Lesson Wearable For Balance and Functions

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Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions


Mobility for Multiple Sclerosis and Elderly Patients:

Wearables for Fall Prevention
According to the multiple sclerosis centers of excellence
affiliated with the United State Department of Veteran Affair
more than half of the people with Multiple Sclerosis have
problems with their balance and walking and are at a high risk
for falls. According to the Center of Disease Control, each year,
one in every three adults ages 65 or older fall and 2 million are
treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries. The
risk of falling increases with each decade of life. The long-term
consequences of fall injuries, such as hip fractures and
traumatic brain injuries (TBI), can impact the health and
independence of older adults. This lesson is designed to make
students aware of wearable devices that can be created to
prevent MS patients and the elderly from falling resulting in less
This lesson is design to make students aware of health concerns
in our society and how to create wearable devices to solve a
health challenge which could lead to other discoveries and
preventions in the health care system.
The tasks in the lesson are open-ended and could have multiple
solutions and therefore have multiple approaches. As a result
the students are to learn how to use their prior knowledge,
critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills to make sense
of this lesson from a mathematical perspective. They are
encouraged to be risk takers and innovators.
Much of the class time will be spent researching, using
technology to collect organize, and analyze data in different
forms, and participating in hands on experiences.


Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling, neurologic
disease, common among adults worldwide and in the US. 1 It has a
heterogeneous geographical prevalence with higher rates reported in
Central and Northern Europe, North America, and Australia than for
Asia, Africa, and South America.2 There are believed to be over
400,000 persons with MS in the US and 2.1 million worldwide. The
majority of people with MS are typically diagnosed between 20 and 50
years of age, and women are affected two to three times more often
than men. The exact cause of MS is not clear, but it is believed to
result from a combination of genetic and environmental
June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

factors.3 http://www.touchneurology.com/

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions









Use technology to write a function a function that
describes a relationship between two quantities;
interpret functions that arise in application in text of
the context.
For a function that models a relationship between two
quantities, interpret key features of graphs and
tables. Sketch and analyze the function showing key
features of the data over different intervals.
1.01a and b
Create and use technology generated models for
linear, polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, power,
and logarithmic functions of bivariate date to analyze
solve problems. Analyze and interpret the function in
context to data.
Check models for goodness-of-fit, use the most
appropriate model to draw conclusions and make

The students will be able to use technology and computer

applications to collect and organize data for further analysis

The students will be able to integrate technology devices to

determine the relationship between bivariate data.

The students will be able to investigate data collected from

the investigation to understand different types of functions in

The students will be able to analyze intervals of data and

graphs to determine when one type of functions maybe a
best-fit compared to the other types of functions (piece-wise

90 minute class period in the classroom on day 1.

Additional 45 to 60 minute class period in classroom on day 2

*Handout is coming soon! **

Teacher Material List

Prototype (wearable device): Wearable Vest for

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

demonstration and/or a prepared prototype per group.

( Group of 5 to 6 students depending on how large the class is
and how many wearables were created)

Google document for students to access data collected from

the Arduino

** For a Cross Curricular lesson with an Computer

Science/Programming Class: materials includes creating the
prototype from scratch:

Arduino lily pad kit, two accelerometers, tee-shirt or vest per group,
access site for the computer program for the wearable device using
Arduino, Arduino program download, spreadsheet

Student Material List:



Laptop or a Desktop per student/group

Google account

Graphing calculator or access to tinker-plots and/or fathom

Wearable device per group (prepared) or access to data

collected from demonstration

Investigation instructions/handout for each student

Avoid liquids and foods in open containers during this activity

that could cause damage to equipment.

*If students are creating prototypes, they will need to use

needles for sewing. Store and use care with the needles they
are sharp and could be dangerous if used or stored

Students should be familiar with the different types of functions in

mathematics; such as Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Polynomial,
Exponential, Logarithmic, power, and trigonometric functions. They
will need to familiar with piecewise functions. They should be
familiar with how to use a graphing calculator to create scatter plots
and regression equations. Students should also be able to use the
calculator to determine whether there is a strong or weak
correlation between the relationships of the variables in this
investigation. Students should be familiar with interpreting the

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

meaning of the dependent and independent variable in context to

this situation.
**If you are using tinker plots or fathom for the first time students
will need to have a lesson or explanation on how to copy data from
a spreadsheet to the program. The will also require a lesson or
explanation on how to create a scatterplot, and regression line using
these programs.


Teachers will need to:

Be Familiar with Arduino (lily pads) and how to upload a

program to the Arduino app for an Arduino to work properly

The will need to become familiar with how the Arduino,

accelerometer, buzzer, and RGB lights must be connected
(and sewn correctly to their t-shirt or vest) for the prototype
to work.

The teacher will need to understand the data given from the
accelerometer and how to transfer it to a spreadsheet for
students to analyze.

Know how to use Tinker plots, Fathom, or TI- 84+ when

collecting and organizing data and building functions over
certain intervals.

Prepare at least one vest or another wearable that could be

used as a demo for the lesson. Alternative Demonstration:
prepare wearable prototypes that can be used to detect falls
for each group.


