Jordan Canonical Form

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Jordan Canonical Form

Recall the following definition:


We say that two square matrices A and B are similar provided there exists an invertible
matrix P so that


We say a matrix A is diagonalizable if it is similar to a diagonal matrix.

We noted in an earlier unit that not all square matrices are diagonalizable. The following
theorem yields necessary and sufficient conditions for a square matrix to be diagonalizable.

matrix A is diagonalizable if and only if A has n linearly independent eigenvectors.



. Then

We see that
corresponding eigenspaces:
The null space for

are the associated eigenvalues for A. We seek the


and the null space for


. Since

the three vectors

are linearly independent and so by the

above theorem the given matrix is diagonalizable. In particular,


We note that the columns for

consist of the set of three linearly

independent eigenvectors for A. (Hold that thought!)



. Then

The eigenspace corresponding to

eigenspace corresponding to

is given by

is given by

and the

. Since we have only three

linearly independent eigenvectors and the given matrix


is of

, the above theorem tells us that A is not diagonalizable.

While the matrix

is not diagonalizable, it is similar to a matrix that is

nearly diagonal:

The matrix on the right-hand side of the above is an example of a matrix in Jordan Canonical
Form. Here we note that


, and

Hence, three of the four columns of

consist of (linearly independent) eigenvectors of A. (Hold that thought!)

We illustrate the notion of a Jordan matrix via two sets of examples.
1. The following are Jordan matrices:

2. The following are not Jordan matrices:

1. The only

Jordan matrices are

2. The only

Jordan matrices are


may or may not be distinct) and

where the

3. The only


are not necessarily distinct.

Jordan matrices are

are not necessarily distinct and the blocks may be permuted.


matrix of the form

is called a Jordan block. An

matrix J is said to be in Jordan canonical form if it is a

matrix of the form

where each

is either a diagonal matrix or a Jordan block matrix. That is, a Jordan matrix is

a matrix with Jordan blocks down the diagonal and zeros everywhere else.

matrix is similar to a matrix in Jordan canonical form. That is, for every matrix A

there exists an invertible matrix M so that

where J is in Jordan canonical form.

The trick to producing the Jordan matrix J is to find the invertible matrix M having the
desired properties. As this process is similar to diagonalizing a matrix, we will see that the
matrix M consists of columns of eigenvectors or generalized eigenvectors.
Recall that an eigenvector v associated with the eigenvalue

for A satisfies the


A nonzero n-vector v is called a generalized eigenvector of rank r associated with the

if and only if


We note that a generalized eigenvector of rank 1 is an ordinary eigenvector associated with

Earlier we observed that

and that


. It can be shown that

is a generalized eigenvector of rank 2 for

and so the

. So, the matrix

is now seen to have columns consisting of either eigenvectors or

generalized eigenvectors.

is an eigenvalue of algebraic multiplicity m of the matrix A, then there are m linearly

independent generalized eigenvectors associated with


For the eigenvalue of

for the matrix

independent generalized eigenvectors

we have three linearly

(with ranks of 1, 1, and 2,

Example (Focus on the flow, not the details!)


. Then

Direct, nontrivial computations show that for

we have that


and the associated null space has a basis

consisting of

. Hence, all rank 1 generalized eigenvectors are in this null

space. We note here that

has geometric multiplicity of 1.


and the associated null space has a basis

consisting of

null space but since

generalized eigenvectors too.

Hence, all rank 2 generalized eigenvectors are in this

this subspace also contains the rank 1


and the associated null space has a basis

consisting of

. Hence, all rank 3 generalized eigenvectors are

in this null space (as well as the rank 2 and rank 1 generalized eigenvectors).

and the associated null space has a standard basis consisting of

. Hence, all rank 4 generalized eigenvectors are in this

null space (as well as the rank 3, rank 2 and rank 1 generalized eigenvectors). One can
show that

is a linearly independent set of generalized eigenvectors (one of rank 1, one of rank 2,

one of rank 3, and one of rank 4).

To construct the matrix M so that

is in Jordan canonical form we are

in general not interested in any set of linearly independent generalized eigenvectors but in a set
of linearly independent generalized eigenvectors related in a particular manner.
Example - Continued


. Then the eigenvalue of

multiplicity 4 and geometric multiplicity 1. The vector

of rank 4. We now construct a chain using

as a seed:

has algebraic

is a generalized eigenvector

( = eigenvector since

The set

is a linearly independent set of generalized eigenvectors for

(one of rank 1, one of rank 2, one of rank 3, and one of rank 4). Define a matrix P by


We conclude that

is similar to matrix in Jordan canonical

Example (algebraic multiplicity 3, geometric multiplicity 1)

. Then

and the null space for


is given by

. Thus,

has algebraic

multiplicity of 3 and geometric multiplicity of 1. We find that the null space for

is given by

and the null space for

has the standard basis of

. So, set

, and

(= eigenvector since



We then see that

Hence, A is similar to a matrix in Jordan canonical form.




. Then

is given by

geometric multiplicity 2. Here


. Thus,

and the null space

has algebraic multiplicity 4 and

Observe here that we cannot arbitrarily choose


from among

has rank 2 rather than rank three (why?). Set

, and

( = eigenvector as


Unfortunately, at this point we only have three linearly independent generalized eigenvectors for
. So, we seek another chain of generalized eigenvectors of length one. That is, we seek

an eigenvector (why?) that is linearly independent from


. Set

. Now,

, the matrix P given by

is invertible and

Again, we see that A is similar to a matrix in Jordan canonical form.



. Then

and the null space of

is given by

. Thus,

has algebraic multiplicity 4 and

geometric multiplicity 2. Here

So, we set


As before


is an eigenvector associated with

Our set of generalized eigenvectors has cardinality two and so we seek either a single chain of

length two or two chains of length one to bring the total number of generalized eigenvectors up
to four. We try

We note that

for in this case


and observe that

( = eigenvector).

Here we set

which is an eigenvector. Why is this

and see that

Yet again we find that A is similar to a matrix in Jordan canonical form.

Example - Characteristic Polynomial of

1. The matrix

has characteristic polynomial of

. The eigenvalue

has algebraic multiplicity 4 and

geometric multiplicity 1. The matrix A has Jordan canonical form of

2. The matrix

has characteristic polynomial of

. The eigenvalue

has algebraic multiplicity 4 and

geometric multiplicity 2. The matrix A has Jordan canonical form of

3. The matrix

has characteristic polynomial of

. The eigenvalue

has algebraic multiplicity 4 and

geometric multiplicity 2. The matrix A has Jordan canonical form of

Example - Multiple eigenvalues. (Details missing!!)



eigenvalues are

. Since A is upper triangular, we see that the

. For

we find that the null space for

is given


, the null space for

space for

is also given by

is given by

and the null

. This sequence has

stalled and nothing new will be added. (Why? Btw, what is the algebraic multiplicity of

?) We take

(do we really have a choice here?) and then


we find that the null space for

is given by

. Since the algebra multiplicity equals the geometric

multiplicity, we are done with respect to

. (Why?)





. As A is upper triangular we see that

is an eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity 6 and

is an eigenvalue with

algebraic multiplicity 2.

(rank 4),

(rank 3),

(rank 2),


(rank 2),


(rank 1)

(rank 1)


(rank 2),

(rank 1)

Now, if

, then

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