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July 17 2015







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Fiji News

$1.8M Allocated As Pay For Ministers

A sum of $1.8 million was expensed
as pay for ministers through budgetary
allocation by the Ministry of Finance.
This was revealed during the Public
Accounts Committee sitting of which
the Ministry of Finance made its
presentations with regards to the Auditor
General's report findings on the 2010,
2011, and 2012 reports.
The Ministry of Finance submitted a
detailed report to the committee and was
welcomed by the committee chairman,
Dr Biman Prasad.
The report stated that disbursement of
payments in the absence of necessary
transparency of payments being made,
and the non-redeployment of funds to
the Prime Minister's office distorted the

financial data in respect to the nature and

operations of a ministry or department.
Dr Prasad said they had dealt with a
number of issues, one of which was the
ministers salaries between 2010 and
"Obviously, we have been looking at
the Auditor-General's report and the
Auditor-General has pointed out very
clearly that the proper documentation
were not made available to them," he
"We have asked the Ministry of Finance
to provide us with those documents to go
back and look for those documentation
from the Prime Minister's office and
probably from the Aliz Pacific Ltd
which was the private company making
the payment of the ministers' salaries

between 2010 and 2012," he said.

Dr Prasad said they were looking at this
to bring a quick closure.
He said this was and had been a matter
of public interest for a while and it
was incumbent on the Public Accounts
Committee, the Ministry of Finance and
the Auditor-General's Office to provide a
closure to this particular issue.
He said there were other issues raised by
the committee members and the Ministry
of Finance would provide a report on
those issues on July 25.
Meetings scheduled for August 4-7 will
look at those reports.
"What we are planning to do again is to
provide a consolidated report from 2010
to 2013 to Parliament as we did for 2007
to 2009."

THE upgrades at the Nadi International

Airport has caused minimal disruption
to businesses located at the port of
entry, says Airports Fiji Ltd executive
chairman Faiz Khan.
Despite the limited space, Mr Khan
said they had worked on improving
their processes in terms of facilitating
passenger movements so that it did
not hinder negatively on the flow of
About $80million had been set aside for
the upgrade of the Nadi International
Airport, with New Zealand firm, Hawkins,
contracted to carry out the works.

"The feedback we are getting from

airlines and ground handlers is that if
anything, passenger flow and passenger
facilitation has improved during
construction compared with how it was
prior to construction," Mr Khan said.
"By September, you will have the first
floor of the departure lounge ready.
Works on the upgrade are progressing
well. Like with any construction, we
have challenges so at the last minute,
there had been some tweaks on design
by the architect and the contractor is
trying its best to deliver on time.
"There is pressure on us. Right now,

most of our time is being spent on

making sure that we deliver Nadi
International Airport with the highest
degree of quality. We are working hard
with the contractor because we know
the expectation of the public in Fiji is so
high. Everybody is looking forward to it
so it does put pressure on us."
He said having the right infrastructure in
place was vital for ensuring timely and
efficient processes.
He said if a security guard standing at the
entry point to the departure area took five
minutes to check passports and boarding
passes, there would be long queues.

Nadi Airport Upgrade Causes Minimal


Government Minister Assists Rape Victim's


THE Ministry of Local Government,

Housing and Environment has assisted
the family of a nine-year-old girl who
was raped last week by providing them
with a new place to stay.
Local Government, Housing and
Environment Minister, Parveen Kumar
said the girl's family approached him
saying that they do not want to live in
the area where they had been living for
some time.
"The family was renting in the area for
some time and they approached me


saying they are looking for a new place

to stay as they do not feel safe in the
area where the incident happened," Mr
Kumar said.
"They are quite disturbed and scared
after whatever happened to the little
Mr Kumar said he made arrangements
and showed the family a Public Rental
Board flat, which they accepted.
"I've given the family a PRB flat for six
months. If they can't get a place to move
to within the six months, then I will

review the situation and see what the

ministry can do to assist the family on
behalf of the Government. The family is
happy with the assistance given to them
as far as shelter is concerned.
"The nation is shocked with what has
happened and I was obliged to assist
them when they approached me with the
request for assistance."
Meanwhile, police are still carrying
out investigations into the case and are
looking for the suspect while the victim


Fiji News

Ratu Inoke At Development Conference

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ratu
Inoke Kubuabola is leading a Fijian
delegation in Ethiopia attending the
Financing for Development Conference
in Addis Ababa.
Ratu Inoke, in a press release, said the
conference is of particular importance to
Fiji and other Small Island Developing
States (SIDS).
He said it would provide a platform to
voice their vulnerabilities, remoteness,
narrow resource and export base, and
exposure to environmental challenges
like natural disasters and climate change.
He said Fiji would call on the
international community for a financing
for development frame work, which
tackled underlying vulnerabilities and
incorporates risk to ensure development
is sustainable.
The Fijian delegation will also implore
for more exceptions for the SIDS to
secure finances for development, Ratu
Inoke said.
He said the conference was to reach an
intergovernmental consensus on the
financing modality for development


and an agreed outcome for important

contributions to the implementation of
the post-2015 development agenda.
The four-day conference has attracted:
high-level political representatives,

including heads of State and government,

and Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs
and Development Co-operation,
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and
representatives of business and civil society.





Fiji News

Foreign Ministers Reach Consensus

A number of successful outcomes were
reached during the Pacific Islands Forum
Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting on
July 10, 2015 in Sydney, Australia.
The 18 PIF member states, associate
member states, and the Council of
Regional Organizations in the Pacific
(CROP) agencies agreed to work
collectively on climate change issues
and management matters.
The primary focus of the meeting
discussed how best the PIF members
could strengthen national leadership
to manage natural hazards though
supportive regional responses, and
the PIFs international engagement
with Post-Forum Dialogue partners in
preparation for this years 46th Pacific
Islands Forum in Port Moresby, Papua
New Guinea, from September 7 to 11,
The experiences and lessons learnt from
Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu, Typhoon
Maysak and Fijis Post Disaster Needs
Assessment initiatives gave valuable
insights into the discussions during the
The ministers successfully reaffirmed
the need to continue to enhance disaster
management capacity building and
collaboration on logistical arrangements
as well as expand measures that would
promote faster and better coordinated

responses to events in the region.

There was a consensus to develop a
Pacific Resilience Partnership to bring
key actors to build co-operation, improve
collaboration and harmonise systems
that would support nationally-led
resilience building and strengthening.
They noted the work done to develop the
draft Strategy for Climate and Disaster
Resilient Development in the Pacific to
improve resilience.
The outcomes of the World Humanitarian
Summit, recently held in Auckland, New
Zealand, also provided an important

backdrop for the Ministerial meeting.

On the issue of international engagement,
there was support to have high level
political dialogue on the regions priority
interests through robust Post Forum
Dialogue. Recommendations were also
made to have an enhanced role of the
Forum Foreign Ministers in deepening
regionalism with suggestions to hold
annual meetings.
The reports from this meeting will be
tabled for consideration at the Forum
Officials Committee pre Forum meeting
in August 2015.

New Voters Registered

EIGHTY-ONE new voters were

registered as voters at the All Saints
Secondary School in Labasa.
This was revealed by Deputy Supervisor
of Elections Michael Clancy who added
that out of these five students had already
registered with them and only had their
details changed yesterday at the school.
Year 13 student, Thomas Hewson said he
was excited and proud to be registered
by the Fiji Elections Office, adding that
he could not wait to vote come the next
general election.
Mr Hewson said being registered at his
school meant that students such as him
could now exercise their rights to freely
vote for a government of their choice.
"The next few years is going to be
exciting for most of us as the next general
election approaches because it will be the
first time for most of us to vote," he said.
"I thank the Government of the day and
the Elections Office for coming down to
students like us to ensure that we are part of


this important decision making processes.

"I would like to also urge our friends
who will be registering for the first time
this year to do so with pride and let
their voices be heard in the next general
elections by casting their votes."

Meanwhile, Mr Clancy said they

received a good response from students
at the school.
"We have teams travelling to schools
in the country registering students and
making the registration cards," he said.


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Fiji News

The Hostages Of Parliament

THERE have been many developments
in Fiji politically since time immemorial.
But there is one particular thing that
happened 15 years ago that is still fresh
in the minds of some people.
It is the political events of May 2000,
which resulted in the Government
members, including the deposed Prime
Minister Mahendra Chaudhry and his
deputy Dr Tupeni Baba being held
While some of them may have spoken
at other forums about their experience
of being a hostage, Dr Baba wrote a
book which included his experience as a
hostage for 56 days.
As part of a new series, The Fiji Times
will try and bring you interviews with
some of those who were held hostage
and also take a look at the book Speight
of Violence.
Today, we give our readers a flashback
into what happened on that day and the
events as they unfolded as far as the
hostages were concerned.
IT was about a year after the formation
of the People's Coalition Government.
Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra
Chaudhry was the country's first Fijian
of Indian descent Prime Minister and his
deputy was Dr Tupeni Baba.
About 10:45am on May 19, 2000, the
Parliament was in session when some
armed men stormed in and took control
of the august house.
It was a civil coup led by George
Speight, who had the support of some
rebel soldiers, chiefs and other people.
While the Opposition members were

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released by the gunmen, Mr Chaudhry,

Dr Baba and other government members
were taken hostage by Speight.
Apart from the local media, overseas
journalists and cameramen started
arriving into the country to report on
what was happening.
There was looting on the streets of Suva
City minutes after the coup happened
and people in some rural areas also left
their properties and fled to safety for
various reasons.
On May 22, 2000, we reported that nine
government members of Parliament
were released by their captives the
previous day.
They were the then Assistant Home
Affairs Minister Gaffar Ahmed,
Assistant Housing Minister John Ali,
Assistant Information Minister Lekh
Ram Vayeshnoi, Ra MP Krishna Chand
Sharma, Tailevu MP Ragho Nand,
Nasinu MP Suruj Mati Nand, Tavua MPs
Anand Babla and Pravin Singh, and Ba
MP Ami Chand.
After their release, 34 MPs were still
kept as hostage by the rebels.
Mr Ali was also reported saying in this
newspaper on that day that they were
given two choices for their release.
He was reported saying that the choice
was that they resign voluntarily or face
the consequences of being the first to be
shot by the captors when foreign forces
Furthermore, he had said that he was
not sure of from who the captors were
expecting an attack by, either soldiers or
the police.

