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Appendix E: Members of Planning Board, Technical Advisory Board, and Selected

Biographies of Board Members and Other Participants

Planning Board

The Planning Board is composed of individuals who have agreed to review proposals for
deLA and made an initial commitment to consult regularly about it during the year prior
to the proposed NEH funding (2002-03), as well as during the initial year of funding
(2003-04). These individuals represent the diverse major educational, cultural, and civic
institutions of the Los Angeles area. Their skills in areas ranging from regional
economics to popular culture are invaluable for (1) provoking the widest conceptual
refinement of deLA during its crucial planning phases; (2) helping to establish the scope
and methodology of the project; and (3) through the course of our planning conversations
helping the General Editors to determine who will become members of a more permanent
Editorial Board and an Advisory Board.

Eric Avila, Assistant Professor, Cesar Chavez Chicano Studies Center, UCLA

William A. V. Clark, Professor of Geography, UCLA

Lee Davis, Principal Coordinator, California Online Encyclopedia Project, Director,

California Studies Program, San Francisco State University

Michael Dear, Professor of Geography, Director of Southern California Studies Center,


William Deverell, Professor of History, California Institute of Technology

Michael Duchemin, Curator of History, Autry Museum of Western Heritage

Janet R. Fireman, Curator and Chief of History, Seaver Center for Western History
Research, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Douglas Greenberg, President and CEO, Survivors of the Shoah Visual Historical
Foundation (former President, Chicago Historical Society)

Fernando Guerra, Associate Professor of Political Science and Chicano Studies, Director
(and Mara Marks, Associate Director), Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola
Marymount University

David Halle, Professor of Sociology, Director, Leroy Neiman Center for the Study of
American Culture and Society, UCLA

Greg Hise, Professor of History, USC

Robert Flick, School of Fine Arts, USC

Karen Ishizuka, Senior Producer, Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese
American National Museum and Media Curator, National Center for the Preservation of

William Jepson, Research Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Director, Urban
Simulation Laboratory, UCLA

Jack Katz, Professor of Sociology, UCLA

Robert G. Marshall, Director, Urban Archives Center, California State University,


Eric Monkkonen, Professor of History and Public Policy, UCLA

Chon Noriega, Professor of Film and Television, Director, Chicano Studies Research
Center, UCLA

Leonard Pitt, Professor Emeritus, California State University, Northridge

Janice Reiff, Associate Professor of History, Director of the Oral History Program,
UCLA, Co-editor, Encyclopedia of Chicago History

Cecilia Riddle, Central Library Director, Los Angeles Public Library

Robert C. Ritchie, Director of Research, Huntington Library

Matthew W. Roth, Director of the Historical Division, Auto Club of Southern California

George Sanchez, Professor of History, USC

R. J. Smith, Editor, Los Angeles Magazine

Edward Soja, Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA

Raphael Sonenshein, Professor of Political Science, California State University, Fullerton

Kevin Starr, State Librarian of California, University Professor and Professor of History,

Karen Stokes, Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, The
Getty Center
Timothy Tangherlini, Chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for Digital
Humanities, Associate Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and
Cultures, and in the Scandinavian Section, UCLA

Peter Tokofsky, Professor of Folklore and Mythology, UCLA

Roger Waldinger, Professor and Chair, Sociology Department, UCLA

John P. Wilson, Professor of Geography, Director of the GIS Research Laboratory, USC

Robert Winter, Professor of Art History and the Visual Arts, Emeritus, Occidental

Technical Advisory Board

The Technical Advisory Board will be composed of faculty and staff from UCLA and
USC and will provide high-level advice on an ongoing basis to deLA, specifically in the
areas related to computing (database, software, metadata, standards, functional
specifications, design features, and web publishing). These individuals have invaluable
experience in these areas. In addition, once the project is underway, a separate Inter-
Institutional Technology Group will be formed to include representatives from those
organizations contributing digital materials to deLA. This group will ensure the effective
and uniform implementation of standards and operability requirements developed by the
deLA Project Staff in consultation with the Technical Advisory Board.

Mark Benthien, Director, Communication, Education and Outreach, Southern California

Earthquake Center, USC

John Marquis, Programmer/Analyst, Communication, Education and Outreach, Southern

California Earthquake Center, USC

Peter Nielsen, Information Technology Architect, Academic Technology Services,


James M. Pepin, Chief Technology Officer, Information Sciences Division, and Director
of High Performance Computing and Communications, USC

Terry Ryan, Associate University Librarian for Information Technology, UCLA Library
and California Digital Library

Janice Reiff, Associate Professor, History Department, Director, Oral History Program,
UCLA and Co-editor, Encyclopedia of Chicago History

Barbara Shepard, Digital Information Director, Information Services Division, USC

Timothy R. Tangherlini, Chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for
Digital Humanities, Associate Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and
Cultures, and in the Scandinavian Section, UCLA

Victoria Vesna, artist, professor and Chair of the Department of Design | Media Arts,
UCLA School of the Arts.

