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End of Term Newsletter

July 2015
As we approach the end of the Summer Term
Our senior students completed their GCSE and Advanced Level Examinations and are now enjoying a well-deserved break from study.
We wish all of them a good break and look forward to celebrating results with them later in the summer.
Our Year 10 students are currently spending the final two weeks of term on Work Experience and reports from the work places are
overwhelmingly positive, with many glowing accounts of the valuable contributions our students are making. Over 80% of the placements
were own finds and we are extremely grateful to parents/carers for their support in this process. Whilst such experiences have fallen
out of favour with many schools, we still consider the chance to experience the workplace as extremely valuable. Thanks are due to Mrs
Spink, our Work Experience Coordinator, who has done a brilliant job in managing the whole process on behalf of the school.
Students in Years 7-9 enjoyed the penultimate week of term taking part in our Wider Learning Week. Some students had the opportunity
to take part in some exciting school-based opportunities and others enjoyed a range of activities outside school, including trips to
Barcelona or Boulogne, or more locally to London and Osterley Park.
Term finishes after morning school on Friday 17 July. All students are expected to be in school for the morning, which will include our end
of term celebration assemblies. Registration will take place at 12.15pm and then students will be dismissed at 12.30pm.
We wish all our students and their families a wonderful summer break.

This Newsletter contains:

End and Start of Term Dates

News in Brief
Important Reminders
Important dates for the term ahead.

Examination Results Days
A-Level Results - Thursday 13 August

Years 12 and 13 available from 9.00am

GCSE Results Thursday 20 August

Years 11, 12 and 13 available from 9.00am

Year 10 available from 10.00am

Sixth Form Enrolment

Year 13 Enrolment will take place at 9.00am on Thursday 13 August.

Year 12 Enrolment will take place at 9.00am on Thursday 20 August.

Mr Doyle (Assistant Headteacher) and his team will also be available to enrol students during the first week of the Autumn Term, between
3.00 and 5.00pm each day.
If no-one in the family is able to pick up examination results, please do get someone authorised to do so on your behalf, so that important
decisions can be made about future pathways.
If you are unable to enrol at one of the times above, please email Mr Doyle ( to liaise further.

Term and Holiday Dates 2015-16

Autumn Term 1
Tuesday 1 September Friday 23 October
Monday 26 October Friday 30 October
Autumn Term 2
Monday 2 November Friday 18 December


Spring Term 1
Monday 4 January Friday 12 February
Monday 15 February Friday 19 February
Spring Term 2
Monday 2 November Friday 18 December


Tuesday 1 September INSET Day

Wednesday 2 September INSET Day
Thursday 3 September Year 7 & 12 return
Friday 4 September Years 8-11 and 13 return
Friday 27 November INSET Day
Monday 30 November PPA Day


Summer Term 1
Monday 11 April Friday 27 May


Monday 11 April Moderation Day

Monday 2 May May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 30 May Spring Bank Holiday

Monday 30 May Friday 3 June
Summer Term 2
Monday 6 June Friday 15 July

Students will not be required to attend on INSET, Moderation or PPA Days.


Monday 18 July to Wednesday 31 August (start of the autumn term 2016 to be confirmed)

Start of the Autumn Term 2015

Year 7 return
We will welcome our new Year 7 students to school from 8.15am. Please do not arrive before this time. The welcome assembly will start
at 8:30am. Parents/carers can leave the boys at the front of the school where they will be welcomed. If you intend to pick your son/ward
up after his first day, school finishes at 3.00pm. All students will have the opportunity to create their accounts for CucinA (our caterers)
during their first morning in school.
Year 12 return
Year 12 students will return at 9.45am, reporting to the Study Room prior to starting their induction programme.

Years 8-11
Students in Years 8-11 will return at 10.45am.
Year 13 return
Year 13 students will return at 1.45pm, reporting to the Study Room.
Students can top-up their accounts for the Restaurant between 10.30 and 10.45am. Alternatively this can be done via the online service.

All students will attend normal school.

School Shop Opening Hours

All school uniform, sports equipment and equipment for lessons can be purchased from the
school shop. The shop aims to offer excellent quality and good value, with profits used for the
benefit of students at school. If you are buying school ties, please note that only clip-on ties are
permitted for students in Years 7 to 10.
During the Summer Holiday the shop will be open as follows:
Monday 20 Friday 24

10.00am 3.00pm

Thursday 13
Thursday 20
Monday 24 Thursday 27

12.00 3.00pm
12.00 3.00pm
1.30 4.00pm

During Term Time

Monday to Friday

1.00 1.30pm
3.00 3.30pm

Items from the shop can be purchased by cash, cheque or via the online service (ParentMail2).
The school does not accept payment by credit/debit cards.

