Organizational Chart

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How should the organizational structure be designed to reflect those strategies?

Following the merger of PRMC and BRMC the success of the union is based on
streamline and consolidation of services. The governance body should be a blend
between the two systems. A blended governance body will ensure both organizations
are represented.
What would an organizational chart for this entity would look like? The
organization would have the concentric structure. The core of the organization is
centered on the patient. The next ring consists of the clinicians and hospital staff. Lastly
the second ring would be comprised of the directors and managers.






What is the role of governance in this organization? The governance body role is to
make certain the long term goals of the organization is executed on behalf of the local
community, investors and the employees. Three essential roles the board must
oversee are establishing policies and procedures organize and make momentous
decisions and lastly manage the activity of the organization. Retrieved from

Why is organization culture so important? What is the relationship between an

organizations structure and its culture? The culture of the organization is vitally
crucial because it determines how successful or can be the downfall of the healthcare
organization. If the culture is venomous there is a high turnover rate, law suites which

can be the demise of the facility. On the flip side if the culture is compassionate
employees tend to strive to achieve personal goals and put forth all efforts to support
the facility reach their vision. The culture holds the organization together and it converts
as the union of PRMC and BRMC come together.
How should the organizations vision, mission and values reflect the
organizations culture and strategies? The center focus of the healthcare
organization is the patient. The vision/mission should emphasis on the present day, in
addition to, where the organization hopes to be in the future.
In the future, what data or artifacts would indicate if the organizations behaviors
are congruent with its mission, vision and values? Conducting patient surveys
gives firsthand information on the quality of care provided from the client. However
being recognized with awards and accolades nationally speaks volumes for an
organization. The American Hospital Association and The Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award both are two prestigious awards that provide recognition to healthcare
facilities. Receipt of such acknowledgement holds a lot of weight when determining if
the organization is following its mission/vision and values.
Works Cited
Borkowski, N. (2009). Organizational Behavior, Theory, And Design in Health Care.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Organizational
development and leadership: Organization theory. Baltimore: Author.
Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Organizational
development and leadership: The role of governance in health care
organizations. Baltimore: Author.

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