Selected Board Member Biographies:

Lloyd Armstrong, Jr. has been Provost and Professor of Physics at USC since August
1993. Prior to coming to USC, Armstrong was on the faculty of the John Hopkins
University and rose through the faculty ranks, attaining the rank of Professor of Physics
in 1975. He served as Chair of the department from 1984-87, and as Dean of the School
of Arts and Sciences from 1987 to 1993. Armstrong serves on the board of directors of
the California Council of Science and Technology, and the Pacific Council on
International Policy.

Eric Avila is an urbanist and an assistant professor of History and Chicana/o Studies at
UCLA. His book, Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight, Los Angeles, 1940-1970,
is a cultural history of postwar Los Angeles, exploring the regional landscapes of popular
culture and their relationship to the changing spatial and racial configuration of the
postwar urban region. It is forthcoming from the University of California Press.

Elazar Barkan is a cultural historian who writes about cultural politics and human
rights. He is the Chair of the Cultural Studies Department (1994 - ) and Professor of
History and Cultural Studies at Claremont Graduate University. He has published six
books, including The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices
(Norton, May 2000); The Retreat of Scientific Racism (Cambridge University Press,
1992;) and a forthcoming edited work with Ronald Bush Claiming the Stones, Naming
the Bones: Cultural Property and Group Identity, (Getty, 2002, forthcoming). He is
editor of the series Cultural Sitings. (1993-), Stanford University Press. Dr. Barkan is
the director of the Institute for the Study and Preservation of Local Culture. The
organization is devoted to building a regional coalition of preservation and historical
societies, and working with an alliance of civic organizations with the aim of establishing
historical repositories of local culture. Dr. Barkan’s expertise includes history of Race
and Racism, history of human rights, postcolonialism; comparative nationalism; cultural
heritage and identity.

Mark Benthien is Associate Director for Communication, Education and Outreach

(CEO) for the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), a National Science
Foundation Science and Technology Center headquartered at USC. He received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Geophysics from UCLA in 1995, and will receive a Master
of Public Policy degree from the USC in 2003. As the director for SCEC’s CEO
program, Mr. Benthien works to communicate earthquake knowledge to end-users and
the general public in order to increase earthquake awareness, reduce economic losses, and
save lives. To do this he 1) coordinates productive interactions among SCEC scientists
and with partners in science, engineering, risk management, government, business, and
education; 2) manages activities that increase earthquake knowledge and science literacy
at all educational levels; 3) leads efforts to improve earthquake hazard and risk
assessments; and 4) promotes earthquake preparedness, mitigation, and planning for
response and recovery.

Jacqueline R. Braitman, received her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from the UCLA. She has
been a Lecturer in the Department of History from 1989 to the present teaching 19th and
20th century American history. During 2001 - 2002 she is also serving as Assistant
Executive Director to the California Supreme Court Historical Society. Works in
progress include Ambiguous Legacies: Katherine Philips Edson, Partisan, and
Progressive Politics in the Golden State, Now is the Time for All Good Women to Come
to the Aid of Their Party and The Life and Career of California Supreme Court Justice
Stanley Mosk.

Jerry D. Campbell is a nationally respected authority on information systems and

technologies, and currently serves as chief information officer and dean of the University
Libraries at the University of Southern California. He previously was vice provost for
library affairs and computing at Duke University, director of the Theology/Rare Books
Library at Southern Methodist University and also held a succession of positions at the
Iliff School of Theology in Denver. He is a former president of the Association of
Research Libraries and member of the Research Libraries Group Inc. board of directors;
he currently is a member of the board of trustees of the Council on Library and
Information Resources and a member of the steering committee of the Digital Library
Federation. Campbell earned his bachelor's degree cum laude from McMurry College in
Abilene, Texas, a master of divinity degree summa cum laude from Duke University, an
M.S.L.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Ph.D. in American
History from the University of Denver.