Mr Ali had also testified receiving ideal

treatment from his captors, saying he did
not miss much while being held against
his will in Parliament for two days.
Also on May 22, we reported female
MPs telling this newspaper that they
were well and supporting each other.
They were reported saying that they
were doing their best under the trying
Mr Vayeshnoi was also reported claiming
on that day that Speight held a machine
gun to his head and made him sign his
"If not, pointing the gun at me, he
said 'that's it, I'm going to shoot
you',"Vayeshnoi had claimed.
On May 23, 2000, it was reported on
the front page that a gun had been put
to Mr Chaudhry's head following what
was termed as a security breach at the
Parliamentary complex.
Speight had confirmed to this newspaper
then that a gun had been put to Mr
Chaudhry's head after some men scaled
the parliament fence from the Draiba
On May 24, it was reported that
Labour Minister Michael Columbus
and MP Nareish Kumar were released
by the rebels because of their medical
As the days passed, it was reported
on what was happening inside and
outside the parliamentary complex, not
forgetting the reactions from overseas
governments and organisations.
Continued on Page 7

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Fiji News

The Hostages Of Parliament

Continued From Page 6
I remember being sent from Lautoka to
Labasa then to relieve a reporter there,
with my editor then Samisoni Kakaivalu
telling me shortly after the coup to catch
the first available flight to Labasa.
While my stay there was meant for "only
a few days", I ended up staying there for
about two weeks and reporting on the
situation in the Northern Division.
For those two weeks, I was the only guest
at one of the hotels in Labasa Town and
things were quite boring considering that
a curfew was also in place at that time.
Apart from a march by some drunkards
through the streets of the town and the
murder of a taxi driver, there was not
much activity in what was seen as a
"ghost town" then.
However, on May 30, it was reported
that the military was still negotiating to
have the hostages released by Speight's
group in Parliament.
On June 1, 2000, it was reported Japan
calling for the early release of hostages
and a peaceful end to the crisis in Fiji.
"There are no signs of the situation being
settled and we are deeply concerned
about it," Japanese Foreign Minister
Yohei Kono had told a press conference
"We expect an early release of hostages
and swift settlement of the situation
through democratic processes in
conformity with the constitution.
"We are gathering information to see
if recent developments will lead to a
release of the hostages and normalisation
of the situation," Mr Kono had said.
On June 5, it was reported the Fiji Law
Society saying that it was concerned
with continued captivity of hostages
within the parliamentary complex.
Lawyers, Anand Singh who was also the
Attorney-General then and Gyanendra
Prasad were also held hostage during the
On June 6, it was reported the military
telling Speight and his rebels to release
the hostages, put down their weapons
and surrender.
It was also reported on the same day that
hostage, Reverend Eloni Goneyali had
appealed to Christian ministers to preach
and practise love and tolerance during
the trying times.
Mr Goneyali had revealed in a letter to
a close friend that most of the iTaukei
hostages spent their time reading and


reflecting on the Bible, fasting and

On June 11, the country's oldest farmers
organisation, the Fiji Kisan Sangh called
on Speight to release his hostages in
order to prevent further problems for a
vast majority of people.
It was reported on June 16 that talks
were continuing between the military
and Speight's group for the release of the
On June 23, it was reported that the
media was allowed to see Mr Chaudhry,
his son Rajendra Chaudhry and other
MPs of his ousted government taking a

walk on the parliamentary lawn.

Also, the New Zealand Government
appointed National Trauma Recovery
Team was reported saying on the same
day that the hostages were coping well
despite the abnormal conditions.
While talks continued between the
military and Speight's group, the
hostages remained in the parliamentary
complex until mid-July.
It was in the afternoon of July 13,
2000 when the last group of hostages,
including Mr Chaudhry, were released
from the parliamentary complex by

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Fiji News

Accused Wife Murderer In Court

The Sigatoka Magistrates Court has
remanded murder accused, Hem Ravnit
Singh, to appear before the High Court
next month.
Singh is charged in relation to the death
of his wife Saleshni Lata, 29, of Tagitagi
Settlement in Sigatoka.
He appeared before magistrate Tomasi
Singh chose to seek Legal Aid assistance.
He will now appear in the High Court in
Lautoka on August 4 where a decision
will be made on the charge.
He was detained after his wifes
decomposed and partly burned body was
discovered by a group of pig hunters.

Police Say Vatuwaqa Resident's Complaint

Was False

The Fiji Police Force says claims made

by Vatuwaqa resident, Ronal Ritesh
Chandra that he was denied from filing
a police complaint on Saturday are false.
Police spokesperson, Ana Naisoro says
Chandra had called the Central Police
station on Saturday morning and lodged
an initial complaint of his mobile phone
being stolen.
She says the phone call was recorded

however due to the fact that he was

heavily intoxicated officers were not
able to get any useful information from
him and asked him to return to the station
when he was sober.
Naisoro says Chandra later returned
and wanted to lodge another complaint
claiming he was allegedly assaulted.
According to Naisoro, they had issued
Chandra a Medical Examination Form

so he could get a medical report to verify

his claims but he has not returned since.
Chandra had said that when he told Police
officers at the Central Police Station
that he wanted to file a complaint, they
laughed at him and chased him outside.
The Vatuwaqa resident wanted to file a
police complaint after he was allegedly
assaulted by a security officer from a
media organization in Suva.

NZ Government Funds Over $800,000 For

Water And Wastewater Services Training

The New Zealand government is funding

more than $800,000 for the water and
wastewater services training to support
the Water Authority of Fijis capacity
building programme.
Commissioner, Amanda Vercoe says 180
employees of the Water Authority of Fiji
are expected to benefit from the series of
training modules that will start this week
and will continue for the rest of the year.
Vercoe highlights the total overseas
development assistance to Fiji in 20142015 was around $20 million of which
about $15 million was channelled through
our bilateral country programme.
Meanwhile, Water Authority of Fijis
CEO, Opetaia Ravai says it is absolutely
critical for the Authority to have well
trained and highly skilled staff to meet
the ever increasing demand for quality
water and wastewater services in Fiji.


Water Authority of Fijis CEO, Opetaia Ravai (left) with NZ Deputy High
Commissioner, Amanda Vercoe (middle) and Brett Marais, Programme
Development and Implementation Coordinator at OPUS
The training will be provided by the Limited using Opus Environmental
Opus International Consultants (Fiji) Training Centre bases in New Zealand.


Fiji News

ISA Council President Calls For Attention To

Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda
In his statement as the newly elected full implementation of the United Nations Peoples Republic of China.
President of the Council at the 21st
Session of the ISA, Ambassador
Peter Thomson of Fiji has called for
the Council to take note of the Post
Development Agenda blueprint.
The Agendas 17 sustainable development
goals and 169 targets are new global goals
in areas critical to humanity people,
planet, prosperity, peace and partnership
the outcome of two years of intensive
public consultation, balancing economic,
social and environmental development.
Ambassador Thomson drew the
Councils attention to Sustainable
Development Goal 14 (SDG14) to
conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources for sustainable
development which include a range of
specific goals related to marine pollution,
management of marine ecosystems and
the conservation of marine protected
areas and further commits to ensuring the

Convention on the Law of the Sea.

He said SDG14 would bring
accountability to all organizations
and agencies that play a role in the
sustainability of oceans health and that
the Councils stewardship must always
be above reproach.
He continued that it was within this
global context of equity, universality and
sustainability that Council begin their
deliberations at the ISAs 21st session,
vested with the management of over half
of the planets surface, (the Area).
Ambassador Thomson was elected
Council President for the 21st Session
at the first Council meeting on July
14, 2015 and will preside over agenda
items which include the consideration
of draft exploitation regulations and
an application for a plan of work for
exploration for polymetallic nodules
by China MinMetals Corporation,
sponsored by the Government of the

During the next two weeks, the Council

will also make decisions on the following
-Decision on the application for plan
of work submitted by China MinMetals
-Decision on the proposed procedures
and criteria for the extension of an
approval of plan of work for exploration;
-Decision on the report and
recommendations of the Finance
Committee, if any;
-Decision on the report of the Chair of
the Legal and Technical Commission on
the work of the Commission during this
session, if any;
-Decision on the draft regulations for
exploitation of mineral resources in the
Area, if any;
-Decision on the draft agreement of
cooperation between IMO and ISA; and
-Decision on the draft MOU between
ISA and the Pacific Community.




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Fiji News


A-G Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum Did Not Breach

Privilege, Says Speaker

THE Speaker of the House has ruled last week

that the Attorney-General did not breach
parliamentary privilege while speaking in
Parliament during the May sitting.
As such, a proposal by the Opposition to
refer his alleged breach of privilege to the
Privileges Committee was thrown out.
During the parliamentary sitting in May,
Opposition MP Semesa Karavaki alleged
that A-G Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum had
interfered in the work of the Standing
Committee on Natural Resources.
Mr Karavaki then proposed for the
matter to be referred to the Privileges
While making her ruling last week,
Speaker Dr Jiko Luveni said "I do not
believe that the honourable AttorneyGeneral has breached any privilege in
this case, and the matter should not be
referred to the Privileges Committee."
She said contempt, as they relate to
parliamentary committees, fell into

two areas disclosing confidential

committee deliberations; and tampering
or threatening a witness appearing before
a committee.
"In my view, the honourable and learned
Attorney-General is expressing an
opinion about the committee's powers

and processes, and he is entitled to do

that. His comments do not affect the
operation of the committee, and therefore
have not transgressed any privilege of
the Parliament. I therefore rule that I
will not be referring the matter to the
Privileges Committee," Dr Luveni said.

$150M Unpaid
ABOUT $150 million worth of unpresented
cheques that were not accounted for were recorded
by the Public Accounts Committee as of December
31 last year.
Committee chairman Professor Biman Prasad said
this issue was identified in the Auditor-General's
reports of the past several years.
Prof Prasad said unpresented cheques that
were unaccounted for were recorded from all
government ministries and departments.
An unpresented cheque is a cheque that is written
but has not yet been paid by the bank on which it
is drawn.
It is also referred to as an outstanding cheque or a
cheque that has not yet cleared the bank.
He said this puts pressure on Government
cash flow at the beginning of the year. He said
Government was then required to raise short-term
cash, and the cost of doing that in the form of
interest was ultimately paid by the taxpayers.
"What we are emphasising in the committee is
for the Ministry of Finance, in conjunction with
every other department, should introduce systems
so that the problem of unpresented cheques and
its consequences can be reduced over a period of
With the financial management information
system (FMIS) and the electronics transfer system,
he said, it was hoped that in the future there would
be less unpresented cheques, meaning less cost to



Fiji News


Mohammed Saneem Explains Election

Fund Use

The Government and donors funds

received by the Fijian Elections Office
(FEO) are kept separately.
This was clarified by Supervisor of Elections,
Mohammed Saneem while presenting to
the Public Accounts Committee.
Donor funds usually have their very
high requirement as well as Government
funds and they are managed through
a trust account and the Governments
funds are managed through the
Government requirements and donor
funds goes into the trust account while
the Government funds comes from the
drawings account,Mr Saneem said.
He also highlighted that FEO did not
have an accountant or a senior accounting
officer between years 2010 to 2012.
Then in 2014, FEO was constituted
under the 2014 Electoral Decree and Mr
Saneem was then confirmed as the new
Supervisor of Elections.
A lot of processes under the decree have
allowed FEO to divert from existing
practices and set up best practices

within the office to ensure integrity,

transparency and accountability.
Mr Saneem also highlighted that FEO
recruited 1050 ordinary Fijians during
the registration period. He said it was
impossible to engage existing public
service personnel because of the number

He added that they had now started with
the next voter registration process to
avoid the last minute rush.
So far we have started with the schools and
had recorded 500 people registration a day
and we will be running this for 30 days.

