biel Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015 SENATOR SCHEFFEL Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Semis @ $ 052 $ 2808 Payment Requested: Tota wioage: Zio @ 5 2508 s DEFOE Perea et ee Tom s_GY¥srco Zt SBLOE Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes, eng sistent Fabry 292686) | cory that the statements in the above schedule are true and jus in all respects; that payment of the amounts claimed herein has not and wl not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of Arava wes peshried by ane ox ciel Sate busines end mot for penal purpoees, and thet | ctaly ‘ncurced or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i aimed on a mileage base STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO April 2015 SENATOR STEADMAN Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2milee @ $ 052 $ 108 Payment Requested: ae ieee aes eee. ea Peo 5 HST) Total Requested: $ ph Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | certify that the statements inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment ae ee esr te a eee er travel was performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mlleage oe L one; Yagrcd 2015 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015, SENATOR TODD Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return miles @ $ O82 $ 1040 Payment Requested: mioage: A | Tips @ $1040 portion: 3D om @ $45.00 Total Requested: se 0 5350 1565-40 ‘ Pease use this area for any comments or changes. | certify thatthe statements inthe above schedule are true and just n all respects; that payment of the amounts esimed hersin hot not ond wil not be reimburted to me fom any ether sources; that my chad of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes; and that # actully incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement i claimed on 3 mleage basis: STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘April 2015, SENATOR ULIBARRI Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 22 mile @ § 082 § 12.58 Payment Requested: Tota misoge: Qs @ 5 1258 8a2GAIE reroum 30 om @ 5 4500 $1350.00 LLL Total Requested: Please use this are for any comments or changes. MicogeasSenn=FaBMRG ZTE) "certify thatthe statements in the above schedule are true and just in all respects; that payment of the amounts clsimad herain hat aot and will not be relmburd to me from any athor2ourses; that my sthedule of teavel was performed by me on offi State business and not for personal purposes, and tht | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a ileage core. A WM. Um pate: 4 /(41 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO. April 2015 SENATOR WOODS Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ZT miles =@ $082 § 12:32 Payment Requested: Total Requested: leage adjustment —Febeusey 23 232}~ | certiy that the statements in the above schedule are rue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘mounts claimed herein hea not and wil note reimbursed to me fom any athe sous, Travel was performed by me on ofl State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or pal the operating expenses of the mater vehicle for which reimbursement s claimed ona mileage as ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO May 2015 SENATOR AGUILAR 1 Roundtrip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘7miles @ § O52 $ B84 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes. Tota 3_ 35-3 s1f0.00 W536 $ | colfy thatthe statements in the above schedule ere true and justin al respects; that payment ofthe amounts caimed herein hi not and wil othe crmburn ome fen anyother Sources: that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offi State business and nat for personal purposes; and that | actually Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basi Payee: pate: _ S/b [15

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