Albert Carnesale became Chancellor of UCLA on July 1, 1997, and is the eighth chief
executive in the University's history. He holds faculty appointments in the Department of
Policy Studies at the School of Public Policy and Social Research and in the Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering
and Applied Science. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Carnesale is an
active teacher and lecturer. He currently teaches a course on "Rethinking National
Security," and has delivered distinguished public lectures on "America's International
Agenda" and "Nuclear Proliferation: What's New? What's Not? What's Next?" Before
assuming the helm of UCLA, Chancellor Carnesale was at Harvard University for 23
years, serving in numerous capacities. He held the Lucius N. Littauer Professorship in
Public Policy and Administration at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
His teaching and research endeavors focused on international security and arms control,
with an emphasis on policies associated with nuclear weapons and strategies for their use
and non-use; international issues related to nuclear energy; and the impact of
technological change on defense and arms control policy.
William A.V. Clark is Professor of Geography at UCLA. His research is focused on
understanding and modeling population change in large US cities, especially demographic
change at local neighborhood scales. His most recent work on demographic change
considers the way in which recent large-scale immigration is influencing local
neighborhoods. Two recent books have brought together his work on mobility and tenure
choice and the impacts of large-scale international migration. Households and Housing:
Choice and Outcomes in the Housing Market (Rutgers, 1996) examines residential mobility
behavior in the US and Dutch housing markets, and The California Cauldron: Immigration
and the fortunes of local communities (Guilford Press, 1998) examines the local impacts of
large-scale international migration into California.

Dana Cuff is Professor and Vice Chair of Architecture and Urban Design at the UCLA
School of Arts and Architecture, where she also holds a joint appointment with the Urban
Planning department. She received her Ph.D. in Architecture at Berkeley in 1982, and
since then has published and lectured widely about postwar Los Angeles, modern
American urbanism, the architectural profession, and affordable housing. She has been
engaged in the social issues of architecture and the city as a teacher, scholar, practitioner,
and activist. Dana Cuff has written several books, including one on architectural practice,
entitled Architecture: The Story of Practice (1989), which is a widely used text. Her most
recent book, The Provisional City (2000) investigates a number of private and public
housing projects in Los Angeles through their development and later demolition. Her
current research concerns information technology and culture, particularly the
relationship between pervasive computing and public space. She is a co-founder of the
newly formed Institute for Pervasive Computing and Society at UCLA.

Lee Davis is the principal coordinator of the California Online Encyclopedia project and
its participants and the Director of the California Studies Program at San Francisco State
University. A specialist in Native California, Dr. Davis conceived and implemented the
California Indian Library Collections Project, a statewide information delivery system.
Her work with students and colleagues has created grant-funded online projects: Japanese
American Internment curriculum materials for K-12 teachers, the Hoopa Tribal Museum
website, the California Online Syllabi Project, and NAGPRA artifact contamination
information delivery and policy forum.

Michael J. Dear has a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, and is currently
professor of geography, and director of the Southern California Studies Center at USC.
He is author/editor of more than a dozen books, including most recently The Postmodern
Urban Condition. He has received the highest awards for creativity in research from
USC and The Association of American Geographers, has held a Guggenheim Fellowship,
and been a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at
Stanford. He is currently curating an exhibition and catalogue on art and culture in
‘Bajalta California,’ the border region between Mexico and the U.S.

William Deverell is Associate Professor of History at the California Institute of

Technology. He is author of Railroad Crossing: Californians and the Railroad, 1850-
1910 and, with Anne Hyde, The West in the History of the Nation. He has co-edited Eden
by Design: The 1930 Olmsted-Bartholomew Plan for the Los Angeles Region with Greg
Hise and, with Tom Sitton, co-edited California Progressivism Revisited and Metropolis
in the Making: Los Angeles in the 1920s. With Greg Hise, he is currently co-editing
Land of Sunshine: Toward an Environmental History of Los Angeles for the University
Press of Pittsburgh. He is currently completing Whitewashed Adobe: Los Angeles and
the Mexican Past, 1850-1940 for the University of California Press. Deverell chairs the
California Council for the Humanities and the Caltech Huntington Committee for the
Humanities and serves as the Faculty Fellow of the John Randolph Haynes and Dora
Haynes Foundation in Los Angeles.

Janet R. Fireman, is Curator of History at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
County and Editor of California History, in the History Department of Loyola
Marymount University. During her many years at the Museum of Natural History, Dr.
Fireman has curated and co-curated 29 exhibits dealing with subjects such as 18th
Century Pacific Coast Exploration, Latin American folk art, Latino Los Angeles,
California social and cultural history, American Presidential elections, motion picture
history, and the automobile in American life. Other activities include consulting and
advising for history programs and exhibitions with many local museums, research
institutes and universities and various activities with historical organizations.
Publications include articles and reviews on the Spanish Southwest, Mexico, and the
American West.