$450,000 In Unpaid Public Hospital Bills In


A total of $450,000 was not paid by

patients who accessed services at the
public hospitals for year 2012.
During the Public Accounts Committee
meeting, Committee member Aseri
Radrodro asked the Health Ministry
on what is happening with the revenue

arrears as the total stood at $427,000 in

Health Ministrys Principal Accounts
Officer, Ami Prasad says the arrears are
from the hospital where people do not
pay when they are discharged from the

Prasad says it is a challenge to recover

the money from these people.
The Ministry says they now have a
system in place where the patients
need to have guarantors if they
access services that they have to pay

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Fiji News


$15M Drug Bust

A FIJIAN and an Australian are in
police custody after they were found in
possession of 50kilograms of cocaine
valued at $15million.
Police chief of investigations and
intelligence ACP Henry Brown said the
seizure was made on Monday afternoon
in Saweni, Lautoka through a joint
collaboration between the Fiji Police
Force, Australian Federal Police and Fiji
Revenue and Customs Authority.
intelligence gathering, the joint operation
team closed in on the two suspects near
the Vuda Marina, where the illicit drugs
were seized from the vehicle the two
were traveling in," he said.
"Further investigations also resulted in
the discovery of large amounts of Fijian
and Australian currency from one of the
suspects' hotel room."
ACP Brown said police continued
to work closely with their Australian
counterparts to solve transnational
crimes and was appreciative of their
continuous support.

"Those who have the intention or are

involved in such illegal trades are warned
that the Fiji Police has the ability and
assistance of law enforcement agencies
such as the Australian Federation Police
to ensure those responsible are brought
to justice.
"With investigations still into its early
stages, no further detail will be released
at this point in time."
Meanwhile, Vuda Marina general
manager Adam Wade said assumptions
that the incident involved the yachting
industry were incorrect.
He also said the incident did not involve
anyone from the marina and the port had
taken all steps to make Vuda a safe point
of entry.
"The marina has signed a memorandum
of agreement with various border control
agencies to ensure that the arrival and
departure of vessels occur within all
aspects of the law to ensure that Fiji is
a safe destination for both tourists and
locals alike," he said.
According to Mr Wade, the Vuda

Marina has a 24-hour seven days a week

electronic video surveillance, patrol
guards and gate control access. Marina
staff members also work closely with
border police officers to ensure regular
monitoring of any and all suspect
"All vessels are profiled by the relevant
authorities prior to their arrival into the
country and if there are any question
marks about the integrity of the vessel
and its purpose of being in Fiji, the
vessel is thoroughly searched.
"To date, no vessel at Vuda Marina
has been found to contain any illegal
substances and through our close
relationship with border control
agencies, we hope this continues into the
distant future."
He said the yachting sector was a vital
part of Fiji's tourism industry, generating
more than $35million towards the local
"Having such incidents being incorrectly
associated with the yachting industry is
harmful and unnecessary."

Double Penalty
GOVERNMENT has further weeded out
the rot in the Land Transport Authority
after passing the Bill to amend the Land
Transport Act of 1999.
Days after revoking the appointment of
the LTA Board by the Transport Minister
Parveen Kumar, the Attorney-General
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum presented a
Bill which has been passed containing
amendments to the LTA Act and said it
emerged from the recent Land Transport
Authority report.
The amended Act Bill will address some
of the issues raised regarding certain
amendments to the manner in which LTA
conducts itself and the law pertaining to
"This Bill seeks to amend the Land
Transport Act, 1999. The Act among
other things makes provision currently
for the awarding of demerit points for
certain offences under the Act. These
demerit points however may be awarded
by the Land Transport Authority or the
courts in addition to penalty fines," Mr
Sayed-Khaiyum said.
This was seen by most driving licence
holders as double penalty where despite
the drivers having paid their fines, they
would still get demerit points.
Two days after Opposition Member of


Parliament Aseri Radrodro presented

in Parliament a petition from 95 PSV
drivers most of whom were taxi drivers
in Labasa of their grievances against
the LTA, the Bill was passed for
Mr Radrodro said the petition, was to
highlight to the House the severity of the
punishment meted out by LTA officers,
including charging of offenders, fining
of offenders, awarding demerit points on
the offenders' licenses and suspending
a licence for six months for the same
"This double punishment system in
its entirety is unconstitutional and
breaches the right of a person, equality
and freedom from discrimination under
Section 26(1) of the Republic of Fiji
2013 Constitution.
"As we all know that taxi driving is a

source of employment to low income

earners and therefore it would be uncalled
for to rob them of their opportunities
because of their survival and also the
survival of their family members," Mr
Radrodro said.
said the amendment for the Act was
needed to ensure that where fixed
penalty was to be paid for an offence,
demerit points were not awarded by
the authority.
"That is what we have seen that has
been happening where people may
actually pay a fine, then LTA unilaterally
notwithstanding the fact that they paid
the fine decides to demerit the points that
they have as licence holders."
The amendment removes the issuance of
demerit points by the authority and gives
this power to the courts.





Fiji News


PM Hosted To Reception By Hong KongFiji Chamber Of Commerce

Bainimarama, was hosted to a reception

by the Hong Kong Fiji Chamber of

Commerce in Hong Kong.

The Head of the Government made a

stop in Hong Kong before travelling
onto China where he is leading a State
Visit to Beijing.
At the evenings reception, the Prime
Minister pointed to sound policies
and incentives as contributing factors
towards Fijis consistent economic
At the same time, Prime Minister
Bainimarama reiterated the incentives
that Fiji can offer to foreign investors
including low to tax free incentives,
Fijis skilled labour force, Fijis position
as a hub in the region and a strong
manufacturing base.
He cited other examples similar to these
that Chinese investors can capitalise on
that will benefit Fijians and investors.

Fiji, Bhutan Strengthen Ties

Fiji and Bhutan further strengthened
their bilateral relations as Fijis High
Commissioner to India, Yogesh Karan,
presented his credentials to the King of
Bhutan, Jigme K. Namgyel Wangchuck.
The two countries formalised diplomatic
relations on November 18, 2011.
The ceremony for the presentation
of credentials was conducted after a
motorcade which led to the Tashichho
Dzong (the royal palace), a massive 17th
Century white-walled fortress that serves
both as administrative headquarters and
a monastic centre, in Thimpu, Bhutan.
The official ceremony was an elaborate
one where the country displayed its
very unique tradition, with colours
and traditionally-attired Bhutanese
ceremonial dancers and monks playing
ceremonial instruments.
King Wangchuck, in accepting Mr
Karan as Fijis Ambassador to Bhutan,
said both countries could work together
to further strengthen their diplomatic
relations. Bhutan has the distinction of
being the worlds youngest democracy
having held parliamentary elections in


2013 for the first time ever.

Mr Karan conveyed Fijis message on
behalf of the President and said Fiji was
keen to work closely with Bhutan since
the two countries have many similarities.
King Wangchuck met Mr Karan after
the official ceremony to discuss how
to promote and strengthen the bonds of
friendship and co-operation between the
two Asia-Pacific nations.

Mr Karan invited King Wangchuck to

visit Fiji, which the King kindly accepted
at time convenient.
Later, Mr Karan called on the Prime
Minister of Bhutan, Tshering Tobgay
to give a briefing on Fijis economic
and political progress after the 2014
General Elections. Climate change and
the possibility of Bhutanese students
studying in Fiji were also discussed.


Fiji News


ANZ Chief Shares Ways With Mba

Students To Become Better Leaders

Is leadership an art or science?

The definition can depend on ones
interpretation of the topic and through
real-life experiences.
This is also how ANZ Fiji and Pacific
chief executive Vishnu Mohan feels
about the topic.
He spoke recently on this topic before
Masters of Business Administration
(MBA) students of the University of the
South Pacific.
Whether leadership is an art or science,
its for anyone to decide, he said.
But as budding leaders, there are certain
qualities that need to be attained for the
betterment of a company.
Drawing examples from short videos of
great leaders like Nelson Mandela, Mr
Mohan said only a great leader would
put their personal feelings aside and hold
no grudges to move the country forward.
I personally would hold a grudge if I
had been sent to jail for a crime that I did
not commit and being discriminated, he

But Mr Mandela thought of his country

and kept his focus on moving forward.
That is one great quality we can all try to
learn from, he said.
You all have something in mind on
what leadership field you want to be in
and wherever that is, you should do your
work to the best of your abilities.
In Singapore they would get the
top qualified grades in each tertiary
institutions and put them in public
service departments.
The best are divided into different
sectors to upgrade each department they
are working in.
If we have good quality service in
every government department or private
institutions, dont you think the country
would have better standards? As future
leaders you should always keep this in mind.

The meet the leaders forum is held

every trimester for MBA students to find
inspiration from successful people and
to have ambition, passion but most of all
humility for success.





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Fiji News


Man Jailed For Attacking Elderly Woman

A man who indecently assaulted and
burgled an elderly woman at knife point
has been jailed for seven and a half years.
Dinesh Lal, 43 - an illegal over-stayer
from Fiji - will be deported after serving
a third of his sentence, the High Court at
Auckland heard.
In two and a half years he will be sent
back to Fiji and reunited with his 46-yearold wife Ranu who, it is understood,
was also sent back to Fiji after she was
convicted of obstructing police to help
her husband avoid arrest.
Justice Edwin Wylie said Lal targeted
the Papatoetoe home because he knew
the owner and would likely have been
aware his mother was home.
The defendant had bought cars from the
victim's son, who said he considered Lal
a "friend".
He was eventually found guilty of
aggravated burglary, kidnapping and
indecent assault at trial but his lawyer
Glenn Dixon told the court his client
continued to deny the offending.
On January 8, 2014, Lal snuck in through

a laundry door at the defendant's address

and grabbed the 76-year-old as she went
out to bring in the washing.
Lal was wielding a knife and had his
face covered with a cloth or mask as he
dragged the woman through the kitchen
and into the bedroom.
He threw her face-down onto the bed
and covered her head in a towel while he
tied her wrists with her own veil.
As he forced his weight onto her, Lal
sexually assaulted the victim before
punching her in the back three times.
Shortly afterwards, the woman lost
consciousness and was left bound and
bruised on the floor while Lal ransacked
the house.
He made off with $200.
Justice Wylie, who permanently
suppressed the woman's name, said she
suffered injuries to her neck, back, jaw
and arm.
"The offending must've been terrifying
for the victim," he said.
According to her written statement she
was now scared to be alone and her son

Dinesh Lal has been jailed for seven

and a half years
had started working from home to give
her peace of mind.
Crown prosecutor Glyn Hughes said
the attack was "premeditated, violent
and opportunistic" and urged the
judge to impose a minimum-period of
imprisonment to denounce Lal's conduct
but also to protect the people of Fiji.
However, Justice Wylie believed that
was not appropriate.