Teacher will give a presentation about falls and accidents

involving MS patients and the elderly.


The teacher will present and explain the prototype (wearable

vest) developed to prevent falls involving MS patients and the

3. During the demonstration the teacher will display live data on

a spread sheet projected on a projector screen. The data
given by the accelerometer as x, y, and z.
4. Ask a student to volunteer to wear the vest. The teacher will
conduct a whole class discussion about the patterns and

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

changes of each axis as the student volunteer moves. Include

in the discussion how and why the buzzer and light sound is
5. The same student or a different student will be used to
demonstrate different types of falls that would cause the
prototype to buzz and/or light up.
6. Teacher will share data collected from the demonstration in
google doc accessible to all students.
This next part will have to be done with computers. At this time pass
out computers or move to where the students will have computer
7. Instruct the students to use a laptop/computer to create a
scatter plot for the x and y, x and z, y and z.
8. Then have them discuss any patterns and changes in all three
plots. This is to be done in their groups.

The students will look at different intervals on the plot to

determine linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential,
logarithmic, and/or trigonometric patterns.

10. They will describe each function in context to the situation;

as falling forward, backward, or to the side. Some patterns
may describe the patient or elderly sitting down, or standing
11.Students will continue to analyze the data and generate
equations to make further predictions and inquiry as directed
on the handout-(under construction).
12.Have the students complete the handout

Research and Design a situation that would benefit from

the use of an accelerometer.
Use an accelerometer to simulate the situation or research
a simulation already developed on the internet.
Organize the data in a table, graphically, and symbolically.
Analyze the data as it related to the situation and discuss
the benefits of each representation of the data.
Scoring Rubric
5 points (100%)

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

Exemplary Response
Gives a complete response with clear and coherent
explanation analyzing the data as it relates to the
Includes clear and simple graphs, table, and functions
Shows understanding of questions mathematical ideas
and processes
Completes all important elements of the assessments

4 points (90%)
Competent Response
Gives a fairly complete response with clear and coherent
explanation analyzing the data as it relates to the
situation reasonably clear explanations
Includes clear and simple graphs, table, and functions;
missing a few components
Shows understanding of the questions mathematical
ideas and processes
Identifies the most important elements of the problem

3 points (80%)
Minor Flaws But Satisfactory
Completes the problem satisfactorily
Explanation is muddled and mathematical analysis is
May include minor error of analysis
Understands the underlying Mathematical idea
Includes some graphs, tables, and functions, but
incomplete components
2 points (70%)
Serious Flaws But Nearly Satisfactory
Begins the problem appropriately, but may fail to
complete or omit significant parts of the problem
May fail to show full understanding of mathematical ideas
and analysis
Unclear, Inappropriate tables, graphs, functions

1 point: (60%)
Begins, But Fails to Complete Problem

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

Explanation is not understandable
Show no understanding of the problem
Omits parts of question and response
0 point:
No response
Frivolous or irrelevant response


Engineering Design
Determine a challenge or problem in our society.
Research and/or design criteria needed to solve the challenge
Build a prototype based on the challenge
Collect, analyze, and build functions of the data to make
sense of the situation and predictions
Analyze and make modifications to improve the prototype
There are different approaches to this lesson, the teacher can
change this lesson to fit the needs of his/her class.
Technology can also be used as a way for student to interpret the
meaning of any of the text used in the lesson for students with
certain learning disabilities.
Time constraints can be extended to ensure that all students are
understanding the lesson. Some groups maybe on different tasks in
the lesson, which is normal.
Group collaboration and group dynamics should be considered
carefully when completing this project.
Limited English student should be place in a group with a student
who is willing to interpret or peer tutor the student.
Differentiation should be considered for a more advanced group that
may be able to complete the extension while a student with a
learning disability may only be able to generate functions using
technology and make predictions.


Same as the assessment, but may need extended time.

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions


Incident Rate and Data Analysis


Wearable Devices for Fall Prevention


Health Related Research




This lesson was design to give a general idea of how to incorporate

an engineering lesson or other cross-curriculum lesson into a
mathematics class.
The topic idea and technology can be changed to suit the interest of
the students.
I am Sherri Pinkney a 2015-16 Kenan Fellows. I am Nationally Board
Certified in young adult Mathematics. I have been teaching for 15
years for the State of North Carolina. I am currently teaching at
Knightdale High School of Collaborative Design. I currently teach in
the Creative Design Institute at Knightdale High. I have taught all
subjects of high school mathematics including all of the Advanced
Placement Mathematic Courses.
Dr. Jesse Jur is an assistant professor for Textile Engineering,
Chemistry, and Science at North Carolina State University. His
research targets the development of materials processing methods
for nanoscale inorganic integration with polymer-based materials,
including nonwoven textiles. Applications for his research include
new electronic textiles that respond to chemical, photo and

June 16, 2015

Wearables for Balance and Mathematical Functions

mechanical environmental changes, as well as the enhancement of

the mechanical and thermal stability of modified fiber system.

June 16, 2015

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