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Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Chapter 07

Gilmore & Williams: Human Resource Management 2e

Chapter 07


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Question 1
The employee perspective on reward involves ensuring that the package of rewards is...
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
b) Attractive
The employee perspective on reward tends to focus on how attractive the package is. Issues to go with affordability or other issues that
concern the employer are usually less concerning for staff.
Page reference: 133

Question 2
'New pay' is overtly...?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
b) Managerialistic
New pay is overtly managerialistic and, in the absence of any regulation through employee representation, promotes a unitary employment
relationship. However, in contrast to managerially driven new pay, skills or labour market shortages empower employees to determine reward
arrangement, and this contextual factor clearly undermines any prescription in reward approaches.
Page reference: 134-5

Question 3
A pluralist approach to pay determination occurs in what fraction of organizations?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
a) 1/5
Pay determination is increasingly unilaterally determined by management, and the UK trend is towards pay for performance. The contrasting
pluralist approach where pay is co-determined occurs in only around one-fifth of organizations. However it needs to be recognized that the
decline in pay bargaining is largely confined to the private sector, where there was a pay-bargaining incentive in only 11 percent of organizations
in 2004. In the public sector, and reflecting higher levels of trade-union membership, pay was co-determined in over three-quarters of



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Page reference: 135-6

Question 4
Market related pay is based on what type of economics?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
d) Classic economic theory
Market-related pay is based on classical economic theory, where pay decisions are influenced by market supply and demand for labour. Where
supply of labour exceeds demand, this will tend to suppress levels of pay; conversely, where the demand for work or skills of a particular kind
exceeds supply, there will be a tendency for upward pressure on pay.
Page reference: 142

Question 5
What type of approach has Gilmore and Williams taken towards pay and reward?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
a) Contingency
Gilmore and Williams follow the contingency approach towards pay and reward, arguing that there are no perfect solutions for all organizations
or industries and no quick fixes. However, emerging and declining trends exist and reflect the contextual as well as the contingent nature of
reward and in no way dampen enthusiasm for pursuing 'perfection' in reward systems.
Page reference: 147

Question 6
What is the average percentage of employee financial benefits of the total pay cost organizations spend?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
b) 10-20%
Average costs of employee financial benefits are 10-20% of total pay costs, although they can be as much as 30-40% in some cases. There is
a compelling argument for the active management of the benefits package to ensure that reward strategy objectives are met and value for
money is achieved.
Page reference: 147

Question 7
Which French-owned telecommunications manufacturer is used as an example by Gilmore and Williams of an organization that introduced flexible
benefits for its 600 employees?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
b) Alcatel Telecom



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Alcatel Telecom introduced flexible benefits for its 600 employees and installed electronic kiosks in the workplace to enable staff to monitor and
modify their benefits.
Page reference: 148

Question 8
Final salary pension schemes =?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
c) The number of years of employee service applied to final salary on retirement to produce a pension entitlement.
Final salary pension schemes pay benefits that are determined by taking the number of years of employee service and applying them to final
salary on retirement to produce a pension entitlement. Final-salary arrangements therefore provide defined benefits. In contrast, moneypurchase schemes pay benefits that are determined by the value of a pot of money that is accumulated through employee and/or employer
contributions and investment decisions.
Page reference: 148

Question 9
How much, on average, do women earn less, per hour, than men?
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
a) 10%
More than 40 years on from the Equal Pay Act reaching the statute book, women still earn around 20 per cent less per hour than men,
combining full-time and part-time earnings (Metcalf, 2009). Depending upon how comparisons are made (see below for pay gap measures) the
gender pay gap is around 25 per cent in the private sector, and 19 per cent in the public sector. According to the Chartered Management
Institute (CMI, 2011) the gap between the pay of male and female managers has widened by 500 to over 10,000. Female managers reported
being paid an average 31,895 per year, compared with 42,441 for men doing the same job.
Page reference: 149

Question 10
The greater individualization of pay can be a problem in certain situations...
You did not answer the question.
Correct answer:
c) When the company's share price dips.
Individualization of pay can become problematic when straightened economic circumstances put pressure on the company's finances and
share price. This can lead to firms finding it difficult to pay bonuses or performance related components of worker salaries.
Page reference: 149

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