Mop Rf-Sharing U900

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

1. What is U900?
2. Why U900?
3. How to Implement?
3G BTS with Dedicated 900 RF Module (no association with 2G BTS)
Antenna Sharing (2G BTS and 3G BTS share antenna only, with HSAG Cable completing RXDiv
between the two BTSs)
RF Module Sharing (2G and 3G BTSs share 900 RF module)
4. RF-Sharing
FSMF, ESMC and FXDB module descriptions
Commissioning and Integration procedure
5. Appendix: Troubleshooting
Problems arising in the process
Solution to problems

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

1. What is U900?
UMTS 900 (U900) is 3G over 900MHz Frequency band.
900MHz has normally been used for GSM and in this case this band is being used for 3G
Lets assume the Operator has been allocated 10MHz bandwidth on 900 band. To do U900 a continuous bandwidth of 5MHz
is freed on this 10MHz bandwidth for 3G and so all TRXs are pushed to the other 5MHz bandwidth. This is called Frequency
U900 Band=5MHz


2. Why U900
U900 has key benefits:
RF propagation of 900MHz signal is good in Rural and Suburban areas. The cell Radius of 900MHz is more than double
of that 2100MHz
Better outdoor coverage of 900MHz band provides increased in-building penetraion margin
Can co-exist with GSM900

3. U900 Implementation
There are 3 basic ways an operator can roll out U900:
The 3G BTS is given a dedicated 900 RF Module (FXDB) and own antenna. This is Dedicated Mode
Antenna Sharing
The 3G is given dedicated 900 RF module as in case (i) above and 2G also with its dedicated 900 RF module but they
share 1 Antenna. The RXDiv is managed between the 2 BTS using HSAG Cable. This is Dedicated Mode also
RF Sharing
In this method the 3G BTS shares 1 RF module with 2G BTS. This is Concurrent Mode. In the concurrent mode the 3G
ids always Master while 2G/LTE is slave.
In this MOP we will go into details of RF-Sharing.

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

4. RF-Sharing
Description of BTS Modules used in RF-Sharing
a. 2G System Module-ESMC/B

OPT1,2,3 can take RF modules and in case there are more than 3 RF modules on 2G RF Chaining can be done to take
extra modules.
OPT4/EXT is used for Syncronization in RF-sharing. Here a short Fiber cable not more than 4m is connected for
Syncronization with 3G: FSFL=2m; FSOR=4m

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

b. 3G System Module-FSMF

EIF2/RF/EXT6 is critical in RF-Sharing as the Syncronization port where the FSFL/FSOR is terminated.
This port can also be used for Transport on GE, and 6th RF module port.
When used for RF or Sync it is activated for use as RP3 during commissioning (to be shown at commissioning stage).
When used for Transport it is activated as FSM2 in commissioning.
RF/EXT1-3 are used for RF modules normally

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

c. RF module (FXDB/FXEB/FRGT)

OPT1-3 are connected to System Modules and also for RF Chaining

RX01,3,5 are special QMA port used in Co-Siting for Antenna Sharing

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation


Installation of RF-Sharing Configuration

We will look at configuration type where only 1 RF module being shared.

The RF Module being shared must be on First RP3 interface of both 2G and 3G, ie,
OPT1 and RF/EXT1. Other modules not being shared can take second level RP3
The RF module being shared must be same RP3 Level, ie, you cannot use OPT1 on
2G and RF/ET2 port on 3G
3G is always the Master on RF-Sharing so on the RF being shared 3G is connected
to OPT1 of that RF while the Slave, 2G/LET is connected on OPT2 or 3 of that RF
EIF2/RF/EXT6 of 3G system module and OPT4/EXT of 2G system Module are used
for Synchronization and are interconnected with Fiber not more than 4m in length,
FSFL=2m or FSOR=4m.

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Fiber Cabling arrangment for RF-Sharing







Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation


Commsissioning and Integration Procedure for RF-Sharing U900

a. All hardware is installed and Fibers run between the Modules but FSFC and FSFL/SOR not terminated at least on
one end for RF-Sharing
b. Datafill showing NodeB parameters for U900
c. Software for NodeB (WN8.1.) and 2G (EX5.1)
2G and 3G must be already live independently before RF-Sharing. The 2G may be Single-Band 900MHz only or Dualband of 900/1800MHz; 3G is Single-Band of 2100MHz.
- 2G System Module ESMC ONLY is currently connected to OPT2 of FXDB
- FSFC from 3G system module is terminated on FXDB OPT1 but not yet on RF/EXT1.
- Sync Cable(FSFL/FSOR)) is currently connected on EIF2/RF/EXT6 of FSMF but not yet terminated on OPT4/EXT of
Switch off 2G System Module ESMC
-Terminate FSFC fiber from FXDB OPT1 to RF/EXT1 of FSFM
-Terminate FSFL/FSOR from EIF2/RF/EXT6 to OPT4/EXT of ESMC
-Log in to FSFM and back up Commissioning File, see prnt-scrn below
-FXDB is now Visible
-Update Softaware once FXDB is visble
-Now proceed to Commissioning and Reconfigure as shown on prnt-scrns below.
The Prn-Scrns show only parts where changes will be made to activate and Inetgrate RF-Sharing

