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You Can Have Mighty Muscles

by Apollon
How My Famous System Tones Up and Builds Up Every Part of your

You all know that glorious feeling when you are to turn a stiff race or play a
hard game - that feeling of splendid physical fitness, of being equal to any
task. And you know how soon it wears off, and you feel fretty.
Well, it is important to the successful tackling of every sport that this glow of
health and strength should be kepi alight, so that you go into every game with
the sensation of the potential victor.
It is within the reach of practically every one of you to achieve such a state of

physical fitness, and, at the same time, build up a body of beautiful rippling
muscles capable of feats of strength.
Some chaps who are small in build think that to be strong men is quite outside
their scope, and that they will never be able to perform feats of great
strength. Let me tell you that this idea is all wrong. I have always known, and
in recent years have definitely proved it, that though you may possess small
bones, which nothing under the sun can increase in size, yet the muscles and
sinews around them can be developed to such an extent that you can have
bigger and stronger limbs than many a heavier fellow.
Young fellows who have envied the feats of others at throwing the cricket ball,
putting the weight, etc., and who have hoped they might do likewise, have not
been disappointed, but by consistent exercise have become so well developed
as to excel at such feats.

Thinness: Its Cause and Cure

Thinness is a condition of which every young man is conscious, but it implies
and involves more than social disadvantages. It is definitely a condition of illhealth and therefore, one which must be overcome.
Most think these folks are big eaters, and appear to be always ready for their
food and thoroughly enjoy it, but in spite of that they are actually in a state of
starvation - their food does them little good; they are usually of the highly
strung temperament, and although they seem to get along without any real
illness, they lack that reserve of muscular and vital power that is so essential to
good health.
Over-eating aggravates the condition of thinness, because, granted that the
digestive essentials are either too weak or scanty, the more food they are
brought into contact with the less effective will be the chemical change so
necessary for assimilation; and it is not the quantity of food eaten, therefore,

but the amount assimilated that counts.

After years of constant experiment I discovered an unfailing method which
quickly adds sound HEALTHY flesh. No special dieting mind you. By a unique
combination of ORDINARY FOODS AND LIQUIDS, assisted by my secret
scientific system of exercises your weight increases.

Weak Nerves and Bad Habits

A most frequent cause of nerve trouble is bad habits, and it does not matter
what kind of habit is involved, late nights, alcoholic indulgence, overwork, oversmoking or any habit of self-abuse, any or all can and will bring on
Take the case of a man approaching 30, a man too, of education and position.
He had become addicted to what he described as "that awful habit" in his teens
and as a result, after various sufferings common to such victims, he was guilty
of a public offence and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. His agony
was rendered, more acute by the fact that he was engaged to be married, and
that although he fully realized the enormity of his offence, he found the
temptation to repeat it almost overwhelming. He wrote, "I conquered my
trouble for some considerable time, but I find it again gaining ground and I am
fearful of the consequences. The mental torture, the knowledge my own
weakness gives me is terrible. The loss of self-control is an awful affliction. I
wish that sex knowledge had been taught me earlier to save me from myself."
Self-Abuse will make your life a "Living Hell'
The handicap of nerve weakness is a terrible drawback. It makes real success
almost impossible, one cannot enjoy life properly.
Depression, failing memory, sleepless nights, a constant tired feeling, loss of
ambition, inferiority complex, weakened will power, are just a few of the many
symptoms all of which go to make life a "Living Hell".

Let Me Make a Man of You

A man's happiness depends entirely upon his Vital Powers. His success in
social, domestic and business life centers around this.
If he is not virile he is not attractive, magnetic and popular. His very manly
strength is the axis upon which his whole existence revolves.
Don't lose heart because you realize that you are not up to the standard of vital
vigorous manhood. Even if you are almost a physical wreck, I can help you.
It doesn't matter what your condition is, or what caused it. It may be your
fault, and it may not. The only think that really matters is that you should
regain your Health, Strength and Vigour - be a Real Man.
I have devoted my whole life to the study and practice of Nature's way of
rebuilding men - men who have lost faith in humanity - men who do not
believe there is hope for them on earth.

My course contains special WILLPOWER MOVEMENTS - the most scientific ever


Constipation is the disease behind diseases. You cannot keep fit if you suffer
from this common complaint.
The bowels safeguard the body's nutrition, collecting the part of our food which
the body cannot use, the mineral poison excreted by the liver in the form of
bile, the mucus, and other wastes of the body. The fecal mass has then to be
pushed up the right side of the abdomen through the colon, across the top
through the transverse colon, and down on the left to reach the rectum for
It is the peristaltic action of the muscular walls of the colon, by contracting and
expanding in a rhythmic waves, that forces the waste matter along. To some
extent, the liver bile helps, as the bile is a natural purgative. Normally, there
should be at least two rectum evacuations a day. It is no use "purging" the
body, for the simple reason that this doesn't help the peristaltic action.
In my course are simple exercises which quickly cure constipation. Cure
constipation, and you cure colds and a host of winter troubles, but best of all,
internal cleanliness gives you that buoyant feeling that only fit folk know.

There is nothing mysterious about indigestion. The various symptoms of
stomach disorders generally included under this term can be considered as a
condition of functional disturbance of the glands of the stomach. The secretive
and absorptive functions of these glands may be impaired in many ways.
Willful disobedience of hygienic laws, especially the laws of eating, will produce

after meals the symptoms of discomfort, or indigestion.