Douglas Greenberg is President and Chief Executive Officer of Survivors of the Shoah
Visual History Foundation, the organization Steven Spielberg founded to record the
testimony of Holocaust survivors. Greenberg, who holds degrees from Rutgers and
Cornell Universities, was formerly President of the Chicago Historical Society (CHS),
where he lead a strategic planning effort that resulted in a reorganization of the staff and
the construction of the Historical Society’s integrated Research Center. He undertook a
major technology initiative at CHS that expanded the institution’s capacity to serve
researchers, K-12 schools, and the general public. In addition, during his tenure, the
institution made a commitment to document for researchers and to exhibit to the general
public the history of Chicago’s neighborhoods. From 1986 until 1993, Greenberg was
Vice President of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). Originally a
specialist in early American and American legal history, Greenberg is the author of three
books and the editor of several others. In recent years, his writings have focused on the
public role of history and historical institutions and the challenges and opportunities
offered by digital technology to scholars, libraries and archives. Greenberg taught history
at Lawrence, Princeton, and Rutgers Universities. He is a member of Editorial Board of
Reviews in American History. Formerly Chair of the New Jersey Historical Commission
and a member of the Council of the American Historical Association, he now serves on
the boards of the Organization of American Historians, the Research Libraries Group, the
University of California Humanities Research Institute, and the California Council on the
Humanities. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the History Department of
Princeton University, where he was Associate Dean of the Faculty from 1982 until 1986.
David Halle is Professor of Sociology and Director of the LeRoy Neiman Center for the
Study of American Society and Culture at UCLA. Current publications include: The
‘New’ New York: Chelsea and Union Square - this ethnographic study is the focus of
Halle’s current research and examines the Chelsea/Union Square section of New York
City; Los Angeles and New York: Politics, Society and Culture (edited ms, University of
Chicago Press, forthcoming, Fall 2002); The Controversy Over the Show ‘Sensation’ at
the Brooklyn Museum; and Inside Culture: Art and Class in The American Home
(University of Chicago Press, 1994).

Greg Hise is an Associate Professor of urban history in the School of Policy, Planning,
and Development at the University of Southern California. He received a doctorate in
architectural history from the University of California, Berkeley where he studied
American Architecture and Urbanism. Hise’s research and teaching examine American
cities and regions since 1850 with particular attention to Southern California and the
American West. His books include Eden by Design: The 1930 Olmsted-Bartholomew
Plan for the Los Angeles Region (University of California Press, 2000) co-authored with
William Deverell, Magnetic Los Angeles: Planning the Twentieth-Century Metropolis
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997) recipient of the Society of Architectural
Historians’ Spiro Kostof Book Prize and the Pflueger Award from the Historical Society
of Southern California, and an edited volume, Rethinking Los Angeles (Sage Publications,

Karen Ishizuka, Senior Producer, Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese
American National Museum and Media Curator, National Center for the Preservation of
Democracy, is an award-winning producer/writer. Together with director Robert A.
Nakamura, they have garnered over 25 awards in film and media. Their latest film, Toyo
Miyatake: Infinite Shades of Gray was an official selection of the Sundance Film Festival
in 2002, won Best Documentary Short at the Florida Film Festival and received a CINE
Golden Eagle Award. An advocate for the study and preservation of home movies as an
historical and cultural resource, Ishizuka serves on the National Film Preservation Board
and is co-editing an anthology entitled Mining the Home Movie: Excavations into
Historical and Cultural Memories to be published by the University of California Press.

William Jepson is Founder and Director of the Urban Simulation Laboratory, a multi-
million dollar distributed computing facility located in the UCLA Department of
Architecture and Urban Design. Jepson is project director for the Urban (City) Simulator
and Virtual Los Angeles projects. The Urban Simulator project has created a real-time
simulation/virtual reality system which enables the interactive exploration of large visual
databases using a video-game like interface. This system is currently being used to
create/explore a number of extremely diverse virtual worlds ranging from virtual models
of Los Angeles (Virtual Los Angeles) and parts of Las Vegas to ancient Roman Fora to
3D exploration of scientific and medical data. Jepson is also directing a project with the
City of Los Angeles Housing Department to develop a virtual-reality based real-time
simulation system for allowing community participation in the urban design and planning
decision process for neighborhoods. In conjunction with this project Jepson is directing
the creation of the Virtual Los Angeles Project to actively create a Virtual Reality model
of the entire Los Angeles Basin.

