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“Boston Review operates at a level of literacy and responsibility “The most stimulating feature, to me, is the collection
which is all too rare in our time.” of responses from thinkers which follows a controver-
—John Kenneth Galbraith, author of The Good Society sial article. These responses illuminate all facets of an argu-
ment and create active thought in the reader. There can be no
“Boston Review is a feast of the mind, at once intellectually higher result, in this era of passive consumption.”
provocative, literary, and unpretentious.” —Helen Vendler, author of The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets
—Alan Lightman, author of Einstein’s Dreams
“Boston Review’s approach to poetry is truly unique and
“Always challenging, always provocative, Boston Review
brings a fresh and insightful perspective to the lit- magnificent. . . . I thank you dearly every time I open
your pages.” —Jorie Graham, chancellor of the American
erature and politics of a multicultural age.”
Academy of Poets and MacArthur Fellow
—Henry Louis Gates, Jr., general editor of The Norton
Anthology of African American Literature
“Boston Review is a jewel; it contains serious discussion at
“Boston Review is both lively and serious about ideas, poli- the highest level of pressing issues in economics, politics,
tics, and the arts. It manages to convey the sense that there are and political philosophy, as well as of art and literature.
things to discuss, and the discussion is actually there.” Don’t miss it!” —John Rawls, author of A Theory of Justice
—Robert Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics
“Boston Review is one of the few places today where serious dis-
“Boston Review has an almost ferocious commitment to cussion of our political alternatives is flourishing. An antidote
issues—not just debating them, but exploring their root sys- to complacence and conventional wisdom, it offers hope of
tems. Free-spoken, intelligent, and 180 degrees revitalizing American political debate.”
from the soundbite mentality that governs most writing on —Michael Sandel, author of Democracy’s Discontent
controversial subjects.” —Sven Birkerts, author of
The Gutenberg Elegies “America is a big country, and Boston Review is one of the
two or three best intellectual and political publications
“Boston Review is an outstanding magazine.”
we have.” —Charles Simic, Pulitzer Prize–winning poet
—David Lehman, series editor of The Best American Poetry

“Its essays and reviews are intellectually rigorous and “Boston Review is one of a kind. It provides a thought-
reflect a very wide variety of positions and tastes. It covers ful forum for in-depth (but highly readable) debate on new
contemporary poetry as carefully as it discusses the most directions.” —Gar Alperovitz,
pressing political issues of the day. No other current journal president of the National Center
for Economic and Security Alternatives
has its range and consistently high quality.”
and author of Atomic Diplomacy
—Marjorie Perloff, author of Wittgenstein’s Ladder

“Boston Review is a place where American prose feels exact and ABOUT THE WEBSITE:
alive. It is one of the three or four American journals that
makes me feel we have a culture.” “A must-see.” —AOL NetFind
—Robert Haas, 1996 Poet Laureate of the United States
“Every now and again, one stumbles into a Web site that
“Boston Review offers some of the most penetrating and seems almost too good to be true. It might be a
challenging cultural commentary, political discussion, ‘bimonthly magazine of culture and politics with a broadly
and social analysis to be found anywhere in the United States. progressive outlook,’ yielding full text commentary by
It is a must read.” Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Sissela Bok. It might be ef-
—Randall Kennedy, author of Race, Crime, and the Law ficiently designed with texts accessible via an author index,
for instance. Who knows? Open letter published here (e.g.
“Boston Review is sustenance for intelligent life ‘On the Responsibility of Intellectuals in the Age of Crack’)
on Earth. It is remarkable for the range and quality of might even spawn forums at places like Harvard’s Kennedy
its fare, from poetry to philosophy, somehow never losing School. There might be a generous supply of literary criti-
touch with the practical political concerns that are the spark cism, as well as first-run poetry and short stories. Given all
of its life.” —Frank I. Michelman, author of Judicial Supremacy that, and more, such a site in Boston Review.” —Lycos Top 5%


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