Portfolio: Tana Bolinger

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Tana Bolinger


Tana Bolinger
Cell Number 503.547.4318
Email bol14002@byui.edu
998 N.E. Baldwin drive
Hillsboro, Or 97124

Table Of Contents

4. Montage
6. Brochure
8. Logo
10. Flier
12. Business Card
14. Letterhead
16. Webpage
18. Imaging
20. Event Ad


Description: Image of my brother with his fiance along with

the Portland Temple and a textured background.
Objectives: Learn how to mask images and blend textures
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Photoshop
Color Scheme: Complimentary, yellow and blue.
Date Completed: May 28th, 2015
Process: Using Photoshop I enhaned the colors I wanted to
bring out in the image of the couple so that when combined
with other backgrounds it would still stand out. I also used
photoshop to cut out the elements in the temple picture that
I felt destracted from the message. Than I cropped the image of the couple and the temple and alligned them on the
paper where I felt they fit best. In the background I added in
a brown cloud like texture to give some added flavor to the
project.When adding color contrast to all of the images I tried
to remember that the colors of each image should be on the
same color scheme. This would help the images compliment
each other rather than distract one image from the other. I
added in the quote and varied the layers, shading, drop shadows, and fonts to make it truly POP!


Description: A two sided folding brochure sharing the benefits of yoga.

Objectives: Be able to create a cohesive panphlet that conveys all of the information nicely.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs/tools used: Adobe InDesign. Adobe Illustrator,
and Photoshop.
Color scheme: Inside: black and white color scheme. Outside: monochromatic green with brown texture.
Date Completed: July 11th, 2015
Process: After choosing the topic that I would be discussing,
I went through credible websites to find the information that
I would want to share. I knew a lot of the information about
yoga since I love to participate in it, but I knew that more
credible research would be better and would engage the
audience more. I chose to do the simple tri-fold style because
it is very elegant and I felt it was the best way to display my
information. Along with that style I also chose to do a very
simple paragraphing style that involved no indentation. For
a clean alignment this looked best. The wood on the front
displays a yoga mat look which I felt displayed the point of
the brochure very clearly without any words. The images in
the inside along with the one embedding, in the background,
and on the back, all showcase the clean poses through all of
them being cut out and black and white. I felt that the lack
of color in the brochure actually enhances the images and
the fonts inside which is why I chose to keep it in white and

Description: This logo that I created was for a plant company

called Angel Gardens.
Objectives: Create a small image that conveys the company
well. Understanding Adobe Illustrator and how it works.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs/Tools used: Adobe Illustrator
Color Scheme: Monochromatic; Teal
Date Completed: June 24th, 2015


Process: Originially I did my logo for a recording company

that I created in the hopes of using it one day. After turning in
the project and finishing my design I decided that I could do
better. Due to this realization I completed a whole new project which took me several days. Although this was very difficult I do feel that I now understand Adboe illustrator better
and I know how to crreate effective logos. After coming up
with a new company name I decided that a hand could be
very effective. The company I created was for gardening but
the goal was to grow as a person while physically growing a
plant. The hand represents that in a way that I felt to be most
effective. Using Adobe Illustrator I was able to draw the images that I wanted and then change the fonts and colors to
appeal better to the audience. The color scheme presented a
very clam environment and that is exactly what this companies goal is.

Angel Gardens
Angel Gardens


Angel Gardens

Angel Gardens

Description: To promote the Graduate Leadership Conference

for seniors.
Objectives: Understand how to use the Adobe software. Use
the FOCUS programs to convey the message. Use negative
space efficiently.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Adobe InDesign
Color Scheme: Black and White
Date Completed: May 9th, 2015


Process: I began by reading the description of what the conference was about so that I would know who my audiencewas.
With that in mind, I started sketching some designs. Using
Adobe InDesign I tested out my sketches until I found the one
that I liked best. I added repeating elements like the circles,
the allignment and the font to create flow throughout the flier.
I used a lot of white space and clearly aligned everything in
order to create unity and enhance the clarity.



Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant
Communications annual
Graduate Leadership
October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center

Vouant Communications is
devoted to helping tomorrows
leaders gain essential leadership
skills in the workplace.
During this dynamic three-day
seminar, attendees will meet
with top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss
break through leadership
techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will
market to any employer.
Conference is available to
graduating seniors.
Space is limited.

