PH-Synopsis and Guide Acceptance Form

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(To be submitted to the project steering committee)


PART A: Synopsis Registration.

Student Details:

1. Name of the programme


: Master of Business

2. Name of the Student

: Rahul Mishra

3. Roll Number

4. Session& Year

: Spring & 2015

5. Name and address of learning centre

HIG-11, D/S, Ratan Lal Nagar, Barra-2,

Project Details

6. Title of the Project

scheduling and control in an

: A study of project planning,


7. Problem Statement

All project planning should begin with an analysis of the current situation
and define the problem or opportunity that the project will seek to
address. The success of a project will depend on how precisely and
accurately the problem is articulated and understood. Again, the
perspective of the beneficiaries is critical at this stage. The most
important needs of the
affected population will not always match those identified as most
important by outsiders. It will be very difficult to mobilise community
interest and support in a project that the community sees as meeting
secondary needsor no needs at all.
One should not assume that communities are homogeneous in their needs
or desires. Different people in a community will have different and often
conflicting needs and desires.
A proposed project that seeks to benefit the most vulnerable, who are
usually the poorest in
a community, may sometimes threaten established interests and power
Similarly, a program to empower women may threaten some of the men
in a community. Once the situational analysis is complete, project
planners will want to articulate a problem
statement that answers the following questions:

What is the problem?

When and how did the problem originate?
What are the main needs generated by this problem?
What is the significance of this problem?
Why should anything be done about this problem?

8. Objective

Goals are broad statements that describe the overall purpose of the
project. Objectives are
much more concrete. Remember to use the SMART guidelines for writing
These are:
After the project scope, goals and objectives have been defined, the next
step is to develop a more detailed project description and strategy that
answers the following questions:
What aspects of the problem will this project address? What aspects
won't it address?
Who will benefit from this project?
What needs will be met?
What will the beneficiaries receive?
What is expected of the beneficiaries?
What is the general strategy that this project will pursue?
What is the expected outcome resulting from the project?
What is the methodology for implementation for the project and
each project
9. Methodology to be used

The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of
making business decisions. The methodology may include publication
research, interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and could
include both present and historical information.
Types of Research Methodology


Correlation/Regression Analysis



Data Collection: Generally there are three types of data collection and
they are
1. Surveys: Standardized paper-and-pencil or phone questionnaires that
ask predetermined questions.
2. Interviews: Structured or unstructured one-on-one directed
conversations with key individuals or leaders in a community.
3. Focus groups: Structured interviews with small groups of like
individuals using standardized questions, follow-up questions, and
exploration of other topics that arise to better understand participants
Consequences from improperly collected data include:

Inability to answer research questions accurately.

Inability to repeat and validate the study.

Process of Research:
Qualitative research Your view of the phenomena to be investigated
should be more personal. You will use methods such as personal
accounts, unstructured interviews and participant observation to gain an
understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations for peoples
attitudes, preferences or behaviors. With this approach, the emphasis is
more on generating hypotheses from the data collection rather than
testing a hypothesis.
Qualitative and quantitative research methods are not clear-cut nor
mutually exclusive most research draws on both methods. Both
approaches can generate quantitative and qualitative data. The
difference between the two methods is in the overall form and in the
emphasis and objectives of the study.

Find out what to investigate.

When research ideas are needed.

Emphasis on understanding.

Focus on understanding from respondents point of view.


Flexible and informal.

Do not need to know in advance specific topics or questions these
should emerge.

Small sample size.


Unstructured interviews.
Document analysis.

Particular observation (called ethnographic studies).




Explanatory and give depth.


Not easily processed.



Hypotheses and ideas.

Not firm.

Danger of subjective interpretation.

Guide Details:

10. Name of Proposed Guide

: Mrs. Reema Saxena
11. Guide registration No. (If available)
: MBAUP0099
12. Designation
: Sr. Lecturer
13. Affiliation
: Sikkim Manipal
14. Qualification
15. Total Experience
: 5 Yrs
16. Communication Address
: HIG-11, D/S, Ratan Lal
Nagar, Barra-2,
17. Contact No.
: 7376982780
18. E-mail ID
PART B : Guide Acceptance
I Dr./Mr./Mrs. Reema Saxena working as Sr. Lecturer with Sikkim
Manipal University, DE hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms.
Rahul Mishra Roll No. .............., attached to Learning Centre (code)
00918 (Name) I T POINT (City) Kanpur in the topic Role of Packaging

on consumer buying behaviour during the 2015 (year) period AUG/

2013 (month/year)
to SPRING/ 2016 (month/year). I agree to this
timeline and also to submit the project status/ Internal Assessment marks
to the University.

(Signature of the Guide)

I hereby declare that this project synopsis is an original work carried by
me and will not submitted to any other University for fulfilment of any
course of study.

(Signature of the Student)

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