It is dangerous to attempt the treatment of indigestion with drugs. Drugs are
opposed to Nature; their action is nothing more than a bludgeoning of the
symptoms into a false state of inertia that may lead to other and more harmful
complications. Know what indigestion really means and you will readily
understand the danger in "cures" that mean merely a postponement of
recurring attacks.
Indigestion has its origin in the disability of the body to pass out of the system
certain substances rejected by the digestive organs as incapable of
assimilation. The continued presence of those substances has many ill-effects
and is responsible for many distressing symptoms such as Headaches,
Lassitude, Flatulence and Acidity.
There are, perhaps no bodily disorders more readily and effectively treated by
Nature-Cure methods than the various stomach disorders.
With my up-to-date course you receive exercises to develop every part of the
body, both inside and outside. It's the most complete system in the world.

What is the Effect of Exercise on the Liver?

How often one hears that Mr. Bospidnick or Mrs. Thistlehayte has "an attack of
the liver". Actually it would be far truer to say that "they had attacked their
The liver is a very harmless, hard-working organ, that is, unless it is palpably
ill-treated. Then it kicks with the force of an overgrown kangaroo.
You must control your liver, otherwise your liver will control you. Do you
remember that when Carnera first landed in Britain it was reported that he had
trouble with his liver? And no wonder, for he was always partaking of light
snacks which consisted of about 3-lb. of steak, half a dozen eggs, a large fruit
salad, two loaves of bread, and mugs of powerful, excessively sweetened

coffee for his breakfast, and his other meals were on a similar scale.
Even a liver the size of Carnera's cannot cope with that sort of treatment.
If you want to keep your liver in good condition you must do two things: eat
the right food and take plenty of the right kind of exercise.
Do you know that your liver is the largest gland you have, and weighs from
four to five pounds? It is situated on the right side of your body, immediately
below the diaphragm and is protected by the lower ribs.
And, believe it or not, your liver is not put there to balance your body, or as a
make-weight. It has certain specific uses.
Firstly, it produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder ready for use in the
digestive process.
Secondly, it changes the absorbed foods so that they may be easily assimilated
and build new tissue.
Its final function is to get rid of waste and broken-down tissue. This is carried
to the liver in your blood, changed in form, filtered through the kidneys and
Your liver is an organ of self-defense and should be treated like a pal, not
slaved like a member of a chain gang.
The liver is dependent very largely for its condition upon food and exercise;
there is no part of the body which it is easier to keep fit, and none more simple
to repair. Which is one reason why those who indulge in violent fits of temper
as the result of the "liver" should be incarcerated as criminals.

Exercise Strengthens the Heart

Sorry, I've got a groggy heart, and all that rough stuff's out of the question for

me. The doctor says that if I don't rest he'll not answer for the consequences."
I could hardly believe my ears. It was Bill talking - Bill, who was one of the
toughest lads you could meet in a long day's hike!
But I soon convinced him that the doctor was wrong.
If you sit in an easy chair resting your feet all day, do you think your legs will
become stronger? Certainly not. Then why should your heart be an exception?
We all know that men with crippled limbs are urged to work them for a few
minutes every day, gradually increasing the work, so that ultimately they
become normal again. And what applies to crippled limbs applies also to the
heart. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Ever heard of Brigadier-General C.G. Bruce, known in the Army as "Hercules"
Bruce? He could lift out at arms' length an 11st. man seated on a chair.
Well in 1920, he was invalided out of the Army for "heart" trouble and told
emphatically that it was sheer death for him to walk up hills. But two years
later he was leading a Mount Everest expedition! Someone was wrong, and it
shows that even the finest Army doctors are liable to err.
"In addition," says Bruce, "they told me I had pernicious anaemia. Since then,
however, I've been told that I might be pernicious, but I was certainly not
Now let me tell you something about your heart. It is a muscle, and by no
means as fragile as most people imagine. On an average it beats 100,800
times a day, and during that period does sufficient work to lift 130 tons one
foot high! All the blood in your body passes through your heart every three
minutes, and it should be strong to cope with its work.
Nearly ten people in every hundred in Britain suffer form some form of heart
disease, and nine of them are suffering unnecessarily. If they went to Doctor
Oertel, one of the greatest heart specialist in Europe, he would not advise them

to rest. His patients are made to walk up hills; small hills at first, but as their
hearts strengthen they are taken up longer and steeper gradients. And not
once have been known to drop dead from "heart failure."
Exercise, provided it is the right kind and increased very gradually, greatly
strengthens the heart and prepares it for almost unlimited work.

The Modern Science of Bodybuilding

My system is beyond ordinary. Physical Culture, it is really the Science of
Living. It is based on the system that enabled me to build up a physique
declared by world-famous Physicians, Surgeons, Sculptors, Artists, Scientists
and others to be "The most amazing specimen of physical development" alive
today. Editor of "Health and Efficiency" wrote; "One has only to look at the
magnificent figure of THE MIGHTY APOLLON to realize that he must be one of
the fittest and strongest men alive today."
I didn't get my great strength and muscular development by arm-flopping
methods! You must have resistance, and of the right kind. Mere flexing of the
muscles will only tire you out, and break down more tissue than you can ever
build up. The appliance I supply with my course conserves energy - it's the
Finest Bodybuilding Appliance of ALL Time. It can be easily carried in the
pocket, and lasts forever.

The Best Things in Life

Health, strength, and fine physique are life's most precious jewels, better
indeed by far than a fortune in stocks and shares. You cannot have health
without strength, or have strength without health. Few men realize that these
are the backbone of every human.

You Can Have Mighty Muscles by Apollon

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