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World News


Colin Hill, Surrey Homeowner, Shot Dead

Trying To Prevent Man From Breaking In

'We now have a widow and two children that don't have a father'
A Surrey homeowner trying to prevent
a man from breaking into his family
home was shot dead last Sunday night
and a 22-year-old man with an extensive
criminal history was arrested after
allegedly fleeing the scene.
Police say Colin Hill, a 42-year-old real
estate agent, got into an altercation with
the suspect, who was armed with a gun,
at his home at 165 Street and 64 Avenue
shortly after 11:30 pm PT. The victim
lived at the home with his wife, also a
real estate agent, and their children.
"We now have a widow and two children
that don't have a father," says one
neighbour Deborah Boyer. "This is just
Colin Hill
Police said neighbours reported there
was some kind of disagreement inside that a family can endure."
police say.
the home before the shots were fired.
Police investigation ongoing
Several hours later, Burnaby RCMP
Hill's neighbour Pam Prudil was in Police continued to investigate on were called to an apartment around 2
bed watching TV when she heard the Monday. From the street, one could see a.m. at the 7300 block of Macpherson
gunshots ring out.
police tape and a bullet-riddled door.
Avenue after a witness reported a male
"It was like five 'pop pop pop pop' sounds. Police say the two men did not know brandishing a gun attempting to break
I wasn't sure what it was. I thought it was each other.
in. The suspect and vehicle matched the
fireworks and then I thought that sounds "I would like to know what is the motive description of the suspect in the Surrey
like gunshots," she says.
for the killing ... because that way we shooting.
Chief Superintendent Bill Fordy says he will be feeling more safe because it is not The suspect, who has not been named
is angry at the pointless loss of life.
too far from us," says another neighbour and has an extensive criminal history,
"This was a tragic and truly senseless act Jessica Orba.
according to police, is set to appear in
that has no rationale. There's no question The suspect fled the scene in what was Surrey Provincial Court Tuesday to face
that these are the most painful moments later determined to be a stolen vehicle, charges including second-degree murder.

Drug Addict For 25 Years Finds $3000 In

Cash And Takes It To Police Station

A BAG containing a staggering $3000 in cash is lying in a street and a hardened drug addict, who is in treatment, finds it.
What happens next?
I remember looking inside the bag and She was real happy. She couldnt had enough of being high, he said.
thinking Wow thats a lot of cash, believe I had handed it in, he said.
The woman who lost the cash gave the
the addict, a man who wishes not to be It was hard, I wanted to keep it but I man $50 and he said he would put it
am in recovery and they teach you to be towards registering his dog.
But I knew I needed to do the right thing, honest.
The recovering drug addicts friend Alison
said the man, who is on a narcotics The man has not touched drugs for 11 Leoni told the Marlborough Express that
anonymous program and struggling to months after a 24-year addiction to she was very proud of him.
make ends meet living off government methamphetamine but admitted things He is a really thoughtful man, she said.
might have been different when he was It must have taken a lot to hand it over.
The man, who lives in the town of a junkie.
It goes to show he has obviously turned
Blenheim in Marlborough on New But I got sick of living that way, I had his life around.
Zealands South Island, took it straight
to Blenheim police station.
As he was reporting the lost cash, a
woman came in to report to police that
she had lost the bag of $3000 cash
between her work and her bank.
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World News


Revenue Canada Writes Off Billions In

Debt In Last 2 Years

Debts uncollectible because those owing had died, gone bankrupt, could not be located or lived outside Canada
Newly released records show the federal off $3.4 billion in debts in 2013-14, records say the department's uncollectible
revenue agency has written off at least representing the lion's share of $3.7 debts committee examined all relevant
$4 billion in debts in the last two years billion in total federal write-offs.
documents in coming to its decisions.
including accounts worth more than The newly disclosed records do not align Write-offs of more than $10M
$10 million.
neatly with fiscal years, but span the The records indicate that between July
Debts were declared uncollectible period from Jan. 12, 2013, through Oct. and October last year, there appeared to
because those owing had died, gone 10, 2014, when just over $4 billion was be at least two cases in which the writebankrupt, could not be located or lived written off.
offs exceeded $10 million apiece.
outside Canada, according to Canada Names and other identifying information The emphasis a government places on
Revenue Agency records obtained under have been stripped from the records for debt collection is "all about political
the Access to Information Act.
privacy reasons. However, they provide priorities," Rankin said. "Are they going
In other cases, officials considered it insight into the scope, nature and frequency after them as aggressively as they might
not worth the expense to track down of the revenue agency's decisions.
in other countries?"
the money owing or they reached a A January 2015 memo to revenue Allowing debtors that owe more than $10
compromise settlement with the debtor. commissioner Andrew Treusch covered million off the hook with "a stroke of the
The revenue agency said it makes every just one segment of the write-offs during pen appears to be disturbing," he added.
effort to collect all tax debts from those the 2014-15 fiscal year, involving 700 Concerns surrounding international tax
who do not pay voluntarily.
accounts totalling more than $306 million. evasion and aggressive tax avoidance
Murray Rankin, the NDP's deputy revenue Magali Deussing, a federal revenue agency using offshore accounts are not exclusive
critic, questioned whether the government spokeswoman, declined to make anyone to Canada they are worldwide
is doing enough to collect the substantial available for an interview about the figures. problems, Deussing said.
sums owed to the federal treasury.
A decision on whether an account is The government's latest budget included
"They are not going after international uncollectible and can be written off is additional monies to address tax
tax debt the way they should be," Rankin based on rules set out in the Financial avoidance by large organizations as well
said in an interview after reviewing the Administration Act and other legislative as offshore non-compliance, she noted.
newly disclosed documents.
authorities such as the Bankruptcy and When a debt is declared a write-off,
The outstanding balance in undisputed, Insolvency Act, Deussing said in an it does not eliminate the taxpayer's
unpaid taxes was $29 billion as of March 31, emailed statement.
obligation to pay, Deussing added.
2012, the federal auditor general reported in Under the law, an account may be The revenue agency "has the right to
a 2013 examination of the issue.
submitted for write-off only if "there is no collect the debt in the future, if and when
According to the latest federal public reasonable prospect of recovery," she said. the taxpayer is located or the taxpayer's
accounts, the revenue agency wrote The heavily censored revenue agency financial situation improves."

UK Singer Wears 12 Layers Of Clothes To

Avoid Luggage Charge, Collapses From
Heat Exhaustion During Flight

A British boy band singer has collapsed

from heat exhaustion during a flight
while wearing 12 layers of clothing in a
bid to beat the excess luggage fee.
James McElvar, 19, from Scottish group
Rewind, was about to board an easyJet
flight from London Stansted airport to
Glasgow when he was told he had one
carry-on bag too many.
Staff said he was allowed to take only
one bag on board, so would have to pay a
$94 excess charge or bin his second bag.
With his band mates already aboard and
just minutes to spare, he made a snap
decision, emptying his rucksack and
donning the entire contents.
McElvar was wearing six T-shirts, four
jumpers, two jackets, one pair of shorts,


three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging

bottoms and two hats.
"There was a lot of clothes," he said on
the band's Twitter feed.
"It was very difficult to walk onto the
plane. I managed to sit in the seat for a
minute or two. But I just couldn't take
the heat."
Barely able to move, he could not even
get the seatbelt round him.
"I was sweating and they kept asking me
to put the belt on but I couldn't sort it,"
he said.
"It was just a nightmare I was having."
As he was drenched in sweat and feeling
sick, cabin crew laid him out, stripped
down, on an empty row of seats, where
he was violently sick and then fainted.

The singer has no memory of the rest of

the flight and was taken off the plane at
Glasgow Airport to a waiting ambulance.


World News


Vancouver Police Beef Up Security After

City Employee Killed

Separate 'serious incident' in Vancouver also under RCMP investigation

The possibly 'targeted' killing of a about what has transpired here. There any reason for the order.
Vancouver city employee in Burnaby, is no place in this community for this Additional security and police officers
B.C., has led to a major police kind of incident," she said. adding that have been stationed at numerous
investigation and beefed up security police's "investigative theory suggests it locations, including city hall and the
at a number of city sites, including at may be targeted."
Manitoba Works Yard. City staff have
Vancouver City Hall.
'Serious incident' under investigation
been asked to carry on with business as
Several sources said the shooting victim Later that afternoon, police were usual unless otherwise directed by their
was a supervisor at the city.
investigating a "serious incident" in supervisors.
He was rushed to hospital after he Vancouver after a threat was made to a "The police do not believe that there is
was shot on a residential cul-de-sac city employee.
a risk to the general public at this time,"
around noon Wednesday and later Vancouver police said they and the city said Sgt. Randy Fincham.
died of his injuries. One neighbour have taken the unusual steps of securing Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson
said that she heard some yelling and several city sites, although they were not issued a statement saying additional
what sounded like five gunshots just placed under lockdown.
details were not available, but RCMP
after 12 p.m. PT.
Staff from the city's engineering were investigating the serious incident.
The Integrated Homicide Investigation department went through all floors in the "This kind of incident is very challenging
Team has taken over the investigation Crossroads building on Broadway Street for the thousands of hardworking staff
and is working with Burnaby RCMP.
around 4 p.m. PT and told employees who come to work every day to make
"This is a tragedy," said RCMP Cpl. to evacuate the building. They were Vancouver a better place, and their safety
Daniela Panesar.
asked not to return tonight if they were and well-being is my utmost concern,"
"The Burnaby RCMP is very concerned scheduled for work, but were not given he said.