Head Boy & Deputies
Congratulations to our new senior students who have been appointed following a rigorous application and selection process. Our new
Head Boy is Thomas Knox and he will be assisted by Deputy Head Boy Ali Eta and Deputy Head Girl Olivia Barnes. They will, no
doubt, continue to serve the school well and be excellent ambassadors for all students.
Our thanks to out-going Head Boy Josh Norris and his Deputy, Calvin Kundi, who have been outstanding senior students. We all wish
them the very best with the next stage of their education and look forward to hearing of their future successes.

Wider Learning Week

We ran a Wider Learning Week last week (6 10 July) for our students in Years 7-9 and 12. The week was a resounding success; one
student commented that they had a great week [with] amazing topics. I extremely enjoyed it; it was great fun. Another said, simply, It
was awesome. Below is a brief summary of the events; look out for a full write-up in this years Annual Review, published at the end of
Year 7
The whole of Year 7 took part in Dragons Den on Monday, where they had to design a piece of wearable technology. The winning item
an interactive tie offering notifications about school life came from students in 7A (pictured). Year 7 took part in a variety of curriculumbased activities for the rest of the week: making energy drinks in Science, learning about health and fitness through PE and Food
Technology, and visiting the Natural History and Science Museums. Their week culminated in a STEM Engineering Challenge on Friday,
as students designed some fantastic bridges purely out of paper!

Year 8
Year 8 had a variety and fascinating week of curriculum-based activities on rotation, with particular highlights being visits to Thorpe Park
and to Boulogne, France. In Business, students took part in a marble challenge, building rollercoasters that could hold a marble for
longer than four seconds, while Ms Hemings ran a Political Understanding day. Students hosted a mock election, creating their own
parties including the Game Party and the Minion Party and canvassing for support with some passionate speeches. Year 8 students
took part in an Engineering Challenge on Thursday, before ending with a Zoo Day on Friday, going around five subject areas on rotation,
all with an animal theme. Students especially loved Zoo Lab, as they got to touch and feel some exciting creatures, including a millipede,
tarantula, and snake!

Year 9
Year 9 students were given the opportunity to pick from a range of six activities which they took for all five days. These included:

Art Attack - students visited Kew Gardens, designed a variety of pieces for display around school, and created fifty-one good
luck cards for the Argentinian Rugby team ahead of the Rugby World Cup;
Computing - students created various computer programs and ended with a trip to the Sky Skills Lab;
Duke of Edinburghs Award - our Bronze students undertook their practice expedition;
Fishing - Mr Fisher took a small group of students to a variety of rivers and lakes;
Sports Week - students were able to visit the Olympic velodrome and Swimming Centre, among others;
Survival Skills - students were given the opportunity to learn about basic survival and conservation, and practice teamwork and
planning skills.

Year 12
Our Year 12 students were treated to a varied and fascinating week. On Monday, The Apprentice 2014 runner-up Bianca Miller came
into school and delivered a great talk about personal branding, and the importance of selling oneself during interviews. Students were
also invited to a HEI/Apprenticeship Fair, where visiting stalls offered future opportunities. Students also listened to a variety of talks
during the week, and attended a day at the University of West London, Brentford. The week proved vital in preparing students for the
step-up to Year 13.

Year 10 Trip to Barcelona

During Wider Learning Week, a group of Year 10 students visited Barcelona, accompanied by Miss Kelvin, Miss Simms and Mr
Chryssides. Students took part in a variety of activities, including visiting Las Ramblas, Sagrada Familia and the Camp Nou football
stadium. Students also had Spanish lessons during their time in the city. Overall, students behaviour was exemplary, and all involved
had a fantastic time. A full write-up of the trip including student reflections will be included within the Annual Review.

Sports Day
Congratulations to all the students on some excellent performances and exemplary behaviour during the re-arranged Sports Day held on
Wednesday 15 July. Turner House eventually won the event and there were some impressive individual performances along the way.
Keven Evans (8F) broke the school 150m record; Josiah Wilson-Kepple (7A) jumped over two metres further than the previous best in
the triple-jump, and the 60m sprint time was broken twice, first by Kyle Williams (9E) and then by Jacob Canning (9B).
The final event was a staff relay, with 24 members of staff competing. Well done to Mssrs Devlin, Potter, Lightfoot and Newton on victory.

Key Stage 3 Awards Evening

The second annual Key Stage 3 Awards Evening was held on the night of Tuesday 14 July. The school hall was filled with proud parents,
carers and family members as some of the top-performing students across Years 7-9 were rewarded for their excellent academic
progress, for excellence in a number of areas of school and for contributions to the school. Tom Keenan (9F) scooped the Headteachers
Cup at the end of the evening for his all-round contribution to school alongside his excellent attitude to his studies. Well done to all the
award winners.