Jack Katz is Professor of sociology at UCLA, specializing in teaching Social

Psychology; Ethnographic Methods; Urban Communities; Crime, Law and Deviance. He
is the author of Seductions of Crime, How Emotions Work, and both academic and “op
ed” essays on police-community relations and experiences of public life in Los Angeles.
Currently he is finishing a multi-neighborhood study of community and crime in
Hollywood, and is gathering data through an NSF funded research project on “LA at
Play,” an ethnographic study of the structuring of experiences in public places in the LA

Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris is Professor and incoming Chair of the Department of

Urban Planning at UCLA. She holds a doctoral degree in Urban Planning and Master
degrees in Architecture and Urban Planning, all from the University of Southern
California. Her area of specialization is urban design, physical and land use planning.
She has published extensively on issues of inner city-revitalization, downtown
development, transit-oriented design, transit safety, cultural determinants of design, and
open space design. Her work seeks to integrate social and physical issues in urban
planning and architecture. She is the co-author of the book Urban Design Downtown:
Poetics and Politics of Form, published by the University of California Press in 1998.
Her UCLA studio class "Byzantine-Latino Quarter: Creating Community in Los
Angeles" received the American Institute of Planners 1999 AICP National Award, the
1998 American Planning Association, California Chapter Academic Merit Award, and
the 1998 American Planning Association, Los Angeles Chapter Academic Award

Eric Monkkonen is a Professor at UCLA with a joint appointment in History and Policy
Studies. Former president of the Urban History Association and the Social Science
History Association, he has authored five books, edited three more, and written over fifty
research articles. His most recent book, Murder in New York City, examines the major
social shifts affecting homicide. These include the effects of mass immigration, urban
growth, the Civil War, demographic changes, and Prohibition. This work
ethnographically reconstructs ordinary violence, showing how gender roles and weapons
shaped fatal individual conflicts. By comparing New York City to London and Liverpool,
Monkkonen sets American violence in an international context. Currently, he is
conducting a study of urban homicides. In a project funded by the National Science
Foundation, he is examining major US cities at the beginning of the twentieth century,
with special attention to Los Angeles.

Dowell Myers is Professor of urban planning and demography in the School of Policy,
Planning, and Development, at USC. He is the director of the Master of Planning
program and director of the School’s Population Dynamics Research Group. Dr. Myers
holds graduate degrees in urban planning from UC-Berkeley and M.I.T. Widely
recognized as an expert on housing trends and urban demography, Dr. Myers’s recent
research projects have focused on the upward mobility of immigrants to the US and
Southern California, trajectories into homeownership, growing preferences for higher
density housing, and projections for the future of the California population. In spring
2002, he received the award for best article appearing in the Journal of the American
Planning Association for his 2001 article, “Demographic Futures as a Guide to Planning:
California’s Latinos and the Compact City.”

Peter Nielsen is an Information Technology Architect at UCLA, working within

Academic Technology Services. In this capacity, he spends much of his time surveying
information to identify emerging technologies that may have a particular benefit for, or
impact on, IT requirements. He is particularly interested in how technologies are
interrelated and how they can either leverage or interfere with other technologies. He
also works closely with vendors who want to introduce new hardware and software to the
campus. Nielsen is also the manager of UCLA's Technology Sandbox. which is both a
physical space and an organizational structure that was formed to allow departments to
collaborate in evaluating technologies, to publish their findings, and to help in the
implementation of those technologies. The Technology Sandbox makes it possible for
UCLA to avoid duplication in evaluation efforts and provides an arena where the addition
of a small resource can enable distributed centers to accomplish things they might not
have had the resources to do on their own.

Chon A. Noriega is Professor in the UCLA Department of Film, Television, and Digital
Media, and Director of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center. He is author of Shot
in America: Television, the State, and the Rise of Chicano Cinema (Minnesota, 2000) and
editor of nine books dealing with Latino media, performance and visual art. Since 1996,
he has been editor of Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, the flagship journal for the
field since its founding in 1970. Noriega has curated numerous media and visual arts
projects, including "Just Another Poster: Chicano Graphic Arts in California," which will
travel to five venues nationwide through 2003. He has also helped recover and preserve
independent films, including the first three Chicano-directed feature films. The
restoration of these films is the cornerstone of an ongoing "Chicano Cinema Recovery
Project" that he organized between the UCLA Film and Television Archive and the
Chicano Studies Research Center, with major support from the Ford and Ahmanson
Foundations, among other sources. For the past decade, Noriega has been active in
media policy and professional development, for which Hispanic Business named him as
one of the Top 100 Most Influential Hispanics. He is Co-founder and Treasurer of the
350-member National Association of Latino Independent Producers (established in 1999)
and on the Board of Directors of the Independent Television Service (ITVS), the largest
source of independent project funding within public television. He was also co-principal
investigator of a comprehensive study of Latino actors commissioned by the Screen
Actors Guild and conducted by the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute.