Registration and more information available

at http://www.vouantcomm.com/ leaders

Business Card

Description: The company Baby Trunks is a baby clothing

business. The cards promote the business to outside investors.
Objectives: Understand how to use color to share contact
info in such a small space. Learn effective elements in business card making.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
Color Scheme: Complimentary colors; Blue and Orange
Date Completed: June 12th, 2015
Process: I first created the logo. This involved having to draw
my own elephant head and trunk. I then chose a color and
created a nice rectangle background that enhanced the shape
of the elephant. Choosing colors was the next task and I decided on making it simple and doing complimentary colors. I
think that the blue and orange highlight each other very well.
After the logo was complete I had to import it in InDesign
and start making the business card. This involved adding all
of my contact info as well as my name and position within
the company. Formatting that took some time especially trying to tie the color scheme into the design without making it
over powering. In the end, it was a success.

Tana Bolinger
Communications specialist

Baby Trunks

Office number: 503 547 4318

Email: bol14002@frontier.com

Baby Trunks

Location: 998 N.E. Baldwin

drive Hillsboro, Or. 97124

Description: Page that represents the company effectively.

Objectives: Learn how to use Adobe InDesign for letterhead
making. Learn how to create a watermark.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Adobe InDesign
Color Scheme: Complimentary colors; Blue and Orange
Date Completed: June 12th, 2015


Process: With the logo and business card already created, I

was able to add the contact information I used and the elephant logo onto the letterhead. By using the same color
scheme and font, the letterhead adding to the set very nicely.
To enhance the letterhead I added an elephant watermark.
This made the page more appealing. Although it turned out
nicely, creating the right opacity was not easy. It had to be
clear enough to see but still able to be written on top of.

Baby Trunks

Tana Bolinger
998 N.E. Baldwin drive
Hillsboro, Or. 97124


Description: A webpage that showcases the logo I created.

Objectives: Be able to use advanced CSS files. Successfully
create a webpage.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: CSS and HTML files, and TestWrangler editing software
Color Scheme and Color Hex: Monochromatic Teal;
#B7D9DB. #10625B. White #FFFFF.
Date Completed: June 26th, 2015
Process: Through searching for diferent types of CSS coding I
was able to create a visually pleasing page that describes the
process of my logo. I chose the same teal color that is displayed in the logo to bring unity and a calm/warm feeling to
the page. This also helps promote my logo due to the company name and purpose of it. I used the HTML file to edit and
format my webpage. This included all of the writing and images (logo) displayed as well as the bolding and indentation
of it all. I used the CSS file to add different colors, fonts, and
the positioning of the logo.


Description: A demonstration of good photography skills

and use of color scheme.
Objectives: Successfully use Photoshop to edit image. Use a
correct color scheme. Convey a clear theme.
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Photoshop
Color Scheme: Triadic color scheme with the colors blue, red,
and yellow.
Date Completed: May 22nd, 2015
Process: I started by going out and taking pictures looking
for the correct angle and lighting. I chose to take one inside
which brought a disadvantage due to the lack of natural lighting. After taking the final pictures and making a decision on
which one I would edit, I realized that I needed to change a
lot of the colors in the image because it needed to fit a color
scheme. I chose a Triadic color scheme including a shade of
blue, red, and yellow. I designed this 8.5 by 11 page through
the helpful use of photoshop. I first edited the image itself
and then added text to enhance the meaning of the picture.
I chose to use my favorite quote because I felt it was a good
way to capture the feelings that one receives when playing
the piano. Through many hours of hard work I was able to
put together a piece of work that I am proud of.

Description: Promotion for Relay for life and the effect it has
on cancer patients.
Objectives: Effectively use Microsoft word to create an
event ad. Learn allignment and effective uses of correct color
Course: Comm130
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Programs Used: Microsoft Word
Color scheme and names: Triadic. A form of yellow, blue, and
Date Completed: May 16th, 2015

Event Ad

Process: I scanned this image and blew it up so that it would

be approximately 8.5 by 11 inches. After doing so I came up
with the idea of using the women being carried by the balloons as a symbol of what a person will be doing by running
in Relay for life. They will be lifting them through this difficult time. I added text boxes in the balloons to add creativity
and make it look visually appealing. The information was
hard to allign due to the fact that I was putting most of the
information in images, but I was able to do it through the use
of the ruler tool in Microsoft Word.

Relay For Life

the spirits of
those going
through so

their burden
through a
race with

the pain of
cancer patients
through raising

Donate time to save a life

July 18 th 2015
Relay Starts at 8:00am
$15 per person

Learn more at www.relayforlife.org

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