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/cg_drawstatus 0 (will turn off HP/Armor. Setting it to 1 will turn it back on)
/cg_drawenemyinfo 0 (turns off leader icon)
/bind <key> <command>
/write <filename> (will save your .cfg)
/exec <filename> (will execute your .cfg)
/Plug (will bring up many Plug in options)
/aminfo (will show you a list of emotes you can perform. any can be binded)
Lag/ping problems.
use at your own risks.
/cg_lagometer "1"- Enables a meter which indicates connection quality. The top l
ine shows client-side (your) lag, and the bottom line displays server-side lag.
Blue and green colors represent a good connection, yellow represents a bad conne
/rate "25000" - Optimal setting for a high speed internet connection. Use 3000 i
f you're on dial up. If your high speed connect sucks, you might want to experim
ent with values lower than 25000.
/snaps "40" - Any server admin who knows what he/she is doing will set the sv_fp
s to 30 for a smoother ride. You'll need to set your snaps to 30 or higher to ta
ke full advantage of this. The default snaps/sv_fps settings is 20. If you play
with 20 snaps on an optimized server with 30 sv_fps, your ping will be much high
er (possibly 20-30ms higher) than it would be if your snaps setting is equal to
or greater than 30. Go with 40 just be safe.
/cl_timenudge "0" - This command compensates for lag and will make your ping fee
l lower at the expense of choppy enemies. Values are always in the negatives, wi
th 0 (off) being the default. Experiment with this setting depending on your pin
g/connection. -25 is a good setting for a 60-70 ping, -50 for 100 ping, etc. If
the enemies are too choppy for you, keep this at 0.
/cl_maxpackets "100" - If you have a low ping go with 100. If you're struggling
for a decent ping, you might want to try 30 - 50.

/cg_drawfps 1 - Displays the number of frames per second you're getting on the u
pper right corner of the screen.
/r_dynamicglow "0" - Setting this to 1 draws a glow on any light source, includi

ng lightsaber, at the cost of fps. Keep it at 0 to save frames.

/cg_rendertotexturefx "0" - Setting this command to 0 takes off the "bubble effe
ct" that appears with force push/pull. Some users (cards) have this set to 0 by
default for some reason, but if you see the effect and want it gone, here is you
r fix. This has a major impact on ATI cards!
/r_OverBrightBits "0" - This command defines the brightness level of the map. Th
e higher the number, the brighter the map becomes (0 being the lowest possible v
alue). For some reason this command eats up a lot of frames. So if you need the
fps boost, set this to 0. Your game will appear extremely dark at first, but don
't worry, you can brighten it up again with r_intensity and r_gamma which are ex
plained next.
/r_intensity "1.8" - This command increases the brightness of texture colors. Wi
th a low r_OverBrightBits, you may have to boost this to around 2 (default is 1)
. Keep experimenting until you find a brightness level you are comfortable with.
/r_gamma "2" - This is the master command that adjusts the brightness level of e
verything in the entire game. All splash screens and menus, along with the actua
l game play is affected. The default value is 1, but you should usually make thi
s higher, depending on the brightness of your monitor (and to compensate for a l
ow r_OverBrightBits setting). Try 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2 etc until you find a good set
ting. When setting r_OverBrightBits to 0, you'll have to juggle around between r
_intensity and r_gamma until you find something you are comfortable with.
/r_vertexLight "1" - This is the command to enable vertex lightning. It removes
many of the special effects and makes the map look somewhat dull. You should exp
erience a fps boost with vertex lighting enabled.
/r_picmip "3" - This is the texture detail command found in Setup / Video. The h
igher the number, the less detail you will have. 5 is a good value, because it b
lurs out the textures so you can see your enemies clearer, but if that's too muc
h for you, try 3 or 4. The command defaults to 1 and can go up to 16. If you hav
e simple items enabled (explained next), you'll want to set picmip to 3. Anythin
g higher and some items become blurred beyond recognition.
/cg_simpleItems "1" - This command makes the items on the map "simple" by changi
ng them into 2d icons from 3d models. Set this to 1 to gain fps. If your r_picmi
p setting is above 3, some of the items will appear blurry with simpleitems enab
/com_maxfps "120" - This caps your frames (can be seen with cg_drawFPS 1) at 120
fps. A strange physics algorithm in the q3 engine makes it so your characters w
ill have the best possible movement/gravity at a constant 120 fps. Strafe jumps,
for example, go the longest and highest when fps is capped at this magic number
. The default value is 85.
/r_displayRefresh "120" - Sets the display refresh rate of your monitor. You'll
have to find out what refresh rates your monitor supports for each resolution, a
nd use the highest refresh rate you can. Many monitors use 120 for 640x480 resol
ution, which works out perfectly with a com_maxfps setting of 120. The default s
etting is 0.
/r_subdivisions "80" - The higher number, the less curves there will be in the m
ap, with values ranging from 0-80. If you need fps try 80. If you can spare some
, stick with default 4 or 20.
/r_depthbits "16" - Makes the color depth of the game 16 bits. Change these valu
es to 32 for a smoother picture. If you need the fps, stick with 16.

