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Third term

Term exam

Row A.
Name: _________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________ Score_________


1. _______________ go to parties?
a. Are you allowed to b. allowed to c. do allowed to
d. is you allowed to
2. You ______________ your bed before going school.
a. must do b. must doing c. must d. must did
3. My father ______ really ________ math.
a. is /good
b. is /good at c. are /interested d. are/at
4. When the accident happened I ______ really ________.
a. was /surprising b. was/surprise c. was/surprised
am/ surprising
5. The class was really______________.
a. interested b. interest
c. confused d. interested.
6. My name is Lourdes and this is _______ little sister
a. her b. his c. my d. your.
7. That song is wonderful ! Please tell me _______ name.
a. its b. its c. his d. your
8. a. Its a lovely, young ,black dog.
b. Its a young, lovely ,black dog.
c. Its a black , young ,lovely dog.
9.My friends at school fell and hurt ___________.
a.they b. themself c.ourselves d.themselves
10.My brother loves his pet.
a. he loves him.
c. he loves it
b.she loves its.
d.he loves me
11. I am amazed about Macchu Picchu. do I b. so am I c. neither am I d.Iam either
12. I went to Miami last month.
a. so did I b. so do I c. neither did I d. I didnt either

13.I havent been here since 2010. have I b.neither have I c.I have either d.I have too
14.I am good at English.
a.Susan is too b. so does Susan c. neither is Susan
d.Susan is either.
15.The people _______ live in Peru are very friendly.
a. where b.which
c.they d. who
16.The camera _______ costs 250 dollars is over there.
a. who b. which c. where d. whichs
17. Its a picture ________ many people admire.
a. who b. where c. when d. that
18.I will________ car _________.
a. have / wash b.has /wash c.have /washing d.have /washed
19. Lucy _______ the walls and the ceiling __________.
a. have /paint b. has /paint c. have /painting d. has /painted
20. He is the man ______ car is red.
a. who b. when c. where d. whose.
21.My brother got 20 in the final exam ,he is really ________.
a. ashamed b. amazed c. boring d. confused.
22. I arrived late yesterday to school ,my tutor was_________.
a. bored b. boring c. irritated d. irritating
23.Iam really__________ ghosts and witches.
a. afraid of b. afraid c. interested d.good at
24. I have a weeding this weekend ,I am going to buy a _____.
a. silk dress b. leather gloves c. cotton t-shirt d. wool sweater
25.When my little sister takes a shower ,she needs a ______.
a. rubber duck b. sweater c.cotton t-shirt dress.
26. Its too cold ,I need my____________________.
a. silver bracelet b.cotton t-shirt dress d. wool sweater

I am Peruvian and I feel really _______ of that.


b.sorry c. believe

d. proud

28. I can do it ! I ______________ myself.

a.ashamed b. sorry c. believe d. proud
29. We are two brothers ,my brother is the second child ,I am
a.last born b. first born c. young d. old
30. There is an important ___________ in the teather.
a. carnival c. aquarium d. video arcade
31.My cousins and I love the _______________ .Its really exciting.
a. amusement park b. play c. proud d. confidence
32.Young people love _________ for entertainment.
a. children playground b. disco c. horse riding d.fax machine
33. All mothers who work need ______________. riding b. tennis court c. baby sitting d. car hire
34. People who show their feelings easily.
a. patient b. proud c. selfish d. emotional
35.Someone who doesnt care about the people only him/herself.
a. patient b. proud c. selfish d. emotional
Children and Watching TV Television viewing is a major activity and
influence on children and
adolescents. Children in the
United States watch an average
of three to four hours of television
a day
By the time of high school
graduation, they will have spent
more time watching television
than they have in the classroom.
While television can entertain,
inform, and keep our children
company, it may also influence
them in undesirable ways.
Time spent watching television
takes away from important
activities such as reading, school
work, playing, exercise, family

development. Children also learn information from television that may be

inappropriate or incorrect. They often cannot tell the difference between
the fantasy presented on television versus reality. They are influenced by
the thousands of commercials seen each year, many of which are for
alcohol, junk food, fast foods, and toys.
Children who watch a lot of television are likely to: have lower grades in
school, read fewer books, exercise less, be overweight.
Parents can help by doing the following: don't allow children to watch
long blocks of TV, but help them select individual programs. Choose shows
that meet the developmental needs of your child. Children's shows on
public TV are appropriate, but soap operas, adult sitcoms, and adult talk
shows are not. Set certain periods when the television will be off. Study
times are for learning, not for sitting in front of the TV doing homework.
Meal times are a good time for family members to talk with each other, not
for watching television.Make TV viewing an active process for child and
Answer the following questions:
36. What is major activity on children and teens?_____________________.
37. In what ways the tv can be useful?
38.When they graduate what is the diagnostic ?_____________________.
39. What can parents do?_____________________________________.
40. What are the possible consequences?__________________________.

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