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Design Synthasis

1. What are the Prerequisites to a design activity

2. What is meant by design specifications
3. Define optimum solution for a design
4. What are preffered numbers
5. Classify engineering design
6. What tolerances are required on mating parts
7. What is meant by bilateral tolerance
8. How is the surface roughness indicated on drawings ?
9. What are the various stages in a design ?
10.What arer the constrains of a design engineer ?
11.What are the various design considerations in casting process ?
12.Discuss about design considerations in machined components ?
13.Define standardization ?
14.What is selective assembly ?
15.Explain about various types of fits ?
16.What is conceptual design ?.
17.Explain about surface roughness and standardisation in design process.
18.What is the difference between selective assembly and
19.Mention various types of variable stresses in design of a lathe bed.
20.(a) List out the stages involved in the design of a machine element.
(b) What are the constraints of a designer ?.
21.(a) What are interchangeable parts ?.
(b) Write short notes on the following :
(i) Clearance fit
(ii) Transition fit
(iii) Interference fit
22. Discuss about design considerations of forgings .
23. Discuss about design considerations of machined parts.
24. Why tolerances are required in mating parts ?.

Experimental stress analysis

1. Derive equilibrium equations in Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate

2. Given the displacement field
u = (x2+y4+2y2z+yz) 10-3
v= (xy +xz+3x2z) 10-3
c. w = (y4+4y3+2z2) 10-3
d. Compute the associated strains at point (2, 2, 2).
3. Explain any two strain gages from the following.
Mechanical ii) Optical iii) Electrical
4. Explain what is meant by static recording? Give detailed explanation with
suitable example.
5. Differenciate among dynamic recording at very low frequencies,
intermediate frequencies and high frequencies.
6. Give explain on telemetry systems
7. Write a short notes on Plane stress and Plain strain Problem .
8. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a strain gauge fabricated using
an isoelastic Alloy. List four different carrier materials used in strain gauge
9. What are primary disadvantages fo the brittle coating method ?
10. Breifly describe the difference between direct and frequency modulation

Advanced Optimization Technique

1. Define gradient of function. Explain its characteristics.

2. Explain the following optimization methods. (a) Unimodel function
,elimination method
3. Explain the terms

Polynomial (ii) Degree of difficulty

4. Define the degree of difficulty for constrained GP Problem.

5.Solve the
following problem by Fletcher Reeves method. Min y = 10 x1
+x1x2 + x22 . Take a starting point as (1, 1).
6.State arithmetic- geometric inequlity theorem. Explain how it is used in
deriving dual problem for a given unconstrained geometric problem.

7.5. Minimize Y = (x-4)(x-6)3 (x-1)2 by using Fibonacci method.Take initial

interval of uncertainty as [8 , 32] and total number of experiments as 6.
Calculate achived accuracy.
8.Solve the following GP Problem Min f = 4x12x2-3 +5x1-3x2 +6x1x2, x1 & x2 > 0 .
9. a) State the Bellmans principle of optimality.
b) Use dynamic programming to solve the following LPP
Max Z = 3x1 + 5x2 st , x1< 4 , x2 < 6 , 3x1 + 2x2 < 18, xi > 0

Mechanical Vibration

1. Write short notes on the following

a) Vibration of String b) Modal Analysis c) Eigen values and Eigen
2. Write a short note on signature analysis and root cause analysis.
3. For a simply supported beam of length l and of uniform cross-section, find
the first natural frequency of transverse vibrations by Raleighs methods.
Assume the deflection as i) a sine curve ii) a parabolic curve.
4. A string is stretched with a large tension T between two points and has three
point masses fixed along its length as shown in Fig.1. The masses can
vibrate freely in the lateral direction. Determine a) the flexibility matrix and
write the differential equation of motion in matrix form in terms of
flexibility matrix. b) the stiffness matrix and write the differential equation
of motion in matrix form in terms of stiffness matrix.
5. A four cylinder engine whose shaft is coupled to a damper at one end and a
generator at the other end has a flywheel mounted on the shaft between the
engine and the generator. The schematic of the system is shown in Fig.2.
with the values of the rotor inertias and the stiffness of the shafts. Estimate
the two lowest natural frequencies and find these out by Holzers method.
Show also the corresponding modes.
6. Find the fundamentalnatural frequency and the corresponding mode shape
for the system system shown in Fig. 3 by the method of matrix iteration.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

7. Derive the expression for logarithmic decreament in a single degree spring mass
system subjected free damped vibration.
8. Explain and discuss in detail the amplityde modulation , frequency modulation.
9. Discuss the techniques used for spectrum analysis to understand the behavior of
a machine .

Computational Fluid Dynamics

1. Study the stability behavior 2nd Order wave equation by Von-neuman stability
2. The 1-D Wave Equation is given as JU/JT+JU/JX =0 Which is hyperbolic
Derive the stability criteria for central time central space scheme for 1D wave
3. Define Lax equivalence theorem?

4. Explain the direct method with tri diagonal matrix algorithm with an example?
5. Solve the following algebraic equations using Gauss Jordan method
3x1 +3x2 +3x3 =10

2x1 +8x2 +6x3 =19

x1 +6x2 +4x3 =13

6. Derive the finite difference formation for forward , back ward and central
difference schemes from the tailors series?
7. Solve the 1D unsteady state heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinate
system using explicit method and describe the stability condition?
8. Explain ADI scheme for the discretization of 2D parabolic equation?
9. What are the different types of errors that occur during the discretization?
10. write about finite volume method for 3D flows?
11.What are the basic rules for control-volume approach?
12. Explain Crank Nicholson method?
13. Difference between boundary and initial conditions?

Advanced Mechanics of Machinery

1. a) Synthesize a 4-bar mechanism for specified instantaneous conditions
using method of components.
2. What is function generation? Explain how to synthesis a 4-bar mechanism
using precision point approximation.
3. Explain D-H notations. Derive the 4x4 D-H transformation matrix.
4. What is Instantaneous centre?Describe various methods for deriving it?
5. Explain the steps involved in the D-H method of assignment of co-ordinate

6. What is Burmesters Curve? Explain in detail how Burmesters curve will be

drawn for a 4 bar mechanism.
7. Selecting the link parameter table, perform the direct Kinematic analysis of
a spherical robotic manipulator
8. Derive the Jacobian matrix for the planar Robotic manipulator.
9. What is path generation? Explain Roberts theorem with a suitable example.

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