/r_lodbias "2" - This is the Geometric detail setting found in Setup/Video. Keep
it at 0 if you don't like square models. 1 is default and 2 is the lowest quali
ty (more fps).
/r_fastsky "1" - When set to 1, This command disables the sky, giving you better
/r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" - Uses Bilinear filtering which will g
ive you better fps.
/r_mode "3" - Sets your resolution to 640x480, a suggested setting if you need t
he fps. 4 = 800x600, 5 = 1024x768, 2 = 400x300 etc. -1 for custom resolutions (w
idescreen for example).
/cg_shadows "0" - 1 for simple shadows, 2 for detailed shadows, 3 for cartoony b
lack shadows.
/cg_drawcrosshair "-6" - This command will select your crosshair, -6 being a red
dot. The dot doesn't work on all maps and will appear as a grey box sometimes.
To select the crosshairs, you can choose from 1 through 9, or even experiment wi
th some random negative values.
/cg_crosshairsize "24" - The size of the crosshair. Default is 24.
/cg_fov "97" - This is the command for your field of vision. The default setting
is 80. Higher values will give you a larger perspective of your surroundings. Y
ou can go all the way up to 300 or something in q3, but 97 is the max in jk2/ja
for reasons unknown.
/cg_marks "1" - Disable splash damage/projectile marks on walls (can save fps).
This can be set in Setup/More Video.
/cg_noprojectiletrail "1" - Disables rocket smoke trails. Smoke trails eat up va
luable fps and can be an annoyance.
/cg_thirdperson "1" - Setting this to 0 will put your perspective in 1st person.
/cg_drawGun "0" - Clears the gun drawings on the screen (can only be noticed in
1st person). This setting allows for a small fps boost. Some people like to see
the guns, others find them distracting. It's up to you.
/cg_hudfiles "1" - The default is 0 which will display a graphical mana and heal
th hud. Try switching this setting to 1 for a simple text hud. It takes up less
space on the screen and is easier to read. Default is "ui/jahud.txt"
/cg_forcemodel "1" - This command will change all players' skins in the game to
the current model you're using. Along with making it easier on the game's memory
, this will give a nice fps boost to a slow computer.
/cg_speedtrail "0" - Setting this command to 0 disables the trails that appear w
hen someone is using force speed.
/cg_drawTimer "1" - The timer is displayed in the upper-right corner of the scre
en. Enable it to see the elapsed server time at the top right corner of the scre
/cmdlist - Lists the available commands you can enter into your console.

/bind ? Allows you to bind a command to a key so you won?t have to

ommand at your console every time you wish to use it. For example,
bind L ?amsit? would let you just hit the key to perform the amsit
rwise, you would have to open your console, type it in, then close

type in the c
the command:
command. Othe
your console.

/messagemode3 ? Allows you to ?whisper? to someone. ?Whisper? is the common word

for private chat, means only one person will see what you are talking. Bind thi
s command to a key and look at someone until you see his name (must be activated
). When hitting the key while targeting someone, you will be able to chat with h
im in private. Hitting the key without targeting anyone, nothing will happen.
/set name ? Allows you to change your name while in game, like name command, but
this allows you to uses spaces. Example: set name Han Solo (your name would cha
nge to ?Han Solo?, with name command it would only change to ?Han?)
/bindlist - Lists your current key bindings.
/cg_drawteamoverlay "1" - Tells your teammates' health in the upper-right color
of the screen. Use values of 2 or 3 to change its position. Recommended for team
based gametypes.
/sens "5" - This can be adjusted from Setup/Controls/Mouse. 5 is default, but di
fferent mice have different levels of sensitivity.
/cl_mouseaccel "0" - 0 (off) being the default setting, mouse acceleration speed
s up the mouse the faster you move it. The mouse will speed up upon the fast inp
ut and you'll turn at a higher rate.
/cg_drawRadar "0" - On by default. Only applies to team-based gametypes or vehic
/cg_sabertrail "0" - 0 for no sabertrail, 1 for default, 2 for a magical heat ef
fect awesome thing that is not recommended.
/s_volume "0.1" - Sound effects volume level found in Setup/Sound. Alter from 0
to 1.
/s_musicvolume "0" - Music volume level found in Setup/Sound.
/cg_dismember "1" ? Saber dismemberment. Default is "0", disabled.
Adapted from and ht

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