Robots In Charge At Japanese Hotel

THE English-speaking receptionist is a vicious-looking dinosaur and the one speaking Japanese is a female humanoid
with blinking lashes.
"IF you want to check in, push one," the robot with voice recognition that prattles He has big ambitions for his robot hotel
dinosaur says. The visitor still has to breakfast and event information. It concept and wants to open another one
punch a button on the desk and type in cannot call a cab or do other errands.
soon in Japan and later abroad. He is
information on a touch panel screen.
One area Henn na Hotel still relies on also eager to add other languages, such
From its front desk to the porter, which human beings is security.
as Chinese and Korean, to the robots'
is an automated trolley, this hotel in The place is dotted with security cameras, vocabulary.
southwestern Japan - aptly named the and real people are watching everything In the hotel's rooms, a lamp-sized robot
Weird Hotel - is "manned" almost through a monitor to make sure guests in the shape of a fat pink tulip called Tuly
entirely by robots to save on labour costs. stay safe and no one makes off with one answers simple questions like "What
Hideo Sawada, who runs the hotel as of the expensive robots.
time is it?" and "What is the weather
part of an amusement park, insists using "And they still can't make beds," said tomorrow?"
robots is not a gimmick, but a serious Sawada, who has also engineered the You can also tell it to turn the room
effort to use technology and achieve rise of a popular affordable Japanese lights on or off. There are no switches
travel agency.
on the walls.
Henn na Hotel, as it is called in Japanese,
was shown to reporters on Wednesday,
complete with robot demonstrations,
ahead of its opening to the public on
Another feature of the hotel is the
use of facial recognition technology, The ceiling of a Russian military barracks victims to Moscow for treatment while
instead of the standard electronic keys, collapsed in Siberia Monday, causing the Kremlin offered condolences to the
by registering the digital image of the four stories to crumble and killing 23 families of the deceased.
young men trapped inside.
The defense ministry would not speculate
guest's face during check-in.
The reason? Robots aren't good at finding Rescuers searched for hours for victims on the cause of the accident but the
trapped under the debris of an airborne footage and video from the scene showed
keys if people happen to lose them.
Staying at Henn na Hotel starts at 9000 troops training center in Omsk following an entire section of the building lying in
yen ($A100), a bargain for Japan, where the collapse that occurred in the early ruins. Ministry spokesman Gen.-Maj.
Igor Konashenkov said the building was
a stay in one of the nicer hotels can easily hours of the morning.
injured. renovated in 2013 but he insisted that
cost twice or three times as much.
The concierge is a doll-like hairless Authorities sent 10 gravely injured could not have caused the collapse.

Barracks Collapse Kills 23

Soldiers In Russia



World News


Stampede At India's Maha Pushkaralu

Religious Festival Kills 27

A stampede on the banks of a holy river

has killed at least 27 pilgrims in southern
India, signaling a tragic beginning to a
religious festival season, officials have
The stampede broke out about 8:00am
(local time) about two hours after the
start of the Maha Pushkaralu festival
which sees thousands of people bathe in
the waters of the Godavari River.
"Twenty-seven people have now been
confirmed dead in the stampede and
another 29 are injured," a spokesman
for Andhra Pradesh's chief minister
Chandrababu Naidu said.
"At least two of the 29 injured are
While the identities of all the victims
had yet to become clear, a senior police
officer said the dead included at least
four women and a 15-year-old girl.
"The incident happened as the first set
of worshippers were coming out of the
river after taking a dip and then got in
the way of others who wanted to be in
the water at an auspicious time," said A
Srinivasan Rao, a deputy superintendent
of police in Andhra Pradesh.
In a statement posted on his official
Twitter account, prime minster Narendra
Modi said he was "deeply pained at
the loss of lives due to stampede at

Rajahmundry" and offered condolences

to the families of victims, as well as
prayers for survivors.
The chief minister's spokesman said that
an ex-gratia compensation payment of
one million rupees [around $21,000] had
already been approved for victims of the
stampede and the state government would
bear the full medical costs of the injured.
The start of the Maha Pushkaralu festival
coincides with the official beginning of
the much larger Kumbh Mela festival,

which is being held at Nashik in the

western state of Maharashtra.
Millions of pilgrims are expected to
travel to Nashik over the next two
months, the site of a stampede in which
dozens of people were killed when the
Kumbh festival was last held there two
years ago.
The dates for the Kumbh Mela and the
Pushkaralu festivals are set by religious
leaders to coincide with the most
auspicious days in the Hindu calendar.

Canada is the "most admired" country

with the "best reputation" in the world,
according to an annual survey ranking
the reputations of developed nations
across the globe.
The 2015 report from the Reputation
Institute ranked Canada as the most
reputable country in the world, based on
a variety of environmental, political, and
economic factors.
The Reputation Institute's Fernando
Prado says Canada offers "something
good" in many different categories
evaluated in the survey.
"We all love Canada because of several
things," Prado told CTV's Canada AM on
Wednesday. In particular, he praised Canada
for its "effective government," "absence
of corruption," "friendly and welcoming
people" and welfare support system.
However, there were a few categories
where Canada lags behind, Prado

said, explaining that Canada has a

perceived lack of strong brand names
and companies, and is not considered a
particularly important contributor to the
global culture.
Despite its "less positive" scores,
Canada's well-rounded performance in
most categories helped it regain top spot
on the Reputation Institute's list, after it
fell to second place in 2014.
Canada held down top spot for three
consecutive years prior to that, from
2011 to 2013.
"Overall, Canada is a country that can
offer something good in all different
aspects," Prado said.
The Reputation Institute surveyed
approximately 48,000 residents of
G8 countries to gather the data for its
rankings. Survey respondents were asked
to rank the reputations of the world's 55
wealthiest nations (based on GDP) in a

variety of categories.
Norway placed second on the list,
followed by Sweden, Switzerland, and
Australia. The United States slotted into
22nd spot.
The Reputation Institute also produced
a separate list ranking countries based
on what their citizens said about their
homelands. Australia ranked first on this
"self-image" list, followed by Canada,
Russia, India and Germany, with the
U.S. in sixth place.
Russia had the largest gap between their
self-image and how they are perceived
by other nations. Russian citizens scored
their country as the third-most reputable
country in the world, but other nations
ranked them 52nd out of 55 countries,
ahead of only Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq.
The gap between internal reputation and
external reputation was also large for
China, India and the United States.

Canada Ranked As 'Most Admired' Country

In The World: Report





Cranberry Juice May Protect Against

Killer Diseases

Drinking low-calorie cranberry juice

cocktail may help lower the risk of
chronic diseases, including heart disease,
diabetes and stroke, says a study.
The World Health Organisation
estimates the trio of diseases annually
claims 15.6 million lives around the
globe. Cranberries provide a rich
source of protective compounds - called
polyphenols - that support our body's
natural defences and help us achieve a
balanced lifestyle to improve health.
To find the effectiveness of polyphenol-

rich cranberries, researchers from the

United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) provided eight weeks' worth
of meals to 56 healthy adult volunteers
(average 50 years of age).
'At the start and end of the experiment,
the researchers measured things like
blood pressure, blood sugar levels, blood
lipids, as well as C-reactive protein, a
marker of inflammation,' said Christina
Khoo, director of Research Sciences at
Ocean Spray.
One group drank a glass of low-calorie

cranberry juice twice daily. The other

group drank a placebo beverage with a
similar colour and flavour.
Individuals drinking two glasses of lowcalorie cranberry juice a day improved
across all these measures. It's a change
that adds up, and could be associated with
a 10 percent lower risk of heart disease
and a 15 percent lower risk of stroke.
'These findings suggest that polyphenols
help to protect our bodies, and may
be adept at keeping a large number of
ailments at bay,' Khoo said.

Healthy food and regular exercise can

keep type 2 diabetes from affecting your
With headlines warning of increasing
numbers of people with diabetes and
prediabetes, you may wonder whether
you can prevent type 2 diabetes or
whether diabetes is your destiny. The
good news is that you can significantly
reduce your risk of diabetes through diet,
exercise, and other lifestyle choices.
The question is, do we do the lifestyle
change for all of society or just try to
find the individuals who are at risk?
explains Vivian Fonseca, MD, professor
of medicine and pharmacology and chief
of endocrinology at Tulane University
Health Sciences Center in New Orleans.
A recent analysis of 7,300 adults found
that 13 percent have type 2 diabetes and
another 30 percent have prediabetes,
which means they are at increased risk
for developing type 2 diabetes in the
next 10 years.
Diabetes: Prevention
There are some simple steps you can
take to prevent diabetes:
Maintain (or return to) a healthy
Obesity is one of the leading risk factors
for developing type 2 diabetes. It may
be reassuring to know that if you are
overweight, dropping a moderate 5
percent to 10 percent of your weight
cuts your risk of developing diabetes
in half. A low-calorie, low-fat diet is
recommended as the best way to control
your weight and prevent diabetes.
Focus on fruits and veggies. Eating a
variety of fruits and vegetables every day
may cut your diabetes risk by as much as

22 percent, according to results from a 12year dietary study of 21,831 adults. Your
risk reduction is directly related to how
many fruits and veggies you consume.
Cut out the sugary drinks. Health data
from 43,960 black women showed that
women who drink two or more sweet
drinks a day (think soda or fruit juice)
have a 25 to 30 percent higher risk of
diabetes than their peers.
Get moving. Getting at least 30 minutes
of exercise a day can help you achieve
your weight loss goals and cut your
diabetes risk but exercise also has
a beneficial effect on blood sugar and
insulin levels.
Cut back on TV time. The hours you
spend watching television are correlated
with diabetes risk.
People who watch television [for] more
than 20 hours a week have much more
diabetes than people who watch for 10
hours, says Dr. Fonseca.
This effect may due to the fact that people
who are watching TV are not physically
active or to the increased risk of
unhealthy snacking during evening
shows. Instead of parking yourself in
front of the tube, use that time to take

a walk with your spouse, practice your

dance moves, or play with your children
or grandchildren.
Type 2 Diabetes: Other Risk Factors
Besides those who are overweight or
obese, certain groups of people have an
increased risk of diabetes and may need
to take extra precautions with lifestyle
choices, early diabetes screenings, or
even medication to prevent or delay the
development of type 2 diabetes. People
with an increased risk include those who
A family history of diabetes
(especially a parent or sibling with
A physically inactive lifestyle
AfricanAmerican, or Hispanic heritage
A prior gestational diabetes diagnosis
Birth of a baby over nine pounds in
High blood pressure or treatment for
high blood pressure
(PCOS) diagnosis
A history of heart disease
Discuss with your doctor whether you
need to be tested for diabetes.

Lifestyle Changes Can Prevent Type 2



Tip Of The Day

Heart attack warning signs aren't always sudden or severe and some people don't
experience chest pain at all.




Aspirin 'Not Best' For Preventing


Doctors are being told not to routinely

prescribe aspirin for a common heart
condition that increases stroke risk.
Guidelines from the National Institute
of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
are set to recommend other drugs instead
for patients with an irregular heartbeat,
called atrial fibrillation.
Warfarin or similar blood-thinning
medicine is best, says NICE in draft
advice to be finalised this month.
The advice will affect hundreds of
thousands of patients.
But experts say most doctors already
follow the advice to prescribe bloodthinners other than aspirin and that the
guidelines are "playing catch-up" - this is
the first time they will have been updated
since they were first issued in 2006
Stroke prevention
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most
common heart rhythm problem, affecting
up to 800,000 people - roughly one in
100 - in the UK.
In AF, the heart cannot work as well as it
should and blood clots can form, which,

in turn, increases the risk of a stroke.