Lynn O’Leary-Archer is Senior Associate Dean & Executive Director of Resources &
Services, in the Information Services Division at the University of Southern California,
where she oversees the university libraries. She is the University’s first director of the
Archival Research Center, an interdisciplinary center devoted to the accumulation and
preservation of original materials related to Los Angeles and the Southern California
region, to their dissemination through digital and other means of access, and to the
development and support of programs associated with interdisciplinary research in the
libraries. Prior to her appointment at USC in 2000, she spent a decade at the Getty Trust,
first as Assistant Director for Administration of the Getty Research Institute, then as
Associate Director, where she had broad responsibility for the research collections and
programs in scholars, publications, and exhibitions, as well as institutional
administration. She holds a Ph.D. in American History (1988, social and women’s
history) and an MA in American Studies (1973, emphasis on the image of the American
west), both from USC, and a BA in English and History (1970) from Gonzaga University
in Spokane, Washington. She taught women’s history and the history of reform in
America at USC between 1975 and 1982, and served as Assistant Dean in USC’s
Division of Social Sciences & Communication in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences.

James Pepin is a Chief Technology Officer at USC’s Information Services Division

(ISD) and is Director of the center for High Performance Computing and
Communications, a joint center at Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and ISD. He
started working full-time for USC in 1972 and implemented NCP and IP solutions on the
ARPAnet. He was a member of several Network Working Groups in the early 1970s. He
was director of the Engineering Computer Lab and was architect of the central
engineering school facilities, including networking and timesharing systems. Starting in
1987 he was Executive Director of University Computing Services (UCS). UCS provided
campus wide support for all networking and central academic computing services. In
1999, he joined ISI and has been responsible for direction in High Performance Network
infrastructure for the USC-ISD and ISI. He has significant experience in determining
support requirements of Unix end users and implementing large-scale networks and
computing environments.

Janice L. Reiff is an associate professor of history at UCLA and director of the

university's Oral History Program. She is one of the editors of the Encyclopedia of
Chicago History (forthcoming, University of Chicago Press, 2004) and lead editor for the
electronic version that will be mounted at the Chicago Historical Society. An urban and
social historian, she is the author of Structuring the Past: The Use of Computers in
History (1991), co-editor of The Settling of North America (1995), and numerous
articles. In addition to the encyclopedia, she is also completing two additional works:
Industrial Towns, Suburban Dreams, Industrial Realities: Pullman's Communities, 1880-
1981 and Digitizing the Past: Computers, Networks, and History.

Neal Richman has been teaching in the UCLA Department of Urban Planning since
1991 with courses on such topics as real estate finance and development, planning theory,
non-profit management and professional practice. Currently, as the associate director of
UCLA Advanced Policy Institute, he has been exploring the use of new information and
communication technologies to support a wide range of community development
activities. The Neighborhood Knowledge Los Angeles internet site, which provides
access to a searchable database that for the first time anywhere provides information on
property tax delinquencies, code violations, and other city and county data. One
outgrowth of this project has been the development of an electronic code enforcement
system that relies on the use of palm pilots by housing inspectors. Living Independently in
Los Angeles is a community-building project designed to facilitate the sharing of
information by and for persons with disabilities.

Robert C. Ritchie is Director of Research at The Huntington Library, Visiting Associate in

History, California Institute of Technology, Adjunct Professor of History, UCLA, and was
Adjunct Professor of History, University of Southern California in 2001. He received an
A. B. from Occidental College, an M.A. from California State University, Los Angeles and
a Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Ritchie’s current research
includes: a history of beach culture (contract with University of California Press) and a
social history of Needwood Forest.

Matthew W. Roth holds the M.A. in history of technology and graduate certificate in
museum studies from the University of Delaware, and is a Ph.D. candidate in US urban
history at the University of Southern California. He has written two and co-authored
three books on industrial, transportation and urban history. His 1999 article, "Mulholland
Highway and the Engineering Culture of Los Angeles in the 1920s" won the Usher Prize
from the Society for the History of Technology (best article, past three years). He has
also curated nearly a million square feet of exhibitions, including serving as founding
curator of the Petersen Museum in Los Angeles, and currently directs the archives and
historical programs for the Automobile Club of Southern California. In 1988 his
exhibition and related programs, "The Consent of the Governed," won the Schwartz Prize
as the best public humanities program in the United States.

