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Cambria Hanson

Cambria Hanson
3049 Chasewood Dr.
Ammon ID 83406

Event Ad
Web Page

Date: 6/6/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

The purpose of this project was to make Logos for a business using Adobe Illustrator.
Creativity to come up with a business and make clean designs for this project were important.
As they were coming together the overall simplicity of the design was not an easy thing to
come by. Many corrections and different logos were made in order to create the final logos.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I used the text box tool and shape tools a lot. Changing the pad that the color schemes were on
was important. The stoke of a shape was and important tool when I would draw lines. I used
different shortcuts such as hitting T to use the text box tool. I also became familiar with the
straight line tool.


I wanted these logos to connect with Brides. By using clean lines and texts that were simple
and clear, I was able to create those simple details. I wanted to attract the brides in a way that
the business would also be easy to talk about. Oh for my wedding I worked with Lee
Bridal. I wanted it to be really soft and inviting to my audience.


The audience in this Logo project would be brides. I think brides tend to look for things that
are clean and classy. I would expect an inviting and clean logo like this, to jump off the page.

Top Thing Learned:

I really learned how to use the straight line tool. By holding down the shift it would keep the
straight line. This was important as I made that straight line in two of my logos.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Analogous, Auqa

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

French Script MT (L) Script,
Cambria (Bridal) oldstyletyle

Date: 6/14/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This is stationery for a bridal company Lee Bridal.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I first made a logo for this company and then I created a special design for the stationery. I
used Adobe Illustrator and used text boxes and shapes to create the different elements. I also
used the straight line tool to make my lines in the different parts in the stationery.


I wanted to convey a soft message in this piece. I wanted it to be very bridal. With the
clean lines that I created I was hoping to maintain the simpleness and cleanliness of the


The audience that I was reaching out to in this stationery is women who are ready to get
married. Who are excited and thrilled to find the dress of their dreams.

Top Thing Learned:

I learned how to create new designs. I learned that less is more and that we have to keep
things orderly and clean.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Analogous, Auqa

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

French Script MT (L) Script,
Cambria (Bridal) oldstyle

Date: 6/14/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This is stationery for a bridal company Lee Bridal.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I first made a logo for this company and then I created a special design for the stationery. I
used Adobe Illustrator and used text boxes and shapes to create the different elements. I also
used the straight line tool to make my lines in the different parts in the stationery.


I wanted to convey a soft message in this piece. I wanted it to be very bridal. With the clean
lines that I created I was hoping to maintain the simpleness and cleanliness of the logo.


The audience that I was reaching out to in this stationery is women who are ready to get
married. Who are excited and thrilled to find the dress of their dreams.

Top Thing Learned:

I learned how to create new designs. I learned that less is more and that we have to keep
things orderly and clean.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Analogous, Auqa

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Myriad Pro (Title) Sans Serif , French Script MT (L and Lee) Script, Cambria (Bridal) oldstyle


Date: 7/15/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This is my bridal brochure. I used the pictures from a bridal style shoot that I did a few weeks
ago. I wanted a very elegant and light look to this but also very sophisticated feel. For this
project I used Adobe InDesign. This was a great program to use for this project because of the
many different ways that you can make the placement of different objects and the text that has
been placed.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

There are several transforming tools that have been used in this project for different effects. I
used Adobe Illustrator to make my Lee Photography logo and Adobe InDesign to make the
whold brochure. I used the text box tool a lot and dealt with the transperancy tool. I also used
text wrapping to put text around the bow.


The message I wanted my audience to get is that I am a photographer that has fast turn around
with great pictures.


The audience in this Logo project would be brides. I think brides tend to look for things that
are clean and classy. I would expect an inviting and clean logo like this, to jump off the page.

Top Thing Learned:

I learned how to better use InDesign and how to crop photos.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Complementary and Split Complementary. I used a lot of warm oranges and then I used black
for all of my text.

Title / Body Font Names:

French Script MT and Cambria for my logo.

Date: 6/11/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This project started as a tribute to my friend who died protecting our country. After working
with pictures of him and trying to honor him I had a hard time representing his life in the way
I wanted. After a lot of effort I started to add different things to solidify this project.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I used photoshop and added many layers to create this. I used the paint brush tool to fade the
image in and out. I used a lot of different images but wanted this project to have more of a
sacred message.


The message that I want my audience to feel is the sacrifice that soldiers make is similar to the
sacrifice that our Dear Savior Jesus Christ made. I am very grateful for the life that Cody lived
and I am extremely and forever grateful for the perfect life of Savior.