Congratulations to Louis Kelly (Year 12) who recently won a screen-writing competition, organised by the local business provider SPARK!
Louis produced a fantastic script and then enjoyed the chance to direct his own short film, which included a lead role for another Sixth
Form student, Jack Takeda.
Louis film, titled Agoraphobia, had its premiere at The Watermans Arts Centre on Monday 13 July and received a range of plaudits from
the audience members. His film will now be entered into a number of short film competitions. You can watch the trailer at Continued good luck!

From L-R, Louis Rugg (who composed all the music for the film), Emmet Shanahan (who did an excellent job with the complex make-up), Jack Takeda
(who played the main character), and Kaysha Hanson from West Thames College (who played the other main role.)

Staff v Year 13 Leavers

It has been a great year for the Year 13 Leavers in their sporting contests with the staff. Fresh from their 5-3 victory in the spring term
football game, the students backed this up with a fine win in the annual cricket game, played on Wednesday 24 June. Congratulations to
the Leavers.

Gold Duke of Edinburghs Award - Assessment

Well done to our nine Gold Duke of Edinburghs Award participants, who took part in their practice expedition to the Brecon Beacons this
week. Although the weather was particularly challenging with 15m visibility at certain points all of the students stepped up their game
considerably and were a credit to the school.

New Build
Plans are progressing nicely for the new school building which will eventually accommodate two additional forms of entry for the school.
A Pre-Planning Application was submitted in mid-June and received very positive feedback from the Planners at Hounslow. A public
meeting was held on Wednesday 15 July, to give local residents the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposals. The 7 million
project will provide much needed additional facilities for the school and allow for the refurbishment of some of the existing classrooms
that are not presently fit-for-purpose. A side elevation of the proposed new block can be seen below.

School Ski Trip
Following the success of this years Ski Trip, we are delighted to offer another trip in April 2016. We will be travelling to the same area,
but new resorts, and is a fantastic opportunity for current students in Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Places are still available; if you are
interested, please see Miss Lawler in September.

Basic Equipment
It is a simple and clear expectation that students bring basic school equipment to school on a daily basis, thus enabling them to be ready
for learning. Equipment includes pens, pencil, ruler, a scientific calculator, specialist Mathematics equipment and a water bottle. All of
these items should be organised within a suitably sized school bag, which should also contain a reading book. Please ensure that your
son/ward organises his school bag the evening before a school day and is therefore ready to learn.

Appearance Policy Start of Term Checks

It is still concerning that a number of boys are being sent home for ignoring our Appearance Policy, in particular for breaches of expectation
with regard to hairstyles. Our policy is clear and long-standing, and all of our students are aware of the requirements through repeated
reminders in assemblies and in tutor time. The rules, as stated in their student planners, are as follows:

Hair should be conventional in style and in length (above the collar and no shorter than a blade 2) and should not be artificially
coloured, spiked or contain styling products. Excessively shaven hair (below a blade 2/where skin on head is visible), shaved
eyebrows or any shaven step/lines/patterns/fashion trims/ high-tops/low-tops are not acceptable.
Examples of inappropriate hairstyles can be seen below.

Hair is too short

(below blade 2)

Hair is too long

(beyond collar)

Hair shaven
and faded to skin

Products in the hair

Shaven parting


Also note that coats and socks should be plain and dark coloured and remember that the Senior Leadership Team of the school are the
final arbiters of the Appearance Code.

Mobiles & Smart Watches

The vast majority of students are excellent at following the school rule for mobiles, i.e. that they should not be seen, used or heard.

Please also note that this rule applies to all forms of Smart Watches to. Should your son/ward own a smartwatch, they are not allowed in
school. It is worth noting that the examination boards have also banned the wearing of smartwatches during examinations.

Friday 17
Thursday 13
Thursday 20

Last Day of Term (students depart - 12.30pm)

Advanced Level Results Issued: Year 12 & 13 (9.00am)

Year 13 Enrolment (9.00am)
GCSE Results Issued: Year 11, 12 and 13 (9.00am)
GCSE Results Issued for all other years (10.00am)
Year 12 Enrolment (9.00am)


Tuesday 1
Wednesday 2
Thursday 3
Friday 4
Tuesday 8
Thursday 17
Tuesday 22
Thursday 24
Tuesday 29
Wednesday 30

Inset Day
Inset Day
Year 7 Start School (8.30am); Year 12 Return (9.45am)
Years 8-11 Return (10.45am); Year 13 Return (1.45pm)
Photographs Years 7, 9 and 12
Senior Awards Evening (7.00pm)
Year 7 Expectations Evening / PGL Briefing (6.00pm)
Year 12 Expectations Evening (6.00pm)
Open Evening
Late start for students (10.45am)

School Communications
Please do get used to using our new forms of communication, listed here. They are the best way to keep up-to-date with the daily life of
the school. It is also far more efficient to access information via the website or Twitter account, rather than by telephone.
Parent Portal:

020 8568 5791
020 8568 1939

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