Aspirin has been used for years to
help protect patients from strokes, but
mounting evidence suggests the drug's
benefits are too small compared with
other treatments.
The NICE guidelines for England and
Wales look set to say that although
daily aspirin might still be beneficial for
some patients, most should be offered
something else as well or instead.
According to its draft advice, NICE
says warfarin or a newer type of oral
anticoagulant is often best.
The British Heart Foundation said most
doctors were already doing this.
Prof Peter Weissberg, medical director
at the British Heart Foundation, said:
"Strokes caused by atrial fibrillation are
both common and preventable but only
if the abnormal heart rhythm is identified
in the first place and if effective drugs are
given to prevent blood-clot development.
"The revised NICE guidance reflects
accumulating evidence that warfarin and
the newer anticoagulants are much more

effective than aspirin at preventing strokes.

"This does not mean that aspirin is not
important and effective at preventing
heart attacks and strokes in other
circumstances. Patients who are unclear
on whether or not they should continue
to take aspirin should speak to their
Prof Peter Elwood, an expert at Cardiff
University, warned it could be unsafe to
suddenly stop taking aspirin. "If aspirin
is to be stopped, it should be stopped
gradually," he said.
An irregular pulse could be a sign
that you have AF
It will feel erratic, and beats may be
variable in strength
AF is most common in people aged
over 55
If you think you might have AF, you
should get yourself checked out by
a doctor
Often, the underlying cause is not
found, but AF is more common in
people with high blood pressure and
heart disease.

Top Causes Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is very important for the upkeep of bone and overall health.
Lack of vitamin D in the body can make This can happen if you follow a strict tone.
you a host for various chronic disease vegetarian diet as the sources of vitamin D 3. Your kidneys cannot convert
and infections. A Registered Dietitian are of animal-origin like fish, fish oils, beef vitamin D to its active form
and health blogger provides you with liver, fortified milk, cheese and egg yolk.
As we age, our kidneys become less
detailed information about the causes 2. If you do not get enough sun efficient at converting vitamin D to
of vitamin D deficiency, so that you can exposure
its active form and thus increasing the
avoid them for a good health.
The skin generates vitamin D when chances of a deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency can occur due to a exposed to sunlight. You may not receive 4. Low rate of absorption
number of reasons enough exposure if you work indoors Digestive disorders like celiac disease
1. If you do not consume the most of the time, wear long clothes that or chrons disease can reduce the rate of
recommended allowance of vitamin D prevent sun contact or have a dark skin absorption of vitamin D in the stomach.

Short, Intense Workouts Are Key To Super


Health magazines are full of the benefits

of short, intense workouts. Now, it has
found a place in a scientific journal too
as a new study reveals molecular secrets
behind intense workouts.
In the study, scientists from The Scripps
Research Institute (TSRI) discovered the
activation of a single protein known as
CRTC2 and its effects.
"The sympathetic nervous system gets turned
on during intense exercise, but many had
believed it wasn't specific enough to drive
specific adaptations in exercised muscle,"


said Michael Conkright who led the study.

The findings show that not only does
it target those specific muscles, but it
improves them - the long-term benefits
correlate with the intensity of the
workout, Conkright noted.
Following high-intensity exercise,
CRTC2 integrates signals from two
different pathways - the adrenaline
pathway and the calcium pathway.
This directs muscle adaptation and
growth only in the contracting muscle.
Using mice genetically modified to

conditionally express CRTC2, scientists

showed that molecular changes occurred
that emulated exercised muscles in the
absence of exercise.
In the genetically altered animal models,
this resulted in a muscle size increase of
approximately 15 percent.
"If you think of the adrenaline system
as something that mobilises resources
when you encounter, say, a bear on your
way to work, what we found is that the
system also gets you ready for your next
bear encounter," Conkright said.


For Woman


Wedding Make Up Dos And Donts

Eye makeup should be so perfect that it draws attention to your face but is not distracting at the same time
Make up is an integral (and migraineinducing we must add) part of weddings.
Most brides love to play up their eyes for
their weddings. However, refrain from
matching your make up to the shade of
your attire. Having two distinct lines of
colours in your eye shadow is extremely
tacky. Eye makeup should be so perfect
that it draws attention to your face but is not
distracting at the same time. Before you go
all out with your arsenal, go through our
definitive list of dos and donts:
Absolutely do:
Appoint a make up artist
Ok so you are good at doing your own
make up but your wedding make up
should not look like everyday make up.
It makes sense to get professional help.
Also, all the stress related to marriage
leaves most brides jittery. Doing your
make up while you are a bundle of nerves
isnt a good idea. Try and test more
than a few make up artists, discuss the
look that you have in mind, and appoint
someone who can give you exactly what
you want.
Eye drops are handy
Lack of sleep, stress or just shedding
tears (some brides do get emotional)
might leave you looking tried and
irritated. You dont want your eyes to
itch and look red. Try keeping a bottle of
eye drops at hand and make sure to use a
brand you are familiar with. Remember
not to indulge in any product or regime
(hair and skin related) four weeks before
the wedding.

This is one of the most important and

also one of the most difficult advices to
follow. Indian weddings are known to
sap the energy out of you. However, it
is necessary that you get enough sleep to
look and feel fresh. Dark circles can be
covered with concealer however, puffy
eyes are more difficult to camouflage.
Matte eye shadow
Bridal outfits are full of bling and so is
the jewellery. It makes sense to go easy
on the bling make up-wise. Use matte eye
shadows since they dont reflect light so
your eyes wont look shiny in pictures.
Use a highlighter under the brow bone
as this really makes your eyes stand out.
Absolutely dont:
Go overboard with eye makeup
Although a lot of makeup artists will be
tempted to load your eyes with makeup,
steer clear of heavily done up eyes. Its
your wedding, not a Halloween party
you are heading to.
Coloured contacts
They spell crass with a capital C. Avoid
all shades of blue, green, grey etc. Your
makeup artist should do a fabulous job
with your make up such that you don't
have to depend on contact lenses to make
them stand out. Unless you are wearing a
natural shade of brown, stay away from
coloured contacts.
Concealer that is too light
Apply a concealer that matches your skin
tone. It must not be dark and certainly
not lighter unless you want to look like
you have two headlights for eyes.
Get carried away by trends

Whether you're walking the catwalk or

down the high street, there is always an
urge to look good but it requires a great
skincare routine, says an expert.
Experts of skin research company have
teamed up with make-up artist, who has
worked with models and celebrities and
shares tips on achieving model perfect
skin at home.
Luminous, clear skin is an essential base
for any make-up look so I always tell
my clients to invest in an appropriate
skincare routine. You don't need to over
complicate things, just find a couple
of staple products which cleanse and
protect the skin.

Start with deep cleansing

When working with models on shoots or
catwalks, I always start by doing a deep
cleanse. With as many as three shows
per day during fashion week, the makeup gets quickly scrubbed off for the next
show and applied again and again.
I always suggest using a product which
exfoliates, reducing the buildup of dead
skin cells, which can leave the skin
looking dull and prone to outbreaks.
Protect skin from sun
It is important to protect the skin. Sun
damage is the main cause of skin ageing
and it takes time and a lot of layers to
conceal the signs of UV damage, which
is why I always preach prevention.

Some trends are classic, while some

are purely fads. Five years down the
line, you might cringe looking at your
wedding pictures. So stay away from
trends and opt instead for classic styles
or something that's an in-between
No dark eye shadow
Perfectly done up smoky eyes look
classy. Its a great look for weddings too,
provided you do it with lighter colours.
You want your eyes to look feminine and
bridal but not punched. You are better off
without colours like black, brown, grey,
charcoal etc.
Frosty, shiny eye shadows
Like we said before bridal lehengas and
jewellery are extremely blingy, so when
it comes to make up you can leave shiny,
shimmery, sparkling, frosted make up
out. These types of eye shadows also
reflect a lot of light which means they
could affect how you look in your
pictures (in a bad way).
No tweezing on D-day
You absolutely must not tweeze your
eyebrows on your wedding day. You might
end up with angry, red patches as you walk
down the aisle and that surely isn't how
you want to look in your pictures.
Wear falsies
Is your wedding day going to be your
first time wearing false eyelashes?
Then by all means dont wear them. If
you still insist on wearing falsies, then
try wearing them a few times before
the actual day. You want to enjoy your
wedding without having to worry about
your falsies falling off.

How To Get Model-Perfect Skin At






Stop Spoiling Your Kids

Your primary job as a parent is to
prepare your child for how the world
really works. In the real world, you don't
always get what you want. You will be
better able to deal with that as an adult if
you've experienced it as a child.
If your parent/child relationship is based on
material goods, your child won't have the
chance to experience unconditional love.
Be a good role model. We're not the only
influence in our kids' lives, so we better
be the best influence.
Redefine what taking care of your
children means. Are you providing
for them emotionally and spiritually?
You need not buy them material goods
in order to create a bond. Instead of
tangible gifts, how about spending some
time together? Be careful that you aren't
teaching them that emotions can be
healed by a trip to the mall.
Don't let your guilt get in the way of
your parenting. Your job as a parent is
not to make yourself feel good by giving
the child everything that makes you feel
good when you give it. Your job as a
parent is to prepare your child to succeed
in school and when they get out into the
world. Kids have to be socialized in a

way that they understand you work hard

for what you get. You don't want to teach
your child that they will get everything
through manipulation, pouting, crying,
door slamming and guilt induction.
Make sure your children aren't defining
their happiness and their status in the
world as a function of what they wear
or drive. Sit down with them and have
a one-on-one conversation about what
really defines their worth their
intelligence, their creativity, their caring,
their giving, their work ethic, etc. If you
spent equal time sitting down and talking
to them about what really mattered as
you do shopping, you might be able
counterbalance the countless images
they see telling them otherwise.
Understand "intrinsic" versus "extrinsic"
motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when
people do things because they feel
proud of themselves when they do it.
They feel a sense of accomplishment
and achievement. Extrinsic motivation
is when someone does something
because of external motivation. For
example, they will receive money, a toy
or privilege if they do the task. If you
are always rewarding your child with

material things, he/she will never learn

how to motivate themselves with internal
rewards like pride. They also will never
learn to value things because there are so
many things and nothing is special.
Make sure your child understands the
value of hard work. For example, always
tell your boys, 'If you make Cs, you're
going to have a C standard of living. If
you make Bs, you're going to have a B
standard of living. If you make As, you're
going to have an A standard of living.
If your child idolizes a celebrity, ask him/
her why. One young boy who looks up
to rich girls like Paris Hilton and Nicole
Richie. What have either of them ever
done, except spend money that they got
from somebody else? What is it you're
looking up to?
Your child does not have to love you
every minute of every day. He'll get over
the disappointment of having been told
"no." But he won't get over the effects of
being spoiled.
Help your child set goals. Teach him/her
that striving to own nice things is fine if
he/she understands how much hard work
it takes to afford that, and then doesn't base
his/her self-worth around what she buys.

