The House by The Sea

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The House by the Sea by Patricia

Chapter 2: Waiting for Linda
In this chapter, it was story related by Carl, about Linda and him.
It was three years ago, Linda decided to have a holiday house by the sea for weekends to
get away of theirs business. Then, Linda started to look for something and she found a
house by the beach in East Anglia, in a village called Little Moreton.
They are married, Linda and Carl, they were happy. Linda was working in a small company
in south east of London and Carl job was going well. They never lack of money and Linda
could buy whatever she wanted. So Linda bought the house and started to go every
weekend to get it ready, to make it look nice and pretty, but Carl went there when he could,
because he was getting busier at work. When the house was completely ready, Linda
wanted Carl to go there and see how pretty it was looking, but Carl had a meeting in Paris
and then he couldnt go there.

The House by the Sea by Patricia

But over time, there were getting more distances between them, and Linda started to stay
with her friend Melissa. Carl wanted Linda to go home, and then he felt that he had to do
something, so he called Linda to settle this situation. So, they agreed to meet at the station
and she would ring the pub and tell him which train she was taking after an office party.
Carl arrived at the house, and found out that someone had been there since yesterday,
because of a newspaper with the yesterday date. Then Carl decided to go to the pub and
wait for Linda to phone, in the pub he met a woman called Mary, she was the owner of the
pub, who lent her phone to Carl. But at the end, Linda never called.

The House by the Sea by Patricia

Main characters:
1. Carl Anderson
2. Linda Anderson

Sub characters:
1. Melissa
2. Mary

The main theme of this story is about the main character, Carl and Linda, who decided to
buy a house by the sea to get away from their jobs on weekends. But Carl was always
busy, so Linda was getting away of him, she started to stay with her friends house, then
Carl felt that something was going bad and he decided to settle the situation with her, in
their house in Little Moreton, but she never appeared.

The story, related by Carl, its about what happened three years ago in London, where the
characters live. But the rest of the story took place in East Anglia, in a village called Little
Moreton, where Linda bought a holiday house by the sea.

The House by the Sea by Patricia


Type of novel (genre):

This is a mystery novel.

Main phrases or expressions:

1. Three years ago, Linda decided she wanted to have a holiday house by the sea.
Verbs in past tense.
2. She found this house in East Anglia, in a village called Little Moreton.
Verbs in past tense.
3. We were never short of money and Linda could buy whatever she wanted.
Adverb of frequency after the verb to be.
4. Then, one evening, she didnt come home from work.
Do or does in past tense.
5. Linda didnt understand how difficult it was for me at work. But I didn't understand
how unhappy Linda was.
Do or does in past tense.
6. I decided I had to do something. I had to change. I had to stop working so much
and spend more time with Linda.
Had is the past tense of have.

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