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too, bat I i'lZL'^ iio< lea .'lie how ^o ccok ih?.

yei I guess tVied rice good su.n a: >
easy to cook,
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording again. Check your
[Repeat Extract 3]
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric i Extract 4: Listen to the conversation between Raj
and Ani. Then answer Questions 6 and 7.
Voice 1 : Hi, Ani. Do you know the venue of the hockey
match today?
Voice 2 : it is at S.M.K. Murni Jaya. Are you going?
Voice 1 : Of course. This is the first time our school
qualified for the finals, I don't want to miss it.
Aren't you going?
Voice 2 : I would like to go but I don't have transport there,
Kassim and Ahmad are playing. I'm sure they
would be delighted to see us there cheering for
Voice 1 : My father is fetching me there. I can ask him to
pick you up.
Voice 2 : That would be great. Thank you!
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording again. Check your
[Repeat Extract 4]
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : Extract 5: Listen to the notice from the PublicWorks Department. Then answer Questions 8
to 10.
Voice J : There will be some road closures tomorrow.
The affected roads are Jalan Meru, Jalan Razak
and Jalan Ria. These roads will be closed to
traffic tomorrow onwards and it will remain
closed for the next three months. This closure
is due to the construction of the new railway
line. The public is advised to use alternative
routes such as Jalan Riong and Jalan Maha. We
would like to apologise for any inconvenience
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording again. Check your
[Repeat Extract.5]
Rubric : That is the end of Section A. You have one
minute to check your answers.

***.................................. ....... .............

Rubric : Now turn to Section B. There are two ex true ts in

this section.
[Pause for 1 minute]

Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2014

Score in PT3 English Model Test Papers (Listening Text

Rubric : A

s ;
< \ i " -c : A,':1 ncA'Ay
You \ ill h?c<r ih- rec^.Z'; ovi^i A:Av z 1>ii Ar i?\\s : A', - - fh
in the blanks below.

Voice 1 ; Teenagers often have acne problems. This is

quite common and will usually pass after the
teen years. However, some people can have the
problem even in their twenties and thirties.
Acne is not a serious health risk. It happens
when an oily substance called sebum clogs the
skin pores. Acne usually appears on the face.
However, they can pop up on the shoulders and
neck too. The most common type of treatment
for acne is topical treatment via anti-acne
cream. Topical means you apply these products
on the skin. In severe cases of acne, doctors
may prescribe medication that is taken orally
such as antibiotics.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording again. Check your
[Repeat the extract]
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : Extract 2: Listen to the report given at a press
conference. Then fill in the table below.
Voice 1 : Good morning. I am Chief Inspector Malik
Subuki and I will give you the latest crime
statistics in Kelantan. The number of crimes in
our state has recorded an overall increase in
December 2013. Top on the list is burglaries.
There were 18 cases reported in December
2013. ATM machines have not been spared
either. There were 6 cases of ATM robberies in
December. However, the good news is the
number of snatch theft incidents has been
reduced to only 9 cases in December. Five
cases involved snatching of handbags while the
remaining cases involved gold jewellery. We
did not have any reported armed robberies
during the entire month.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording again. Check your
[Repeat the extract]
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You now have two minutes to check your answers
on the question paper.
[Pause for 2 minutes]
Rubric :

That is the end of the test

10 mams Time suggested-15 minute

Que? IIoec 11-1

Listen to ike description cbo^.t oooe p-vbleoio Thrppd * f h a i w

Teenagers often have acne problems This is quite common and will usually pass after the
11_______________years. However, some people can have the problem even in their twenties and
thirties, Acne is not a 12________________health risk. It happens when an oily 13_________________
called sebum clogs the skin pores Acne usually appears on the face. However, they can pop up
on the shoulders and neck too. The most common type of 14__________________for acne is topical
treatment via anti-acne cream. Topical means you apply these products on the IS________________.

In severe cases of acne, doctors may prescribe medication that is taken orally such as antibiotics
[5 marks]

Extract 2 ;

Questions 16-20
Listen to the report given at a press conference. Then fill in the table below.

16 Burglary
17 Robbery at ATM machines
18 Snatch theftshandbags
19 Snatch theftsjewellery

20 Armed robbery
[5 marks]

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