You've noticed your child squinting.

Does he have a vision problem?
Squinting can be a sign of nearsightedness,
or myopia, as your eye doctor would call
it. Nearsightedness is just one of several
common childhood vision problems.
One out of every 4 kids has trouble
seeing clearly. Often, parents don't know
there's a problem. That's why all children
should get regular eye exams.
Clues for Childhood Vision Problems
Your child's eyes cross or are not lined
up with each other.
The problem could be: Eyes that are not
aligned (strabismus).
What to do: Take your child to a pediatric eye
doctor. The doctor may put a patch over the
stronger eye to strengthen the weaker one, or
prescribe special glasses or eye exercises.
Your child has trouble seeing things
that are far away.
The problem could be: Nearsightedness,
or myopia.
What to do: Have your child's vision
checked. Eyeglasses or contact lenses
can improve distance vision.
Your child has trouble seeing things
that are close up.
The problem could be: Farsightedness,

or hyperopia.
What to do: Eyeglasses or contact lenses
can improve close-up vision.
Your child has blurry vision.
The problem could be: Your child's
cornea (part of the eye) may be curved
and can't focus on images clearly. That's
called astigmatism.
What to do: Take your child for an eye
exam to see if eyeglasses would help.
Other eye issues seen in kids include
"lazy eye," which doctors call amblyopia.
It often has no symptoms. It can be
found during a regular eye exam, and
can usually be corrected (or improved)
if it's found and treated early enough.
Depending on the cause, treatment may
include an eye patch on the stronger eye,
eyeglasses, or surgery in rare cases.
Rarer vision problems in kids include:
Glaucoma: A group of diseases that
damage the eyes main nerve. It's most
common later in life, though some
children are born with glaucoma or
develop it.
Cataract: These cloud the lens of the
eye. Cataracts are most common in older
adults. Some children are born with
cataracts or get them from diabetes or

childhood diseases.
Retinoblastoma: A rare cancer of the
Watch Those Eyes
Kids with vision problems will show
some similar behaviors, most notably
squinting. Look out for these other signs
that your child is struggling to see clearly:
-Complaining about headaches or blurry
Closing one eye
-Rubbing the eyes
-Complaining about pain in the eye
-Redness, tearing, oozing, or crust in the
-Having an eye that turns in, out, up,
down, or wanders
-Eyes that cross or can't focus
-Trouble reading -- holding the book
really close to see the words
If you spot one of these symptoms,
make an appointment with your child's
pediatrician or an eye doctor. Getting a
checkup right away can let the doctor
find vision problems before they can
affect your child's sight and school
performance. It is very important to
watch your child, since many kids dont
know something is wrong!

Your Vision In Childhood




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Indian Foods That Cut Fat

You don't have to acquire a taste for
olive oil, seaweed or soya to maintain a
low-fat, healthy diet. Indian cuisine can
be healthy too, if it's cooked with oil and
ingredients that take care of your heart
and health.
Include all tastes sweet, sour, salty,
pungent, bitter and astringent in at
least one meal each day, to help balance
unnatural cravings. Here are some foods
that can help you lose weight and gain
Turmeric: Curcumin, the active
component of turmeric, is an object
of research owing to its properties
that suggest they may help to turn off
certain genes that cause scarring and
enlargement of the heart. Regular intake
may help reduce low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) or bad cholesterol and high blood
pressure, increase blood circulation
and prevent blood clotting, helping to
prevent heart attack.
Cardamom: This is a thermogenic herb
that increases metabolism and helps
burn body fat. Cardamom is considered
one of the best digestive aids and is
believed to soothe the digestive system
and help the body process other foods
more efficiently.
Chillies: Foods containing chillies
are said to be as foods that burn fat.
Chillies contain capsaicin that helps in

increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is

a thermogenic food, so it causes the body
to burn calories for 20 minutes after you
eat the chillies.
Curry leaves: Incorporating curry
leaves into your daily diet can help
you lose weight. These leaves flush out
fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits
that are stored in the body, as well as
reducing bad cholesterol levels. If you
are overweight, incorporate 8 to 10
curry leaves into your diet daily. Chop
them finely and mix them into a drink, or
sprinkle them over a meal.
Garlic: An effective fat-burning food,
garlic contains the sulphur compound
allicin which has anti-bacterial effects and
helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.
Mustard oil: This has low saturated fat
compared to other cooking oils. It has
fatty acid, oleic acid, erucic acid and
linoleic acid. It contains antioxidants,
cholesterol, which is good for the heart.
Cabbage: Raw or cooked cabbage
inhibits the conversion of sugar and
other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is
of great value in weight reduction.
Moong dal: The bean sprouts are rich in
Vitamin A, B, C and E and many minerals,
such as calcium, iron and potassium. It is
recommended as a food replacement in
many slimming programmes, as it has a

very low fat content. It is a rich source

of protein and fibre, which helps lower
blood cholesterol level. The high fibre
content yields complex carbohydrates,
which aid digestion, are effective in
stabilising blood sugar and prevent its
rapid rise after meal consumption.
Honey: It is a home remedy for obesity.
It mobilises the extra fat deposits in the
body allowing it to be utilised as energy
for normal functions. One should start
with about 10 grams or a tablespoon,
taken with hot water early in the morning.
Buttermilk: It is the somewhat sour,
residual fluid that is left after butter is
churned. The probiotic food contains
just 2.2 grams of fat and about 99
calories, as compared to whole milk that
contains 8.9 grams fat and 157 calories.
Regular intake provides the body with
all essential nutrients and does not add
fats and calories to the body. It is thus
helpful in weight loss.
Millets: Fibre-rich foods such as millets jowar, bajra, ragi, etc - absorb cholesterol
and help increase the secretion of the
bile that emulsifies fats.
Cinnamon and cloves: Used extensively
in Indian cooking, the spices have been
found to improve the function of insulin
and to lower glucose, total cholesterol,
LDL and triglycerides in people with
type 2 diabetes.

Enjoy Juicy Summer Fruits

There's nothing more refreshing in summer than biting into a delicious and juicy fruit. What's even better is that you can
never over indulge in them, given their health benefits.
So, if you wish to gorge on a generous
doze of fruits this season, here is a list of
top 5 must-haves Pineapple
Though cutting a pineapple is an arduous
task, it's worth the effort. This tropical fruit
is loaded with bromelain enzyme that helps
in the digestion of fats and proteins. It's also
high in vitamins and minerals, including
vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus
and potassium, which can prevent colds and
strengthen your bones. It also keeps your
gums healthy and teeth strong.
This juicy fruit with high water content
will keep you hydrated and cool. It also
contains lycopene, which protects skin
cells from being damaged by the sun.
It is also said to be full of potassium,
antioxidants, carotenoids, Vitamin A,
B6, and C, calcium and fiber. A few


slices a day can, apparently, also help

prevent hair loss, digestive problems,
poor eye sight and even heart attacks.
Tender Coconut
Tender coconut might not have an
over-powering taste, but it has health
benefits that are unmatched by any
other fruit. It not only quenches your
thirst on a hot summer day, but also
gives your body vitamins, minerals and
electrolytes. Tender coconut keeps the
body cool, cures feeding infants from
intestinal disturbances, kills intestinal
worms, helps cure cholera, checks
urinary infections, and is effective in the
treatment of kidney and urethral stones.
It has also been considered to be a blood
plasma substitute as it is sterile, does not
produce heat, does not destroy red blood
cells and is readily accepted by the body.

No summer is complete without biting

into sweet and juicy mangoes. Known
as the king of fruits, mangoes also have
a lot of health benefits. The antioxidant
compounds in the fruit are said to
protect against colon, breast and prostate
cancers. It also helps lower cholesterol,
clear the skin, improve eye health and
alkalize the whole body.
They are rich in vitamins, protein, citric
acid, fat, iron and phosphorus. The fruit
is also known to resolve UTI problems,
which is a rather common condition to
develop in summer. In fact, a bowl of
strawberries a day can even better your
immune system, lower your cholesterol
and regulate your blood pressure. They
also contain folate, a B-vitamin that will
enhance a foetus' development in the
early stages of pregnancy.




and happiness back in your life.

Suddenly you will feel kind of liberated.

New doors will open and you will quickly
grab the offer. Money wise things will
stay in your favor and all your financial
decisions will hit the mark. Some of you
may visit a neighboring town to attend
an important meeting. Long awaited
clearance from a government agency
may also come.


Some of you will move to another

beautiful place. Some money may go
towards minor repairs to one of your
vehicle. You will enjoy party arranged
by a close relative this week. Try to
cut down on spicy food if possible.
Right eye may continue to give some
trouble. Someone close may make an
unreasonable demand, just ignore it.

And you will have more than enough

extra time on hand. Try not to waste
it. Some of you will be traveling away
from home for pleasure. It will be an
expensive week by all means. You may
do little shopping for yourself and may
buy some high tech items. Avoid taking
any hasty decisions about career and a
new relationship.
LIBRA: You may hit some road blocks.
Any change in career at this point will
be good. Otherwise also things will get
more relaxing at existing place because
of recent change in management. Do
not sign any contract or legal document
without understanding completely.
Property deal may bring in much needed
extra cash in your pockets.
SCORPIO: Ground may start shaking
a bit in career and you may quickly start
looking for a possible change. Old health
issue may flare up again and this time
you may try a new doctor or medicines.
Money wise you will continue to stay in
comfort zone. You may also dispose off
some stocks and pocket the money. Party
will be relaxing.



People prone to blood pressure problems

should be careful and protect themselves
from severe hot weather this week. You
may frequently call a government agency
for favor. Money wise new opportunity
will come on a silver platter and expenses
will stay under check. Patience will pay
off and one of your main competitions
will move away.


You may not be too sure whether to

grab the opportunity or to ignore it.
Financial rewards will be associated
with unforeseen risks. Advice from
a matured and trusted person will be
helpful. You may also cancel your plans
to buy another vehicle for the time being.
Company of children will bring energy

Planets will help to regain control over

your life and once again put you back in
driving seat. Jupiter's moving on your sign
will help you a lot for next one year. You
will receive help and guidance from people
holding important positions in government.
Business will pick up all of a sudden and a
major contract will get signed.



Things will change suddenly for

betterment. New opportunity will bring
confidence back. Your image in social
circle will sky rocket. Meetings with
people with political connections will
go well and you will get what you want.
There will be an addition in the family
soon. Some of you may change or cancel
travel plans.
CAPRICORN: There will be big
improvement in ongoing overseas
projects. Spouse will feel better with
new medication. A relationship may
become permanent. Letter you write
this week will get the job done quickly.
You may still call a matured person to
seek his valuable advice. Bank balance
will shot up. People in business will do
extremely well.