Terry Ryan has been Associate University Librarian for Information Technology at the
UCLA Library since 1989. In her most recent years at UCLA, she spearheaded planning
efforts in the application of technology to the operational and service goals of the Library
and, as chair or member of the following committees and task forces, she participates in
campus and UC system-wide work on digital library and information technology issues:
UCLA Library Digital Library Council; UCLA Common Systems Group; California
Digital Library; Strategic Technical Architecture and Standards Work Group; and the UC
Library Technical Advisory Group.

George J. Sanchez is Associate Professor of History, American Studies and Ethnicity at

the University of Southern California. He currently serves as the President of the
American Studies Association in 2001-02, and has just completed an 18-month term as
the first fellow of the John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation of Los Angeles. He
has a Ph.D. (1989) and M.A. (1984) from Stanford University in History; and his B.A.
(1981) is from Harvard College in History and Sociology. Sanchez is best known for his
award-winning 1993 book, Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture and Identity
in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 (Oxford University Press). His recent publications
include “’Y tu que?’: Latino History in the New Millennium,” in Latinos! Remaking
America, eds. Marcelo Suarez-Orozco and Mariela Paez (University of California Press
and Harvard University’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2002),
and “Creating the Multicultural Nation: Adventures in Post-national American Studies in
the 1990s,” in Post-Nationalist American Studies, ed. John Carlos Rowe (University of
California Press, 2000). He currently serves as Director of the Program in American
Studies and Ethnicity at USC, an innovative program which combines American Studies
and Ethnic Studies. He works on both historical and contemporary topics of race, gender,
ethnicity, labor, and immigration, and is one of the co-editors of the book series,
“American Crossroads: New Works in Ethnic Studies,” from the University of California
Press. He is currently working on a historical study of the ethnic interaction of Mexican
Americans, Japanese Americans, African Americans, and Jews in the Boyle Heights area
of East Los Angeles, California in the twentieth century.

Allen J. Scott is a Professor with joint appointments in Public Policy and Geography at
UCLA. His degrees are from Oxford University (B.A. and M.A.) and Northwestern
University (M.A. and Ph.D.). Scott was Founding Director, Lewis Center for Regional
Policy Studies, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, 1991 - 1994. Scott’s
research covers urban-transportation-regional-planning problems and associated
mathematical theories; he is currently spearheading the establishment of a Sloan Center
to study the Entertainment Industry. Recent publications include: Regions and the World
Economy: The Coming Shape of Global Production, Competition and Political Order,
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998); The Cultural Economy of Cities: Essays on the
Geography of Image-Producing Industries, (London: Sage, 2000); “A New Map of
Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures,” Regional
Studies, March, 2002.

RJ Smith is a writer and editor who has lived in Los Angeles since 1990. He is a senior
editor and media critic for Los Angeles Magazine. He has been an editor at LA Weekly, a
columnist for The Village Voice, and has written for The New York Times Magazine, the
Los Angeles Times Book Review, GQ and Grand Royal. He is working on a book about
African American Los Angeles in the 1940s, encompassing civil rights, literature, jazz
and more. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the Getty Research Institute, and a Visiting
Community Scholar at USC’s Center for Multiethnic and Transnational Studies.

Raphael J. Sonenshein, professor of political science at California State University,

Fullerton, received his B.A. in public policy from Princeton University, and his M.A. and
Ph.D. in political science from Yale University. He has written extensively on the
politics and governance of Los Angeles, particularly the relationships among racial and
ethnic groups. His book Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles
(Princeton University Press, 1993) received the 1994 Ralph J. Bunche Award from the
American Political Science Association as the best political science book of the year on
the subject of racial and ethnic pluralism. Dr. Sonenshein served as Executive Director of
the City of Los Angeles (Appointed) Charter Reform Commission between 1997 and
1999. In 1999, he was selected as consultant to the City of Pasadena Charter Reform
Task Force on School District Governance. In that capacity, he wrote a report calling for
major changes in the school district, which was placed on the November 2000 ballot, and
received 75% of the vote. He is currently writing a book on the Los Angeles Charter
reform. In 2001, Dr. Sonenshein was selected as the second Fellow of the John Randolph
Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation to serve an 18 month term beginning in July, 2001.
As the Haynes Fellow, Dr. Sonenshein will act as a liaison between the Foundation and
the academic community and help develop the Foundation’s initiative in the area of
governance of the Los Angeles region.

