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Leadership Development Program

A program for future leaders who have a passion working in the food
industry, possess an interest in the dynamics and trends of government,
and want to make a difference in the direction of this industry. This
program combines elements of mentoring, organizational education,
leadership, policy trends, training and guided experiences. We are
looking for individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to the New
Jersey Food Council and who have great potential for growth and
advancement in the NJ food distribution business.

All programs are held during the week.
As much notice as is possible will be given to participants to help with scheduling.
The 2015-2016 Leadership Development Program participants will attend the following sessions:

Session One
Leadership Principle: Getting Organized & What Does Food Industry Leadership Mean?


Food Industry Advocacy

Insight from NJ Business Leader

Understanding the Pulse & Trends of the Food Business

Presentation from Committee Leaders

Roundtable Discussion

Reception with NJFC Executive Committee & Nominators

Session Two
State House, Trenton, NJ
Leadership Principle: Getting Politically Active!
One-day program will include various components listed below:

Tour of Statehouse and witness Legislative Hearings

Lobbying 101

Brieng on Legislative Process

Attend a Legislative Fundraiser or Event

at Drumthwacket, the Home of the Governor

Meetings with Legislative Leadership

Understanding the Food Industrys Unique Perspective on NJ Policy

Understanding the Role of Government

Session Three
Washington, DC
Leadership Principle: Advocacy in Washington/Getting Your Message Across

Presentations from NGA/FMI/GMA lobbyists who interact with the federal government

Tour Capitol Hill

Grassroots Discussion/Presentation

Meet with a Member of NJ Congressional Delegation

Dinner in Trendy DC Restaurant

Session Four
Atlantic City
Leadership Principle: Rubber Meets the Road

Meet an Industry CEO to Discuss Leadership

Address Issues including Impact of Bricks vs. Clicks,

Health & Wellness, Millennials

Rubber Meets the Road Sit in on NJFC Board Meeting

Attend Trade Relations Conference

Session Five
Leadership Principle: The Regulatory Watchdog
Administrative Advocacy - Hear from Agency leaders in

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs and Ofce of Weights & Measures

NJ Departments of Labor and Agriculture

Food Assistance Programs including SNAP and WIC

Homeland Security

Dinner with Wine and Food Pairings

Closing/Evaluation of the Program

Participate in an informal and candid discussion of the program, including methods to improve it.
Formal recognition of Program participants at NJFC event.


30 W. Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ, 08608

609-392-8899 609-396-6571 Fax

The purpose of the Leadership Development Program is to provide both
orientation and skill development to future leaders of various segments of the food
industry including food retailers, suppliers, brokers, wholesalers and companies
that service the business.
a) Identify individuals with the potential to become leaders in their business, to
understand the mission of NJFC and potentially to serve on the Board of NJFC;
b) Educate these individuals on public policy areas and its impact on their business and
industry bottom line;

Provide orientation and skills to allow potential leaders to promote the industry; and

d) Facilitate the promotion of program graduates into leadership positions both locally
and nationally.


a) Nominees must represent a current member company in good standing of the NJ
Food Council;
b) Nominee must agree to participate in all elements of the Leadership Development
Program as noted in the program outline (i.e., attend all designated meetings, etc.);

Some travel expenses for participation may be assumed by the individual participant;

d) Estimated Leadership Development Program class: 8-10

4-6 participants
e) Participants will receive a complimentary admission to each NJFC event and NJFC
lapel pin.

a) The Leadership Development Program Selection Committee will review and select
participants based on completed nomination forms postmarked by August
July 15,15,
b) Selected participants will be notied by the Selection Committee immediately
following the Committees decision;

Nominees who are not selected for the 2015-16

2014-15 class may be re-nominated the
following year.



This nomination will be reviewed by the Leadership Selection Committee. Nominees must be 21 years or
older. Please print legibly or type the information requested. Attach additional sheet(s) of paper if
necessary to supplement your answers. Please do not write see attached resume.
Name of Nominee ______________________________________________________________________________
Title ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Area/Speciality _________________________________________________________________________________
Company and Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________
E-Mail __________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Nominator _____________________________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________
Number of years as a member of your organization ________________________________________________
Please list the state or national activities in which you have participated
(leadership positions, committee or task force involvement, etc.).
Please list any leadership positions in organizations held by the nominee.
Please list your membership in other food associations.

Please describe your interest in the Leadership Development Program, including why
you should be selected by the Selection Committee to participate.
Please describe how your participation in the Leadership Program might benet
your state and/or company.

If selected, I agree to participate in all designated elements of the Leadership Development Program.

Signature of Nominee ________________________________________________ Date _____________________

Please include any supplementary material you would like the Selection Committee
to review concerning this nomination.
Please return completed nomination form by August 15, 2015, to:
NJ Food Council
30 W. Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ 08608

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