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Megin Southwick


Megin Southwick
2489 W. 960 S.
Rexburg Idaho, 83440
(907) 354-7725

Table of Contents
Web Page
Business Card
Event Ad

Web Page


A webpage made to promote a logo.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I began by making the demo css into something that was more my style and
what I wanted my blog to look like. I make the color scheme gray and white
with hints of dark blue, simple and classic. I made the font gray to go along with
the color scheme. I downloaded an image of grayscale paisley for my background, and inserted in image of a world map to go along with the travel theme.


That the logo was designed to promote the blog for anyone seeking travel advice.


Anyone inspired to travel or seeking travel tips.

Top Thing Learned:

How to write html codes is the top thing I learned during this project.

Color scheme and color hex(s):


Title Font Families & Category:

Century Gothic Sans Serif

Copy Font Families

Century Gothis Sans Serif

Word Count:

& Category:



A professional letter head and business card for a travel blogging organization.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I began by brainstorming ideas of what comes to peoples minds when they think of traveling. I thought of wide open spaces and the world. I incorporated both of those things into
my logo and design. began by using text boxes and inserted my logo into Indesign. From
there, I added the world map watermark.


To encourage the audience to check out the travel blog. On the business card, I made sure
to include all the contact information needed as well as the website and information to
follow on social media.


Any person interested in travel advice.

Top Thing Learned:

How to use Illustrator and Indesign as a team.

Color scheme and color names:

Complimentary Blue & Lime


Event Ad

A full bleed advertisement to promote a local event using only Microsoft Word and an
image obtained from a scanner.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):

I began by searching through magazines in search of an image that would work for promoting a 5k event, which was my first idea when I read this project. I scanned the image
at 300 dpi and used it as the background for my ad. After trying numerous font colors, I
concluded that white text would have the best contrast and make the ad more readable for
the audience. I used different font sizes to emphasize the most important aspects of the ad,
and the American Heart Association logo to show the cause.


The message I am hoping to send with this advertisement is that all members of the community can help better their health while also supporting the American Heart Association.


Community members who are looking to support a good cause while doing something
Color scheme and color names: Polychromatic, White

Top Thing Learned:

The top thing I learned from this project is that Microsoft Word is such a good design
tool! Many people underestimate the power of Word, but I learned that having skills in
Word is so important and can be very effective in design.

Title Font Name & Category:

Segoe UI Black Sans Serif

Copy Font Name & Category:

Segoe UI Black Sans Serif



An inspirational photo montage using masking and typography skills in photoshop.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing):

I began by determining a theme for my project. I wanted to do something I was passionate about and I chose travel. I have a slight obsession with the eiffel tower, and decided I definitely wanted to incorporate that. I chose these two images and applied masks
to each layer. I used the brush tool at 30% opacity and began brushing the hard edges
around the eiffel tower photo. I continued blending until the seam was flawless. I then
added a simple quote with contrasting typography.


I want to encourage my audience to explore the world and see things theyve never seen


Anyone who has any wanderlust in them.

Top Thing Learned:

The top thing I learned from this project was that layers are SO important while using
photoshop. If they are not used, the project will be so much more difficult and time consuming.

Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: The saturation of the top photo was adjusted.

Color scheme and color names:

Monochromatic Black & White

Title Font Name & Category:

Helvetica Neue Bold Sans Serif



A black & white flyer to promote a leadership conference geared towards graduates.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):

I began my project by sketching out the ideas that came to my head when I initially thought
of the project. After putting together a rough design and listening to critiques, I changed my
project to better show the message and appeal to the audience more.


To encourage graduates to attend a leadership conference to give them a competitive edge in



College graduates seeking better leadership skills.

Top Thing Learned:

The importance of contrast and typography.

Title Font Name & Category:

Cheddar Jack Script

Copy Font Name & Category:

Futura Sans Serif


A logo for a travel blog

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I had so much fun with these logos! I started by creating a tree using the pen tool to represent a sort of wanderlust feel to the logo. I then chose different fonts and colors that worked
best with the theme I was going for here. I loved learning about fonts and grouping when it
comes to making things look attractive.


Traveling is fun!


Any aspiring travelers/adventurers that will recognize the logo

Top Thing Learned:

How to use the pen tool with anchor points and handlebars

Color Scheme and Color Names:

Polychromatic Navy & Green

Title / Body Font Names & Categories:

Optima/Sign Painter House Script


Description: A full bleed photodesign project incorporating imaging skills,

image editing skills,
and color scheme.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):

I took this photo during an engagement portrait session last week. My boyfriend is a

professional photographer, and I often times tag along on these shoots and and take
some photos of my own. I love how happy the couple looks in this photo and decided
to choose a quote about love.


The message of my design is to encourage others to follow their heart and always do
their best to love and fulfill their dreams.
Audience: The audience is all people who love someone and want to follow what they
believe in.

Top Thing Learned:

The top thing I learned in this project are photodesign skills in photoshop. There are
so many things about photoshop that I did not know and enjoyed learning. I learned
that the design possibilities are endless. Learning about color schemes was very eye
opening to me and was lots of fun. I also learning by looking at posters done by other
companies to learn just how design and color scheme works. Overall, I learned so
much about designing and I look forward to using photoshop in the future!

Color scheme and color names:

Analogous Green, Lime, Yellow

Title Font Name & Category:

Futura LT Book Sans serif

Copy Font Name & Category:

Helvectica Light Sans serif


A full color brochure to promote a travel blog.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I began by creating design elements in InDesign. I created two large green rectangles that I decided to run through the entire design. I then found multiple images the
pertained to the topic that my brochure was about. I wanted the readers to really be
captivated by all the images on the brochure and make them really interested as to what
the topic was all about. I added the body copy in thirds to keep the formality and added
titles and text as appropriate.
Message: Read the Northbound Travelers blog to keep up with the latest travels and
learn how to make your own person travel easier.


Anyone with a travel bug

Top Thing Learned:

Certain design elements in Illustrator, like the pen tool and the shape builder tool

Color scheme and color names:

Monochromatic, blue & green

Title Font Name & Category:

Code Light Sans serif

Copy Font Name & Category:

Myraid Pro Sans serif
Contact us 123 345 6789
plan your next adventure




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