My audience would be the students in my class

Top Thing Learned:

I learned that it is hard to come up with projects I also learned that when you have different
pictures, they can offset the balance of an image. Just like the white space in an image can off
set the design elements in the project.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

I used a monochromatic color scheme, I some neutral tans with some rid reds and deep blues.

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Lucida Bright Italic
Jasmine UPC Bold Italic 10

Date: 5/22/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This is just a nice quote that explains how we should see the beauty in lots of things that we
view in everyday life. This is a big deal to me just because its nice to sit back and smell the
roses every now and again.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills)

First I took a photo and cleaned it up again. I enhanced the images saturation and vibrancy. I
also played with the sharpness of the image as well. I then used the Color wheel to pick a color
scheme and matched my color schemes with the eyedropper. This allowed me to match the
color wheel exactly


I think this quote has a strong message, Its up to you to see the beauty of everyday things.
We really should stop to see all of the wonderful things that have been created on this earth.
We have a gorgeous planet and not only do we need to take care of it, we need to admire its


The audience that I was reaching out to is just students like myself. If we stop to enjoy the
beauty around us, I believe that it can increase our happiness. I have experimented with this
lately and it has caused me to not be so high strung. I am definitely more tolerant.

Top Thing Learned:

I first learned how to focus images on my camera. I loved being able to zoom and capture
pictures of bees collecting pollen, and the clean cut beauty of a diamond. I then learned how
to edit a photo in photodesign. This was definitely a learning process and I still am quite a
novice, but I liked what I learned so far.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

The color scheme that I used for this project was Triadic and the colors I used were Lime,
Indigo, Brick.

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

I used a Serif font for this text and the Font is titled Onyx regular

Date: 5/17/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

This is an Ad for my Comm 130 class. It is fundraiser for the Madison Education Foundation

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I used Word to edit this project. In this project I selected a photo. I formulated the plan by
sketching out ideas for what I wanted to advertise. I wanted the Value of the Color to be clear
and concise. I also wanted it to communicate the overall powerful meaning of this picture.


The message of this Ad is the hope that people will come and support the Madison
Education Foundation.


The audience is the citizens of Madison. Especially young kids in the school district.

Top Thing Learned:

The colors that I used were just colors from the picture, this was so that the colors flowed
and had meaning to them, so that the project complimented itself. Color Scheme and

Color Names:

The colors that I used were just colors from the picture, this was so that the colors flowed and
had meaning to them, so that the project complimented itself.

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Stencil (script)
Cambria (Oldstyle)

Date: 5/9/15
Course: Comm 130-6
Instructor: Joel Judkins

Black & White flier to show the important events of the Graduate Leadership Conference.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

First, I created 4 different sketches, all including the same information just using different
formats. I then narrowed the 4 into one and edited it according to how I wanted the
information to be displayed.


Through this flier, I am trying to grab the attention of graduates who want to be involved
in a cutting edge event.


College graduates who want to be still be involved.

Top Thing Learned:

I learned that I need to figure out the programs and get help early I also learned the
importance of just having a different design than everyone else.

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Berlin Sans FB Sans Serif
Plantagenet Cherokee- Slab Serif


The purpose of this project was to make Logos for a business using Adobe Illustrator.
Creativity to come up with a business and make clean designs for this project were important.
As they were coming together the overall simplicity of the design was not an easy thing to
come by. Many corrections and different logos were made in order to create the final logos.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I used the text box tool and shape tools a lot. Changing the pad that the color schemes were on
was important. The stoke of a shape was and important tool when I would draw lines. I used
different shortcuts such as hitting T to use the text box tool. I also became familiar with the
straight line tool.


I wanted these logos to connect with Brides. By using clean lines and texts that were simple
and clear, I was able to create those simple details. I wanted to attract the brides in a way that
the business would also be easy to talk about. Oh for my wedding I worked with Lee
Bridal. I wanted it to be really soft and inviting to my audience.


The audience in this Logo project would be brides. I think brides tend to look for things that
are clean and classy. I would expect an inviting and clean logo like this, to jump off the page.

Top Thing Learned:

I really learned how to use the straight line tool. By holding down the shift it would keep the
straight line. This was important as I made that straight line in two of my logos.

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Analogous, Auqa

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Myriad Pro (Title) Sans Serif , French Script MT (L and Lee) Script, Cambria (Bridal) oldstyle

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