Kevin Starr, the seventh State Librarian of California since the turn of the century, was
born in San Francisco in 1940. After graduation from the University of San Francisco in
1962, Starr served two years as a lieutenant in a tank battalion in Germany. Upon release
from the service, Starr entered Harvard University where he took his MA degree in 1965
and his PhD in 1969 in American Literature. He also holds the Master of Library Science
degree from UC Berkeley and has done post-doctoral work at the Graduate Theological
Union. Starr has served as Allston Burr Senior Tutor in Eliot House at Harvard, executive
assistant to the Mayor of San Francisco, the City Librarian of San Francisco, a daily
columnist for the San Francisco Examiner, and as a contributing editor to the Opinion
section of the Los Angeles Times. He currently holds the rank of University Professor at
the University of Southern California. The author of numerous newspaper and magazine
articles, Starr has written nine books, six of which are part of his American and the
California Dream series. His writing has won him a Guggenheim Fellowship,
membership in the Society of American Historians, and the Gold Medal of the
Commonwealth Club of California.

Timothy R. Tangherlini is Chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for
Digital Humanities at UCLA, where he is Associate Professor in the Department of East
Asian Languages and Cultures, and in the Scandinavian Section. His research focuses on
cultural expression, group formation and identity. He is the author of two books, and
recently edited the volume "Built L.A. Folklore and Place in Los Angeles." He has
worked extensively with the Korean American population in Los Angeles, and has
developed the online archive of Korean / Korean American folklore.

Peter Tokofsky is Associate Adjunct Professor in World Arts and Cultures and
Germanic Languages at UCLA. His current areas of research and publication include:
carnival and festivity, community arts and traditions, museum studies, service learning,
and folk narrative. In the area of festivity, he has explored how communities employ the
expressive symbols of celebration to shape and comment on the worlds in which they
live. His publications on this topic have appeared in the Journal of American Folklore,
Western Folklore, Journal of Folklore Research, and various edited volumes in English
and German. Tokofsky was recently awarded a grant from the Education Division of the
National Endowment for the Humanities to collaborate with educators and develop a
secondary school curriculum tying documentation of family traditions in Los Angeles to
social studies and humanities instruction. He convened a workshop for teachers
participating in this project at UCLA during the summer of 2001, and has been working
with those teachers and several hundred of their students at various Los Angeles high
schools throughout the 2001-02 school year.

Victoria Vesna is an artist, professor and Chair of the Department of Design | Media
Arts at the UCLA School of the Arts. Vesna's work can be defined as experimental
research that connects networked environments to physical public spaces. She explores
how communication technologies effect collective behavior, and shift perceptions of
identity in relation to scientific innovation. Vesna is currently spending a lot of time in a
nanotechnology lab developing her new project. She has also served on the interface
design committee for the Alexandria Digital Library Project.

Roger Waldinger is Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, UCLA. He holds

the B.A. from Brown University and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Waldinger is the
author of several books, including Still the Promised City? African-Americans and New
Immigrants in PostIndustrial New York (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986;
1996 Best Book in Urban Politics, American Political Science Association; 1998 Robert
E. Park Award, American Sociological Association); Ethnic Los Angeles, (New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 1996; 1997 Thomas and Znaniecki Prize, American
Sociological Association); and Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban
America (UC Press, 2001). His newest book, How The Other Half Works: Immigration
and the Social Organization of Labor (with Michael Lichter) will be published by the
University of California Press in 2003.

Cecile Whiting is Professor of Art History at UCLA where she teaches courses on the
history of American art. She is the author of A Taste for Pop: Pop Art, Gender, and
Consumer Culture (Cambridge University Press, 1997) and Antifascism in American Art
(Yale University Press, 1989). Currently she is writing a book entitled Pop Art: Outside
Manhattan/Inside L.A.

John P. Wilson is a Professor of Geography and Director of the GIS Research

Laboratory at USC. He teaches undergraduate courses on geographic information
science, spatial analysis, natural hazards, and environmental modeling. Dr. Wilson is also
the founding editor of Transactions in GIS (Blackwell Publishers), one of the series
editors for the Mastering GIS Book Series recently launched by John Wiley and Sons,
and an active participant in the UNIGIS International Network, a worldwide consortium
of 20+ institutions collaborating on the development and utilization of geographic
information science learning materials for distance and distributed learning. Dr. Wilson's
research program is intertwined with the operation of two research centers the
Geographic Information and Analysis Center at Montana State University (1989-1997)
and the GIS Research Laboratory in the Department of Geography, USC (1996-present).
He founded both centers, provided the technical leadership and day-to-day management,
and authored or co-authored most of the grants and contracts that sustained the
professional staff and graduate research assistants affiliated with these centers during the
time periods listed.

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