New deal will provide much needed

boost to finances and increase your
profit margins. Advice will come from
a trusted person. You may also dispose
of profit making stocks and pocket the
money for the time being. Some of you
may start a new venture in partnership
with a successful person. You will take
family out to a nice place.


Big changes at work may not affect you

right away but will ultimately make you
look for a change. Do not allow anybody
to take undue advantage of your good
nature and generosity. If you make an
effort you can get your bills down and
may even get a refund. Some of you may
take a short trip to neighboring town to
meet a close relative.

Actress Suhasini Mulay Ties The Knot At

The Age Of 60

The popular on-screen mom has truly proven that love knows no age.
Suhasini Mulay has broken all age portal, the actress stated that she was Her husband is a widower and Suhasini
related stereotypes by getting married hesitant to meet her partner as she had revealed that she was drawn to him
at the age of 60. The popular Marathi only interacted with him via internet.I following an article he had written on
actress tied the knot to Atul Gurtu, who was wary because I had met him online. his late wife.Atul is a widower. He had
is a 65 year old physicist. Suhasini is He was from a completely different been married for 36 years and his wife
best known for her on-screen mom roles profession. For him, the Atom is the died about six years ago. He had written
and has been seen in films like Jodhaa biggest concern. My knowledge of these this article about how he discovered she
Akbar, Page 3, Humraaz etc. The actress things is as good as yours. I googled his had cancer. After the initial period of
is most popular for her role as Akshay name and found his resume interesting. depression, rather than sitting and crying
Khannas mother in film Dil Chahta Hai. His pictures on Facebook and on the over it, he decided to make her as happy
Reports suggest that the newly wed TIFR site matched so I knew he was not as he could. So, for the next 4-5 years
met her prince charming, online. While a fake. We started chatting in July last they did everything they ever wanted to
talking to a leading entertainment year, said Suhasini.

Continued on Page 27




Sai Ballal Aka Udaans Bhaiyaji Arrested

For Sexually Harassing His Co-Star

Television actor, Sai Ballal, who is

currently seen on Colors popular show,
Udaan as Kamalnarayan Rajvanshi, was
arrested following molestation charges
filed against him by actress, Helen
Fonseca who played Saroj on the show
until sometime back. Reportedly, Ballal
had sent pornographic clips and sleazy
texts to his 58-year old co-star who filed
an FIR with the Borivali Police station
on Wednesday following which the Sai
was arrested and produced in court.
According to the report filed by Helen,
Ballal started sending her objectionable
videos and texts and even molested
her a few times. Fed up of the regular
harassment, she brought the situation to the
notice of the production house. But instead
of taking an action against Sai, the makers
reduced Helens role to an insignificant one
and finally ending it altogether.
Helen then approached the Cine and TV
Artistes Association (CINTAA) who
then probed into the matter concluding
that it was a criminal matter and that the
victim should take action against this.
Sai has been booked under sections
Section 354-A (sexual harassment) and
354-B (assault or use of criminal force to

His former co-star, Helen Fonseca filed an FIR against Ballal on Wednesday
woman with intent to disrobe her) of the
IPC and section 67-A of the IT Act.
Bharat Choksi and Abhishek Aggarwal,
who work in the production house have
also been charged Section 109 of the

IPC for abetment for ignoring Helens

After the hearing, the court ordered Sai
Bhallal to be taken in judicial custody
until July 30 2015.

Actress Suhasini Mulay Ties The Knot At The Age Of 60

Continued From Page 26
do. Learning this hooked me to him,
revealed the actress to the portal.
And how did her family react to the news
of her getting married? Suhasini recalled
the same and informed the portal,
My family was very surprised. When I
phoned my sister, she asked me if I was
drunk. After I told her everything, she
said Hang on, now I need a drink. It
was funny. My aunt thought I was talking
about getting married in one of my serials
while my other sister thought that I was
joking. My mother was in Mumbai and
she met Atul and liked him. My family
had never in their wildest dream thought
I would get married.
Suhasini and her husband have now
settled down in Mumbai. Now THATS
called true love, eh? We wish the couple
a happy married life!




Bajrangi Bhaijaan
Want to know what Salmans latest film is about? Read our quick review right away!
Salman Khans Bajrangi Bhaijaan is
about to see its release today.
Bajrangi Bhaijaan opens with images
of the majestic Himlayas. The opening
credits make you wonder if you are
watching a Salman Khan film or is it
Lord of the Rings showing the mystic
Misty Mountains.
Any doubt you might have is cleared
in the next 15 minutes when we meet
Munni (Harshaali Malhotra), a six year
old Pakistani girl whos mute and gets
stranded in India during a freak incident.
Her mother in Pakistan decides to find
her at any cost, but it isnt a small town
where she has to search for her daughter.
Officers refuse to let her back in India to
find Munni.
We soon meet Pawan (Salman Khan)
a Hanuman bhakt, who sees the
mighty Lord even in monkeys. Munni
somehow lands up at the same place
where Pawan is celebrating Hanuman
Jayanti and from there begins the
actual story of Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
This is Salman in a role that is unlike
anything hes played. You will forget
hes Salman and only see Pawan on
the big screen. There are no glares
hanging from his collar, pelvic thrusts
or violent dialogues. Salman as Pawan
is incredibly believable. He uses his
body language and eyes to convey
most of the emotions. Kareena Kapoor
Khan looks stunning in every frame
and gives Salman the right support.
Harshaali Malhotra is a star! Superb
casting. Her chemistry with Salman
is beyond words. What works in the
first half the most are her scenes with
Salman. There is humour and some
drama also between these two. Kabir
Khan keeps the story simple and the
characters clean. There is a feeling of
goodwill, especially Pawans character
who doesnt have one bone of evil in
his body. As Bajrangi, hes the perfect
cast. Viewers will see Salman in a
totally different light. The film takes
a break on an emotional note. From
where the story has reached the second
half is going to be full of surprises.
P.S- dont forget to carry some tissues.
you will be reaching for them in the
scene just before the interval!




After Arshad Warsi, Sajid Khan To Host

Kapil Sharmas Comedy Nights With Kapil

Kapil is suffering from a slip disk and has been advised rest. Till then, Arshad and Sajid will be filling in for him. Read on
to know more!
There has been tons of speculations Arshad Warsi however has been roped
regarding the person who will be in for the part and shot the first episode
stepping into the Kapil Sharmas shoes with Drishyam actors Ajay Devgan and
as a host for Comedy Nights With Tabu.
Kapil. Reports suggest that Kapil is The latest reports suggest that along
suffering from a slip disk and has been with Arshad, Sajid Khan will be hosting
advised bed rest for a couple of weeks. CNWK as well! The show will see
As a result, the producers are on a multiple hosts and Arshad and Sajid have
lookout for popular personalities who been roped in for the time being. Sajid
could fill in till the time the comedian confirmed the same tweeting, Host
is back. There were rumours that Karan n dost duties comedy
Johar would be doing the needful. But nitesjust a couple of a
the director denied the same stating that guest host.will post pics soon Sajid will
he would be stupid to replace Kapil be seen shooting his episode with the cast
in the popular comedy series. Along of Bangistan starring Riteish Deshmukh,
with Kjo, Arjun Kapoor too was in the Pulkit Samrat and Jacqueline Fernandez.
news for having being considered for Watch out for a fun filled episode coming
Kapils position but denied it as well. your way this weekend!




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Sterling Becomes Most Expensive English

Player By Joining Man City For $76M
From Liverpool

England's Raheem Sterling, bottom, is challenged by Slovenia's Ales Mertelj

during the Euro 2016 Group E qualifying soccer match between Slovenia and
England, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. A person familiar with the situation says
Liverpool has reached an agreement with Manchester City over the transfer of
England winger Raheem Sterling for 49 million pounds ($76 million).
LONDON - Raheem Sterling became the out.
most expensive English footballer ever "The more quality players that are
on Tuesday after joining Manchester City around you, the more quality it brings
from Premier League rival Liverpool in out in you, so I can't wait to get started
a drawn-out move costing 49 million and play alongside them."
pounds ($76 million).
The transfer fee eclipses the previous
The England winger signed a five-year record for an English player - 35 million
deal at City after forcing his way out pounds (then $56 million) - which
of Anfield following several fractious Liverpool paid Newcastle for striker
months, during which he rejected a new Andy Carroll in 2011.
contract and publicly questioned the Although Sterling only made his Premier
club's ambitions.
League debut three years ago, City
"I'm just glad it's all over and done with believes the skilful, quick forward, is
and I can't wait to get on the training already a top talent and worth breaking
field," the 20-year-old Sterling told the record for. Sterling is an established
City's website. "The thing that excites member of the England team after
me the most is the world-class squad we making his debut in 2012, scoring once
have and knowing we have a team that is in 16 appearances.
capable of winning things year in, year "Raheem Sterling is one of the best

attacking players in world football, and

I am very much looking forward to
him joining our squad out in Australia
later this week," City manager Manuel
Pellegrini said from the pre-season tour.
"He is a young player with outstanding
ability, and I am sure the Manchester
City fans will be very excited about
seeing him in action for the team."
Sterling leaves Liverpool after scoring
23 goals in 129 appearances but without
any winners' medals.
Sterling came close to winning the
Premier League in 2014 but Liverpool
lost out to City and faltered last season to
finish sixth, never looking like winning
the title for the first time since 1990.
City's 2014 title was its second Premier
League success since the club's fortunes
were transformed by the influx of Abu
Dhabi investors in 2008.
Breaching UEFA's Financial Fair Play
rules led to limits on City's spending last
year, but those restrictions have been
lifted after losses were cut at the Etihad
Stadium - enabling the club to invest so
much in signing Sterling.
Sterling joined Liverpool aged 15 from
the Queens Park Rangers academy and
the London club is reported to be due
a 20 per cent cut of City's payment to
Liverpool under the terms of that 2010
Liverpool marked the loss of its leading
talent with a terse 32-word statement on
its website, which ended by saying it
"wishes Raheem well."
Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers
insisted on Monday, though, that there
are no hard feelings between him and
Sterling - despite the player agitating for
a move and refusing to go to Thailand on
the pre-season tour.
"I want to thank Brendan Rodgers for
giving me ... a real chance to cement
a place in the first team and show the
world my talents," Sterling said.

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Daughter of Late Mr. & Mrs. Hari Prasad
formerly of
64 Pender Street, Suva Fiji
Passed away in Edmonton Alberta on
20th July 2012

We thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new
We thought about you yesterday
And days before that too and everyday
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name
Now all we have is memories
and your picture in frames
Your memory is keepsafe with which
we will never part
God has you in his keeping
and we have you in our hearts
Sadly missed by loving husband Ravi Prasad
sons Rajeev and Rajan, daughter Ranita,
daughter in law Kirsty, son in law Rav,
Grand children Jordan, Joshua
& Riley, Mother in Law
Mrs Chandrika Prasad
and all family and friends



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