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

-Save Current Commissioning File (create Folder and Save it there)

Saving this current SFC is critical so that in

case of reverting you just reload without
stress of re-commissioning from datafill

Update Software
Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

-Once FXDB is visible go to SW update and perform sw update

Go to Commissioning and Select


Ensure: FXDB is 1.1.1;

FRGT is 1.2.1
If not then swap the fibers

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

In next slides only pages where changes are made will be shown:

Check this box to activate

EIF2/RF/EXT6 as RP3-01 interface. It
can now be used for
Synchronization or for RF module

Once EIF2/RF/EXT6 is activated

then it can no longer be used as
RP3-01; so it greys out

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go on next and make changes as per datafill

Check for FXDB, though

not mandatory

Add values as per data-fill

Go next to Concurrent Mode Settings where RF-Sharing will be activated

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Check RF sharing box to enable RF

sharinglicense already fixed at RNC

Select the shared Technology (3G2G) . Once this is done ESMX

appears below FSMF as shown

You can add Part and Serial Numbers

of the 2G System Module ESMX, but
not mandatory
3G has now taken ownership of FXDB
(3G is the Master in any RF-sharing)
and wants to know which System
Module want to share it with. Activate
Shared with 2G

Continue next to configure the Antennas

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

U2100 Cells already

configured. Dont change

Create the U900 Cells with Carrier

Power as on data-fill.
Notice that cell numbers 4,5,6 are
reserved for second Carriers of
U2100. See next Slide

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

U2100 with 2 carriers

U2100 Second Carrier Cells

for sites with 2 carriers on
U2100 configured with carrier
power as in data-fill

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go on.. to Carrier Candidates and Local Cell Group Seetings

already configured.
Dont change

U900 UARFCN as
given on data-fill

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

For Site with 2 Carriers on U2100 configure as below according to data-fill

2nd U2100 URFCN; Here we may separate

the Local cell group of U2100 and U900 by
checking Local Cell Group in use and
lumping all U2100 as Group 1 and U900
as group 2 as per data-fill

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go nextand configure as per datafill

Add parameter as
per data-fill

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go next and go as per datafill

Add parameter as
per data-fill

Go next

Add parameter as
per data-fill

.Go nextand Send Paramerters to recomission with RF-Sharing

Once Recommissioned fully the BTS Manager reconnects automatically and appears as below.
Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

The U2100 Cells are already on air.
If alarm of SW Mismatch, update SW again. Once ok ask for unlock of U900 Cells.



Step 5
Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

-Back up Commissioning File and then switch off 3G System Module FSMF.
-Switch on 2G System Module ESMC and login

This is very critical. Now the SCF

contains RF-Sharing. This SCF is
going to be used to re-commission
2G System Module in next steps

Save 2G SCF then go to Commissioning

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Click No to

Go next to Hardware Configuration Select Specify from File

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Browse to open the 3G BTS SCF with RF-Sharing saved in last step above

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

When the SCF is opened

and next clicked this
appears automatically

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Configure the other

dedicated RF Modules
such as for 900 and 1800
not being shared

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Do not check OPT1 as Radio

Master. The warning below
will appear

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go next and Configure the Sectors normally giving the required per TRX power settings

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Go nexttill Transmission. Here you can check either Upload from BTS or Do not Change Settings

then Go nexttill send SCF

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

Finally when 2G is up it appear this way.
Switch on 3G System Module now
Shared 900 RF Modules

Dedicated RF Modules

Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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MOP: U900 Site Implementation

5. Appendix: Troubleshooting

This occurs when a 2G

system module is
resetting in a RF shared

-Software Mismatch in Commissioned shared RF module: always update software whenever this alarm appears
-Transmission PIU for 2G connection lost: this occurs when procedure is not followed correctly where FSFL/FSOR is connected to 2G
System Module when it is powered on and RF-Sharing is not configured yet. At times the 2G BTS may not allow login when this alarm is
active. To clear this problem allow the 2G system module time to update Software by itself to the PIU then it will detect again and allow
login. This has potential for serious delay in doing RF-Sharing integration and so always follow the procedure correctly.


Author: Kenneth Otieno Owuor (

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