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We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada
through the
Canada Periodical Fund
of the Department of
Canadian Heritage.


Volume 133 Issue 17

Friday, July 17, 2015

90 cents plus tax

Fair Weekend Huge Crowds For Fun Fest

Photo by Darryl Holyk

Horses of all sizes could be seen at the

Ag Society Fair last weekend.

ince it was founded in 1882, the Minnedosa Agricultural Society has continued to hold successful
summer fairs each year. The most recent Minnedosa
Fair was held this past weekend at the new Ag Society
grounds, at the far west end of the former fairgrounds.
In the last few years, the transition to the new site
was underway with outdoor horse events taking place
at the new grounds while the Home Living exhibits remained at the far east end of the MREC grounds. This
made for quite a trek for spectators wanting to take in
everything the local fair has to offer. This year, for the
first time since relocating to the new grounds, all fair
events, including the Home Living exhibits and canteen were held in close proximity on the new site. Ag
Society President, Clarke Swain, indicated that this was
made possible at the very last minute.
We fi nished up yesterday (Friday) at midnight,
said Clarke, stating that the generosity and hard work of
volunteers and local contractors resulted in the washrooms and kitchen in the new ag building being ready
to use for the fairs opening Saturday morning. These
facilities, along with the exhibition hall are located in
the north end of the new ag building. The south portion
of the building houses the animal stalls during the fair
and is used as a riding arena in the off-season.

Continued on Page 8

Photos by Darryl Holyk


he summer festival spirit was definitely fl owing

through the air last weekend as Minnedosa hosted
its annual Fun Fest celebration. Huge crowds were experienced at many of the attractions and events taking
place this Fun Fest weekend. We are very happy with
how the weekend went, agreed Fun Fest Co chairs Erin
Woodcock and Krista Powell. There were great crowds
and a lot of out-of town people here. Some of the success to this years Fun Fest may be attributed to extended
advertising and the fact that some neighbouring communities are not hosting summer festivals this year.

See Full Story and More Photos Inside

No parade is complete without the mini car

patrol and marching bands. Pictured above is
the Brandon Shrine Club Car Patrol and at right,
the St. Andrews Pipes and Drums.

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